FINAL EXAM - Revisión Del Intento

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Encarnacion Cifuentes Badillo


Comenzado el viernes, 27 de mayo de 2022, 17:00

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en viernes, 27 de mayo de 2022, 17:45
Tiempo empleado 45 minutos 2 segundos
Calificación 3,90 de 5,00 (78%)

Pregunta 1
Answer the exercises 1 to 6 according to the example.
Se puntúa 0,55
sobre 0,55  

  A.    At the zoo.

 PLEASE DO NOT FEED B.   In a library.


C.   In the school.

 Answer: A       

Look at the following announcements from 1 to 6 and select the place where you can
find the information. 
In a clothing store
 Get an extra 20% off in
your next purchase. In a theater
In a sports club


 Check for planned line At the subway
closures and service
changes. At the park
At a school
  In a hospital

Be careful, x-ray area In a restaurant
In a service area

  At the library
At a book shop.
Silence is appreciated
At a café
 Explore shows and
At a theater
tickets calendar
At the gym
Get leaflets here
At the stadium

Visit us today In a butchery

Special menu and live In a café
In a disco

Pregunta 2  PART 2

Se puntúa 0,46
sobre 0,55 Read the information 1 - 6 and select the letter A to H that expresses the same idea.  


0.  It is a vehicle with a driver that you pay to take

you somewhere.       

A. Airplane

1. It is a long vehicle made up of a line of wagons
pulled by an engine along a railway. B. Bicycle


2. It is a two-wheeled vehicle with an engine

designed for different purposes: racing, long- C. Ferry
distance, sport, etc.


3. It is a vehicle that flies through the air and

carries passengers. D.Motorcycle 


4. It is a vehicle to transport students from or to

schools.  E. School bus



5.It is a vehicle with sails in which people travel on F. Taxi



6. It is a vehicle used in farming to pull another

piece of machinery.  G. Tractor 


H. Train

Pregunta 3 PART 3

Se puntúa 0,46
sobre 0,55 For questions 1 -6, choose the correct answer to complete the conversations.


A: What’s your house like?

B:  It’s small, but nice and lovely.


A: How many rooms are there in

your house?
B:  There are five rooms.


A: Would you like playing football? 

B:  Sounds good.


A: I don’t like this music.  

B:  Let's turn it off then.


A: How do you usually go to study?

B:  Normally, very well.


 A: Teacher, how long does the

exam take?
B:  About one hour.


Pregunta 4 PART 4

Se puntúa 0,81
sobre 0,90 Read the following information and choose the best word to complete the text.   


I think transporting these days is very different from what it used to (1) happen ten

years ago. I remember when I (2) was a child I lived in a town where people (3)

to places without difficulties. There wasn't danger outside because everyone
was friendly and patient.
I have a nice memory of my hometown. There was a boy who was a friend of mine, his name
was Peter. Once he (4) was wearing red shorts and a white t-shirt. We were (5)

outside, when we saw many people riding (6) riding on big horses. We

wanted to follow them, and as we (7) didn’t have a horse to ride on, so we took our (8)

to follow them.

The other way to transport fast in the past was the  (9) train but we were very far
from the principal station. While following the people we had nice experiences on the road
and by the end of the (10) journey
we remembered our mothers said to go back before
sunset. At that moment we realized we got our t-shirts totally brown because of the dust. I
think we could never forget that day, in the present we don’t use our bikes anymore.

Uniminuto UVD (2020). Diseño de exámenes Uniminuto Virtual y a Distancia: Área de Inglés virtual.

Pregunta 5

Se puntúa 0,71
sobre 0,80 Read the text and answer the questions.


Luisa is twenty years old.  She is a student at “Minuto de Dios” University.  She is pretty,
friendly, and funny but she is a little lazy and messy.  She is good at arts, but she isn’t good at
languages. Norma is Luisa’s older sister. 
She is twenty-nine years old.  She is divorced and
lives in Bogota.  She is a Spanish teacher, she is good at languages, loves animals, she is a
vegetarian and she is different from Luisa, she is serious.  They aren’t good friends,
mother, Leonor, is sorry about that.  David is Luisa’s younger brother, he is in high school, he is
fifteen years old.  He is a good soccer player, and he is good on his school team. But he is
messy, a little lazy about schoolwork,
and he has a bad temper. 
These days David and his father disagree a lot because David is always on the phone and
David’s radio is always loud.  His clothes are very modern, and his hairstyle is always strange.
Pablo is Norma, Luisa, and David’s father.  He is fifty
years old.  He lives in Chia with his wife
and his son, he is a banker and he is serious. Leonor is Pablo’s wife.  She is Norma, Luisa, and
David’s mother.  She is forty-nine years old.  She is a psychologist, she is a terrible
cook, and
her home is always messy but she is sociable and has a lot of friends, she is intelligent and
friendly and she is very proud of her family, they love each other and live a happy life.
Uniminuto UVD (2020). Diseño de exámenes Uniminuto y a Distancia.

According to the text answer the questions with one of the options.

1. What is Luisa’s sister like?

She is funny.

She likes animals.

She is serious.

2. Who does Pablo live with?              

He lives in Chia with Leonor.

He lives with his wife and son.

He lives with his daughters.

3. What is Leonor’s personality?        

She is bad temper but friendly.

She is sociable and intelligent.

She is a serious psychologist.

4. Why do Pablo and David disagree?

Because the phone is always on.

Because David is lazy and bad temper.

Because David listens to loud music.

5.  What is David good at?

He's good at schoolwork.

He’s good at sports.

He’s good at music and arts.


6. What's Luisa like? 

She is intelligent and friendly.

She loves and is good at arts.

She is friendly but messy.

7. What is a similar negative characteristic in this family?

They are good at arts.

They are bad-tempered.

They are messy.

8. Where does Norma live? 

She lives in Bogota.

She lives in Chia.

She lives with her family.

9. Why is Norma similar to her father? 

Because they are friendly.

Because they have a similar occupation.

Because they are serious.

Pregunta 6 PART 6

Se puntúa 0,37
sobre 0,55 Read the text and questions below.


These two babies were distantly related to each other, seven cousins, or something like that.
When they were very young, their parents died and they were adopted by the Brants, a couple
without children, who quickly fell in love with them. The Brants
were always saying: “Be pure,
honest, considerate of others, and success in life is assured”. The children heard this
repeated some thousands of times before they understood it and was the first thing they
learned to read.
Baby Edward was really nice. When he wanted candy and he could not have it, he listened to
reason and contented himself without it. When baby George wanted candy, he cried for it until
he got it. Baby Edward took care of his toys; Baby George always destroyed
his very fast and
then made himself so disagreeable that, in order to have peace in the house, little Edward was
influenced by his parents to give his playthings to him.
When the children were a little older, George became a heavy experience: he took no care of
his clothes which was not the case with Eddie. The boys grew quickly. Eddie was an
increasing comfort, George an increasing worry. And as a result, nobody got
more swimming,
skating, or enjoying out. The good Brants did not allow the boys to play outside after nine on
summer evenings as they were sent to bed early.
Something that seemed impossible with George, they managed to control the situation and
make him understand different situations thanks to marbles and apples as an incentive
therapy process. Finally, the Grants now say with grateful tears in their eyes
the therapy was
worth it.
Uniminuto UVD (2020). Diseño de exámenes UNIMINUTO Virtual y a Distancia: Área de Inglés Virtual.

For each question, choose the best option.1. 

1.Before being adopted, baby George and baby Edward were:





2. What did the Brants want to teach the children?

  To be good friends.

  To keep their toys.

  Moral values.
  How to read.

3. Why did little Edward donate his toys?

  Because his parents didn't have others.

  Because his brother was always irritable.

  Because he didn't like his own toys.

  Because his brother didn't have toys.

4. Why did Edward and George go to bed early on summer nights?

  Because they loved playing inside.

  Because George was a difficult boy.

  Because they woke up early in summer.

  Because George didn't want to play out.

5. According to the reading, George only listened to his parents when...

  they offered something as a reward.

  they took him to a professional therapist.

  they were frustrated and tired during therapy.

  they talked to him with tears in their eyes.

6. How did the parents feel about the therapy?





Pregunta 7 PART 7

Se puntúa 0,55
sobre 1,10 Complete the following paragraph with the correct answer. Choose the best option.

Black Hollywood

Black Hollywood - A Movie Review Patricia Denning stars in a sad movie about ambition and
heartbreak. When Cecilia leaves college in Texas, she (1) has everything: a wonderful

boyfriend, Carl, an interesting job and (2) the expensive house in a pretty town. (3)

your life is perfect. Even her black Labrador dog, Perky, is a star: he (4) wins the
local dog competition and Hollywood wants to put him in a movie. Cecilia goes to Hollywood
with him and leaves her boyfriend alone back home. When the studio fires Perky, Cecilia
decides to stay in Hollywood and tries to (5) get other movie roles for her beautiful

dog. Carl gives Cecilia an (6) message : “come home and stop behaving crazily, or

stay there forever.” Cecilia decides to stay in Hollywood and wants to (7) become an

actress herself. She sends Perky back to Texas and starts an (8) act course. After

six months, Cecilia realizes she (9) can’t act and she misses home, but it's too late. Carl
has found another girlfriend. Cecilia tries to win him back, and also discovers a lot about
herself on her long journey. (10) that is a very sad movie, which makes you think

about what we want from (11) live . Patricia Denning is very convincing as Cecilia, but
the star of the movie is gorgeous Perky, the black Labrador who steals our hearts. Black
Hollywood is in cinemas (12) from next week.

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