Essay: 2 Nguyễn Đương Nhật Dương

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2 Nguyễn Đương Nhật Dương

The best way to solve the world's environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel.
Do you agree or disagree?

Introduction *
Environmental problems are cropping up everywhere, and it is often thought that increasing the
price for fuel is the most suitable way to deal with them. In spite of the benefits that can be seen
on the surface, I have do disagree with this statement.

P1_S1: It is true that when the cost of a barrel of oil rises, people tend to ... [what do
people tend to do? what is the result of their action?] *
It is true that when the cost of a barrel of oil rises, people tend to spend fuel more efficiently .
Because they need to balance their earnings, they will want to buy less fuel; therefore, the carbon
emissions can be reduced.

P1_S2: However, no matter how high fuel prices rise, ... [what do people especially in
rich countries do? what is the result of their action?] *
However, no matter how high fuel prices rise, people, especially in rich countries, still need fuel
for transportation and powering their various household appliances so the overall reduction in fuel
usage is going to be limited.

P1_S3: It's different in developing countries where citizens ... [what will citizens in
those countries probably do? what will they do to have energy for heater or general
daily activities? Can you give examples to support?] *
It's different in developing countries where citizens do not earn so much that they can may not
afford a lot outside the range of their daily necessities. If they can use only so much gasoline ,
those people will start to look for alternate alternative forms of fuel to burn to replace some of
their daily activities. For example, poor people will burn wood for cooking and heat when they do
not have enough fuel.

P2_S1: Looking at the issue from a different angle, the best measure to solve global
warming is to increase the price of fossil fuels and at the same time to ... [what other
kinds of energy should be invested in? What are examples?] *
Looking at the issue from a different angle, the best measure to solve global warming is to
increase the price of fossil fuels and at the same time to invest in other kinds of cleaner energy.
Such energy exists in the form of wind that can be harnessed from wind turbines, sunlight that
can be captured by solar panels, or hydroelectric power that can be generated from dams.
P2_S2: Why should governments invest into other kinds of energy? *
Goverments should invest into other kinds of energy because it can replace a portion of energy
that come from burning coals and oils. So what?

P2_S3: What problems do poor countries may face when new kinds of energy is
invested? What are the solutions? *
Poor countries might not have enough funds to build large projects like giant dams or a field filled
with wind turbines. This issue can be solved by attracting investments from richer countr iesy so
that they can have enough money afford to build such projects.


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