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March 18th Goal Setting Activity

(1st 20-30 minutes of 2nd hour until students are called down)

You will need the following materials for this activity: Goal Setting Sheet /
Grade Tracker Worksheet and Chromebook

1. Teachers, please read the following script to your students:

“We have just begun the second semester with a fresh start, and today we are going to
be setting personal and academic goals for the remainder of the year. Goal-setting in
psychology is an essential tool for self-motivation and self-drivenness. It gives meaning
to our actions and the purpose of achieving something higher.”

2. Have students complete the “Goal Setting” worksheet (10 minutes).You can have a brief
discussion beforehand of some appropriate ideas for each of the three sections. Let
them know that they will not be collected and students will not be sharing, unless they
would like to. This is a personal document to help them be successful.

3. By 9:15 am, have students begin their grade tracker sheet by following steps below (10

● Launch Power School on Chromebooks

● Click on the rocket ship that says “quick links”
● Click on “grade history” located on the left hand side

Students can use this information to help them see their previous grades and set their
grade goals.

4. If there is additional time, they can click on “grades and attendance” on the left hand
side (or return to their main PS screen) to view current grades to add to their grade
tracker. They can also check for any missing assignments or assessments that need to
be completed.

Students can put these documents into their agenda, trapper keeper, or any place that they
would like, to have them handy to refer back to and add to for the rest of the school year.

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