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Department of Education

Region VI – Western Visayas

Schools Division of Guimaras
District of Buenavista I
New Poblacion, Buenavista, Guimaras

Organization and Management

2nd Long Quiz – Q2
(Topic: Staffing)

Name of Learner: ____________________________________________ Score: __________________

Grade Level & Section: _________________________________________ Date: ___________________

I. True or False. On the space provided before each number, write A if the statement is true and B if it is false.

___________1. The staffing function allows the organization to select the best set of manpower for the company.
___________2. Recruitment and selection are the same.
___________3. Recruitment precedes selection.
___________4. Placing advertisements is an example of external recruitment.
___________5. An incentive is a nonmonetary reward given to an employee for an exemplary performance.
___________6. Training may generally be imparted in two ways: on-the-job training and through classroom setting.
___________7. Recruitment of applicants for a job position may be done internally and externally.
___________8. The first step in the staffing process is the posting of vacant positions in the organization.
___________9. Monetary benefits and salary mean the same thing.
___________10. The developmental purpose of performance appraisal is to identify the employees that deserve

II. Identification. Identify the correct term/s described by the statements below. Write your answer on the space
provided before each number.

_____________________1. It is provided to both newly-hired and existing employees which aims to enhance capabilities and
provide continuous human resource development.
_____________________2. It is an activity which makes employees familiar to work and the work environment.
_____________________3. This provides the minimum qualifications and credentials required of the applicant to qualify for
a position.
_____________________4. It is an activity that encourages large number of candidates for a job.
_____________________5. This refers to learning opportunities provided by the organization for its employees to further
enhance himself/herself.
_____________________6. The primary monetary reward given to employees as compensation for the services they rendered
to the organization.
_____________________7. It is a form of employee movement which takes place when the employment contract of an
employee comes to an end.
_____________________8. It refers to an employee’s voluntary action to leave the organization due to personal/health
_____________________9. It is a periodic evaluation that measures an employee’s overall job performance and contribution
to the company.
_____________________10. It attempts at rejecting unsuitable candidates and picking up the most suitable ones.
Organization and Management
3rd Long Quiz – Q2
(Topic: Leading and Controlling)

Name of Learner: ____________________________________________ Score: __________________

Grade Level & Section: _________________________________________ Date: ___________________

I. Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully and WRITE THE LETTER of the correct answer IN CAPITAL
LETTERS on the space provided before each number. NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use BLACK or BLUE
ball pen only.

________1. Which level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs deals with satisfying one's hunger, thirst, and other bodily needs?
A. psychological needs B. physiological needs
C. security needs D. esteem needs

________2. Which of the following is a hygiene factor according to Herzberg's two-factor theory?
A. quality of supervision B. career growth
C. pay D. sense of responsibility

________3. Erika wants to become the head of the HR department. Although the role comes with a generous salary hike
and will put her in charge of several subordinates, she is mainly pursuing this position because she believes she can do
the job better than anyone else and wants people to know this. According to McClelland's theory of needs, which of the
following needs is Erika primarily driven by in this case?
A. need for stability B. need for affiliation
C. need for power D. need for achievement

________4. According to Abraham Maslow, human needs can be divided into how many levels?
A. 3 levels B. 5 levels
C. 4 levels D. 6 levels

________5. The capacity to influence people and accomplish desired objectives is called:
A. leadership B. authority
C. power D. status

________6. Which of the following statements would most likely be made by a manager who has a Theory X approach to
human beings?
A. “Focus on the organization and people will take care of themselves.”
B. “I treat people differently in different ways based on the situation we are facing.”
C. “The only way to get people to work hard is to push them hard.”
D. “People will generally seek greater responsibility and accountability when given the opportunity.”

________7. The process of communication has three basic elements except for one and this is the ______.
A. decoder B. message
C. recorder D. encoder

________8. This control system approach makes use of formal authority, rules and regulations to monitor the progress in
the attainment of organizational goals.
A. Bureaucratic Control B. Financial Control
C. Clan Control D. Market Control

________9. This part of the controlling process is where the controlling function of management is most felt. This is when
corrections are made to deviations from set standards.
A. Measuring and performing actual performance B. Establishing standards as basis for evaluating
and comparing it with set standards. actual performance/ accomplishment.
C. Taking managerial action. D. Financial Control Phase
________10. A component of management control system that uses control tools after the activity and corrects problems
after they occur.
A. feedback control B. message
C. back-to-back control D. feedforward control

II. True or False. On the space provided before each number, write O if the statement is true and X if it is false.

________1. Financial control in marketing makes use of sales projections, statistical data and analysis, market surveys,
product demand trends and actual product consumption.
________2. The level of achieving the goals and targets which were set during the organizing stage are being assessed at
the controlling function.
________3. Financial forecasts may be used in coming up with management and control decisions such as reduction in
costs, employee downsizing, allocating for contingencies, introduce new production strategies, etc.
________4. The staying power of any business organization lies on how well the product or service is doing in terms of
sales, being the lifeblood of the company.
________5. Sales projections are used as bases for determining the production volume to avoid being left with a large
number of unsold product or inventory.

Organization and Management

4th Long Quiz – Q2
(Topic: Functional Areas; Starting a Family Business)

Name of Learner: ____________________________________________ Score: __________________

Grade Level & Section: _________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully and WRITE THE LETTER of the correct answer IN CAPITAL LETTERS
on the space provided before each number. NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use BLACK or BLUE ball pen only.

Use the following choices for numbers 1-7.

A. Human Resource Management B. Material and Procurement Management

C. Marketing Management D. Office Management
E. Operations Management F. Information & Communication Technology
G. Financial Management Management

________1. A functional area of management which takes charge of converting inputs into outputs that will be sold or
provided to the consumers.
________2. The primary function of this functional area is to acquire and maintain an efficient set of employees and workers.
________3. An area of management which involves product development, pricing, and distribution to address the needs and
demands of the company’s consumer base.
________4. This area of management ensures that the right quality of materials are obtained by the organization with the right cost, at the
right time and place it is needed.
________5. This functional area provides an efficient delivery of information and communication within and outside of the organization.
________6. It is concerned with the efficient allocation and utilization of the company’s resources and finances.
________7. This functional area is in charge of designing and maintaining work processes and procedures to ensure
systematic implementation and performance of tasks.

________8. They are factors being analyzed as it affects your product or service’s position in the market.
A. Marketing Issues B. Business Mix
C. Marketing Mix D. Business Issues

________9. All of these are government agencies/offices that you need to visit should you want to register a sole
proprietorship type of business except for one.
A. Department of Trade and Industry B. Securities and Exchange Commission
C. Mayor’s Office D. Bureau of Internal Revenue

________10. This is the government agency/office that you need to visit if you will register a partnership or corporation.
A. Department of Trade and Industry B. Securities and Exchange Commission
C. Mayor’s Office D. Bureau of Internal Revenue
________11. What does two Cs in business planning stand for?
A. Commitment and Cooperation B. Commission and Compensation
C. Corporation and Company D. Competitors and Customers

________12. Family businesses creates the following except for one.

A. Disputes and disagreements B. Cooperation and responsibility
C. Job Opportunities D. Social Responsibility among members

________13. The one taking charge of the good and sound practice of utilizing the organization’s fund to ensure that all needs
of the various units will be provided for.
A. Human Resource Management B. Marketing Management
C. Financial Management D. Material and Procurement Management

________14. Performs tasks relevant to the management of materials flow from procurement to the production point.
A. Operations Management B. Office Management
C. Financial Management D. Material and Procurement Management

________15. Involves attracting, maintaining, training and developing a proficient human resource, all working excellently
towards the achievement of the common goal.
A. Human Resource Management B. Marketing Management
C. Financial Management D. Material and Procurement Management


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