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text 1
New Orangutan habitat
The Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) foundation has created a new habitat for orangutants in
Salat Nusa Island, Central Kalimantan Province. The foundation aims to preserve the habitat of
orangutans on the island.
The island was choosen due to its ideal on orangutan habitat. It has well-preserved vegetation
throughout the year. BOS foundation claims that 10% of the orangutan population needs to be
rehabilitated, due to various reasons, such as the high risk of disease, physical handicaps and a lack of
skills to survive in the wild, caused by prolonged captivity. The problems can be overcome by creating a
special habitat, which is not accessible to wild orangutans.
Denny Kurniawan, Nyaru Menteng Program Manager, stated that the plan got the attention of the
local people and government. The local people have agreed to accept compensation paid for the land and
The following text is for questions number 5 and 6.

Text 2
Earthquake aftershock hits Nepal and India, magnitude 6.7
A ppowerful earhquake aftershock hit neval and India on Sunday, causingan snowslide in the
Himalaya region and affecting buildings in New Delhi.
The United States Geological Survey said that the earhquake was of a 6.7 magnitude. The
earthquake is believed to have been less dangerous than Saturday’s earthquake that killed at least 1,900
people with its 7.9 magnitude tremor.
“We have an aftershock now.” Said Indian mountaineer Arjun Vajpai on a telephone call with
Reauters from his base camp, which is located 20 km from the Everest.
As Vajpai was speaking on the phone, the sound of the avalanche could be heard. Additionally,
according to a tweet from a Romanian climber, Alex Gavan, the aftershock had triggered three avalanhes.

text 3
Five people died after a landslide in Pacet, Mojokerto. According to Surabaya Disaster
Mitigation Agencruscy, there are three other residents who have yet to be found. The landslide
was caused by heavy rain in the area. Houses were crushed and residents stayed temporarily in a
shelter. Medical teams and logical assistance were sent to affected areas. Bad weather and piles of
debris made the evacuation difficult. The head of the Search and Rescue Agency said that the
search would continue until they could find the missing residents.
text 4
One thing that I regreeted the most was when my dog, Callie, died in frount of me. The
fateful event happened when I took her to a pet-clinic. I drove the car and Callie sat in my sister’s
lap. Once we arrived at the clinic, I opened the door and Callie jumped out and leaped. At the
same time, a motorcycle was rushing towards callie and hit her. The driver did’t stop and sped
away. I was so socked. I ran and saw her bathe in blood. I screamed. The clinic’s doctor brought
her to the surgery room. But unfortunately, she was too badly injured and ha lost too much blood.
It was possileto stitch her. I was so lost and hearth broken, I cried silently, Callie had been my pet
since I was in eleventh grade, and loved her so much. Now I had to let her go.
text 5.
Spiders are eight-legged arthropods which occupy evry continent in the world, except Antartica.
There are more than 45.000 species and some of them are known to be venomous and deadly. Spiders’
bodies consist of the head thorax, and the abdomen. It is connected by a thin joint called the pedicle.
Spiders have different number of eyes. Some have a pair of eyes, and others have four pairs of eyes.
Spiders’ legs are lacated at the front. They don’t have mouths or teeth to chew the food, but they have a
body part that enables them to suck liquid from their prey. Spiders have a gland called a spinneret which
allows them to produce sticky webs. They use it to trap prey.
text 6.
Reports of bullying in schools have risen. The victims often ended up with depression and
mental illness. The issue of bullying can not be ken lightly.
Bullying has effects on both victims and perpetrators. The victims will often feel lonely, sad and
empty. It can also be traumatic. Some children who experience bullying develop severe anxiety
and depression. They also have eating and sleeping difficulties which cause them to have health
problems. Furthermore, the bullying affects their shool life; some even drop out from school.
As for the perpetrators, they will develop violent behaviour toward people and have a tendency to
be abusive. They will have a hard time in adjusting to life with other people as they cannot
interact well with them. Sadly, there is a chance that bullying perpetrators wiill lkely emerge as
The effects of bullying are dreadful, and I believe that parents do not want let bullyiing happen to
their children. We need to come with solution to solve the issue of school bullying.
text 7.
Nowdays people use the internet to communicate with others. Many of them share their feelings,
ideas, opinions, and problems on social media. In fact, sharing problems on social media embarrases
themselves and rally annoys others.
Those who share their problems on social networks really irritate other people. Social networks are
not the place for sharing personal problems. Reading someone’s personal problems on the internet is
really a nuisance.
Besides, one who shares problems on social media only shames himself. Other people who read about
them will think that he has a miserable life. I will be bad if those who read his status are his boss or
In my opinion, netizens should not share their problems on social networks. It is better for them to
write theirfeelings in a diary or have a private talk with friends. Personal problems shared on the social
media only show their negative side.
text 8.
Thailand: Forty-two passangers were injured and two were missing after two boats carrying thai
and foreign tourists coollided in the popular island beach party, police said Sunday. The
speedboats were ferrying tourists to Pha-Ngan island for “Fullmoon” party, a monthly event that
attracts thousands of young, mostly western tourists. Provincial police officer Adipong Tapee
said of the 42 trvellers injured, 39 were hospitalized including four Britons, four Australians and
four Singapporeans. Also among them were Irish, Norwegian, Malaysian and Thai tourists, he
said. The boats collided and overturned beforemidnight Saturday, throwing the passangers into
the rough sea water just off the island, the website of the Nation newspaper said. AP

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