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Reference Apex Classes

ConnectApi.Community Class

Name Type Description

description String Community description
id String Community Id
invitationsEnabled Boolean User can invite other external users to the community
name String Community name
sendWelcomeEmail Boolean Send email to all new users when they join
status ConnectApi. Specifies the current status of the community.
CommunityStatus • Live
Enum • Inactive
• UnderConstruction

url String Full URL to community

urlPathPrefix String Community-specific URL prefix

ConnectApi.CommunityPage Class

Name Type Description

communities List<ConnectApi. List of communities context user has access to
Community Class>

total Integer Total number of communities

ConnectApi.ComplexSegment Class
ComplexSegments are only part of field changes.
Super class for ConnectApi.FieldChangeSegment Class
Child class of ConnectApi.MessageSegment Class
This is an abstract class.

Name Type Description

segments List<ConnectApi. List of message segments.

ConnectApi.ContentAttachment Class
Child class of ConnectApi.FeedItemAttachment Class
Objects of this type are returned by attachments in feed items with the type ContentPost.

Reference Apex Classes

Name Type Description

checkSum String MD5 checksum for the file
description String Description of the attachment
downloadUrl String File’s URL
fileExtension String File’s extension
fileSize String Size of the file in bytes. If size cannot be determined, returns

fileType String Type of file

hasImagePreview Boolean true if the file has a preview image available, otherwise ,false

hasPdfPreview Boolean true if the file has a PDF preview available, otherwise, false

id String Content’s 18-character Id

isInMyFileSync Boolean Reserved for future use
mimeType String File’s MIME type
renditionUrl String URL to the file’s rendition resource
title String Title of the file
versionId String File’s version number

ConnectApi.DashboardComponentAttachment Class
Child class of ConnectApi.FeedItemAttachment Class
Objects of this type are returned as attachments in feed items with type DashboardSnapshot.

Name Type Description

componentId String Component’s 18–character Id
componentName String Name of the component. If no name is saved with the component,
returns the localized string, “Untitled Component.”
dashboardBodyText String Text displayed next to the actor in the body of a feed item. This
is used instead of the default body text. If no text is specified, and
there is no default body text, returns null.
dashboardId String Dashboard’s 18–character Id
dashboardName String Name of the dashboard.
fullSizeImageUrl String URL of the full-sized dashboard image
lastRefreshDate Datetime ISO8601 date string, for example, 2011-02-25T18:24:31.000Z,
specifying when this dashboard was last refreshed.
lastRefreshDateDisplayText String The text of the last refresh date to be displayed, such as, “Last
refreshed on October 31, 2011.”
runningUser ConnectApi.User The user running the dashboard.
Summary Class

Reference Apex Classes

Name Type Description

thumbnailUrl String URL of the thumbnail-sized dashboard image.

ConnectApi.EntityLinkSegment Class
Child class of ConnectApi.MessageSegment Class

Name Type Description

motif ConnectApi.Motif A set of small, medium, and large icons that indicate whether the
entity is a file, group, record, or user.
reference ConnectApi. A reference to the link object if applicable, otherwise, null.
Reference Class

ConnectApi.Features Class

Property Type Description

chatter Boolean Indicates whether Chatter is enabled for an organization
chatterActivity Boolean Indicates whether the user details include information about
Chatter activity
chatterGlobalInfluence Boolean Indicates whether the user details include global Chatter activity
chatterMessages Boolean Indicates whether Chatter messages are enabled for the
chatterTopics Boolean Indicates whether Chatter topics are enabled
dashboardComponentSnapshots Boolean Indicates whether the user can post dashboard component
defaultCurrencyIsoCode String The ISO code of the default currency. Applicable only when
multiCurrency is false.

feedPolling Boolean Indicates whether the is-modified resource is enabled for the
Chatter API
files Boolean Indicates whether files can act as resources for Chatter API
filesOnComments Boolean Indicates whether files can be attached to comments
groupsCanFollow Boolean Reserved for future use.
multiCurrency Boolean Indicates whether the user’s organization uses multiple currencies
(true) or not (false). When false, the
defaultCurrencyIsoCode indicates the ISO code of the default
publisherActions Boolean Indicates whether publisher actions are enabled
thanksAllowed Boolean Reserved for future use
trendingTopics Boolean Indicates whether trending topics are enabled

Reference Apex Classes

Property Type Description

viralInvitesAllowed Boolean Indicates whether existing Chatter users can invite people in their
company to use Chatter

ConnectApi.Feed Class

Name Type Description

feedItemsUrl String Chatter REST API URL of feed items
isModifedUrl String A Chatter REST API URL with a since request parameter that
contains an opaque token that describes when the feed was last
modified. Returns null if the feed is not a news feed. Use this
URL to poll a news feed for updates.

ConnectApi.FeedBody Class
Child class of ConnectApi.AbstractMessageBody Class.
No additional properties.

ConnectApi.FeedFavorite Class

Name Type Description

community ConnectApi. Information about the community that contains the favorite
Reference Class

createdBy ConnectApi.User Favorite’s creator

Summary Class

feedUrl String Chatter REST API URL identifying the feed item for this favorite
id String Favorite’s 18–character Id
lastViewDate Datetime ISO8601 date string, for example, 2011-02-25T18:24:31.000Z
name String Favorite’s name
searchText String If the favorite is from a search, contains the search text, otherwise,
an empty string
type ConnectApi. An empty string or one of the following values:
FeedFavoriteType • ListView
Enum • Search
• Topic

url String Chatter REST API URL to this favorite

user ConnectApi.User Information about the user who saved this favorite
Summary Class

Reference Apex Classes

ConnectApi.FeedFavorites Class

Name Type Description

favorites List<ConnectApi. Complete list of favorites

total Integer Total number of favorites

ConnectApi.FeedItem Class

Name Type Description

actor ConnectApi.Actor The entity that created the feed item.

attachment ConnectApi. Information about the attachment. If there is no attachment,

FeedItem returns null.
Attachment Class

body ConnectApi. The body of the feed item.

FeedBody Class

canShare Boolean true if the feed item can be shared, otherwise, false

clientInfo ConnectApi. Information about the Connected App used to authenticate the
ClientInfo Class connection.
comments ConnectApi. First page of comments for this feed item.
CommentPage Class

createdDate Datetime ISO8601 date string, for example, 2011-02-25T18:24:31.000Z

id String Feed item’s 18–character Id
isBookmarkedByCurrentUser Boolean true if the current user has bookmarked this feed item, otherwise,

isDeleteRestricted Boolean If this property is true the comment cannot be deleted by the
context user. If it is false, it might be possible for the context
user to delete the comment, but it is not guaranteed.
isEvent Boolean true if feed item created due to an event change, otherwise,

isLikedByCurrentUser Boolean true if the current user has liked this feed item, otherwise, false

likes ConnectApi. First page of likes for this feed item


likesMessage ConnectApi. A message body the describes who likes the feed item.
MessageBody Class

modifiedDate Datetime ISO8601 date string, for example, 2011-02-25T18:24:31.000Z

myLike ConnectApi. If the context user has liked the feed item, this property is a
Reference Class reference to the specific like, otherwise, null.


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