Child Support LTR 2.25.22

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Certified Mail # 70172400000098288075 February 22, 2022 ilwaukee County Clerk of Circuit Court Chief Judge Gwendolyn G. Connolly 901 N9"* Street Room 415 Milwaukee, Wi 53233 Darrell-C:Wilson 243 N Comanche Dr ‘Chandler, Arizona Re: NOTICE OF DELINQUENCY FOR : DARRELL C WILSON Without Prejudice :Darrell-Carl:Wilson, Beneficiary and Sovereign. | am here to acknowledge ‘That MILWAUKEE COUNTY CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT Agent Director of Court, Anna Hodges, is in the position of Trustee. and has access to the Cesti Que Social Security TRUST OF DARRELL CARL WILSON Social Security Number 5463 you have the fiduciary obligation to the beneficial equitable title holder of this Trust. | have autographed the negotiable instrument that will bring the Account toa zero balance. Sixty-Eight thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety-Seven U.S dollars and 23/100 cents($68,897.21) ‘This letter is the remedy and the lawful authority that provides settlement and closure. Maxims of Lav ‘ommerciol HJR-192 AND PUBLIC LAW 73-10 LAWS THAT GOVERN ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER INSTRUMENTS, AND MONEY ‘The Federal Government took our lawful money out of circulation in 1933 but Congress had to provide the people a remedy. Public Law: "Chap. 48, 48 Stat. 112" under HIR 192 is that remedy and in part states that the Federal Government will discharge all of our debts, public and private, dollar for dollar The Constitution for the United States of America Article 1 §10: “No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility’. Only gold or silver is used to pay debt. Who needs the four horsemen of the Revelation Apocalypse, when we have Wealth (Mammon)? We are ignorant, is there any hope for us? We try to exit and exist without government and settle the allege debts: One of the ways is to “Accept For Value”. According to the UCC (Universal commercial code), the authorized representative is not held liable. Remember, you are an authorized person for the government ereated accounts. Who is liable for the illegal and void debts? The Government, which is to say, US Citizens, as they are the debtors, created by a corporate beast. Certified Mail # 70172400000098288075 (1) is payable to bearer or to order at the time it is issued or first comes into possession of a holder; 28 U.S. Code § 1712 - Coupon settlements (a)CoNTINGENT FEES IN COUPON SETTLEMENTS.—If a proposed settlement in a class action provides for a recovery of coupons to a class member, the portion of any attorney’s fee award to class counsel that is attributable to the award of the coupons shall be based on the value to class members of the The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago in its booklet: Modern Money Mechanics (page 3), states; “In theUnited States neither paper currey Federal Reserve Notes} nor deposi value as commodities. intrinsically, a dollar bill is just a pie ner, deposits merely book entries. The acceptance of said “currency” is merely a “confidence” game predicated upon the people’s faith or “confidence” that these currencies/instruments canbe exchanged/accepted for goods and services". Does this go against the LON? Absolutely! It is Treason! If there is a method to get the government to settle the claims of the public debt, what is it? After all, this is the only way we can actually claim our property, toys, our lives and get rid of the national debt. There is ‘hat is called “Accepted For Value”. When you accept the illegal, void, non-gold or non-silver related debt, then you, the creator of governments, give it value. Sovereigns can create money or value. What of the LON? I have never signed up or agreed to the LON, therefore, valuc is whatever I claim it to be; however, no country or other sovereign has to acceptit. There lies the problem; my creation may not be recognized by anyone but the democracy. In witness whereof, this contract has been autographed by :Darrell-Carl:Wilson. And sign two witness below. at, Wiber Signature ¢f witness id iy Wiken Name of witness(Printed) * Name of witness + EDD iie,! :Darrell-Cark: Wilson: :Copy-Right:/Copy-Claim:

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