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Delfin, Camelle Andrea A.

G-12 Vega

If I have given a chance to change something about the social media landscape,
it is the way how people use it nowadays. The improper usage of social media platforms
affects a lot of factors in a person’s life specially when it comes to health. Not only
socially but it has an impact physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually together with
their beliefs and knowledge.
With the help of the technology, we can communicate with other people where
and when we want to as long as we have the resources needed. Given that there are
various data and information scattered in the social media, we can’t avoid that most of
them are made up or mixed with lies especially if the subject is well-known or has a
reputation to protect in the society. In view of the fact that some deets are shown in the
public even though it is too private or no need for the citizen to know. We all know that
social media somewhat became an open forum to everyone, sharing and expressing
their knowledge, beliefs, talents, and emotions. We may encounter some issues jointly
with the hatred of other people that turns it to a bigger problem. Communication became
easy and affable with other people concerning their thoughts. Having a lot of counsel
exposed in social media by different people, it has a huge effect in their personality. It
can influence their belief, traits, knowledge, understanding and etc. Being part of cyber
citizen, we just have to be aware and cyber smart to have a bigger picture which of the
information should we believe and not.
Netiquettes are the ethics need to be performed when using social media. We
should be aware on what to say or post in any of it. Being disciplined and
knowledgeable about the platform can have an advantage of using it. We should not
tolerate those people who use social media to ruin someone’s reputation, converting
inadequate intelligence, harassing, sharing fake new and many more. As we can
express what we feel, we should stop them in order to save someone or avoid other
people to be influenced by such act. Our responsibility as a cyber citizen is to use it
properly without hurting anyone.
Since election is in the corner, let’s take it as an example. A lot post in social
media can be seen about the candidacy for the next election. As the future of the
country depends on the next president, various beliefs, thoughts and information are
being express by one another. It came to the point that all the known issues of people
who run for presidency are exposed. Even the words that they hear and say are well
observed. Some of the post quotes “I have three daughters and they are all girls” said
by Vice President Leni Robredo. Someone posted it and a lot of people made fun of it
without even knowing that the real statement is “I have three daughters and they are all
daddy’s girl”. Other people might think that “If Leni Robredo can’t make a sentence with
sense, how can she become the president?”. It affects their impression towards a
person particularly if they don’t seek for the true information. With that, it shows how
fake information can influence other people.

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