Teste Revisão Cinderella Correção

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a) F- Nicola is from Scotland b) T c) F- She helps her parents d) T e) T f) F- She lived

in a small house g) F- The prince tried to find her.


a) Nicola usually gets up at 7 o’clock b) She does her homework in the afternoon c) No, They travel
one a year to Africa. D) She feeds the horses, cows, chickens and pigs, cuts the grass, waters the plants… e)
Yes. She does f) Cinderella lived in a small house g) No, she wasn´t h) The fairy made a pumpkin into a
beautiful coach. I) Yes, he did. J) At midnight, she returned home quickly.


a) When b) Where c) How d) How often e) Where f) When


a) They always go to school by bus b) She is playing computer c) Did you drink lemonade yesterday?

d) She didn’t buy a new T-shirt e) She often helps her parents. F) We don’t go to the
cinema every week.


1. His 2) Your 3) Their 4) My 5) Its


1. plays 2)are watching 3) is smiling 4.) go 5) is ringing 6) is reading. 7) makes

8) drinks/ is eating.


2. washed 3) studied 4) didn’t play 5) painted 6) worked 7) received 8)didn’t use

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