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GENERATOR AGREEMENT MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT made this 24°" day of _ tb 2029 by and between f° Menioynen _hereinafier called “THE OWNER” of the one part and ‘Canara Bank a duly established branch/office of Canara Bank, A Banking company contin under the Banking companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1970 having its Head Office at Canara Bank Building No.112, Jayachamarajendra Road, Bangalore — 560002 and represented herein by its Manager/Senior Manager/Chief Manager/Assistant General Manager (hereinalter called “THE HIRER" of the Bank). ‘The other part, wherever the terms “THE OWNER” and “THE HIRER” refer to include their heirs, executors, administrators and other persons claiming through under them as permissible under the law for the time being in force. WHEREAS the hirer is desirous of ensuring continuous and uninterrupted supply of electric power to its establishment at _wardna +), D/9}9, HLNAEMP lace Where the branch’ office is situated) and at any other place the establishment may be shifted in future, WHEREAS the Hirer is unable to get uninterrupted and unfluctuating power supply from the TANGEDCO or the Establishment livensed in this behalf and due to interruptions / fluctuations / break downs in power supply the customer service and other branch activities are affected resulting in avoidable loss of man hours of production/service. WHEREAS the Hirer with a view to obviate the above is desirous of installing generators tun by diesel to supply power to its establishment immediately on distuption/break down { intemuption of power supplied by TANGEDCO / such licensed establishment during the branch working hours and such hours as nay be required by the Manager. WHEREAS the owner is willing t0 supply/ install and operate such a diesel driven generator utilizing his own man powers and resources, for supply of power 10 be branch/office premises above mentioned, during the period of break down / disruption / interruption of power supply of payment of hire charged by the Hirer on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon. WHEREAS the Hirer has agreed to retain the owner for providing installing, operating and supplying power uninterruptedly during breakdown/disruption / interruption in the normal power supply, under terms and conditions hereinatier recorded.

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