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201900 MA112 (Mode: F) Assignment 1

Due: 1 pm, Thursday, 17 January 2019

Instructions: You are welcome to type your assignment but otherwise it must be neatly hand
written. Submit your assignment directly to me during class. Answer ALL Questions. This
assignment carries 5% of your overall course mark. Maximum mark is 48.

WARNING!! I strongly advise you to read the part of the Course Outline which clearly states the
University policy on plagiarism and copying. As such, I do not tolerate giving zeros to both giver(s)
and taker(s) when I come across any indication of copying! You are allowed and I encourage you to
discuss the questions with your fellow students but what you submit must be your own work expressed
in your own words. This is a group assignment where each group must contain 3 students. I will not
accept any group containing less than 3 students.

1. Use appropriate formal definition to prove each of the following.

(a) lim(4x − 5) = 11 (b) lim 2x2 + 8 = +∞ (c) lim− = −∞
x→4 x→+∞
x→3 x−3
[3+3+3=9 marks]
2. A truck is traveling at 80 km/h due south at a point 0.8 km north of an intersection. A
highway patrol car is traveling at 50 km/h due west at a point 0.5 km due east of the same
intersection. At that instant, the radar in the patrol car measures the rate at which the
distance between the two vehicles is changing.
(a) What does the radar gun register?
(b) Is it a good estimate of the truck’s actual speed? Why?
[4+2=6 marks]
3. Compare the values of ∆y and dy if y = f(x) = x3 + x2 − x + 2 and x changes:

(a) from 2 to 2.06; (b) from 2 to 2.01.

[2+2=4 marks]
4. Use L’Hopital’s Rule to show that if a and b are real numbers, b , 0, and if x0 > 0, then
xa − xa0 a a−b
lim = x .
x→x0 xb − xb0 b 0

[3 marks]
5. (a) Use the definition of a net signed area with x∗k as the right endpoint of each subinterval
to find the net signed area between the curve f(x) = x and the interval [−1, 2].
(b) Verify your answer with a simple geometric argument.
[3+2=5 marks]

Set: 10 January 2019 1 RSH20190110173800

Lautoka Campus
201900 MA112 (Mode: F) Assignment 1

6. Let
S= ark .

Show that S − rS = a − arn+1 and hence that

k a − arn+1
ar = (r , 1).

(A sum of this form is called a geometric sum.)

[3 marks]

7. Suppose that g(x) is a function for which

Z1 Z2
g(x) dx = 5 and g(x) dx = −2.
−2 1

Use this information to evaluate the definite integrals.

Z2 Z1
(a) 5g(x) dx (c) [g(x)]2 dx
1 1
Z2 Z −2
(b) g(x) dx (d) 4g(x) dx
−2 2

[4 marks]

8. Use the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to show that

d b(x)
f(t) dt = f(b(x))b ′(x) − f(a(x))a ′ (x).
dx a(x)

[3 marks]

9. In a learning experiment, subjects are given a series of facts to memorise, and it is

determined that t minutes after the experiment begins, the average subject is learning at
the rate
L ′ (t) = √ facts per minute,
where L(t) is the total number of facts memorised by time t. About how many facts does
the typical subject learn during the second 5 minutes (between t = 5 and t = 10)?
[4 marks]

10. Sketch and find the area of the region enclosed by the curves y = sec2 x, y = 2, x = −π/4,
and x = π/4.
[5 marks]

Set: 10 January 2019 2 RSH20190110173800

Lautoka Campus
201900 MA112 (Mode: F) Assignment 1

11. The area bounded by the curve y = x2 + 2 and the line y = x + 8 is rotated around the
x–axis. Find the volume of the solid generated.
[3 marks]

12. Find the exact arc length of the curve y = (x6 + 8) / (16x2 ) from x = 2 to x = 3.
[3 marks]

13. The region under the curve y = 12 x2 between x = 0 and x = 1 is rotated about the x–axis.
Find the lateral surface area of the solid generated.
[3 marks]

Set: 10 January 2019 3 RSH20190110173800

Lautoka Campus

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