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Chemical Physics 529 (2020) 110543

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Strain-tunable electronic and optical properties of monolayer GeSe: T

Promising for photocatalytic water splitting applications
Hong T.T. Nguyena,b, Tuan V. Vua,b, , Nguyen T.T. Binhc, , D.M. Hoatd,e, Nguyen V. Hieuf,
⁎ ⁎

Nguyen T.T. Anhg, Chuong V. Nguyenh, Huynh V. Phuci, Hamad R. Japporj,

Mohammed M. Obeidk, Nguyen N. Hieuc,

Division of Computational Physics, Institute for Computational Science, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Faculty of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Institute of Research and Development, Duy Tan University, Da Nang, Viet Nam
Computational Optics Research Group, Advanced Institute of Materials Science, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Faculty of Applied Sciences, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Physics Department, University of Education, The University of Da Nang, Da Nang, Viet Nam
Department of Physics, University of Education, Hue University, Hue, Viet Nam
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Le Quy Don Technical University, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Division of Theoretical Physics, Dong Thap University, Dong Thap, Viet Nam
Department of Physics, College of Education for Pure Sciences, University of Babylon, Hilla, Iraq
Department of Ceramic, College of Materials Engineering, University of Babylon, Hilla, Iraq


Keywords: In this work, we investigate the electronic and optical properties of monolayer GeSe and the possibility of
Monolayer GeSe enhancement the photocatalytic activities for the water splitting of monolayer GeSe through strain engineering
Electronic and optical properties using first-principles calculations. Our calculations indicate that monolayer GeSe is a semiconductor with a
Strain engineering moderate indirect gap of 1.13 eV at equilibrium and we can control its band gap by biaxial strain. In the presence
Photocatalytic water splitting
of biaxial strain b , the semiconductor-metal phase transition happens at large compressive strain of 10% and
First-principles calculations
the indirect-direct gap transition occurs at b = 4% . The optical spectrum of monolayer GeSe are highly aniso-
tropic and biaxial strain can increase the absorption coefficient of monolayer GeSe up to about 6 × 105 cm−1.
Our calculations demonstrate that monolayer GeSe possesses photocatalytic properties for water splitting at
b = 5% and we can enhance its photocatalytic activity by strain.

1. Introduction potential for applications in electronic, spintronic, and water splitting

technologies [11,6,12,13]. Among them, group IV-VI mono-
Since graphene was discovered by Novoselov and his group in 2004 chalcogenides, such as MX (M = Ge, Sn, X = S, Se, Te) monolayers,
[1], it has become the most concerned material during the past 15 years emerge as a special object because of their many potential applications
due to its outstanding physical properties [2]. The success of the ap- in renewable energy technologies [14,15]. Recently, van der Waals
plicability of graphene in nanotechnology and nanodevices has begun heterostructures based on monochalcogenide monolayers have also
an extensive search and study of layered low-dimensional materials. been extensively investigated and shown to have many promising ap-
However, the biggest drawback of graphene is that it has zero energy plications in nanodevices [16–18].
gap which leads to certain difficulties in applying it to optoelectronic Monolayer GeSe is a semiconductor with moderate natural band gap
devices. Along with finding ways to overcome the disadvantages of [19,20] and larger than that of the bulk [21]. Electronic properties of
graphene, the scientific community has also searched for similar gra- monolayer GeSe are very sensitive with strain engineering and we can
phene materials to replace it. Recently, monolayer monochalcogenides control its band gap by applied strain [19,22]. They have shown that
[3–5] and other two-dimensional materials [6–10] have been given the strain engineering, especially biaxial strain, can be the cause of
special attention because of their excellent properties and their semiconductor-metal phase transition in monolayer GeSe [19,22].

Corresponding authors.

E-mail addresses: (H.T.T. Nguyen), (T.V. Vu), (N.T.T. Binh), (D.M. Hoat), (N.N. Hieu).
Received 30 August 2019; Received in revised form 23 September 2019; Accepted 27 September 2019
Available online 28 September 2019
0301-0104/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H.T.T. Nguyen, et al. Chemical Physics 529 (2020) 110543

Besides, with anisotropic structure, the effect of in-plane uniaxial

strains in different directions on the electronic properties of the
monolayer GeSe is also very different and its optical properties exhibit
very anisotropy [19]. Recent studies pointed out that monolayer -GeSe
has great potential for applications in energy storage [23] and renew-
able energy, especially strain engineering can enhance the photo-
catalytic activity for water splitting in -GeSe monolayer [24]. With the
current serious environmental and energy situation, the search for so-
lutions to protect the environment and renewable energy is very im-
portant. Therefore, the initial successes of the applicability of GeSe
material in these areas are particularly significant. The monolayer GeSe Fig. 1. The top (a) and side (b) views of monolayer GeSe at equilibrium.
has a moderate band gap and can control its value by external condi-
tions [19] and it has a wide absorption spectrum [21]. These are im- 1.13 eV as shown in Fig. 2. Our calculations are in good agreement with
portant conditions for use in photocatalytic activities for water split- the previous DFT calculations (indirect gap of 1.17 eV) [19]. From
ting. Fig. 2 we can see that the valence band maximum (VBM) and the
In this work, by mean of first-principles calculations, we consider conduction band minimum (CBM) are located on the Y -path and X-
the effect of a biaxial strain on the electronic properties and optical path, respectively. We also see that the VBM is right at the Fermi level
characteristics of monolayer GeSe. Based on the analysis of the influ- (EF = 0 ). Our results are consistent with the previous studies [29,22].
ence of strain engineering on band edge alignment and absorption To estimate the contribution of orbitals to the formation of the elec-
coefficient of monolayer GeSe, we investigate the possibility of en- tronic band of the monolayer, we also calculated the density of states of
hancement the photocatalytic activity for the water splitting of mono- the atom orbitals as shown in Fig. 2 (right panel). Our calculated results
layer GeSe through strain engineering. indicated that the Ge-p and Se-p has made a great contribution to the
formation of electronic bands of monolayer GeSe. However, while the
2. Computational method conduction band is mainly contributed from the Ge-p orbital, the con-
tribution from Se-p to the valence band is dominant.
In this work, using the Quantum Espresso simulation package [25] When a biaxial strain b is applied, the electronic properties of the
with the generalized gradient approximations (GGA) of Perdew-Burke- monolayer GeSe are dramatically changed and many interesting things
Ernzerhof (PBE) functional [26,27], we performed first-principles study appear. A large range of biaxial strain from 11% to 11% was in-
based on density functional theory (DFT) for electronic properties and vestigated in this paper (the minus and plus signs stand for the com-
optical characteristics of monolayer GeSe under biaxial strain. The pressive and tensile biaxial strain, respectively). At equilibrium, the
projector augmented-wave method was used to treat the ion-electron total energy of the monolayer is 18117.37 Ry. Our calculations de-
interaction. In our calculations, the cut-off energy of 500 eV is used for monstrated that the total energy depends weakly on biaxial strain,
plane-wave basis. All geometry structures in this work were fully re- especially tensile biaxial strain. The total energy is mainly contributed
laxed with the criteria for force and energy convergence is 10 3 eV/Å by core electrons. The change in the total energy is due to valence
and 10−6 eV, respectively. The Brillouin zone is sampled by a electrons. The change is small, but quite important [30]. Dependence of
(15 × 15 × 1) k-mesh for simulations of electronic properties of mono- the total energy of the monolayer GeSe on the biaxial strain b is shown
layer GeSe. For optical characteristics of monolayer GeSe under strain, in Fig. 3. In Fig. 4, we show the band structure of the monolayer GeSe at
we consider the influences of biaxial strain b on the dielectric coeffi- different levels of the biaxial strain b . When the tensile biaxial ( b ) is
cient ( ) , absorption coefficient ( ) , and electron energy loss spec- applied, our DFT calculations indicate that the conduction band of
trum L ( ) of monolayer GeSe. The dielectric coefficients are estimated monolayer has significant changes and indirect-direct gap transition has
via the Kramer-Kronig transformation and state transitions in its spec- occurred at b = 4%. The monolayer GeSe becomes an indirect semi-
trum. In this work, we consider monolayer GeSe under biaxial strain b conductor when b 4% The change of the conduction band due to the
varying from 11% to 11%, where the strain elongation is defined by tensile biaxial has also led to an increase in the energy gap of the
b = ( 0 )/ 0 . Here, 0 and are the lattice constants of unstrained monolayer (the VBM is always at the Fermi level). When the com-
and strained monolayer GeSe. The “+” and “−” signs refer to the pressive biaxial strain b < 0 is applied, the band structure of monolayer
tensile and compressive strains, respectively. To eliminate interactions GeSe dramatically changes. The compressive biaxial strain reduces
between neighbor slabs, we used a vacuum space of 20 Å along a ver- quickly the energy gap of the monolayer GeSe. The consequence of the
tical direction of the monolayer surface. reduction of the band gap is that the semiconductor-metal phase tran-
sition was found at b = 10%. Dependence of the band gap of the
3. Results and discussion monolayer GeSe on the b is illustrated in Fig. 5. From Fig. 5 we realize
that, in the case of tensile strain, the band gap of monolayer GeSe in-
Monolayer GeSe has puckered honeycomblike structure similar to creases slowly with increasing strain b from 0 to 11%. The greater the
black phosphorene with phosphorus atoms replaced alternatively by Se tensile strain, the slower the band gap increase. In the case of com-
and Ge atoms as shown in Fig. 1. GeSe monolayer at the equilibrium pressive biaxial strain ( b < 0 ), the band gap changes abnormally when
state belongs to the space group Pmn21. The monolayer GeSe contains the compressive strain increases from 0 to 11% . The band gap de-
two Ge layers and two Se layers stacked in the z direction. The mono- creases slowly with increasing compressive strain from 0 to 6% and
layer GeSe has an anisotropic geometric structure, in which a Ge(Se) then rapidly decreases when further increasing strain and reaches zero
atom is bonded to three Se(Ge) atoms by covalent bonds. The aniso- at b = 10%. It means that the semiconductor-metal phase transition
tropy in the structure of monolayer GeSe leads to different optical and occurs at b = 10%. This phase transition has important implications in
mechanical properties along the armchair or zigzag directions. In our applications in nanoelectronic devices such as nanorelays or power
calculations, the monolayer GeSe is optimized with vacuum region switching devices [31].
height over 20 Å to avoid any interaction between neighbor atom To explore the possibility of monolayer GeSe application in hy-
layers. Our calculations indicated that the optimized lattice constants of drogen production through water splitting under the solar energy ir-
the monolayer GeSe are a = 3.938 Å and b = 4.297 Å. This calculated radiation, we calculate the positions of the CBM and VBM of monolayer
result is consistent with previous DFT study [28]. At equilibrium, the GeSe with the reduction and oxidation potentials of splitting water as
monolayer GeSe is a semiconductor with a quite large indirect gap of

H.T.T. Nguyen, et al. Chemical Physics 529 (2020) 110543

Fig. 2. Electronic band and density of states (DOS) of monolayer GeSe at equilibrium.

reduction potential of the H+/H2 when b 5%. Therefore, monolayer

GeSe possesses the photocatalytic properties for water splitting when
b 5% and we can increase these properties by strain engineering.
In the next part, we study the influence of the b on optical char-
acteristics of monolayer GeSe. We first calculate the dielectric function
( ) = 1 ( ) + i 2 ( ). The imaginary part 2 ( ) can be obtained by sum
of the occupied-unoccupied transitions and via the Kramer-Kronig
transformation we can get the real part 1 ( ) of the dielectric function

ij 4 2e2
2( ) = kn |pi | kn kn |pj | kn × fkn (1 fkn ) (Ekn Ekn )
Vm2 2 nn (1)


2 2( )
1( )=1+ P d ,
Fig. 3. Dependence of total energy of monolayer GeSe on biaxial strain. 0 2 2 (2)

where e and m are the charge and mass of electron, respectively; is the
shown in Fig. 6. We know that the standard oxidation (O2/H2O) po- electromagnetic irradiation angular frequency, p is the momentum
tential and reduction (H+/H2) potential for water splitting at pH = 0 operator, V is the unit cell volume, knp is the wave function of a
for freestanding monolayer are Eoxi = 5.67 eV and Ered = 4.44 eV, crystal with the wave vector k , fkn is the Fermi distribution function,
respectively [32]. It should be noted that the position of the CBM and and is spin corresponding to the eigenvalue Ekn .
VBM relative to the normal hydrogen electrode (NHE) potential re- Parts of the dielectric function ( ) of monolayer GeSe and influ-
specting to the standard reduction (H+/H2) potential and the oxidation ence of strain B on the ( ) are shown in Fig. 7. We consider the ( )
(O2/H2O) potential are 0 eV and 1.23 eV, respectively. The redox po- and other optical properties of monolayer GeSe in the case of the in-
tentials of the O2/H2O and H+/H2 related to the NHE of the monolayer cident light with polarization along the armchair (AC) and zigzag (ZZ)
GeSe under the biaxial strain are shown in Fig. 6. From Fig. 6, we can directions. From Fig. 7(a, b), we see that the optical spectrum of
see that there is no possibility of using monolayer GeSe to separate monolayer GeSe at the equilibrium state has a high anisotropy. This is a
hydrogen through water splitting in case of compressive biaxial strain consequence of the anisotropy of its structure. The structure anisotropy
because the CBM is lower than the standard redox potential of the H+/ factor of monolayer GeSe is = (b a)/(b + a) = 0.044 , which is quite
H2 and the VBM is higher than the standard redox potential of O2/H2O. larger than that of GeTe (0.018) or of SnSe (0.011) [20]. We know that
At equilibrium, the VBM of monolayer GeSe is almost located at the the 2 ( ) part is correlated directly to the absorption coefficient of the
standard value of the redox potential of the O2/H2O. However, the CBM material. In Fig. 7(b), we show the imaginary part 2 ( ) at equilibrium
is located more positive than the redox potential of the H+/H2. ( b = 0 ) for both cases of the incident polarized light along the AC and
Therefore, monolayer GeSe does not possess photocatalytic properties ZZ directions. We can see that the first optical gap along AC and ZZ
for water splitting at the equilibrium state. However, the CBM and the direction is 1.40 eV and 2.24 eV, respectively. It means that when we
VBM change beautifully with the biaxial strain. When the b is applied, use an incident light with energy from 1.40 eV to 2.24 eV, only the light
we can see that the VBM of monolayer GeSe is higher than the oxidation with polarization along the AC direction is absorbed. The energy in-
potential of the O2/H2O in the case of compressive strain b < 0 and the terval (from 1.40 eV to 2.24 eV) is quite large then we can use mono-
VBM is lower than that when b > 0 . The CBM is higher than the layer GeSe as polarization filter.

H.T.T. Nguyen, et al. Chemical Physics 529 (2020) 110543

Fig. 4. Band structure of monolayer GeSe under different levels of biaxial strain b.

Fig. 5. Dependence of band gap of monolayer GeSe on the biaxial strain b.

Fig. 6. The VBM and CBM edge alignment of GeSe. The horizontal dashed lines
In Fig. 7(c, d) we show the influence of biaxial strain on the parts of
stand for the standard oxidation O2/H2O potential and reduction H+/H2 po-
the dielectric function. Our calculation results show that the compres-
tential for water splitting at pH = 0 . NHE stands for the normal hydrogen
sive strain makes the optical spectrum of monolayer GeSe more ani- electrode.
sotropy, especially in the low energy region, from 0.8 eV to 2.2 eV.
Besides, in the case of compressive strain, an additional peak has oc-
curred in the low energy region (around 1.0 eV) for the case of polar- The optical reflectivity R ( ) can be written as [35]
ized light along the ZZ direction. As a result, the compressive strain 2 ij ij
(nij 1) 2 + k ij +i 1
reduces the distance between two optical gaps corresponding to the two Rij ( ) = 2
1 2
ij ij
polarized cases of incident light of the monolayer GeSe. (nij 1) 2 k ij 1 +i 2 +1 (5)
The absorption coefficient ( ) is written as follows [35]
where, nij ( ) is the refraction index which can be written as
ij ( 2 k ij ( ) 1
)= , ij ij ij
c (3) nij ( ) = [ 1 ( )2 + 2 ( )2 + 1 ( )]1/2 .
2 (6)
where ) is the extinction index. We can estimate the extinction
k ij ( The electron energy loss spectrum L ( ) can also be estimated
index k ij ( ) as the following through the ( ) as [35]
1 ij ij ij 2( )
k ij ( ) = [ 1 ( )2 + 2 ( )2 1 ( )]1/2 . L( ) = .
2 (4) 2
1 ( ) + 22 ( ) (7)

H.T.T. Nguyen, et al. Chemical Physics 529 (2020) 110543

Fig. 7. Real 1 ( ) (a) and imaginary 2 ( ) (b) parts of the ( ) at equilibrium ( b = 0 ) for incident polarized light along the zigzag (ZZ) and armchair (AC) directions.
The 1 ( ) (c) and 2 ( ) (d) parts at different levels of biaxial strain b for both polarization directions of the incident light.

Fig. 8. Effect of biaxial strain b on the absorption coefficient ( ) of monolayer GeSe.

Influence of the biaxial strain on the absorption coefficient ( ) is are also shown in Figs. 9 and 10, respectively. The electron energy loss
shown in Fig. 8. Our calculations indicate that the absorption coeffi- spectrum L ( ) of monolayer GeSe is shown in Fig. 11. These optical
cient of monolayer GeSe is highly anisotropy, especially in the energy properties of monolayer GeSe are also anisotropy. The effect of the b on
region higher than 2.5 eV. Similarly, the effect of biaxial strain on the the L ( ) is clearly expressed in the high energy region, greater than
absorption coefficient is also more pronounced in this region of energy 4 eV. The tensile strain increases the value of L ( ) while L ( ) is re-
greater than 2.5 eV, in both polarized cases of the incident light. Ab- duced in the case of compressive strain.
sorption coefficient increases rapidly in the energy range from 1.0 eV to
2.5 eV then tends to decrease slightly. In general, the absorption coef- 4. Conclusion
ficient depends greatly on biaxial strain b and the compressive strain
increases the value of the absorption coefficient. Optical reflectivity In conclusion, we investigated the electronic, optical, and photo-
R ( ) and refraction n ( ) and extinction k indexes of monolayer GeSe catalytic properties of monolayer GeSe by mean of the first-principles

H.T.T. Nguyen, et al. Chemical Physics 529 (2020) 110543

Fig. 9. Optical reflectivity R ( ) of monolayer GeSe under biaxial strain b.

Fig. 10. Refraction index n ( ) (a) and extinction index k ( ) (b) of monolayer GeSe at different levels of strain b.

Fig. 11. Electron energy loss spectrum L ( ) of monolayer GeSe at different levels of strain b in the cases the polarization of incident light along the zigzag direction
(a) and the armchair direction (b).

H.T.T. Nguyen, et al. Chemical Physics 529 (2020) 110543

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