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W04 Application Activity: Overcoming Obstacles

Name: Cherry Faith Tulmo

During weeks two and three you established your weekly study pace and identified some
health and wellness goals. Now what? A plan without action isn’t going to get you very far.
There will be obstacles that get in your way. This week you will identify some potential
obstacles to maintaining your study pace and wellness goals as well as possible solutions
for overcoming those obstacles.

Step 1 – Chart your obstacles

Use the template below to identify two obstacles that may hinder your weekly pace and
two obstacles that might hinder your health and overall wellness. Refer to your pacing
guide and health and wellness goals for ideas.

Step 2 – Chart your solutions

Write two things you can do to overcome each of the obstacles that you identified in the
template below.

Pacing Obstacles
1. No/Slow Internet Connection due to bad weather condition
● When having internet difficulties, I should have my mobile data as back up.
● If both are not available, I will wait for the good weather and double my time

2. Inevitable Circumstances
● We cannot avoid those circumstances. We cannot tell when it will happen. For
me to overcome that obstacles, do not procrastinate. Do things that you can do as
early as possible.
● That inevitable circumstances are happening now, my step-mom is sick and she
needs attention from us. She cannot walk by herself and needs an operation in
her spinal cord. What I am doing now to finish my work assignments, if possible
do advance work for next week. And downloaded Microsoft office apps so that If
I am at the hospital I can work and finished the assigned tasks.
Health and Wellness Obstacles
3. Laziness
● Mind setting. I will set my mind that I have to work out even just for 30 minutes
● Do the reward system to motivate myself.

4. Too many deadlines in school and in BYU-Pathway

● In this case, I have to sacrifice my time to rest or sleep in order to catch up my
work loads.
● Back to the first thing that can overcome any obstacle is do not procrastinate.
Go on to Step 3 

Step 3 - Reflect
Answer the following question in a short paragraph:

1. How will identifying your obstacles and a plan to overcome them contribute to your
academic success?

By identifying some obstacles that would hinder me to work properly and also
Identifying how to overcome it, I have a clearer vision towards my goals. And the success rate
in achieving those goals is higher than before.

Step 4
Save this document with your name in the filename, and follow the instructions in your
course to submit it for grading and feedback.

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