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강사님(Miles T) 학생 (유수진) 수강과목 (SAT Writing/Essay)

수업 시작 숙제 총 수업
수업 레퍼토리 특별사항
일자 완성도 시간

We have extensively covered all of the SAT grammar

punctuations. She is clearly understanding much of the
material and is taking notes. She is attentive and asks the right
questions. She is clearly a student with a lot of drive to do well
We have covered punctutations, commas, and
and I see much promise in her. She was able to formulate
mock testsfor the lesson .She is doing well
12.21.20 - many patterns in sentence structures and write her own
100% 8 hrs consistently and her score is around the same
12.30.20 every time. She is a high level student who needs
sample sentences on her own.
to fine tune her error analysis at this point.
As for the mock test, she is still getting around the smae score.
Averaging about 2 wrong in wrtiing while getting 5 wrong in
reading. Her score remains around the 740~750 range.

앞으로의 방향 수업 목표

She is an attentive and good student. It’s clear that

she’s motivated to do well on the exam. I would put
She is generally focused and does the work when asked. She
her in the advanced level as she is getting around
is overall a good student and demonstrates excellence in her
4~5 wrong in the writing section and about 6 wrong
work. She is answering questions regarding the bigger picture
in reading. Her goal score for the reading and
better than before.
writing section should be at least a 760. I think if
she just works on understanding the nuances

강사님(Miles T) 학생 (심규민) 수강과목 (SAT Writing/Essay)

수업 시작 숙제 총 수업
수업 레퍼토리 특별사항
일자 완성도 시간

He is doing well. He is reasoning out questions and as if now

Today we went over a mock test analysis mainly.
not getting too much werong. He is getting most of the paired
There was heavier emphasis on the writing section
questions wrong in the reading passages. I think at this point
today. We went over the specific context-based
his main trouble is his ability to really figure out the difference
strategy for the writing section and how to
12.21.20 - between two answer choices for reading. He really needs to
60% 8hrs approach those non-grammar question. He is
focus on reading the passages faster and spending more time
12.30.20 improving in the writing section. We have went over
on answering the questions slowly. He should pay attention to
some basic grammar concepts and approaching
exactly what the question is asking instead of rushing through
how to deal with the different strategies in various
them. As for writing, he is doing very well - very few mistakes
grammar types.
and no wrong during the in class test.

앞으로의 방향 수업목표

He is a good student when and tries his best to

I think if he focuses more and takes the mock test more
understand his mistakes. I like he's not afraid to ask
seriously he will show improvement. I can tell that he is trying
questions when he is confused. He will try his best
hard to do well on the practice tests. He needs to review his
to understand the material. He also knows his own
mistakes to understand the bigger picture.
weaknesses himself which is good.

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