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RIS Oracle Net Server (RISORANS)

Oracle Client Installation, Net Configuration & Create RIS Schema


(Note: If using a 64-bit Oracle database, RIS requires that a 32-bit Oracle Client be installed to communicate with the 64-bit database.)

RISORANS uses Oracle’s networking to communicate to Oracle database. The RIS Client uses the RIStcpsrService to communicate to RISORANS.

For RISORANS to work correctly, Oracle’s client software must be installed and configured to talk to the Oracle database server prior to using RIS.
This communication is setup using Oracle’s Net Configuration Assistant. This process creates an alias used to connect to the database. You will use
the alias to create the schema using RISORANS.

It is strongly recommended that the Oracle database server version and the Oracle client version match. This is due to the Oracle DLLs used when
RIS versions are created.

RISORANS can be setup to run on a 32-bit OS or a 64-bit OS. Running RISORANS on a 64-bit OS requires RISORANS for Oracle 10g, RISORANS for Oracle 11g and RISORANS 6.2 for Oracle 12c.

Wherever RISORANS is installed, Oracle Client 32-bit must also be installed.

The diagram below shows how RISORANS should be configured when installing RISORANS on a separate 32-bit or 64-bit server and how the
communication occurs between the RIS Client and the Oracle database. Installing RISORANS on a 64-bit server requires the use of RISORANS for Oracle 10g and RISORANS for Oracle 11g. Using an earlier version of RISORANS will not work with RISORANS installed on a 64-
bit server.

The diagram below shows how RISORANS should be configured when installing RISORANS on the 64-bit server and how the communication occurs
between the RIS Client and the Oracle database. Installing RISORANS on a 64-bit server requires the use of RISORANS for Oracle 10g and
RISORANS for Oracle 11g. Using an earlier version of RISORANS will not work with RISORANS installed on a 64-bit server.

The remainder of this document goes through the installation of the Oracle Client and setting up the SQL Net connection using the Net
Configuration Assistant. The last section of this document illustrates the creation of a schema using RISORANS.
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RIS Oracle Net Server (RISORANS)
Oracle Client Installation, Net Configuration & Create RIS Schema

Oracle 12c Client Installation

1. From the installation folder for the Oracle 32-bit client, select setup.exe.

The following displays for a while.

For several seconds, this screen goes away and it appears nothing is happening. Wait a few seconds and the
installation screen will display.

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RIS Oracle Net Server (RISORANS)
Oracle Client Installation, Net Configuration & Create RIS Schema

2. Select Installation Type: Select Administrator as the type of install to perform and select Next.

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Oracle Client Installation, Net Configuration & Create RIS Schema

3. If an existing Oracle Home User exists on the machine where the Oracle Client is installed, select Use Existing
Windows User and enter the username/password (shown in the screenshot) or select Create New Windows
User and enter a username and password.

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Oracle Client Installation, Net Configuration & Create RIS Schema

4. Specify Installation Location: Enter the Oracle Base locations (default is c:\app\<login>). It is best to put it in a
folder labeled oracle. The Software location will be automatically completed (it is best to leave the default name
for the client folder). Select Next.

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Oracle Client Installation, Net Configuration & Create RIS Schema

5. Perform Prerequisite Checks: if not problems are reported, select Install. It there are unresolved prerequisite
problems, contact the Oracle support group. This screen shows briefly.

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Oracle Client Installation, Net Configuration & Create RIS Schema

6. Summary: Select Install.

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Oracle Client Installation, Net Configuration & Create RIS Schema

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Oracle Client Installation, Net Configuration & Create RIS Schema

7. Finish: Select Close.

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Oracle Client Installation, Net Configuration & Create RIS Schema

Configuring Oracle Net Configuration

This is done to communicate with the Oracle Database.
1. Go to Start Oracle-<Oracle Client Home>  Net Configuration Assistant. It may take some time before the Net
Configuration Assistant displays.

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Oracle Client Installation, Net Configuration & Create RIS Schema

2. Select Local Net Service Name configuration and select Next.

3. Select Add and Next.

4. Enter the service name provided by the DBA or person who created the database and select Next.
NOTE: If 12c is set up to use a pluggable database (PDB), specify the Service Name for the PDB and not the

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Oracle Client Installation, Net Configuration & Create RIS Schema

container database (CDB).

5. Select TCP and select next.

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Oracle Client Installation, Net Configuration & Create RIS Schema

6. Enter the host name (on which the database resides) and use the standard port number of 1521, unless your
DBA indicates to use another port. In most cased, use the standard port. Select Next.

7. Select Yes, perform a test to check the database connection. Select Next to continue.

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Oracle Client Installation, Net Configuration & Create RIS Schema

8. Click Change Login.

9. Enter the Oracle system user password and click OK.

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Oracle Client Installation, Net Configuration & Create RIS Schema

Troubleshooting communication to the database server:

Make sure to turn off the firewall on the database server or allow Port 1521 access.

10. When the test successfully completes, select Next. If the test was not successful, look at the troubleshooting
section below.

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Oracle Client Installation, Net Configuration & Create RIS Schema

11. Enter the Net Service Name (alias). NOTE: This will be used when creating the schema in RIS.

12. Select No and click Next.

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Oracle Client Installation, Net Configuration & Create RIS Schema

13. Select Next.

14. Select Finish.

15. At this point, the Oracle Client installation and configuration is complete.

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RIS Oracle Net Server (RISORANS)
Oracle Client Installation, Net Configuration & Create RIS Schema

Creating a Schema using RISORANS

The only difference between creating a schema using RISORANS (RIS Oracle Net Server – which uses the Oracle Client to connect to the database)
and RISORADS (RIS Oracle Data Server – which uses RIS to connect to the database) is you must supply the Oracle Net Service Name (alias) at the
end of the Oracle password.

The Nodename or Address refers to the server containing RISORANS.

The command line statement to create the schema is:

create schema sch1 on database ( oracle, dbname orclpdb , dir c:\Oracle12cClient\product\12.2.0\client_1, remote ( tcp ) , ostype nt
, osuser risatp.RISpassword ) user rc01.rc01pass@orclpbd;

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