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Percy Jackson and the Titani

This is my first attempt at a Percy Jackson Fanfic, so here you go!

Tonight was the night. Percy Jackson and his friends were finally going to watch The Titanic after
him recommending it at least ten times. Each time they all gave each other weird glances but
finally, finally they caved.

Where was it? Where in gods names- there it was. Percy pulled out the tee shirt that Hylla let him
have. After he beat her in a dual, that is. He found it on Amazon and knew the warriors would try
to make it difficult for him to get the shirt. Rose and Jack were plastered on the front, as well as a
ship. He hadn’t seen the movie but he’s heard from plenty of Aphrodite campers that the couple
was one of the greatest in film history. Some even said that they could have been real, even.

Pulling the shirt over his head, Percy sat on the couch waiting for Annabeth and the rest of the
seven to come. He was so excited. The movie was going to be so great. Rose and Jack were going
to be great. And the best part is, Annabeth and his friends were going to be there to see it with
him. Putting his head on the back of the couch, Percy closed his eyes, waiting for his friends.


Annabeth and the rest of the seven, plus Nico and Will, who invited themselves, were a block from
Percy’s apartment. She tried to get Percy to choose another movie. Finding Nemo, Treasure Island,
The Little Mermaid, anything other than the Titanic. But her stubborn boyfriend’s sea green eyes
were so bright with excitement when they announced that they all would have a movie night each
week. And each week, Percy requested the same movie. After twelve weeks of no, she finally
caved and said yes.

“Are you sure we should do this, Piper? We all know how the Titanic ended. Percy will not take it
well. My boyfriend tends to get a little too invested in these kinds of things.”

Leo snorted, “Annabeth, how can Percy not know how the Titanic ended. His father is the Sea

Nico snorted, “Honestly, I am looking forward to his reaction.”

Will frowned at Nico.

“Everything will be okay,” Piper tried reassuring Annabeth, a hint of charmspeak, “Percy does know
that the actual ship, itself, sunk right?”

Annabeth narrowed her eyebrows, in thought, “I think so.”

Jason opened the apartment building door, “After you, ladies.”


Percy jerked awake when a hand touched his shoulder. Jerking forward, he hit his head against
Annabeth’s, “I’m so sorry! Are you okay?’ He took her face and kissed her forehead.

Rubbing where their foreheads met, Annabeth said, “You drool in your sleep.”

Percy gave her a crooked grin when Nico said, “What are you wearing?”

Looking down at his shirt, “Dressing for the occasion, you like it?”

Nico snorted.

“Look who’s to talk. You wear the same Ramones shirts all the time.”

“Yeah but it’s vintage. The Titanic…isn’t.”


Frank moved out the coffee table while Percy and Jason brought out a bunch of pillows for them
all to lay on.

He was still a bit anxious, Percy watching Titanic. His friend could be a bit dramatic.

“Guys, Mom left some blue cookies and a bunch of popcorn for us.”

Good, he was starving.


Percy was so excited. They were all here and now it was time.

Putting the DVD in, Percy sat on the couch, his arm around Annabeth.


“Why is she running? Jack stop her! No! Rose, don’t jump! Come on, Jack. No! Don’t let go! That’s
it Jack, talk her down. Don’t let her jump.” Percy couldn’t believe this. His knuckles were white
from gripping the arm of the sofa.

“Percy, dude. I can’t hear the movie over your shrieking,” Jason said from down on the floor. Piper
elbowed him, “Shush.”


Half way through the movie, Percy shipped Rose and Jack so hard.

“I hope they have a happy ending, Wise Girl.” Percy whispered to Annabeth, Gods know that
they’ve both been through so much. Annabeth squeezed his hand in response.

Leo threw a piece of popcorn at Percy, “Dude, shut up or I’ll tell you how it ends.”

Hazel frowned at Leo, “Don’t you dare.”


Water was flooding through the cabins and people were dying. It was awful. Perched on the edge
of the sofa, Percy whispered, “Rose and Jack will be okay, right?”

Why the hell is she looking for keys? Keys? The boat is sinking, surely the keys won’t be in the
right spot.

Rose would get Jack out of the handcuffs. Surely the ax will help, right? Percy nearly winced when
the ax came down. Thank the gods, she didn’t chop of the dude’s hand.


“No! You both get on the boat! Don’t listen to that tool, Cal! He’s lying, Rose!” Percy was on the
edge of the couch.

Annabeth was holding Percy in place, her hand in his. He turned to look at her, concern shaded his
eyes, “He’s lying, isn’t he?”


“Holy gods, I knew it! He has a special place for himself in the Field of Punishment.”

Nico snorted, “Yup. He sure does.”

Annabeth glared at him, “You are not helping, Nico.”

Nico shrugged, leaning back into Will.


Rose was on the piece of driftwood and Jack was hanging onto it, telling Rose to not let go.
Annabeth looked at Percy. His face was pale with despair and rage.


“There’s enough room for both of them! Why isn’t she helping him get on?”

She tried again, “Percy-”

“This isn’t real! Jack and Rose deserve each other, Wise-girl! There is still time! They will turn
around and come back for them! They will live and be happy together right?!”



Percy sat there for at least ten minutes without saying a word. He died. Jack died and Rose took
his last name and he died and all those people on that ship…

Percy stood, “I’ll be right back guys.”

“Percy, where are you going, bro?” Jason asked.

Percy looked at him, “I need to talk to my dad.”


“They were in love, Jason! Rose and Jack deserved each other and my dad took away their happy

“Percy the movie is fiction, you do know that right?”


“Are you saying that the titanic wasn’t a real ship then?” hope flickered in his eyes.

Annabeth sighed, “Look, Percy..”

“I’ll be back guys. Watch whatever you want, there is plenty of candy and stuff so make yourself
at home.”

Annabeth watched as Percy left the apartment to go confront his father. Oh Gods. She hoped she
still had a boyfriend after this.


Percy walked to the beach. He had forgotten his jacket so it was a bit chilly.

He was upset and pissed off. A small portion of his brain was telling him that he was overreacting
but the other part was yelling about the injustice of Jack and Rose.

“Dad,” Percy shouted into the sea, “I know you can hear me. This is important. I need you to come
talk to me.”

After waiting for five minutes, the water started to rumble, a man started to walk out of it, “Percy!
What is wrong! I could feel your distress from the palace. Are you hurt? Annabeth? Your mother?
Your sister?”

“No they are okay, but Rose and Jack Dawson are not!”


“You know who I’m talking about! I just watched Titanic for the first time today, Dad. How could
you? They were in love!”

“Are we…talking about movie characters?”

“Why did you sink the Titanic? I thought the ship was indestructible!”

“Look Percy..It was a bad week and nothing is ever really indestructible…”

Throwing his hands up, “I give up.”

“Is that what you needed? To vent about the Titanic?”

“Dad. My heart is in pieces…my heart is the Titanic.”

“Son there is no reason to be so dramatic.”

“Me?! Dramatic?! You are the one who sunk a ship because you were having a bad day!”

“Well…you got me there. Look son, I’m needed back underseas, is there anything else..?”

Percy sighed loudly, “No.”

Poseidon clapped Percy’s shoulder before turning around and disappearing into the sea.


The others had left by the time Percy got back home. That is, everyone besides Annabeth who
was sitting at the table talking to his mother.

Lifting her head, Sally Jackson said, “Oh honey, I’m so sorry that you didn’t know how the movie

Percy slumped his shoulders, “It’s just.. They loved each other, Mom. They were so in love and
then Jack died.”

Getting up from her chair, Sally came around the table and hugged him, rubbing his back, “I know,
Honey. I know.”

“You were right, Wise Girl. I shouldn’t have watched the movie.”

Annabeth kissed him, “I told you, Seaweed Brain.”

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