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PART 1 PROJECT CHARTER....................................Error: Reference source not found

Define the business needs Identify the sponsor Assign the Project Manager Identify Stakeholders Justify the project

The business needs a system that can make a record of the patients information. Marina dela Pena Arlene L. Bacani Jaime Garcia, Arlene L. Bacani, Marina dela Pena The project is named Barangay Masapang Health Record System; it will handle the information of the patient that deals with their information that records their information. I choose to make this system for the reason that current record system of the clinic has no existing application that manages the patients records

Sign-off Name Business Sponsor Project Manager Marina Dela Pena Arlene L. Bacani Signature Date (MM/DD/YY)

Defines the business requirements. The project should produce a Business Requirement Document (BRD) and Software Requirements Specification (SRS) of a computerized record system of the Barangay Masapang Health Center. What the benefits. This study of creating a record system for Masapang Health Center would benefit the following:
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Page | 2 The staff(s) .The computerized record system would improve the monitoring capacities of those who maintain the clinic. In addition, they can easily identify the patients information. And less paper works. The patient(s). The computerized record system would be an advantage to the patients, because they can consult at the clinic easily. The researchers of this study. The developer of the software will benefit from the BRD and SRS. It will fulfill the requirements in the subject of System Analysis and Design. And through this study, the researcher would gain knowledge and experience about designing a computerized record system for the Barangay Masapang. The learning that they have earned would be applied by the time they finished the subject, and eventually, by the time they graduated and have a job. Introduction The purpose of Barangay Masapang Health Center Record System project charter is to communicate the authorization for the project and the management approach to project participants and external entities. The project charter lays the groundwork for informed decisions and planning regarding projection direction, outcomes and delivery. Business Objective Primary Objective: To pass the subject System Analysis and Design Create the application specified above. Secondary Objectives: To develop experience in the development of real-life applications. To eliminate or change processes of the current system which are ineffective, inefficient and redundant. To determine process improvements to perform business functions. Preliminary Cost/Benefit ***To be determine Current Situation The Masapang Health Center has no existing application that manages the record book. The data is kept on a log books and it is updated every month before the information get encoded and printed. Project Requirements The project should produce a Business Requirement Document (BRD) and Software Requirements Specification (SRS) of a computerized inventory system for the Masapang Health Center. Project Schedule

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Page | 3 The project should deliver either before the end of March of 2011 or April 2011. Assumptions/Constraints/Risks Learning curve in PHP may decrease productivity at the initiation of the project. Due to lack of time, not much documentation may be produced for the release of the application. Time constraint may reduce the amount of features included in the release of the product. Project release to be available by March or April 2011 90-95% of user acceptance tests must pass for project release. Maximum team size is 1 developer

Project Plan
Scope Statement

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Page | 4 This project will produce a health record system for the Barangay Masapang Health Center including the needed software, the Business Requirements Document, the Software Requirement Specification, and the Project Management Document. Work Breakdown Structure Barangay Masapang Health Center Record System Business Requirement Document Create a narrative Create use case diagram of the current system Create an activity diagram Software Requirement Specification Create a narrative Create a use case diagram Create activity diagram Create a class diagram Project Management Document Create a Project Charter Create a Project Plan Software The system can add The system can edit The system can save The system can delete

Budget Plan Project Charter Computer Rental Printing Project Charter Project Plan Total cost php100 (8 hours) php20 (10 pages) php50 (25 pages) php170

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Page | 5 Other Cost Food Transportation Total cost Quality Plan Human Resources Plan *Staffing plan The staff needs to be a computer literate, so that they can easily understand how the system works. *Training plan Weekly Training The schedule will be finalized the venue and the participants must be settling. php210 (one week) php280 (one week) php490

Organizational Structure
Barangay Health Center Mercedes Canog Brgy. Councilor Health Committee

Marlon Nobles Brgy. Chairman

Marina dela Pena Head of Brgy. Health Worker Staff

Municipal doctor

Sherley Ramos Ellen Paguinto Ellen Nogus Brgy. Health Worker Staffs

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Page | 6 Risk Management

Risks 1.) System Failure

Action/Solution If the system has failure be sure that you have a back up file. And be sure that one of the staff wrote the information of the patient on a writing book. Every month, back up the database and put it in a location that far from the company or in a fire incident.

2.) Incase of Fire

Procurement Plans None at this time.

Communication Plan To have a communication with the client the first thing to do is send a letter to the barangay chairman to wish his approval for doing the current system. When the system is finish, present it to the barangay chairman with one of the staff of the barangay health center. Demonstrate to them on how the system works. Patients Consultation Project Charter Patients Consultation BMHCRS_patients consultation. docs Version: 1.0 Date: March 28, 2011

Project Charter Patients Consultation

1.) Use case ID: 01 2.) Patients Consultation 3.) Brief Description This describes the procedure on how the patients consult the doctor at the health center. 4.) Actor(s) 1. Patient 2. Doctor 3. Staff
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Page | 7 5.) Pre-condition 5.1 Patient slip is issue 5.2 Patient information is complete 6.) Work Flow 6.1 Basic flow 1.) The patient needs to register at the health center. 2.) The staff confirms the information of the patients. 3.) The patient goes to the doctors clinic. 4.) The doctor checking up the patient. 5.) The doctor announces their syndrome. 6.) The doctor gives the list of the medicine. 7.) The staff records the consultation of the patients on a log book. 8.) The patient receives the list of medicine. 6.2 Alternative flow In step number End use case 7.) Post conditions 7.1 Receiving list of medicines. 7.2 The staff records the information of patients.

Recording Patients Information Project Charter Recording Patients Information BMHCRS_Recording Patients Information

Version: 1.0 Date: March 28, 2011

Project Charter Recording Patients Information

Use case name: Recording Patients Information Actor(s): Patient, Staff Description: This describes the procedure involving on how the patients information recorded. Reference: Typical Course of Event Actor Action System Response Step 1. The staff enters the Step 2. The system information of the confirms the patient. information. Step 3.

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