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Chapter (5)

The organizing: the function of management that involves developing an organizational

structure and allocating human resources to ensure the accomplishment of objectives.
‫مؤسس و توزي ع العمالة البشية لضمان تحقيق االهداف‬
‫ي‬ ‫التنظيم و دا وظيفة ادارية تتضمن تكوين هيكل‬
Organizational Structure: The formal arrangement of jobs within an organization (determines
authority, responsibility, and decision making).
‫رسم للوظائف داخل الشكة و دا بيحدد السلطة و المسئولية و اتخاذ القرار‬
‫ي‬ ‫هيكل المؤسسة و هو ترتيب‬
Organizational Design ‫تصميم المؤسسة‬
A process involving decisions about six factors: ‫ عوامل‬6 ‫عملية التصميم تتضمن اتخاذ قرار فيما يخص‬
 Specialization ‫التخصص‬
 Departmentalization ‫التقسيم‬
 Chain of command ‫سلسلة االوامر‬
 Span of control ‫مدى التحكم‬
 Centralization and decentralization ‫المركزية و الالمركزية‬
 Formalization ‫الرسمية‬
Purposes of Organizing ‫الهدف من التنظيم‬
 Divides work to be done into specific jobs and departments.
‫تقسيم العمل بهدف عمله لوظائف و اقسام محددة‬
 Assigns tasks and responsibilities associated with individual jobs.
‫توزي ع المهمات و المسئوليات عىل الوظائف‬
 Coordinates organizational tasks. ‫تنظيم و تنسيق المهمات‬
 Establishes relationships among individuals, groups, and departments.
‫بناء عالقة ن‬
‫بي االفراد و المجموعات و االقسام‬
 Establishes formal lines of authority. ‫رسم‬ ‫ي‬ ‫عمل خط سلطة‬
 Allocates organizational resources. ‫توزي ع موارد المؤسسة‬
Importance of Organizing Function ‫اهمية التنظيم‬
 Specialization - the work is divided into units and departments.
‫التخصص الن العمل بيتقسم لمهمات و اقسام‬
 Well defined jobs - Organizational structure helps in putting right men on right job according
to their qualifications, skill and experience. This is helping in defining the jobs which clarifies
the role of every person.
‫خباتهم‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ن‬
‫الوظيف بيساعد يف وضع الناس المناسبة يف الوظيفة المناسبه لمؤهالتهم و مهاراتهم و ر‬
‫ي‬ ‫الوظائف بتكون محدده الن الهيكل‬
‫و دا بيساعد يف تحديد الوظيفه و بيوضح دورها لكل شخص‬
 Clarifies authority - Organizational structure helps in clarifying the role positions to every
manager (status quo). ‫الوظيف بيساعد ن يف توضيح منصب و دور كل مدير و مكانته‬
‫ن‬ ‫سلطة واضحه الن الهيكل‬
 Co-ordination - Organization is a means of creating co-ordination among different
‫التنسيق و دا الن المؤسسة ه وسيلة لصنع التتنسيق ن‬
departments of the enterprise. ‫بي االقسام المختلفة‬ ‫ي‬
 Authority responsibility relationships, there is a formal relationship between the both. the co-
ordination between authority- responsibility is very important.

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‫بي السلطة و المسئولية و دا الن ن يف عالقة رسمية بينهم و الن التنسيق بينهم مهم‬
‫العالقة ن‬
 Effective administration - The organization structure is helpful in defining the jobs positions.
Specialization is achieved through division of work. This all leads to efficient and effective
‫الوظيف بيساعد ن يف تحديد المناصب و التخصص بيحصل عن طريق تقسيم العمل و دا‬ ‫ي‬
‫ن‬ ‫فعالية ادارية و دا الن الهيكل‬
‫بيؤدي اىل كفاءه و فعالية ادارية‬
 Growth and diversification - a company can diversify if its grow. This is possible only when the
organization structure is well- defined.
‫النمو و التنوع و دا بيحصل الن الشكة بتقدر تتنوع لو حصل عندها نمو و دا بيحصل ن يف حالة بناء هيكل اداري قوي‬
Work Specialization: The degree to which tasks in the organization are divided into separate
jobs with each step completed by a different person.
‫التخصص ن يف العمل و دا اىل درجة المهمات داخل الشكة متقسمة لوظائف منفصلة و كل خطوة بيعملها شخص مختلف‬
Classification of Organizations: ‫تصنيف المؤسسات‬
According to relationships, organizations are divided into two types: ‫نوعي‬ ‫طبقا للعالقة تنقسم اىل‬
 Formal Organization: a structure of well-defined jobs each bears a measure of authority and
responsibility. Each person is responsible for his performance. Formal organization can work
.‫ كل شخص مسئول عن اداءه‬.‫مؤسسات رسمية و دا هيكلها بيكون فيه وظائف محددة و كل وظيفة ليها سلطة و مسئولية‬
.‫المؤسسات الرسمية ممكن تشتغل بشكل مستقل‬
 Informal Organization: A network of personal and social relationships. Informal organizations
enhance relationships which are built on feelings, likes, dislikes, and emotions. It is not based
on any rules and regulations as in case of formal organization. Informal organization depends
totally upon the formal organization.
‫مؤسسات غب رسمية و ى‬
‫ المؤسسات الغب رسمية بتحسن العالقة‬.‫بتبف عبارة عن شبكة من االفراد و العالقات االجتماعية‬
.‫قواني زي المؤسسات الرسمية‬ ‫ ليست مبنية عىل قواعد او‬.‫المبنية عىل المشاعر او التفضيل او عدم التفضيل او العاطفة‬
.‫المؤسسات الغب رسمية تعتمد ن يف االساس عىل المؤسسات الرسمية‬
Span of Control ‫مدى التحكم‬
Span of control is a span of supervision which depicts the number of employees that can be
handled and controlled effectively by a single manager.
‫الىل بيديرهم و يحكمهم بكفاءة المدير الواحد‬ ‫ن‬
‫مدى التحكم هو مدى االشاف و بيتقاس بعدد الموظفي ي‬
The span of control classified into two types: ‫نوعي‬ ‫مدى التحكم بينقسم اىل‬
 Wide span of control: It is one in which a manager can supervise a large group of persons at
one time. Aspects of this span are: ‫مدى تحكم واسع و هنا المدير بيشف عىل مجموعة كببة من االشخاص‬
o Better communication ‫تواصل افضل‬
o Better supervision ‫اشاف افضل‬
o Better co-ordination ‫تنسيق افضل‬
o Suitable for repetitive jobs ‫يناسب الوظائف المتكررة‬
o Less overhead cost of supervision ‫تكاليف اشاف اقل‬
o Prompt response from the employees ‫الموظفي‬‫ن‬ ‫شعة استجابة من‬
 Narrow span of control: It is one in which a manager can supervise a small group of persons
at one time. Aspects of this span are: ‫الموظفي‬ ‫مدى تحكم ضيق و هنا المدير بيشف عىل عدد قليل من‬
o Work which requires tight control and supervision. ‫الىل بتطلب اشاف و تحكم مستمر‬ ‫نوعية العمل ي‬
‫ن‬ ‫ن‬
o Co-ordination is difficult to be accomplished. ‫التنسيق بي الموظفي لو صعب‬
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o Communication gaps can emerge. ‫ممكن يحصل فجوة تواصل‬
o Specialization work can be accomplished. ‫العمل المتخصص‬
Factors impacting on span of control ‫الىل بتاثر عىل مدى التحكم‬
‫العومل ي‬
 Managerial abilities: when managers are capable qualified and experienced, wide span of
control is always suitable. ‫خبه فالمدى الواسع بيكون افضل‬ ‫القدرات االدارية و معناها لما المدير يكون مؤهل و عنده ر‬
 Competence of subordinates- Where the subordinates are capable and competent. In such
cases, the manager can supervise large number of subordinates. Therefore, wide span is
suitable. .‫التابعي يكونوا عندهم قدرة و مهارة فالمدير يقدر يشف عىل عدد كبب منهم‬ ‫ن‬
‫التابعي و معناها ان لما‬ ‫مهارة‬
 Nature of work: If the work is of repetitive nature, wide span of supervision is suitable. On
contrast, if work requires mental skill, tight control and supervision is required in which
narrow span is suitable.
‫ لكن لو العمل بيتطلب قدرات‬.‫طبيعة العمل و معناها ان لما العمل يكون متكرر بطبيعته فاالشاف الواسع بيكون افضل‬
‫عقلية فبيحتاج اشاف عن قرب و التحكم الضيق بيكون افضل‬
 Delegation of authority: in case of delegating the work to lower levels, confusions are less and
congeniality of the environment can be maintained, wide span of control is suitable.
‫تفويض السلطة و معناها ان ن يف حالة تفويض العمل لمستوى اقل االرتباك بيكون اقل و االنسجام بيكون متوفر فالتحكم‬
‫الواسع بيكون افضل‬
 Degree of decentralization: where decentralization is done in very effective way which results
in direct and personal communication between superiors and sub- ordinates, the wide span
again helps.
‫التابعي فالتحكم‬ ‫درجة الالمركزية و معناها ان لما بيكون نف ال مركزية فالنتائج بتكون تواصل شخص و مباش ن‬
‫بي المدير و‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫الواسع بيكون افضل‬
Specialization: determining who will do what ‫مي هيعمل ايه‬ ‫التخصص معناه ان ن‬
Departmentalization: determining how people performing certain tasks can best be grouped
together. Process of grouping jobs into logical units
‫ه اننا بنجمع الوظائف المتقاربة ن يف وحدة واحدة‬
‫ و ي‬.‫الىل هيقوموا بمهمات معينة هيتجمعوا مع بعض‬
‫التقسيم معناه تحديد ازاي الناس ي‬
Departmentalization by Type
 Functional: Grouping jobs by functions performed. Dividing an organization according to
groups’ functions or activities. .‫الىل بتقوم بنفس العمل مع بعض‬ ‫ه اننا بنجمع الوظائف ي‬
‫التقسيم بالوظيفة و ي‬
o Advantages: ‫ممباته‬ ‫ن‬
 Efficiencies from putting together similar specialties and people with common skills,
knowledge, and orientations ‫الىل ليها مهارات و تعليم و اتجاه واحد‬ ‫بنحط التخصصات مع بعض و الناس ي‬
 Coordination within functional areas ‫بي االقسام‬ ‫التنسيق ن‬
 In-depth specialization ‫عاىل‬ ‫تخصص ي‬
o Disadvantages ‫العيوب‬
 Poor communication across functional areas ‫بي االقسام‬ ‫ضعف التواصل ن‬
 Limited view of organizational goals ‫نظرية محدودة الهداف الشكة‬
 Geographical: Grouping jobs on the basis of geography. Dividing an organization according to
the areas of the country or the world served by a business.
.‫اف ليهم‬‫ن‬ ‫ن‬
‫اف و دا معناه اننا بنجمع الوظائف طبقا للتوزي ع الجغر ي‬
‫التقسيم الجغر ي‬
o Advantages: ‫ممباته‬ ‫ن‬
 More effective and efficient handling of specific regional issues that arise.
‫معي‬ ‫الىل بتظهر ن يف مكان‬ ‫ن‬
‫فعال و فيه كفاءه يف التعامل مع المشاكل ي‬
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 Serve needs of unique geographic markets better
‫بيخدم احتياجات منطقة جغرافية محدده افضل‬
o Disadvantages ‫عيوبه‬
 Duplication of functions ‫ازدواجية الوظائف‬
 Can feel isolated from other organizational areas ‫باف مناطق المؤسسة‬ ‫ى‬
‫الشعور بالعزلة عن ي‬
 Product: Grouping jobs by product line. dividing an organization according to specific
products or services being created. ‫بنقسم الوظائف طبقا لخط االنتاج‬
o Advantages: ‫ممباته‬
 Allows specialization in particular products and services ‫التخصص ن يف منتج او خدمه معينه‬
 Managers can become experts in their industry ‫خبة ن يف صناعه محدده‬ ‫المديرين بيكونوا ر‬
 Closer to customers ‫بيكونوا اقرب للعمالء‬
o Disadvantages ‫عيوبه‬
 Duplication of functions ‫ازدواجيه ن يف الوظائف‬
 Limited view of organizational goals ‫نظرة محدودة عن اهداف المؤسسة‬
 Process: Grouping jobs on the basis of product. dividing an organization according to
production processes used to create a good or service ‫تقسيم الوظائف طبقا لمرحلة العمل‬
o Advantages: ‫ممباته‬ ‫ن‬
 More efficient flow of work activities ‫تنظيم مراحل المعمل بصورة اكفأ‬
o Disadvantages ‫عيوبه‬
 Can only be used with certain types of products ‫مينفعش غب مع صناعات معينة‬
 Customer: Grouping jobs by type of customer and needs. dividing an organization to offer
products and meet needs for customer groups. ‫تقسيم الوظائف بناءا عىل التعامل مع العميل‬
o Advantages: ‫ممباته‬ ‫ن‬
 Customers’ needs and problems can be met by specialists ‫تلب اشع‬ ‫مشاكل و احتياجات العمالء ر‬
o Disadvantages ‫عيوبه‬
 Duplication of functions ‫ازدواجيه الوظائف‬
 Limited view of organizational goals ‫نظرة محدودة عن اهداف المؤسسة‬
Chain of Command: The continuous line of authority that extends from upper levels of an
organization to the lowest levels of the organization and clarifies who reports to whom.
‫مي بيدي تقرير ن‬
‫لمي‬ ‫سلسلة االوامر و دا خط السلطة الىل بيمتد من المستوى االعىل اىل المستوى االسفل من المؤسسة و بيوضح ن‬
Authority: The rights inherent in a managerial position to tell people what to do and to expect
them to do it. ‫معي و بتعرف الناس يعملوا ايه و ايه متوقع منهم‬ ‫ه حقوق مالزمة لمنصب‬
‫السلطة و ي‬
Responsibility: The obligation or expectation to perform. ‫المسئولية االلزام و التوقعات المطلوب عملها‬
Unity of Command: The concept that a person should have one boss and should report only to
that person. ‫وحدة القيادة و دا مبدأ ان الشخص الزم يكون ليه مدير واحد و الزم يديله تقرير‬
Centralization: The degree to which decision making is concentrated at upper levels in the
organization. Organizations in which top managers make all the decisions and lower-level
employees simply carry out those orders.
‫ المؤسسات ي‬.‫المركزية و دي درجة ان اتخاذ القرارات مركزة عند المستويات العليا يف المؤسسة‬
‫الىل فيها االدارة العليا بتاخد كل‬
‫القرارات و المستويات السفىل بتنفذ االوامر فقط‬
More Centralization:
 Environment is stable. ‫بيئة مستقره‬

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 Lower-level managers are not as capable or experienced at making decisions as upper-level
managers. ‫الخبة التخاذ القرار مثل المستويات العليا‬ ‫المستويات السفىل ليس لديهم القدرة او ر‬
 Lower-level managers do not want to have a say in decisions.
‫المستويات السفىل ال يريدوا المشاركة ن يف القرارات‬
 Decisions are relatively minor. ‫القرارات غالبا ثانوية‬
 Organization is facing a crisis or the risk of company failure. ‫المؤسسة بتواجه كوارث و غالبا بتفشل‬
Decentralization: Organizations in which decision making is pushed down to the managers who
are closest to the action. ‫الالمركزية و دي مؤسسات فيها القرارات تدفع لالسفل للمديرين االقرب للتنفيذ‬
Employee Empowerment: Increasing the decision-making authority (power) of employees.
‫الموظفي‬ ‫ن‬
‫تمكي الموظف و دا معناه زيادة سلطة اتخاذ القرار عند‬
More Decentralization:
 Environment is complex, uncertain. ‫بيئة عمل معقده‬
 Lower-level managers are capable and experienced at making decisions.
‫الخبة عىل اتخاذ القرار‬
‫مديرين المستويات السفىل لديهم القدرة و ر‬
 Lower-level managers want a voice in decisions. ‫مديرين المستويات السفىل لديهم رأي ن يف القرارات‬
 Decisions are significant. ‫القرارات غالبا تكون هامة‬
 Corporate culture is open to allowing managers to have a say in what happens.
‫ثقافة العمل مفتوحة للسماح للمديرين ابداء رايهم فيما يحدث‬
 Company is geographically dispersed. ‫المؤسسة متنوعة جغرافيا‬
Advantages of Decentralization
 Develops employee capabilities ‫الموظفي‬ ‫ن‬ ‫بتطور من قدرات‬
 Faster decision making ‫اتخاذ القرارات اشع‬
 More satisfied employees and customers ‫اكب‬‫اضيي ى‬
‫ن‬ ‫ن‬
‫موظفي و عمالء ر‬
 Better employee performance ‫اداء موظف افضل‬

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MCQ (Ch.4)
1. ………………….. is defined as a perceptive process through which an institute or institution can learn about
the current situation and its potential future
a. Strategic planning
b. Planning
c. Tactical planning
d. Operational planning
2. ………….. is the primary purpose for which the institution exists, and which it seeks to achieve
a. Mission
b. Objectives
c. Vision
d. Strategy
3. …........ is the aspirations of the institution that cannot be achieved in light of the available capabilities
a. Vision
b. Mission
c. Objectives
d. Strategy
4. …………………… are the sites or situations that the organization wants to reach in the future
a. Objectives
b. Vision
c. Mission
d. Strategy
5. …………………… usually come within the limits of the task, and translate them in a more detailed and
specific manner in words and numbers without linking them to a specific time range
a. Objectives
b. Vision
c. Mission
d. Strategy
6. ………………….. is a word used in military life, and its connotations developed until it came to mean the art
of military leadership in the face of difficult circumstances
a. Objectives
b. Vision
c. Mission
d. Strategy
7. …………………. certain or specific points - in time and achievement - along the course of achieving the
goals sought by the institution.
a. Programs
b. Goals
c. Targets
d. Both (C) and (D)
8. ……………… formulation in most cases comes in a quantitative manner
a. Objectives
b. Programs
c. Projects
d. Targets
9. ……………… s a set of activities that have been selected, organized, formulated or designed in groups
a. Programs
b. Projects
c. Targets
d. Both (A) and (B)

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10. each of …………. serves a goal or an interrelated number of goals on the one hand, and specific resources
are identified for its implementation on the other hand
a. Targets
b. Objectives
c. Resources
d. Programs
11. ………………. is the driving force of programs or projects on the course of the institution or its way of
working in order to achieve its goals, purpose and mission
a. Targets
b. Objectives
c. Resources
d. Programs
12. The strategic planning process revolves around the ………………………
a. Targets
b. Resources
c. Objectives
d. Programs
13. The ………….. process is an integrated system with its inputs, processes and outputs.
a. Planning
b. Tactical planning
c. Strategic planning
d. Operational planning
14. ………………. are the planning requirements, whether they are physical, human or informational
a. Operations
b. Output
c. Input
d. None of them
15. ………………… include all the activities of compilation, analysis, interpretation and determining the
relationships and trends of the variables
a. Output
b. Input
c. Operations
d. None of them
16. ……………………. are the objectives, policies, plans, programs and standards that are identified and
a. Input
b. Output
c. Operations
d. None of them
17. There is a mutual effect between the planning process and the characteristics of the …………
a. Government
b. Environment
c. Effectiveness
d. Efficiency
18. There is a dependence of the planning process on the ……………..
a. Information technology
b. Information system
c. Information quality
d. None of them
19. It is easy to fall back on strategic planning results
a. True
b. False

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20. Strategic planning helps managers set ……………… to deal with the major issue facing the department or
a. Activities
b. Priorities
c. Actions
d. Plans
21. Strategic planning Provides a better way to allocate …………….
a. Resources
b. Tasks
c. Responsibilities
d. Authority
22. Preparation for planning is the ………………. Stage of strategic planning
a. First
b. Second
c. Third
d. Fourth
23. Defining and selecting a work plan and strategy is the ………………. Stage of strategic planning
a. Third
b. Fourth
c. Fifth
d. Last
24. The sixth stage of strategic planning is …………………
a. Defining the organization's vision, mission and future goals
b. Compilation and unification of action plans.
c. Assessing institutional performance
d. Implementation of the plan
25. The last stage of strategic planning is …………………
a. Implementation of the plan
b. defining and selecting a work plan and strategy
c. Follow up the implementation and evaluate the progress
d. preparation for planning

# Ans. # Ans. # Ans. # Ans. # Ans.

1 A 6 D 11 C 16 B 21 A
2 A 7 D 12 C 17 B 22 A
3 A 8 D 13 C 18 B 23 B
4 A 9 D 14 C 19 B 24 B
5 A 10 D 15 C 20 B 25 C

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MCQ (Ch.5)
1. ……………… the function of management that involves developing an organizational structure and
allocating human resources to ensure the accomplishment of objectives.
a. Organizing
b. Leading
c. Controlling
d. Planning
2. Organizing involves developing an organizational structure and allocating human resources to ensure
the accomplishment of ……………………
a. Plans
b. Objectives
c. Vision
d. Mission
3. …………………. Is the formal arrangement of jobs within an organization
a. Organizational control
b. Organizational aspects
c. Organizational structure
d. Organizational culture
4. Organizational Structure determines
a. Authority
b. Responsibility
c. decision making
d. all of the above
5. Organizational Design process involving decisions about ……………. Factors
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
6. …………………… means that the work is divided into units and departments.
a. Well defined jobs
b. Clarifying authority
c. Specialization
d. Co-ordination
7. ………………. Is The degree to which tasks in the organization are divided into separate jobs with each step
completed by a different person
a. Work performance
b. Work Specialization
c. Work standards
d. Work doing
8. ……………………. Organization is a structure of well-defined jobs each bears a measure of authority and
a. Formal
b. Informal
c. Legal
d. Illegal
9. In ……………………. Organization, Each person is responsible for his performance.
a. Formal
b. Informal
c. Legal
d. Illegal
10. Formal organization can work independently.
a. False
b. True

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11. …………………….. organization is A network of personal and social relationships.
a. Formal
b. Legal
c. Informal
d. Illegal
12. ………………….. organization enhance relationships which are built on feelings, likes, dislikes, and
a. Formal
b. Legal
c. Illegal
d. Informal
13. …………………… organization is not based on any rules and regulations
a. Formal
b. Legal
c. Illegal
d. Informal
14. Formal organization depends totally upon the informal organization.
a. May be true or false
b. True
c. False
15. ……………………… is a span of supervision which depicts the number of employees that can be handled and
controlled effectively by a single manager.
a. Span of authority
b. Span of control
c. Span of life
d. Span of structure
16. …………….. span of control is one in which a manager can supervise a large group of persons at one time.
a. Wide
b. Tight
c. Narrow
d. Close
17. Which of the following is an aspect of Wide span of control
a. Better co-ordination
b. Communication gaps can emerge
c. Work which requires tight control and supervision
d. Co-ordination is difficult to be accomplished
18. …………. span of control is one in which a manager can supervise a small group of persons at one time.
a. Wide
b. Narrow
c. Tight
d. Close
19. There are ……………… Factors impacting on span of control
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
20. Which of the following is not factor impacting on span of control
a. Competence of subordinates
b. Nature of work
c. Delegation of authority
d. Degree of centralization

21. ………………………. Is determining who will do what

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a. Departmentalization
b. Centralization
c. Decentralization
d. Specialization
22. ……………………… is determining how people performing certain tasks can best be grouped together.
a. Decentralization
b. Centralization
c. Departmentalization
d. Specialization
23. Coordination within functional areas is an advantage of ……………. Departmentalization
a. Geographical
b. Functional
c. Product
d. Process
24. ……………………… Departmentalization is Grouping jobs on the basis of product
a. Process
b. Product
c. Customer
d. Functional
25. ……………………….. Departmentalization is dividing an organization according to production processes
used to create a good or service
a. Process
b. Product
c. Customer
d. Functional
26. Closer to customers is an advantage of ……………….. Departmentalization
a. Process
b. Product
c. Geographical
d. Customer
27. …………………… Departmentalization dividing an organization to offer products and meet needs for
customer groups
a. Product
b. Process
c. Customer
d. Geographical
28. Duplication of functions is a disadvantage of …………………….. Departmentalization
a. Geographical
b. Product
c. Customer
d. All of them
29. …………………… is The continuous line of authority that extends from upper levels of an organization to the
lowest levels of the organization and clarifies who reports to whom
a. Authority
b. Responsibility
c. Unity of Command
d. Chain of Command
30. ……………. Is The rights inherent in a managerial position to tell people what to do and to expect them to
do it
a. Responsibility
b. Unity of Command
c. Authority
d. Chain of Command
31. …………….. is The obligation or expectation to perform

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a. Unity of Command
b. Responsibility
c. Authority
d. Chain of Command
32. ………………….. is The concept that a person should have one boss and should report only to that person
a. Unity of Command
b. Responsibility
c. Authority
d. Chain of Command
33. ……………….. is The degree to which decision making is concentrated at upper levels in the organization.
a. Centralization
b. Departmentalization
c. Decentralization
d. Specialization
34. ………………………. In where Organizations in which top managers make all the decisions and lower-level
employees simply carry out those orders
a. Departmentalization
b. Centralization
c. Decentralization
d. Specialization
35. ……………………. In where Organizations in which decision making is pushed down to the managers who
are closest to the action
a. Departmentalization
b. Centralization
c. Decentralization
d. Specialization
36. ………………………. Is Increasing the decision-making authority (power) of employees.
a. Employee enhancement
b. Employee engagement
c. Employee involvement
d. Employee Empowerment

# Ans. # Ans. # Ans. # Ans. # Ans. # Ans.

1 A 7 B 13 D 19 C 25 A 31 B
2 B 8 A 14 C 20 D 26 B 32 A
3 C 9 A 15 B 21 D 27 C 33 A
4 D 10 B 16 A 22 C 28 D 34 B
5 D 11 C 17 A 23 B 29 D 35 C
6 C 12 D 18 B 24 A 30 C 36 D

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