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Work By Team Sigma


Ethnic group is a community or population

made up of people who share a common
cultural background or descent.
Ethnic origin refers to a person's 'roots' and
should not be confused with his or her citizenship,
nationality, language or place of birth. 
Help You Grow
As An

Varied Problem
Solving Approaches This Photo by Unknown Author is

licensed under

Increased Creativity
and Productivity

Local knowledge and

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Improving Communication
Between Ethnic Groups

Communication is very important towards various ethnic

groups for success of any society or organisation.
Communication helps us better understand people and
situations. It helps us overcome diversities, build trust and
respect, and create conditions for sharing creative ideas and
solving problems.
In this presentation we will be finding and providing
strategies to overcome the communication gap and
inheriting different cultural understanding among ethnic
groups and facilitating collaboration so that their basic
issues are resolved
Why Does Diversity Matter at College Anyway?
1. Expands worldliness. College might be the first time you have had the
opportunity to have real interaction with people from diverse groups.
2. Enhances social development. Interacting with people from a variety of
groups widens your social circle by expanding the pool of people with whom
you can associate and develop relationships.
3. Prepares students for future career success. Successful performance in
today's diverse workforce requires sensitivity to human differences and the
ability to relate to people from different cultural backgrounds.
4. Prepares students for work in a global society. No matter what profession
you enter, you'll find yourself working with employers, employees, coworkers,
customers and clients from diverse backgrounds—worldwide.
Why Does Diversity Matter at College Anyway?
5. Interactions with people different from ourselves increase our knowledge
base. Research consistently shows that we learn more from people who are
different from us than we do from people who are similar to us.
6. Diversity promotes creative thinking. Diversity expands your capacity for
viewing issues or problems from multiple perspectives, angles, and vantage
7. Diversity enhances self-awareness. Learning from people whose
backgrounds and experiences differ from your own sharpens your self-
knowledge and self-insight by allowing you to compare and contrast your life
experiences with others whose life experiences differ sharply from your own.
8. Diversity enriches the multiple perspectives developed by a liberal arts
How To Embrace Your Diversity?
Everyone’s Narrative - Consider your own life, and everything that has shaped your beliefs.
Realize that each of the 7 billion people on this planet has their own narrative. Not one is the
Where are you coming from? - When you find yourself thinking poorly of someone, stop and
consider what influences have created your negative views of that individual.
 Befriend all people – If you know that you tend to avoid befriending certain types of people, go out
of your way to find friends of all kinds.
 Empathy – When you encounter anyone, try to imagine, understand, and sympathize with that
person’s story, with everything that has made them who they are.
Actively accept – meditate upon embracing other people, with all of the diversity that comes with
them. Don’t allow yourself to define a person based upon one stereotype about one aspect of their
complex identity.
Show compassion - Perform random acts of kindness for all types of people. It can be as simple as
a friendly smile or holding open a door.

Cultural Diversity
Social Class
Racial Identity
Traumatic Past
Cultural identity

Culture can be defined as the learned behaviour of values, attitudes and ways of doing
things that a person brings with them from a particular place where they were brought up
as a child.
These values and attitudes can have an impact on communication across cultures
because each person's norms and practices will often be different and may possibly

Social Class

social identity factor refers to the level of society that person was born into or
references when determining whom they want to be and how they will act

Racial identity

Racial identity refers to how one's membership to a particular race affects

how several people interact.

Prejudice is an assumption or an opinion about someone simply based on

that person's membership to a particular group.
prejudices created by culture creates huge barriers in properly
understanding a person and thus limiting the beautiful possibility of knowing
a sophisticated person.

Traumatic Past

Sharing a rough past of war and slavery can often limit

your interaction with another person or community
Solutions of interaction problems in multi-
ethnic group
Strategies should address both institutional and individual sources of prejudice and
Sources of prejudice and discrimination are often rooted in historical and social context.
Seeking to change individuals without dealing with these influences, or without
engaging the specific issues that shape intergroup relations is futile.
Strategies for creating equal status roles among ethnic groups:
The best strategy for improving racial and ethnic relations involves the creation of
opportunities for positive equal status interaction among people from different groups.
These strategies are most effective but ensure that people from different backgrounds
can contribute equally to the task involved.
Strategies to involve children at an early age:
It is good to start teaching the importance intergroup relations when children are
young. This helps a child to get a wide perspective and he/she become more
inclusive from the start.

Strategies should expose the inaccuracies of myths that sustain stereotypes

and prejudices:
Many stereotypes and sources of conflict are based on myths and
misinformation. It is by confronting these myths directly that we
undermine the justifications for prejudice.

Strategies should deal with the dispositions and behaviour of all racial and ethnic
groups involved:
Programs and activities focus on awareness and knowledge, and behaviour toward,
persons of colour. And some of these programs focus on the treatment of and
attitude toward a single racial or ethnic group. 
Our presentation shows that there are several factors affecting the performance of
multi-ethnic groups . Each member have defined responsibility in preparation of a
healthy environment for ethnic groups. Fellow members need skills and knowledge to
help keep the team members on track, detecting situations of conflict among ethnic
groups and taking necessary actions before it is too late and use appropriate
technologies to work collaboratively. These are only some of the critical issues that
were addressed in this presentation .
It seems apparent that the lack of understanding of one’s emotion targets cultural
issues in working/learning environments and is likely to have negative consequences
for both group members and organizations/institutions in such collaboration.

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