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The Second Part For Enhanced Oil Recovery

Q1 : put true or wrong with correction.

1. To Maintain the reservoir pressure when the expansion of the aquifer
or gas-cap is insufficient we use EOR ( )
2. The water may be injected into an underlying or neighboring
Aquifer ( ).
3. The two most common injection fluids are water and oil ( )
4. Water injection is to be preferred in all cases where there are no practical
constraints, due to the less favorable mobility ratio obtained ( )
5. In reservoirs containing highly under-saturated oil, water injection is all
the more suitable since the high GOR would result in only small volumes
of gas being available for gas injection ( )
6. In reservoirs containing saturated oil, gas is the preferred injection fluid
( ).
7. In reservoirs containing volatile oil (very high GOR) other methods such
as miscible gas injection may yield a lower recovery ( ).
8. In heterogeneous water-wet reservoirs gas injection is more efficient
than water injection ( ).
9. The cost of drilling additional wells is one of economic factors hat must
be considered during EOR ( ).
10. If the pressure has fallen far below the bubble-point. Water injection
has just ended ( ).
11. The pressure gradients between injection and production wells are
therefore large ( ).
12. The mechanics of displacing one fluid with another are relatively
simple if the displaced fluid (oil) has a tendency to flow slower than the
displacing fluid (water) ( ).
13. If the displacing fluid has a tendency to move faster than the displaced
fluid, the fluid-fluid interface is unstable ( ).
14. In Van Meurs theory zone 1 in which only oil is flowing ( ).

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15. Es is function of M for various values of ( ).

16. The completion of injection wells involves: The initial completion

& old injection wells ( ).
17. The formation should be continuously cored then stimulated in open
hole in order to maximize the injectivity ( ).
18. It is often easy to locate and then plug off the most permeable zones
( ).
19. Thief zones may be detected either by the use of a continuous
flowmeter or by adding a radioactive tracer to the water ( ).
20. By simultaneous pumping, the waters are injected into the formation
( ).
21. The more permeable the formation, the leas beads become
stuck ( ).
22. The low permeability zones have a tendency to flow into the high
permeability zones ( ).
23. The thief zones may also be plugged with cement or resin ( ).
24. The precipitates may be dissolved by acetic acid in case unplugging
is ever required ( ).
25. The first investment required in a water injection project is for the
drilling and completion of the injection wells ( ).
Q2 : multi choice :
1. The water is separated from the oil at surface and becomes available for
(a) re-injection into the reservoir.
(b) Sold.
(c) Swimming.
(d) To used to operate compressors.
2. The volume of water available for recycling increases with
(a) Time
(b) Oil
(c) Carbon dioxide

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(d) completion.
3. Fresh water sources are :
(a) Surface waters held in rivers
(b) Alluvial waters tapped by shallow wells
(c) Surface waters held in lakes
(d) All of above
4. If the water contains no CO2 or H2S it should be protected against
(a) atmospheric contact.
(b) Disposal.
(c) Burning.
(d) Injection.
5. The presence of CO2 or H2S requires special treatment. This type of
water often contains anaerobic
(a) bacteria.
(b) Animals.
(c) Viruses
(d) Gases.
6. Seawater is usually corrosive and requires treatment to reduce its attack
on metal equipment because it is :
a) Very salt.
b) Very sweet.
c) Very cold.
d) Very hot.
7. Special attention should be given to the presence of the following pairs
of ions these pairs must not be mixed :
(a) Barium and carbonate
(b) Calcium and carbonate
(c) Iron and carbonate
(d) Helium and oxygen
8. The precipitation of ………………. is the most damaging
(a) Sulphates.
(b) Carbonates.
(c) Acids
(d) Gases.
9. One of The objectives of water treatment is :
(a) To avoid plugging the reservoir.
(b) To avoid the swelling of carbonate.

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(c) To avoid cost.
(d) To avoid production from the reservoir.
10. Plugging is due to:
(a) Suspended solids.
(b) Corrosion.
(c) Bacteria.
(d) All of above.
11. Corrosion is principally due to the presence of :
(a) gas dissolved in the water.
(b) Gas dissolved in oil.
(c) Fresh water.
(d) Crude oil.
12.The introduction of foreign water into an argillaceous reservoir may
cause bentonitic shales to swell due to :
(a) Shale is a big rock.
(b) an exchange of ions between the water and the shale.
(c) Swelling happen just in shale.
(d) Non- of above.
13. methods of treatment are available are :
(a) physical, chemical and biological.
(b) Physical, biological and historical.
(c) Historical, aeronautical and chemical.
(d) Non – of above.
14.Physical treatments include :
(a) Filtration.
(b) Oil-water separation.
(c) Settling.
(d) All of above.
15. How many types of pumps are there :
(a) One.
(b) Two.
(c) Three.
(d) Four.
16. types of pumps are:
a) reciprocating or centrifugal.
b) Reciprocating.
c) Both options

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d) The two options are wrong.
Q3 : The oldest assisted recovery method may also be used in order to
Q4: When examine the cost of an injection project.. what the various
elements to be considered being?
Q5: Compare between the most common injection fluids?
Q6: Explain the following Shapes:

a b

Q7: Define a, b and c in the following figure, then explain what is meant
by me M > 1 and M < 1?

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Q8: There are three successive stages for developed water injection
mention them?
Q9: What are advantages and disadvantages of using pumps?
Q10: There are 4 main Additional Comparison Gas and Water Injection
mention them?
Q11: What the objectives of water treatment?
Q12: What is f wa > f wc and f wa < f wc in Miscible slugs driven by water?

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