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Dual Enrollment Students and Parents,

To better be prepared for the semester, please be aware that this class results in credit from
both BISD and TSC. The syllabus is available here on my Weebly and in the Canvas course you
or your student is enrolled in at TSC. Please read to better understand your responsibilities as
a student and what you can expect. Below is additional information you may have questions
about at this time. If you have further questions, you can contact me through this site under
the Information tab or through the email listed in the syllabus.

• All classes will be held at the assigned time
• Classes will run the entire time allotted
• Attendance will be taken and recorded daily
• If you are absent, you will be responsible for the material covered. The information is
available in the Canvas course.
• If we have the need to work remotely at any time during the semester, the class will be
conducted through Zoom. I will provide the link through, email (BISD and TSC) and notify
you through Canvas and it will be posted on this Weebly site as well.
• After the first week I will email through your TSC email only– be sure to check regularly
• I will also contact you with information weekly through Announcements on Canvas
• Canvas is the system that is used through TSC
• All course information and resources are available to you in Canvas.
• All assignments and tests are posted on Canvas
• All exams and quizzes are accessed, taken and submitted on Canvas
• All work is submitted to me through Canvas-no exceptions
Technology help for Canvas
• If you have questions or problems with Canvas, contact
• Short help videos are available for you on the TSC website and in the course
• It will be helpful for you to take some time and browse through some of the information
before we get started.
Need Technology?
• You will receive a form through your English class that needs to be signed by your
parents. When returned, you will be issued your device.
• I highly recommend that you have a laptop or Chromebook Students have had difficulty
with using a phone or tablet for completing and submitting assignments and in taking
quizzes since you need the app to access Canvas from a phone or tablet. Although great
for getting notifications, reminders and communication, the Canvas app can get a bit
glitchy when it comes to submitting assignments and taking quizzes.
• We will only use the laptops for writing or test taking in class. The lecture information
will be projected during class.

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