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The Third Part For Enhanced Oil Recovery

Q1: complete:

1. The disadvantages for Air injection well corrosion, oil oxidisation,

risk of explosion
2. For normal oils the value of I is greater than 1 and Thus the
calculation indicates the need for a source of make-up gas
3. for Injection into wells the oil zone inverted seven-spot pattern is
often selected.
4. The treatment methods for gas injection are Desulphurisation,
Dehydration, Filtration
5. the inert gas must be treated and dried, which increases its cost
6. The water is used as an injection fluid because it is inexpensive, easy
to obtain, easy to treat, easy to inject.
7. Hot water injection: it is applied only in case of heavy – oil reservoir

Q2: what are main Standard Methods of Miscible Drive? Explain one of

1- Natural and inert Gas Injection at High Pressure.

2- lean gas injection:
Vaporizing gas drive- C2 to C6 by injected relatively high pressure.
Then the light gas strips intermediate molecular weight hydrocarbons
and forms a miscible back
3- Enriched gas injection:
In this case the formation of a miscible bank is achieved by way of the
intermediate components in the natural gas. The process is also known

as "condensing gas drive". The injected gas is relatively rich in C2-
4- Liquefied Petroleum Gases LPG slug
Injection miscible slug (propane and butane) driven by either gas
and/or water. In many cases the LPG slug has been reduced to as little
as 2% of the displaceable pore volume without reducing the recovery
efficiency. In practice slugs of 2-9% of pore volume are used.

Q3: what are the assumptions for Stiles’s theory?

1- Linear geometry system.

2- The distance that the flood front travel through each layer is proportional
to the layers absolute, permeability.

3- No cross flow between layers.

4- The layers have the same (porosity - Kro ahead of the water front

- Krw behind of the water front)

Q4: The relative permeability to oil a head of flood fronts is 0.8 and the
relative permeability to water behind the fronts is 0.2. The reservoir oil
viscosity is 4.34 cp and the water viscosity is 0.82 cp. The oil volume factor
is 1.073 bbl/STB. The thickness and permeability in the following table.
Determine recovery fractional and surface wc when the fifth layer is flooded

hj * kj  (Ct  Cj ) o Krw
R A * * o
ht * Kj w Kro

fw 
A * Cj
Ct   h * k Cj   hj * kj
A * Cj  (Ct  Cj )

hj (ft) Kj (md) Kj * hj ∑Kj *hj R Fw

md-ft md-ft

1 776 776 776 0.226 0.204

1 454 454 1230 0.361 0.312

1 349 349 1579 0.449 0.391

1 308 308 1887 0.495 0.457

1 295 295 2182 0.511 0.517

1 282 282 2464 0.526 0.573

1 273 273 2737 0.537 0.624

1 262 262 2999 0.549 0.672

1 228 228 3227 0.590 0.713

1 187 187 3414 0.651 0.745

Q5: If reservoir area = 100 ac-ft, porosity = 0.19, connate water saturation =
0.24 , initial volume factor = 1.215 bbl/STB, primary recovery = 12.1 %,
residual oil saturation = 22.5 %, sweep efficiency = 0.85. Calculate
i. Initial oil in place
ii. Oil recoverable by primary depletion
iii. Oil saturation after primary depletion
iv. Expected oil recoverable by flooding


Q6: Plot the fractional flow curve and determine Swbt, fwbt and fwsbt
for the following data: μo= 4.5 cp, μw=0.5 cp, βo = 1.36 bbl/STB, βw =
1.01 bbl/STB,

Sw Krw Kro Kro /krw fw

0.20 0.0000 0.8800 infinite 0

0.25 0.0021 0.6710 319.5238 0.0277

0.30 0.0095 0.5170 54.4211 0.1431

0.35 0.0210 0.4070 19.3810 0.3193

0.40 0.0347 0.3135 9.0346 0.5016

0.45 0.0536 0.2420 4.5149 0.6682 1

fw 
Kro w
0.50 0.0788 0.1793 2.2754 0.7998 1 ( * )
Krw o
0.55 0.1050 0.1320 1.2571 0.8785 w 0.5
  0.11
0.60 0.1366 0.0891 0.6523 0.9331 Swbt = 0.45 o 4.5
Fwbt = 0.66
0.65 0.1785 0.0550 0.3081 0.9672
fwsbt 
0.70 0.2184 0.0297 0.1360 0.9853 w 1
1 (  1)
o fwbt
0.75 0.2636 0.0110 0.0417 0.9954

0.80 0.3151 0.0000 0.0000 1 1

fwsbt   0.72
1.01 1
1 (  1)
1.36 0.66

Q7: show by diagram the different between dissolved gas, gas cap and water
in drive reservoirs?

Q8: Explain the following Shapes:

In- suit composition process:

Zone 1 : combustion front (oxygen consumed)

Zone 2 : hot and clean sand ( heats the injected air)
Zone 3 : vaporization zone (lighter HC and Swi )
Zone 4 : condensation zone (steam and HC gases
condensate )
Zone 5 : oil bank ( high Sw pushes the oil to
producer )

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