bài luận về cà mau

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If you have opportunity to drop by Western land of Vietnam country, remember to visit Ca Mau city,
my hometown. Local people are always willing to welcome you to step on this piece of land. Comparing to
other regions, its area is not large but it is beautiful landsite with many aspects and there are many famous
songs composed to praise about this region, so I am always proud of that.

Situated in the South- west of Viet Nam, my hometown is famous for beautiful landscapes, especially
rivers and seas such as Da Bac, Khoai, Chuoi islands and so on…In fact, once coming to my hometown, you
will be impressed by many long poetic rivers and immense fields. Because of topographical features related to
long rivers, most of local people travel by boats. My childhood is associated with these images. I used to have
memorable things with my friends on these romantic rivers. We used to go to school by boats or sit on the
boats to go fishing for long hours. Besides, we used to gambol together in immense and ripe rice fields. I
always respect my memories until now due to the fact that it gives me the feeling of peace and happiness.

With the advantages of many rivers and seas, so my hometown is famous for seafood products and the
economy of people in this land mainly depends on agriculture and seafood. For that reason, many seafood
companies have recently been set up and demonstrate that my hometown is gradually developing.

Apart from the beauty of rivers and fields, Ca Mau city is well- known about vast forests such as U
Minh forests…Visitors from every corner of the world can enjoy the peaceful atmosphere when walking in
the forests and they provide us with many natural resources. For example, U Minh forests provides with many
precious plants and animals. It not only provides with timber products but also gives us the fresh atmosphere.

I am proud of not only natural beauty but also the people’s friendliness on this land. They have to
work hard to earn living but they always keep smiling. I always admire them in ability to work because
though the job is extremely hard, they are accustomed to their own work and never complain about this.
Because most of people are peasants, they are all kind and honest. On this small land, those who always help
one another whenever the problems come up are always available. Besides, they are labourious but optimistic
and extremely hospitable.

In addition, my hometown is well-known for national heroes. They sacrified their life in defending
country such as Ho Thi Ky, Tran Phan, Quach Van Pham, Tran Van Thoi, Phan Ngoc Hien..and so on… To
memorize their merits, governments have built a lot of monuments and some upper secondary schools named
with national heroes such as Ho Thi Ky or Phan Ngoc Hien high school.

Moreover, my countryside is also famous for the art of Cai Luong. It is cutural beauty that always has
a magnetic feature to reach the heart of visitors when coming to my hometown and I extremely like it because
its melody is sweet and gentle. I remember that I was lulled by my mother with these tunes when I was a
baby. The memorable event is that this kind of art is formally acknowledged as an intangible cutural heritage
by UNESCO in 2013.

I am always proud of the beauty of my hometown and to be a person grown up here. If I have a
chance, I want to do a lot of useful and meaning things to help my hometown develop to catch up with
country’s development. For that reason, when I was young, I haboured the dream of becoming a teacher to
devote my knowledge and ability in developing country and now I am working as a teacher in Dam Doi High
School. This is a good chance for me to contribute a small part in devloping not only my hometown but also
my country. I communicate not only my knowledge but also my love about countryside to my students.
Sometimes, I together with my students and my colleagues take part in activities inside and ouside schools
such as blood donation or green Sunday..I wish it can beautify my hometown inspite of very small things. As
a teacher, I always myself promise to preserve my hometown’s beauty and continously try to get more success
in teaching in order that I can make my hometown more and more attractive.


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