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TENDER ENQUIRY NO. 11.51. Q7P1/ Q7P2/ Civil Works 1/ 009R dated 20.11.2021


Bidder's Name & Address

Bidder's Offer No. & Date

Amount in Indian Rupees



Note: (i) Existing Ground level / TL shall be recorded jointly before starting of excavation. All surveying equipment (Total Station) shall be managed by
contractor at his own cost.
(ii) Carriage / Transport of unserviceable/ surplus earth/ excavated materials/ building rubbish/ debris/ dismantled or waste material etc. to the designated dumping
area will be measured and paid for separately under relevant item No. EW-10 below.
(iii) Sufficient quantity of excavated serviceable soil shall be stacked at site for filling in trenches, plinth, sides of foundation / raft etc., to operate item No. EW-8.
(iv) In case of open footings/Rafts/ Pile caps up to the depth of 1.5 metres, alround excavation of 30 cm beyond the outer dimension of footing shall be measured
for payment to make allowances for centering and shuttering. Any additional excavation beyond this limit shall be at the risk and cost of the contractor and shall not
be measured for payment.
(v) In case of open footings/Rafts/ Pile caps at a depth of more than 1.5 metre, alround excavation of 75 cm shall be measured for payment to make allowance for
centering and shuttering. Additional excavation beyond this limit shall be at the risk and cost of the contractor and shall not be measured for payment.
(vi) The Unit base rates for all excavation are including the cost of dewatering (if required).
(vii) The Unit base rates for all excavation are including the cost of side slope protection, shoring, strutting, etc.
(viii) All the field test carried out at site shall be done in the presence of the EIC / designated representative, duly signed field test reports shall be enclosed along
with the RA bill in support of the claim raised against the relevant work item.

Clearing bushes including uprooting of rank vegetation, grass, brush wood, trees and saplings of girth up to 30 cm measured at a height of 1 m above ground level,
EW-1 removal and disposal of rubbish/ unserviceable material to the designated dumping area as directed by the Engineer-in-charge, complete as per specification. sqm 2500 9.24 23,100.00
Note: The Unit base rate is including loading, unloading and transportation of rubbish/ unserviceable material to dumping area.

Felling trees of the girth (measured at a height of 1 m above ground level), including cutting of trunks and branches, removing the roots and stacking of serviceable
EW-2 material and disposal of unserviceable material to the designated dumping area as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
Note: The Unit base rate is including loading, unloading and transportation of unserviceable material lead upto 2 KM.

a) Beyond 30 cm girth upto and including 60 cm girth each 30 287.66 8,629.80

b) Beyond 60 cm girth upto and including 120 cm girth each 10 1,296.12 12,961.20

c) Beyond 120 cm girth upto and including 240cm girth each 5 6,062.38 30,311.90

d) Above 240 cm girth each 5 12,681.93 63,409.65

Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator)/ manual means over areas (exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on
plan) including getting out the excavated earth and disposal of excavated earth lead upto 50 m, as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
Note: Required serviceable earth for back filling should be stacked to operate item no. EW-8.
The carriage of unserviceable/ surplus earth to designated dumping area shall be measured and paid for separately under item no. EW-10 below.

a) In all kind of soil/ loose boulder fill for

(i) Lift from 0 mtr upto 1.5 mtr. cum 39,000 133.93 52,23,270.00

(ii) Lift from 1.5 mtr upto 3.0 mtr. cum 20,000 200.51 40,10,200.00

(iii) Lift from 3.0 mtr upto 4.5 mtr. cum 3,200 267.09 8,54,688.00

Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator)/ manual means over areas (exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on
EW-4 plan) including getting out the excavated earth and disposal of excavated earth lead upto 50 m, as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
Note: The carriage of unserviceable earth/ rock to designated dumping area shall be measured and paid for separately under item no. EW-10 below.

a) In Ordinary rock for

(i) Lift from 0 mtr upto 1.5 mtr. cum 50 259.58 12,979.00

(ii) Lift from 1.5 mtr upto 3.0 mtr. cum 75 378.96 28,422.00

(iii) Lift from 3.0 mtr upto 4.5 mtr. cum 200 498.35 99,670.00

(iv) Lift from 4.5 mtr upto 6.0 mtr. cum 500 617.74 3,08,870.00

b) In Hard rock (blasting prohibited) for

(i) Lift from 0 mtr upto 1.5 mtr. cum 1000 748.42 7,48,420.00

(ii) Lift from 1.5 mtr upto 3.0 mtr. cum 800 867.82 6,94,256.00

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(iii) Lift from 3.0 mtr upto 4.5 mtr. cum 750 987.20 7,40,400.00

(iv) Lift from 4.5 mtr upto 6.0 mtr. cum 500 1,106.59 5,53,295.00

Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm
on plan), including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, including getting out the excavated earth and disposal of excavated earth within a lead of 50 m, as
EW-5 directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
Note: Required serviceable earth for back filling should be stacked to operate item no. EW-8.
The carriage of unserviceable/ surplus earth to designated dumping area shall be measured and paid for separately under item no. EW-10 below.

a) In all kinds of soil for

(i) Lift from 0 mtr upto 1.5 mtr. cum 400 185.81 74,324.00

(ii) Lift from 1.5 mtr upto 3.0 mtr. cum 50 252.40 12,620.00

Excavation of unserviceable/ excavated boulders/ debris/ steel scrap/ construction waste materials etc. using mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) upto any
depth or height, including disposal of excavated materials to designated dumping area upto a lead of 2 Km including loading, transporting, unloading, levelling,
etc., complete as per drawing, specification and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge.
EW-6 cum 850 130.17 1,10,644.50
(i) The Unit base rate is including excavation, loading, unloading and transport upto a lead of 2Km.
ii) The carriage of above excavated materials beyond 2Km lead shall be measured and paid for separately under item no. EW-10 below.

Excavating trenches of required width for pipes, cables, etc. including excavation for sockets, and dressing of sides, ramming of bottoms, depth upto 1.5 m,
including getting out the excavated soil, and then returning the soil as required, in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth, including consolidating each deposited
EW-7 layer by ramming, watering, etc. and disposing of surplus excavated soil within a lead of 50 m, as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
Note: Required serviceable earth should be stacked for back filling.
The carriage of unserviceable/ surplus earth to designated dumping area shall be measured and paid for separately under item no. EW-10 below.

a) In all kinds of soil for

(i) Pipes, cables etc., not exceeding 80 mm dia. metre 50 164.23 8,211.50

(ii) Pipes, cables etc. exceeding 80 mm dia. but not exceeding 300 mm metre 10 268.23 2,682.30

(iii) Pipes, cables etc. exceeding 300 mm dia but not exceeding 600 mm metre 10 418.77 4,187.70

Filling with available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations etc. including watering, proper consolidating with 10 T power roller
(wherever 10 T power roller cannot be operated the consolidation shall be done using 1T vibro roller or heavy duty powered earth rammer) in layers not exceeding
20cm depth as per instructions of the Engineer-in-Charge (Degree of consolidation 95% proctor density).
EW-8 Note:
(i) The Unit base rate is including excavation, loading, unloading and transport of stacked earth.
(ii) The Unit base rate is including the cost for carrying out all the field tests as per relevant IS code. The field test shall be carried out for each layer as per direction
of Engineer incharge.

a) For all depths cum 22,000 164.94 36,28,680.00

Earthwork in filling (borrow pit & earth for filling will be made available by client free of cost ) in all kinds of soil with approved earth from borrow pits
located in inside or outside the Plant boundary including excavation, loading, transporting up to a lead of 5Km, unloading, depositing, breaking clods, laying of
each layers not exceeding 200mm thick, watering and compacting using vibratory rollers to achieve a minimum field dry density of 95% modified proctor density
for cohesive & semi-cohesive soil or 70% relative density for cohesion less soil with all bye works complete as per drawing, specification and instruction of the
EW-9 (i) Earth for filling shall be made available free of cost to Contractor by Client. cum 30,000 213.95 64,18,500.00
(ii) The Unit base rate is including the cost for carrying out all the field tests as per relevant IS / IRC code. The field test shall be carried out for each layer as per
direction of Engineer incharge.
(iii) Only compacted volume shall be measured for payment.
(iv) Existing Ground level shall be recorded jointly before starting of filling work. All surveying equipment (Total Station / Theodolite) shall be managed by
contractor at his own cost.
(v) Excess lead distance over and above of the specified lead distance of 5 Km shall be measured and paid for separately under item no. EW-10 below.

Lead towards carriage of earth/ unserviceable earth/ surplus earth/ excavated material/ steel scrap material/ dismantled or construction waste material by
mechanical transport including loading, transporting, unloading, spreading and levelling in layers, as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge.
EW-10 (i) Lead shall be measured per cum per km distance.
(ii) All distances shall be measured over the shortest practical route and not necessarily the route actually taken. Route other than shortest practical route may be
considered in cases of unavoidable circumstances and as approved by Engineer-in-Charge along with reasons in writing.
(iii) The distance shall be measured for One way travel.

a) Lead for 1 km distance cum 500 12.77 6,385.00

SUB - TOTAL FOR EARTH WORK 2,36,79,117.55


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Casting of Bored cast-in-situ reinforced cement concrete piles with Design Mix concrete (M-30) using Ordinary Portland Cement (excluding cost towards
supply of cement) with minimum cement content per Cum of concrete to be not less than 400 kg using 20mm and down graded crushed granite aggregates
including charges for boring/ drilling in filled up Boulders/ steel scrap/ construction waste material up to the designed depth, in all types of soil by
percussion drilling using Bailer and Chisel technique by tripod and Mechanical Winch Machine all complete, including removal of excavated earth with
all its lifts and leads, chiselling in refusal strata / rock for a minimum depth of embedment as specified in the drawing, collecting, conveying and disposing muck of
all types such as bentonite fluids and soil at places out side the site irrespective of any lead. The job include providing Steel casing pipe if required, Bentonite slurry
mixing plant and circulation plant, filling of bore hole with bentonite, hire and installation charges for all other tools and plants, pumps, including cost of
mobilisation, flushing and cleaning of the bore hole as per specification, any other incidentals required for completing the piling such as chipping upto cut-off level,
cost of empty boring from FGL /TL to cut off level of pile, shifting piling rigs from one location to other location etc. in all respects as per drawing and
(i) This Item to be operated and the described method of piling shall be adopted at site, only as per the site requirement and as per the directions of Engineer-in-
(ii) The Unit base rate is including mandatory casting of piles above cut-off level as per IS: 2911(Part I/Sec-2), clause 7.8 and excavation, dewatering &
dismantling of the same upto cut off level.
(iii) Placing in position the reinforcement steel shall be paid under item RC-3 as per drawing.
(iv) Pile length shall be measured for payment upto cut-off level.
(v) The Unit base rate is including for providing steel casing of required depth and any other bye works for successful casting of piling works.
(vi) The Unit base rate is including for carrying out required SPT test at the termination point.
(vii) The Unit base rate is including for drilling in all type of soil, soft / hard rock, boulder layers (of any thickness), metal scrap, construction waste material, etc.
(viii) Unit base rate is excluding the cost of cement
(ix) Supply of cement shall be paid under item no SM-1
(x) Unit base rate is excluding the cost of reinforcement steel
(xi) Supply of reinforcement steel shall be paid under item no SM-2

a) 500 mm dia piles metre 900 1,524.44 13,71,996.00

b) 600 mm dia piles metre 500 1,690.70 8,45,350.00

Casting of Bored cast-in-situ reinforced cement concrete piles with Design Mix concrete (M-30) using Ordinary Portland cement (excluding the cost towards
supply of cement) with minimum cement content per Cum of concrete to be not less than 400 kg) using 20mm and down graded crushed granite aggregates
including charges for boring which requires chiselling in refusal strata / rock for a minimum depth of embedment as specified in the drawing, collecting, conveying
and disposing muck of all types such as bentonite fluids and soil at places out side the site irrespective of any lead. The job include providing Steel casing pipe if
required, Bentonite slurry mixing plant and circulation plant, filling of bore hole with bentonite, hire and installation charges for all other tools and plants, pumps,
hydraulic rigs, including cost of mobilisation, flushing and cleaning of the bore hole as per specification, any other incidentals required for completing the piling
such as chipping upto cut-off level, cost of empty boring from FGL /TL to cut off level of pile, shifting piling rigs from one location to other location etc. in all
respects as per drawing and specification.
(i) Truck Mounted rotary/TMR/Tube well boring machine shall not be used.
PL-2 (ii) The Unit base rate is including mandatory casting of piles above cut-off level as per IS: 2911(Part I/Sec-2), clause 7.8 and excavation, dewatering &
dismantling of the same upto cut off level.
(iii) Placing in position the reinforcement steel shall be paid under item RC-3 as per drawing.
(iv) Pile length shall be measured for payment upto cut-off level.
(v) The Unit base rate is including for providing steel casing of required depth and any other bye works for successful casting of piling works.
(vi) The Unit base rate is including for carrying out required SPT test at the termination point.
(vii) The Unit base rate is including for drilling in all type of soil, soft / hard rock, etc.
(viii) Unit base rate is excluding the cost of cement.
(ix) Supply of cement shall be paid under item no SM-1.
(x) Unit base rate is excluding the cost of reinforcement steel.
(xi) Supply of reinforcement steel shall be paid under item no SM-2.

a) 500 mm dia piles metre 6000 2,524.49 1,51,46,940.00

b) 600 mm dia piles metre 3000 2,658.86 79,76,580.00

Conducting initial vertical load test (compression) on trial pile as per IS: 2911 (Part- 4)-2013 & IS: 14593- 1998, in conjunction with the specification, at cut-
off level of the following diameter and capacity including breaking and chipping the concrete on pile top and cutting / exposing and cleaning reinforcement,
finishing and making pile heads to correct level, all other enabling works including earth work that may be required, providing, fixing and levelling, M.S. Bearing
plates in position, placement of kentledge of adequate capacity and approved arrangement, fixing of hydraulic jack, datum bars, pressure and dial gauges or any
other equipment needed for the job and removal of test set up on completion of the load test, all materials, equipment, instruments and labour complete including
PL-3 submission of test report with all field records of measurements complete as specified and directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
(i) Providing and installing of pile will be measured and paid separately under relevant item.
(ii) The Initial Load Test shall not be carried out by Dynamic method of testing.
(iii) Testing agency shall submit the design of loading platform for the approval of Engineer-in-charge.
(iv) Test Load shall be 2.5 times the Safe capacity of pile.

a) Single pile upto 50MT safe vertical load carrying capacity

Initial Test (Test Load shall be 2.5 times the Safe capacity of pile) No 2 39,415.45 78,830.90

b) Single pile above 50MT and upto 125MT safe vertical load carrying capacity

Initial Test (Test Load shall be 2.5 times the Safe capacity of pile) No 2 55,427.98 1,10,855.96

Conducting initial lateral load test on trial pile as per IS: 2911 (Part 4)-2013 & IS:14593- 1998, in conjunction with the specification, at cut-off level of following
diameter and capacity including breaking and chipping the concrete on pile top and cutting / exposing and cleaning reinforcement, finishing and making pile heads
to correct level, all other enabling works including earth work that may be required, providing, fixing approved reaction system to the pile, fixing of hydraulic jack,
datum bars, pressure and dial gauges etc., and removal of test set up on completion of load test, all materials, equipment, instruments and labour complete
including submission of test report with all field records of measurements complete as specified and directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
(i) Providing and installing of pile will be measured and paid separately under relevant item.
(ii) Test Load shall be 2.5 times the Safe lateral capacity of pile.

a) Lateral load test of single pile capacity upto 5MT (Lateral) No 2 14,780.78 29,561.56

b) Lateral load test of single pile capacity above 5MT and upto 10 MT (Lateral) No 2 23,255.13 46,510.26

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Conducting initial pull-out tests on trial pile as per IS: 2911 (Part 4)-2013 & IS:14593-1998, in conjunction with the specification, at cut-off level of following
diameter and capacity including breaking and chipping the concrete on pile top and cutting / exposing and cleaning reinforcement, finishing and making pile heads
to correct level, all other enabling works including earth work that may be required, providing, fixing approved reaction system to the pile, fixing of hydraulic jack,
datum bars, pressure and dial gauges etc., and removal of test set up on completion of load test, all materials, equipment, instruments and labour complete
including submission of test report with all field records of measurements complete as specified and directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
(i) Providing and installing of pile will be measured and paid separately under relevant item.
(ii) Test Load shall be 2.5 times the Safe pull out capacity of pile.

a) Pull-out test of single pile capacity upto 50MT No 2 19,894.73 39,789.46

b) Pull-out test of single pile capacity above 50MT and upto 100 MT No 2 31,301.09 62,602.18

Conducting Routine vertical load test (compression) as per IS:2911 (Part-4)-2013 & IS:14593- 1998, in conjunction with the specification, on selected piles at
cut-off level of the following diameter and capacity including breaking and chipping the concrete on pile top and cutting / exposing and cleaning reinforcement,
finishing and making pile heads to correct level, all other enabling works including earth work that may be required, providing, fixing and levelling, M.S. Bearing
PL-6 plates in position, placement of kentledge of adequate capacity and approved arrangement, fixing of hydraulic jack, datum bars, pressure and dial gauges or any
other equipment needed for the job and removal of test set up on completion of the load test, all materials, equipment, instruments and labour complete including
submission of test report with all field records of measurements complete as specified and directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Note: Test Load shall be 1.5 times the Safe capacity of pile.

a) Single pile upto 50MT safe vertical load carrying capacity

Routine Test (Test Load shall be 1.5 times the Safe capacity of pile) No 5 14,780.78 73,903.90

b) Single pile above 50MT and upto 125MT safe vertical load carrying capacity

Routine Test (Test Load shall be 1.5 times the Safe capacity of pile) No 5 28,329.84 1,41,649.20

Integrity testing of Pile using Low Strain/ Sonic Integrity Test/ Sonic Echo Test method in accordance with IS: 14893 including surface preparation of pile top by
PL-7 removing soil, mud, dust & chipping lean concrete lumps etc. and use of computerised equipment and high skill trained personal for conducting the test & No 500 691.50 3,45,750.00
submission of results, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.



1) Ordinary Portland Cement shall be used for Plain Cement Concrete works.
2) Nowarangpur river sand shall be used for all PCC & RCC works
3) Unit base rate is excluding the cost of cement
4) Supply of cement shall be paid under item no SM-1

Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of specified grade (excluding the cost of centering and shuttering, excluding the cost of supply of
CC-1 Note:
(i) Unit base rate is excluding the cost of cement
(ii) Supply of cement shall be paid under item no SM-1

(i) M 10 grade- 1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 sand (zone-III) : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) cum 1,000 3,518.90 35,18,900.00

(ii) M 15 grade- 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 sand (zone-III) : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) cum 200 3,412.99 6,82,598.00



1) Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) shall be used for Reinforced concrete works.
2) Nowarangpur river sand shall be used for all Civil works
3) Unit base rate is excluding the cost of cement
4) Supply of cement shall be paid under item no SM-1

'Providing, Fixing and Stripping of Shuttering for all types of shapes using good quality plywood or steel plate on steel frame for all types of Structures not
covered in respective items including Centering / Scaffolding, all bye works complete as per Drawings, Specifications and directions of the Engineer.

a) For Structures below finished floor level sqm 22,900 209.79 48,04,191.00

b) For Structures above finished floor level sqm 9,800 491.15 48,13,270.00

Providing & erecting in position precast concrete elements for inspection chambers, cover slabs, trench covers, etc. upto a weight as mentioned below of specified
sizes and thickness using reinforced cement concrete of grade M-30 (using ordinary Portland cement) with 20 mm down graded coarse aggregates including
casting, vibrating, providing smooth finish, providing recessed type lifting arrangement, curing, storing, loading / unloading transporting, load testing etc.,
complete, including cost of reinforcement, including the cost of cement, all as per drawing, specification and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

a) Weight upto 300 kg cum 3 9,972.11 29,916.33

b) Weight above 300 kg upto 600 kg cum 1 11,509.53 11,509.53

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Placing in position Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending and binding all complete at all heights and levels. (excluding cost
of supply of reinforcement steel)
(i) Unit base rate is excluding the cost of reinforcement steel
(ii) Supply of reinforcement steel shall be paid under item no SM-2
(iii) Authorised laps, chairs, spacer bars shall be provided as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and measured separately and paid for in RC-3 & SM-2
(iv) Wastage and unauthorized overlaps shall not be paid for.

a) Thermo-Mechanically Treated (TMT) bars of grade Fe-500 tonne 1,260 13,809.31 1,73,99,730.60

b) Mild steel and Medium Tensile steel bars tonne 1 13,809.31 13,809.31

Providing and laying in position reinforced cement concrete work (excluding cost of supply of cement & reinforcement steel) of grade specified below, using
cement content as per approved design mix, manufactured in batching plant and transported to site of work in transit mixer for all leads, having continuous
agitated mixer, manufactured as per mix design of specified grade for reinforced cement concrete work, including pumping of concrete from transit mixer to site of
laying , excluding the cost of centering, shuttering finishing and reinforcement, including cost of admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to
accelerate/ retard setting of concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and durability as per direction of the Engineer -in - charge.
(i) Batching plant shall be established at site for this project.
(ii) Minimum cement content per Cum of concrete for M30 shall not be less than 340Kg)
(iii) Unit base rate is excluding the cost of cement
(iv) Supply of cement shall be paid under item no SM-1
(v) Unit base rate is excluding the cost of reinforcement steel
(vi) Supply of reinforcement steel shall be paid under item no SM-2

a) M-30 Grade Design Mix Concrete using ordinary Portland cement (20 mm down graded coarse aggregate.) cum 9,450 4,255.37 4,02,13,246.50

Providing & Grouting for under base plates of structural steel work/ machinery/ equipment/ pipe supporting structures, pipe sleeves, anchor holes etc., including
RC-5 roughening of surface, cleaning, ramming, tamping, curing, etc. all complete with Cement Concrete of the following Grades (including Shuttering wherever
necessary & excluding cost of supply of cement) at all levels and as per Drawings, Specifications and direction of the Engineer- in-Charge.

M-35 Grade Design Mix Concrete, using 10 mm down graded coarse aggregate.
(i) Cost of all material and cleaning of the pockets by compressed air shall be in the scope of the contractor.
a) cum 10 6,130.02 61,300.20
(ii) Minimum cement content per Cum of concrete for M35 shall not be less than 360 Kg)
(iii) Unit base rate is excluding the cost of cement
(iv) Supply of cement shall be paid under item no SM-1

Supplying & grouting for under base plates of structural steel work/ machinery/ equipment/ pipe supporting structures, pipe sleeves, anchor holes etc., including
roughening of surface, cleaning, ramming, tamping, curing, etc. all complete with Conbextra GP-2 or equivalent cement based non shrink compound of approved
RC-6 make including shuttering at all levels and as per drawings, specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge. cum 1 50,970.34 50,970.34
Cost of all material and cleaning of the pockets by compressed air shall be in the scope of the contractor.

Construction of Anchor holes or Anchor pockets of following Cross sections including necessary Shuttering and its removal, Cleaning and keeping it covered
till Erection of bolts etc., as per Specifications, Drawings and direction of the Engineer- in-Charge.

a) Cross section upto and equal to 200 sqcm. metre 15 147.30 2,209.50

b) Cross section more than 200 sqcm and upto 600 sqcm metre 25 220.95 5,523.75

c) Cross section more than 600 sqcm and upto 900 sqcm metre 28 294.60 8,248.80

d) Cross section more than 900 sqcm and upto 1200 sqcm metre 3 367.77 1,103.31

Providing and laying roof screed with M-20 grade concrete (using 12 mm down graded coarse aggregate) at all leads and lifts with wooden trowel finish and
RC-8 required slope including mixing of water proofing compound as per manufacturer's specification, curing etc., as per drawings and direction of Engineer-in-Charge. cum 195 6,809.47 13,27,846.65
Note: The payment for water proofing compound will be considered under relevant item.

Providing and fixing deck shuttering (formwork) in position with necessary centerings, bearings, proppings etc. for all types of shuttering for all plain and
reinforced cement concrete works including all chamfers, splays, fillets, keys, wedges, props, nails, bracings, brackets, cutting holes for passing embedments etc. all
RC-9 as per drawings, specifications and directions of the Engineer-in-charge, all materials, tools, plant and labour complete in all respect.
Note: For item no. (i), (ii) & iii) the contractor has to take prior approval from the Engineer-in-charge. The estimated rates for these are inclusive of all cost for
fixing the sheets above steel beam i.e. welding, fixing of stud/bolt etc.

i) Profile deck galvanised steel sheeting of thickness 0.8 mm at all heights Sqm 200 1,062.57 2,12,514.00

ii) Same as (i) above of thickness 1.0 mm Sqm 100 1,255.76 1,25,576.00

iii) Same as (i) above of thickness 1.2 mm Sqm 100 1,424.81 1,42,481.00



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Fabricating, Fixing at all levels and positions Steel embedments/ Inserts (excluding the cost for supply of Steel embedments/ Inserts) like Plates, chequered
plates, angle, Channels, Anchor boxes, Bolt with nuts and washers Bolt caps, MS pipe Sleeves including Threading etc., including two coats of approved
quality Synthetic enamel paint over a primer coat on the exposed Surfaces wherever necessary, all complete as per Drawings, Specifications and directions
ST-1 of the Engineer (Jigs, Templates and Fixtures will not be paid separately except for fixing Anchor boxes) tonne 48 29,662.39 14,23,794.72
(i) Unit base rate is excluding the cost of steel embedments / inserts
(ii) Supply of steel embedments / inserts shall be paid under item no SM-3



1) Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) shall be used for Reinforced concrete works.
2) Nowarangpur river sand shall be used for all Civil works

Brick work with non modular fly ash bricks conforming to IS:12894, class designation 10 average compressive strength in super structure above plinth level
(excluding cost of supply of cement)
MN-1 Note:
(i) Unit base rate is excluding the cost of cement for mortar joint.
(ii) Supply of cement for mortar joint shall be paid under item no SM-1

a) Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 sand) cum 1,000 5,400.06 54,00,060.00

Half brick masonry with non modular fly ash bricks of class designation 10, conforming to IS :12894, in super structure above plinth
(i) Unit base rate is excluding the cost of cement for mortar joint.
(ii) Supply of cement for mortar joint shall be paid under item no SM-1

a) Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 sand) sqm 15 745.92 11,188.80

Providing random rubble masonry as per IS:1597 (Part-1) with hard stone in cement mortar of any shape in foundations and drain at all depths and heights, curing,
etc.,complete with all byeworks as per specification and drawings upto plinth level with:
MN-3 Note:
(i) Unit base rate is excluding the cost of cement for mortar joint.
(ii) Supply of cement for mortar joint shall be paid under item no SM-1

a) Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 sand) cum 500 4,507.95 22,53,975.00



1) Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) shall be used for Reinforced concrete works.
2) Nowarangpur river sand shall be used for all Civil works
3) Unit base rate is excluding the cost of cement
4) Supply of cement shall be paid under item no SM-1

52 mm thick cement concrete flooring with concrete hardener topping, under layer 40 mm thick cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size) and top layer 12 mm thick cement hardener consisting of mix 1:2 (1 cement hardener mix : 2 graded stone aggregate 6 mm
FL-1 Sqm 3150 465.45 14,66,167.50
nominal size) by volume, hardening compound mixed @ 2 litre per 50 kg of cement or as per manufacturer's specifications. This includes cost of cement slurry,
but excluding the cost of nosing of steps etc. complete.

FL-2 Cement plaster skirting up to 30 cm height, with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand), finished with a floating coat of neat cement.

a) 18 mm thick Sqm 300 314.46 94,338.00

Kota stone slab flooring over 20 mm (average) thick base laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab,
including rubbing and polishing complete with base of cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) :

a) 25 mm thick Sqm 45 1,096.45 49,340.25

Kota stone slabs 20 mm thick in risers of steps, skirting, dado and pillars laid on 12 mm (average) thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and jointed
FL-4 Sqm 45 1,302.81 58,626.45
with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slabs, including rubbing and polishing complete.

Providing and laying Ceramic glazed floor tiles of size 300x300 mm

(thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) of 1st quality conforming to IS : 15622 of approved make in colours such as White, Ivory, Grey, Fume Red Brown,
FL-5 Sqm 12 637.42 7,649.04
laid on 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Coarse sand), Jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3 kg/sqm including pointing the joints with white
cement and matching pigment etc., complete.

Providing and fixing 1st quality ceramic glazed floor tiles conforming to IS : 15622 (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer ) of approved make in all
colours, shades except burgundy, bottle green, black of any size as approved by Engineer-in-Charge in skirting, risers of steps and dados over 12 mm thick bed of
FL-6 Sqm 30 631.92 18,957.60
cement Mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3kg per sqm including pointing in white cement mixed with pigment of
matching shade complete.

Crazy ceramic tile flooring, with under layer 12 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand), with joints not exceeding 5 mm, including filling the gaps
with ordinary cement mixture & mixing with synthetic polyester fibre, triangular in shape having specific gravity of 1.34 to 1.40, cross section size ranging from
FL-7 Sqm 2000 520.36 10,40,720.00
10 to 40 micron & length upto 6 mm , mixing fibre @ 125 grams per 50 kg of cement in cement mortar, including providing and mixing water proofing material
in mortar @ 1 kg per 50 kg of cement, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.


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Providing 12 mm thick cement plaster 1:6 (1 cement : 6sand) smooth finish as per architectural shapes marked in the drawings, at all depths and heights in one
layer on internal faces of walls, pillars, projection, etc., including necessary dabbing, curing, scaffolding, etc., complete with all bye works as per drawings &
specification and the direction of Engineer in-charge. (excluding cost of supply of cement)
FN-1 sqm 4,000 169.39 6,77,560.00
(i) Unit base rate is excluding the cost of cement for mortar.
(ii) Supply of cement for mortar shall be paid under item no SM-1

Providing 18 mm thick external sponge finish cement plaster 1:5 (1 cement : 5 sand) as per architectural shapes marked in the drawings, in two coats of 12 mm &
6 mm. Second coat of 6 mm cement plaster 1:6 (1 cement : 6 sand) with approved water proofing compound shall be finished with sand faced plastering on faces
of walls, pillars, projection, etc., including raking out joints, if any left out, necessary dabbing, curing, scaffolding, etc.complete with all bye works as per drawings
FN-2 & specification and the direction of Engineer in-charge. (excluding cost of supply of cement) sqm 1,675 263.04 4,40,592.00
(i) Unit base rate is excluding the cost of cement for mortar.
(ii) Supply of cement for mortar shall be paid under item no SM-1

Providing 6 mm thick cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 M sand) to ceiling of slabs, chajjas including drip course, bands, beams, columns, loft slabs, staircases, and
any other location wherever required with all bye works dabbing, curing, scaffolding, including providing GI plaster mesh at junction of columns, beams etc.,
FN-3 sqm 5,520 219.61 12,12,247.20
complete at all heights and levels as per specification and drawings.
Note: The payment for GI plaster mesh will be considered under relevant item.

Providing and fixing suitable GI plaster mesh manufactured out of hot dipped galvanised iron of nominal thickness 0.35mm with a zinc coating of 120 gms per
sqm width, along route of walls chipped for services, junctions of masonry / concrete works for 200mm width, including tying in position with suitable nails /
FN-4 metre 350 34.77 12,169.50
screws, cost of material, labour for fixing, etc. ,complete as per manufacturer's specifications and direction of the Engineer In-charge.
Note: Length of mesh only be measured for payment.

FN-5 White washing with lime to give an even shade :

a) New work (three or more coats) Sqm 4125 21.03 86,748.75

Distempering with dry distemper of approved brand and manufacture (two or more coats) of required shade on new work, over and including water thinnable
FN-6 Sqm 810 86.72 70,243.20
priming coat to give an even shade.

Distempering with 1st quality acrylic distemper (ready mixed) having VOC content less than 50 gms/litre, of approved manufacturer, of required shade and colour
complete, as per manufacturer’s specification.

a) Two or more coats on new work Sqm 3000 64.19 1,92,570.00

Finishing walls with 100% Premium acrylic emulsion paint having VOC less than 50 gm/litre and UV resistance as per IS 15489:2004, Alkali & fungal resistance,
FN-8 dirt resistance exterior paint of required shade (Company Depot Tinted) with silicon additives.
Note: Contractor shall furnish Comprehensive 7 years performance warranty on completion of work.

a) New work (Two or more coats applied @ 1.43 litre/ 10 sqm. Over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 0.90 litre/10 sqm. Sqm 2410 107.68 2,59,508.80

Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of approved brand and manufacturer, over the plastered wall surface to prepare the
FN-9 Sqm 3000 84.81 2,54,430.00
surface even and smooth complete.

Extra for providing and mixing water proofing compound/ admixture in cement plaster work/ concrete, etc. in proportion recommended by the manufacturers and
FN-10 kg 1500 41.65 62,475.00
as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.



1) Ordinary Portland Cement shall be used for Rigid pavement.
2) Nowarangpur river sand shall be used for all Civil works

RD-1 Preparation and consolidation of sub grade with power road roller of 8 to 10 tonne capacity, as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. sqm 2,100 2.03 4,263.00

Construction of granular sub-base by providing close graded Material conforming to specifications, mixing in a mechanical mix plant at OMC, carriage of mixed
RD-2 material by tippers to work site, for all leads & lifts, spreading in uniform layers of specified thickness with motor grader on prepared surface and compacting with
8 to 10T vibratory power roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per specifications and directions of Engineer-in-Charge

(i) With material conforming to Grade-I (size range 75 mm to 0.075 mm) Cum 425 1,854.28 7,88,069.00

Providing and laying at or near ground level factory made kerb stones (including cost for cement for casting of kerb stones) of M-25 grade cement concrete in
position to the required line, level and curvature, jointed with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand), including making joints with or without grooves
(thickness of joints except at sharp curve shall not to more than 5mm), including making drainage opening wherever required complete etc. as per direction of
RD-3 Engineer-in-charge (length of finished kerb edging shall be measured for payment). (Precast C.C. kerb stone shall be approved by Engineer-in-charge). Cum 45 6,144.40 2,76,498.00
(i) Unit base rate is excluding the cost of cement for mortar joint.
(ii) Supply of cement for mortar joint shall be paid under item no SM-1

Providing 75 mm thick water bound macadam using 63 mm to 45 mm size quality metal, laid to proper camber and gradient with templates, filling voids with
RD-4 approved quality moorum, dry and wet compaction using mechanical compactor, including surface preparation etc. all complete as per specifications an directions cum 100 2,082.33 2,08,233.00
of Engineer.

Providing consolidated 150 mm thick ( 2 layers of 75mm thick) water bound macadam (after rolling the sub grade/base with 8 to 10 T roller to required camber)
using 63 mm to 45 mm quality metal, laid to proper camber and gradient with templates, filling voids with approved quality moorum, dry and wet rolling by 8 to
RD-5 cum 260 2,082.33 5,41,405.80
10 T roller, including surface preparation etc. For pavement, roads with camber, flooring etc. all complete as per specifications drawings and instructions of

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Providing and laying design mix cement concrete of M-30 grade (excluding cost of supply of cement), in roads using cement content as per design mix, using
coarse sand and graded stone aggregate of 20 mm nominal size in appropriate proportions as per approved & specified design criteria, providing dowel bars with
sleeve/ tie bars wherever required, laying at site, spreading and compacting mechanically by using needle and surface vibrators, levelling to required slope/ camber,
finishing with required texture, including steel form work with sturdy M.S. channel sections, curing, making provision for contraction/ expansion, construction &
longitudinal joints (10 mm wide x 50 mm deep) by groove cutting machine, providing and filling joints with approved joint filler and sealants, complete all as per
RD-6 direction of Engineer-in-charge (Item of joint fillers, sealants, dowel bars with sleeve/ tie bars to be paid separately). Cum 525 5,055.71 26,54,247.75
(i) Minimum cement content per Cum of concrete for M30 shall not be less than 340 Kg)
(ii) Cement concrete manufactured in automatic batching plant (RMC plant) including transportation to site in transit mixer
(iii) Unit base rate is excluding the cost of cement
(iv) Supply of cement shall be paid under item no SM-1

RD-7 Extra for providing and mixing hardening compound of approved quality as per manufacturer’s specification in cement concrete. Litre 26 37.45 973.70

RD-8 Providing and fixing in position pre-moulded joint filler 12mm thk. in expansion joints. metre 50 79.79 3,989.50

RD-9 Providing and laying in position bitumen hot sealing compound for expansion joints etc. Using grade ‘A’ sealing compound. metre 5 13.39 66.95

Providing and fixing retro reflective sign boards made up of 2 mm thick aluminium sheet, face to be fully covered with high intensity encapsulated type heat
activated retro reflective sheeting conforming to type - IV of ASTM-D 4956-01 in blue and silver white or other colour combination including subject matter,
message (bi-lingual), symbols and borders etc. as per IRC ; 67:2001, pasted on substrate by an adhesive backing which shall be activated by applying heat and
pressure conforming to class -2 of ASTM-D-4956-01 and fixing the same with suitable sized aluminium alloy rivets @ 20 cm c/c to back support frame of M.S.
angle iron of size 25x25x3 mm along with theft resistant measures, mounted and fixed with 2 Nos. M.S. angles of size 35x35x5 mm to a vertical post made up to
M.S. Tee section ISMT 50x50x6 mm welded with base plate of size 100x100x5 mm at the bottom end and including making holes in pipes, angles flats, providing
& fixing M.S. message plate of required, size, steel work to be painted with two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint of required shade and of approved brand &
manufacture over priming coat of zinc chromate yellow primer (vertical MS-Tee support to be painted in black and white colours).Backside of aluminium sheet to
be painted with two or more coats of epoxy paint over and including appropriate priming coat including all leads and lifts etc. complete as per drawing,
specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.

a Informatory Signs ( Facility name or other details)

(i) Length= 1.2 M ,Width=0.9M with support length of 3650 mm each 2 3,339.17 6,678.34

(ii) Length= 0.9 M ,Width=0.9M with support length of 3650 mm each 2 3,339.17 6,678.34

b Mandatory/ Regulatory Signs of equilateral triangular shape having each side of 900mm with support length of 3650 mm each 2 3,339.17 6,678.34

c Cautionary/ Warning Signs of equilateral triangular shape having each side of 900mm with support length of 3650 mm each 2 3,339.17 6,678.34

Providing and applying 2.5 mm thick road marking strips (retroreflective) of specified shade/ colour using hot thermoplastic material by fully/ semi automatic
thermoplastic paint applicator machine fitted with profile shoe, glass beads dispenser, propane tank heater and profile shoe heater, driven by experienced operator
RD-11 sqm 60 447.27 26,836.20
on road surface including cost of material, labour, T&P, cleaning the road surface of all dirt, seals, oil, grease and foreign material etc. complete as per specification
and direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Providing and laying 60mm thick factory made cement concrete interlocking paver block of M -30 grade made by block making machine with strong vibratory
RD-12 compaction, of approved size, design & shape, laid in required colour and pattern over and including 50 mm thick compacted bed of coarse sand, filling the joints sqm 1,200 632.90 7,59,480.00
with line sand etc. all complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.



1) Ordinary Portland Cement shall be used for all items in Masonry and allied works
2) Nowarangpur river sand shall be used for all Civil works
3) Unit base rate is excluding the cost of cement
4) Supply of cement shall be paid under item no SM-1

Supplying & laying hard core with hard granite stone boulders including laying, packing, filling interstices with good quality spalls, dry and wet consolidation with
mechanical means, binding with good quality moorum/ sand, providing building paper above the sub grade (all cost inclusive) with all bye works complete for
MS-1 hard core upto 230 mm thick below foundation, flooring and 150 mm thick below apron, drains, etc. complete as per specification and direction of the Engineer-in- cum 600 1,850.60 11,10,360.00
Note: The consolidated thickness will be paid.

MS-2 Providing and fixing HDPE pipes ISI marked in concrete/ brick work of following sizes including cutting, fixing and levelling in position etc. all complete.

a) 75 mm dia metre 25 220.95 5,523.75

b) 100/ 110 mm dia metre 50 368.25 18,412.50

c) 150/ 160 mm dia metre 25 589.19 14,729.75

d) 200 mm dia metre 25 736.49 18,412.25

Providing and laying non-pressure NP2 class (light duty) R.C.C. pipes with collars jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:2 (1 cement :
2 M sand) excluding cost of supply of cement for joints, including testing of joints etc. complete.
MS-3 Note:
(i) Unit base rate is excluding the cost of cement for mortar joint.
(ii) Supply of cement for mortar joint shall be paid under item no SM-1

a) 100 mm dia. R.C.C. pipe metre 10 303.73 3,037.30

b) 150 mm dia. R.C.C. pipe metre 10 337.72 3,377.20

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c) 250 mm dia. R.C.C. pipe metre 20 551.19 11,023.80

d) 300 mm dia. R.C.C. pipe metre 20 630.62 12,612.40

e) 450 mm dia. R.C.C. pipe metre 10 1,013.82 10,138.20

Providing and laying Non Pressure NP-3 class (Medium duty) R.C.C. pipes including collars/spigot jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of
1:2 (1 cement : 2 M sand) excluding cost of supply of cement for joints, including testing of joints etc. complete.
MS-4 Note:
(i) Unit base rate is excluding the cost of cement for mortar joint.
(ii) Supply of cement for mortar joint shall be paid under item no SM-1

a) 450 mm dia RCC pipes. metre 20 1,705.57 34,111.40

b) 600 mm dia RCC pipes metre 10 2,190.19 21,901.90

c) 900 mm dia RCC pipes. metre 10 3,445.73 34,457.30

Providing and laying random rubble stone pitching, using dressed granite stone laid over prepared earth bed/ filter media on compacted sloped ground surface for
embankment, road, earthen drain etc. including ruled pointing of joints with CM 1:4 (excluding cost of supply of cement for joints), forming uniform pattern,
curing etc., all complete as per drawing, specification and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
MS-5 cum 300 1,039.19 3,11,757.00
(i) Unit base rate is excluding the cost of cement for mortar joint.
(ii) Supply of cement for mortar joint shall be paid under item no SM-1

Providing and fixing of 110 Dia UPVC pipe with 2.7mm thickness (As per IS:13592) as weep holes in culvert/Drain walls with Geotextile wrapped stone
aggregate (size 63mm down aggregate) as filter media prevent ingress of soil into pipe including excavation, backfilling, protect the pipes during construction,
clearing after concreting etc at all locations as per drawings & direction of the engineer.
MS-6 meter 30 579.58 17,387.40
a. Cost towards Geotextile, aggregate, excavation, backfilling etc., are included in the unit base rate.
b. For the measurement for payment purpose length of pipe embedded in wall shall be considered.

Painting with two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved brand, shade and manufacture to give an even shade for kerb stone etc. all complete as per
MS-7 sqm 25 89.52 2,238.00
drawing, specification and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

Earthwork in surface excavation not exceeding 30cm in depth but exceeding 1.5m in width as well as 10sqm on plan including getting out and disposal of
excavated earth upto 50m and lift upto 1.5m, as directed by Engineer-Incharge

a) All kinds of soil sqm 300 68.16 20,448.00

Providing and fixing hand rail of approved size by welding etc. to steel ladder railing, balcony railing, staircase railing and similar works, including applying priming
coat of approved steel primer.

a) M.S. tube kg 450 107.27 48,271.50

Providing and fixing aluminium work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/ appropriate Z sections and
other sections of approved make conforming to IS: 733 and IS: 1285, fixing with dash fasteners of required dia and size, including necessary filling up the gaps at
MS-10 junctions, i.e. at top, bottom and sides with required EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc. Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and jointed
mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing / paneling, C.P. brass / stainless steel screws, all complete as per
architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-in-charge. (Glazing, paneling and dash fasteners to be paid for separately) :

a) For fixed portion

Anodised aluminium (anodised transparent or dyed to required shade according to IS:1868, Minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15) Kg 450 312.24 1,40,508.00

For shutters of doors, windows & ventilators including providing and fixing hinges/ pivots and making provision for fixing of fittings wherever required including
the cost of EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket required (Fittings shall be paid for separately)

Anodised aluminium (anodised transparent or dyed to required shade according to IS:1868, Minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15) Kg 510 378.12 1,92,841.20

Providing and fixing glazing in aluminium door, window, ventilator shutters and partitions etc. with EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the
architectural drawings and the directions of engineer-in-charge . (Cost of aluminium snap beading shall be paid in basic item):

With float glass panes of 5 mm thickness (weight not less than 12.50 kg/ sqm) Sqm 210 954.79 2,00,505.90

Providing and fixing double action hydraulic floor spring of approved brand and manufacture conforming to IS : 6315, having brand logo embossed on the body /
plate with double spring mechanism and door weight upto 125 kg, for doors, including cost of cutting floors, embedding in floors as required and making good the
same matching to the existing floor finishing and cover plates with brass pivot and single piece M.S. sheet outer box with slide plate etc. complete as per the
direction of Engineer-in-charge.

With stainless steel cover plate minimum 1.25 mm thickness each 10 1,776.80 17,768.00

Filling the gap in between aluminium frame & adjacent RCC/ Brick/ Stone work by providing weather silicon sealant over backer rod of approved quality as per
architectural drawings and direction of Engineer-in-charge complete.

Upto 5mm depth and 5 mm width meter 625 58.52 36,575.00

Providing and fixing 1mm thick M.S. sheet door with frame of 40x40x6 mm angle iron and 3 mm M.S. gusset plates at the junctions and corners, all necessary
fittings complete, including applying a priming coat of approved steel primer.

Using M.S. angels 40x40x6 mm for diagonal braces Sqm 12 3,261.32 39,135.84

9 of 13
Supplying and fixing rolling shutters of approved make, made of required size M.S. laths, interlocked together through their entire length and jointed together at the
end by end locks, mounted on specially designed pipe shaft with brackets, side guides and arrangements for inside and outside locking with push and pull operation
complete, including the cost of providing and fixing necessary 27.5 cm long wire springs manufactured from high tensile steel wire of adequate strength
conforming to IS: 4454 - part 1 and M.S. top cover of required thickness for rolling shutters.

80 x 1.25 mm M.S. laths with 1.25 mm thick top cover Sqm 100 2,168.32 2,16,832.00

Extra for providing grilled rolling shutters manufactured out of 8 mm dia M.S. bar instead of laths as per design approved by Engineer-in- charge, (area of grill to
MS-17 Sqm 100 492.68 49,268.00
be measured).

Providing and fixing fire resistant door frame of section 50 x 60 mm on horizontal side & 35 x 60 mm on vertical sides having built in rebate made out of 1.6 mm
thick GI sheet ( Zinc coating not less than 120gm/ m²) suitable for mounting 120 min Fire Rated Glazed Door Shutters. The frame shall be filled with Mineral
wool Insulation having density min 96Kg/m³ . The frame will have a provision of G.I. Anchor fastners 14 nos ( 5 each on vertical style & 4 on horizontal style of
MS-18 metre 130 1,114.29 1,44,857.70
size M10 x 80 ) suitable for fixing in the opening along with Factory made Template for SS Ball Bearing Hinges of Size 100x89x3mm for fixing of fire rated
glazed shutter . The frame shall be finished with a approved fire resistant primer or Powder coating of not less than 30 micron in desired shade as per the directions
of Engineer - in- charge . (Cost of SS ball bearing hinges is excluded).

Providing and fixing 60 mm thick glazed fire resistant door shutters of 120 min Fire Rating confirming to IS:3614 (Part II) or EN1634-1:1999, tested and certified
as per laboratory approved by Engineer-in-charge, with suitable mounting on door frame, consisting of vertical styles, top rail & side rail 60 mm x 60 mm wide and
MS-19 bottom rail of 110 mm x 60 mm made out of 1.6mm thick G.I. sheet (zinc coating not less than 120gm/m²) duly filled mineral wool insulation having density min Sqm 80 6,171.32 4,93,705.60
96 kg/ m³ and fixing with necessary stainless steel ball bearing hinges of size 100x89x3mm of approved make, including applying a coat of approved fire resistant
primer or powder coating not less than 30 micron etc all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge (panelling to be paid for seperately).

Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A, including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS :
5382, leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion,(i) Single socketed pipes.

110 mm diameter metre 125 224.67 28,083.75

Providing and fixing false ceiling at all height including providing and fixing of frame work made of special sections, power pressed from M.S. sheets and
galvanized with zinc coating of 120 gms/sqm (both side inclusive) as per IS : 277 and consisting of angle cleats of size 25 mm wide x 1.6 mm thick with flanges of
27 mm and 37mm, at 1200 mm centre to centre, one flange fixed to the ceiling with dash fastener 12.5 mm dia x 50mm long with 6mm dia bolts, other flange of
cleat fixed to the angle hangers of 25x10x0.50 mm of required length with nuts & bolts of required size and other end of angle hanger fixed with intermediate G.I.
channels 45x15x0.9 mm running at the spacing of 1200 mm centre to centre, to which the ceiling section 0.5 mm thick bottom wedge of 80 mm with tapered
flanges of 26 mm each having lips of 10.5 mm, at 450 mm centre to centre, shall be fixed in a direction perpendicular to G.I. intermediate channel with connecting
MS-21 clips made out of 2.64 mm dia x 230 mm long G.I. wire at every junction, including fixing perimeter channels 0.5 mm thick 27 mm high having flanges of 20 mm
and 30 mm long, the perimeter of ceiling fixed to wall/partition with the help of rawl plugs at 450 mm centre, with 25mm long dry wall screws @ 230 mm
interval, including fixing of gypsum board to ceiling section and perimeter channel with the help of dry wall screws of size 3.5 x 25 mm at 230 mm c/c, including
jointing and finishing to a flush finish of tapered and square edges of the board with recommended jointing compound , jointing tapes , finishing with jointing
compound in 3 layers covering upto 150 mm on both sides of joint and two coats of primer suitable for board, all as per manufacturer's specification and also
including the cost of making openings for light fittings, grills, diffusers, cutouts made with frame of perimeter channels suitably fixed, all complete as per drawings,
specification and direction of the Engineer in Charge but excluding the cost of painting with :

12.5 mm thick tapered edge gypsum plain board conforming to IS: 2095- (Part I) : 2011 (Board with BIS certification marks) Sqm 600 823.14 4,93,884.00

Providing and laying APP (Atactic Polypropylene Polymer) modified prefabricated five layer, 3 mm thick water proofing membrane, blackfinished reinforced with
glass fibre matt consisting of a coat of bitumenprimer for bitumen membrane @ 0.40 litre/sqm by the samemembrane manufactured of density at 25°C, 0.87 -
0.89 kg/litre andviscocity 70 - 160 cps. Over the primer coat the layer of membraneshall be laid using butane torch and sealing all joints etc., andpreparing the
MS-22 surface complete. The vital physical and chemical parameters of the membrane shall be as under : Joint strength in longitudinal and transverse direction at 23°C as
350/300 N/5 cm.Tear strength in longitudinal and transverse direction as 60/80N.Softening point of membrane not less than 150°C. Cold flexibility shall be upto -
2°C when tested in accordance with ASTM, D - 5147.The laying of membrane shall be got done through the authorised applicator of the manufacturer of

a) 3 mm thick sqm 1955 377.78 7,38,559.90

Chipping of plain cement concrete manually/ by mechanical means including disposal of material to the designated dumping area, as per direction of Engineer - in -

a) Nominal concrete 1:3:6 or richer mix (i/c equivalent design mix) cum 5 1,279.63 6,398.15

b) Nominal concrete 1:4:8 or leaner mix (i/c equivalent design mix) cum 5 790.12 3,950.60

Chipping of R.C.C. work manually/ by mechanical means, cutting pockets, making openings at all levels and according to shapes, with proper care and without
MS-24 damaging the structure, including stacking of steel bars and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer - in- charge. cum 25 1,866.80 46,670.00
Note: The cost towards cutting, scrapping, cleaning and straightening reinforcement shall be paid seperately under item no. DM-3 & DM-4 below.

Dismantling of brick work/ Stone rubble masonry/Concrete block manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of
unserviceable material o the designated dumpung area, as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

a) In cement mortar cum 5 1,082.57 5,412.85

MS-26 Supplying and filling in plinth with Sand under floors, ramps including watering, ramming, consolidating and dressing complete. (75 mm) Cum 50 1,400.66 70,033.00

Providing and injecting with approved quality chemical emulsion for preconstructional anti-termite treatment and creating a chemical barrier using chemical like
chlorpyriphos 20% emulsifiable concentrate (confirming to IS:8963-1978) under and around the column pits, foundation, well trenches, plinth filling, junctions of
wall and floor, expansion joints, surrounding of pipes, conduits etc., along the perimeter of the building and all wood work in ground floor including all bye-works
MS-27 sqm 2,140 192.31 4,11,543.40
complete as per specification and direction of Engineer. (Only ground floor plinth area of the building will be measured. However, areas requiring treatment and
not measured in plinth area shall be measured for the areas actually treated for payment purposes) [Work to be executed by M/s Pest Control (India) or any other
approved agency and specified guarantee for 10 (ten) years shall be given).

Supply and laying coarse aggregate (broken granite stone) of nominal size 60mm in the area of transformer , meter room,etc.,to a required thickness as per
MS-28 Cum 10 2,414.93 24,149.30
drawing and as directed by engineer.

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Construction of brick masonry inspection chamber with full bricks, in CM 1:4 over 150mm thick PCC bedding of 1:4:8 grade, provided with a heavy duty (HD-
20) CI cover conforming to IS:1726, 560 x 560 mm size, embedding the CI frame in 150 mm thick RCC top slab (1:1 1/2 :3), neatly finished including 20mm
MS-29 thick plastering in two layers on both faces in CM 1:3 with water proofing compound mixed at the rate of 2% by weight of cement, benching and rounding with
PCC 1:2:4, float coat of neat cement finish on the inner side, etc., all complete including excavation, dewatering and backfilling, shuttering, curing etc., painting
the exposed CI cover with three coats of black bitumastic paint at all leads and lifts as per drawings, specifications and instructions of the Engineer Incharge.

a) Internal size 600x600x900mm deep Each 1 7,727.76 7,727.76

b) Internal size 1000x1000x900mm deep Each 1 9,659.70 9,659.70

Supplying and laying GI pipes of medium class of Indian Tube Company/ Zenith or equivalent approved make conforming to IS 1239 with all necessary fittings
MS-30 such as bends, unions (flanges for pipe size above 50mm), clamps, fixtures, etc., including necessary earthwork, painting, threading etc., complete as per
specification (including concealing below floor/ ground).

a) 80 mm nominal bore R.M. 25 796.93 19,923.25

b) 100 mm nominal bore R.M. 25 1,159.16 28,979.00

c) 150 mm nominal bore R.M. 25 1,835.34 45,883.50



1) Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) shall be used.
2) Nowarangpur river sand shall be used for all Civil works
3) Unit base rate is excluding the cost of cement
4) Supply of cement shall be paid under item no SM-1

Supply, fitting and fixing of superior quality white glazed vitreous china wash basin of approved make with nearest size of 55cm x 40cm with provision of having
SW-1 single or double holes, 32 mm CP brass waste fittings, 15 mm CP brass pillar tap, CP brass chain and plug, 15 mm PVC connection pipe with CP brass coupling, Each 4 3,729.89 14,919.56
painted metallic brackets and 15 mm C.P. brass stop cock all of approved quality complete with all bye works as per specification and instruction of the engineer.

Providing and fixing vitreous China white glazed Indian type water closet of superior quality size 58 cm, front and back inlet of approved make of nearest size
with "P" or "S" trap with or without vent horn, foot rests 25cm x 12.5cm, Duco painted high level cast iron cistern of 10 litres capacity with ISI mark con-forming
SW-2 Each 2 4,591.86 9,183.72
to IS : 774 - 1984 with all accessories chain with handle, PVC flush pipe 32/40 mm dia and 15 mm dia PVC inlet water connection with brass stop cock
complete with all bye-works as per specification and instruction of the Engineer.

Providing and fixing white glazed vitreous China pedestal type water closet (EWC) of superior quality of approved make with approx. size of 40 cm ,double trap
symphonic pattern, integral with "P" or "S" trap, cistern with cover with superior quality ceramic syphon and internal fittings complete with white solid plastic
SW-3 Each 2 4,455.88 8,911.76
cover and lid, CP brass bar hinges, screws, bolts, rubber and stainless steel washers, rubber buffers, 15mm dia CP inlet water pipe connection, with concealed,
15mm dia CP brass stop cock, fixing EWC to floor with all bye works all complete as per specification and direction of the engineer.

Providing and fixing white vitreous china flat back half stall urinal size 345x320x 610 mm of approved make with Push cock of approved make,with CP brass
SW-4 flush pipe unions, heavy quality C.P. brass spreaders, C.P waste coupling with dome grating, clamps complete all as per specifications drawings and as directed by Set 2 7,927.65 15,855.30
the Engineer-in-charge.

Providing and fixing half round white glazed channels of superior quality 100 mm size set in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 sand) and joints finished with white
SW-5 R.M. 3 1,330.46 3,991.38
cement, with all bye - works complete as per specification and direction of the engineer.

Providing and fixing 600x450mm size, 6 mm thick bevelled edge mirror of approved equivalent make, with 6 mm thick sheet backing including fixing to wall by
SW-6 Each 4 1,152.73 4,610.92
means of wooden plug with CP brass screws, washers over rubber washers complete with all bye works as per specification and direction of the engineer.

Providing and fixing 600 x 120 mm size, 5 mm thick glass shelf with CP brass bracket's and hinged guard rail of approved quality fixed with CP brass
SW-7 Each 4 711.86 2,847.44
screw, all bye- works complete as per specification and direction of the engineer.

Providing and fixing CP brass tilting type liquid soap container of approved quality fixed on wooden plugs with CP brass screw complete with all bye works
SW-8 Each 2 134.29 268.58
complete as per specifications and direction of the Engineer.

Providing and fixing recessed toilet paper holder of superior quality white glazed vitreous China of approved make of nearest size with all bye - works
SW-9 Each 4 360.93 1,443.72
complete as per specification and directions of the Engineer .

Providing and fixing sand cast iron fittings and accessories for soil and waste pipe conforming to IS:1729 including lead caulked joint 25 mm deep, painting 2
coats over and including a priming coat on exposed surfaces, internally coated with anti-corrosive paint complete as per specification and direction of the engineer.

a) Floor trap (Bell Mouth) trap (100mm x 75mm) with CP iron grating and extension piece upto 300 mm. Each 4 423.48 1,693.92

b) Nahani trap (165mm x 75mm) with CP iron grating with extension piece upto 300 mm depth. Each 4 423.48 1,693.92

Providing and fixing SW yard gulley trap 150 x 100 mm size, square mouth, grade A with CI grating 150 x 150mm with water tight frame, con- forming to IS :
SW-11 Each 2 1,410.28 2,820.56
651 - 1992, complete with all bye works as per specification and direction of the engineer.

Providing and fixing and/ or laying sand cast iron spigot and socket soil, waste and ventilating pipes with necessary fittings and accessories e.g. bends, single
and/or double, equal/unequal branches of required degrees with or without oval access door, offsets of required projection, heel rest bend, inverted branch of
required degree, traps (P or S), wire ballons (galvanised steel) etc. all conforming to IS : 3489 and bearing I.S. mark, fixing with CI holder bats, embedded in
SW-12 and including cement concrete block 100 x 100 x 100mm of 1:2:4 (1 cement, 2 coarse sand, 4 stone chips 12 mm and down) including cost of cutting holes and
making good the walls including relevant jointing, two coats of anti-corrosive paint to inside surfaces, exposed faces painting with two coats over and
including a coat of priming coat of approved quality and shade, necessary excavation wherever required and back filling including concealing in walls/floors
where required with cutting holes/making necessary recesses in walls and making good the same complete with all bye works as per drawings and specifications.

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a) 100 mm dia R.M. 8 924.89 7,399.12

b) 75 mm dia R.M. 8 804.62 6,436.96

Supplying, fitting and fixing and/ or laying GI pipes of medium quality (B Class) conforming to IS : 1239 (Part-I) of approved make bearing IS mark with all
SW-13 necessary fittings such as bends, tees, elbows, reducers, unions, nipples, plug, clamps and other fixtures conforming to IS : 1239 (Part-II) including necessary
earth work and back filling, painting, etc. complete with all bye works as per specification and direction of the engineer

a) 40 mm dia nominal bore R.M. 10 860.95 8,609.50

b) 25 mm dia nominal bore R.M. 10 539.81 5,398.10

Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability for hot &cold water supply, including all CPVC plain & brass
threaded fittings, including fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement and the
cost of cutting chases and making good the same including testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge. (Concealed work, including
cutting chases and making good the walls)

a) 20 mm dia nominal bore R.M. 50 259.98 12,999.00

b) 15 mm dia nominal bore R.M. 20 204.58 4,091.60

Supplying, fitting & fixing superior quality bearing ISI mark brass gun metal wheel valve (full way) with all bye works complete as per specification and
direction of the engineer.

a) 40 mm dia nominal bore Each 4 574.59 2,298.36

b) 25 mm dia nominal bore Each 3 421.08 1,263.24

c) 20 mm dia nominal bore Each 2 402.31 804.62

d) 15 mm dia nominal bore Each 2 381.13 762.26

Providing and fixing 15mm dia C.P. brass bib cock of superior quality (weighing minimum 400 gms) polished bright with screwed male/female ends
SW-16 Each 4 354.84 1,419.36
respectively conforming to IS with all bye works complete as per specification and direction of the engineer.

Providing and fixing 15mm dia sand cast C.P. brass stop cock of superior quality (weighing minimum 400 gms) polished bright with screwed male/ female
SW-17 Each 4 514.07 2,056.28
ends respectively conforming to IS with all bye works complete as per specification and direction of the engineer.

Supplying, providing, and fixing water storage tank of 500 litre capacity, black in colour closed top with manhole cover, vertical cylindrical or horizontal
cylindrical type double wall HDPE/PVC tank of approved make with G.I. fittings for inlet, outlet, overflow, scour, float valve connection, including
SW-18 Each 2 4,658.34 9,316.68
connections and hoisting/fixing the same tank on roof and other places, at all height with all bye works complete as per manufacturer's specifications and
direction of the Engineer. (Support for tank like brick work/RCC/PCC etc. will be paid under relevant Item).

Providing and fixing 560 dia heavy duty C.I. manhole cover with frame conforming generally to IS:1726-1991 light duty, medium duty, heavy duty to masonry/
SW-19 RCC slab/ PCC with concrete (1:2:4) as necessary with all bye-works including three coats of anti corrosive paint of approved quality complete as per Each 4 3,507.16 14,028.64
specification, drawing and instruction of the engineer.

Providing and fixing 800x16mm anodised aluminium solid type towel rail with brackets of approved quality fixed on wooden plugs with CP brass screws
SW-20 Each 2 470.37 940.74
with all bye works complete as per specifications and direction of the Engineer.

Constructing brick masonry circular type manhole 0.91 m internal dia at bottom and 0.56m dia at top in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand), in side
cement plaster 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, foundation concrete 1:3:6 mix (1
cement : 3 coarse sand :
6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size), and making necessary channel in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone
SW-21 aggregate 20 mm nominal size) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, all complete as per standard design:

900 mm deep with S.F.R.C. cover and frame (heavy duty, HD-20 grade designation)560 mm internal diameter conforming to I.S. 12592, total weight of cover
and frame to be not less than 182 kg., fixed in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) including
centering, shuttering all complete. (Excavation, foot rests and 12mm thick cement plaster at the external surface shall be paid for separately).

With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 Each 4 5,321.83 21,287.32

Making soak pit 2.5 m diameter 3.0m deep with 45 x 45 cm dry brick honey comb shaft with bricks and S.W. drain pipe 100 mm diameter, 1.8 m long complete
as per standard design.

With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 Each 1 4,234.85 4,234.85

Providing and fixing Satin finish stainless steel AISI 304 (18/8) kitchen sink of size 610 x 510 mm without drain board and bowl size 545 x 445 x 200 mm depth
SW-23 as per IS13983 of approved make, with C.I. brackets, fittings and stainless steel plug 40 mm including painting the fittings and brackets with 3 coats of white Each 1 7,455.36 7,455.36
enamel paint over a coat of primer, cutting and making good the walls wherever requried complete as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Providing and fixing heavy quality health faucet with 1.50 metres long flexible hose (hand shower) of approved make with wall brackets and type as per
SW-24 Each 4 1,325.31 5,301.24
specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge

Providing and fixing float valve for Over head water tank with all fittings and fixtures of approved make and as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-
SW-25 Each 2 1,448.96 2,897.92



SM-1 Supply of Ordinary Portland Cement at site as per specification and direction of the of the Engineer In-charge tonne 5,000 4,958.78 2,47,93,900.00
12 of 13
SM-2 Supply of reinforcement steel at site as per specification and direction of the of the Engineer In-charge

a) Thermo-Mechanically Treated (TMT) bars of grade Fe-500 tonne 1,260 47,688.18 6,00,87,106.80

b) Mild steel and Medium Tensile steel bars tonne 1 46,650.66 46,650.66

Supplying at all levels and positions Steel embedments/ Inserts like Plates, chequered plates, angle, Channels, Anchor boxes, Bolt with nuts and washers Bolt
SM-3 tonne 48 48,516.69 23,28,801.12
caps, MS pipe Sleeves including Threading etc., at site all complete as per Drawings, Specifications and directions of the Engineer In-charge.



II GST @ 18% ON (I) 4,25,47,189.58


TOTAL PRICE (In Words) Rupees Twenty Seven Crore Eighty Nine Lakh Twenty Thousand Four Hundred Sixty Five Only

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