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ĐỀ SỐ 26

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1. A. south B. southern C. scout D. drought
Question 2. A. dome B. comb C. home D. tomb
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in
the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3. A. spon’taneous B. ‘secondary C. ‘honesty D. ‘monarchy
Question 4. A. po’llution B. con’taminant C. ‘atmosphere D. re’searcher
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the two following questions.
Question 5. The twins look so much alike that no one can tell them apart.
Tell sth apart = distinguish between sth: phân biệt giữa 2 thứ gì
A. distinguish between them B. point out with them C. spoil them D. pick them out
Question 6. Pitchforks were once carved entirely from wood, but today the have steel tines and wooden
A. sometimes B. formerly C. in one area D. in the meantime
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the two following questions.
Question 7. James could not tell his parents about his many animal friends in the forest and the exciting
things that he saw, but he found another way to express himself.
A. speak with voice B. communicate C. keep silent D. write his thoughts
Question 8. This new magazine is known for its comprehensive coverage of news. toàn diện
A. casual B. indifferent C. inadequate D. superficial
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
Question 9. After driving for twenty miles, he suddenly realized that he has been driving in the wrong
A. After driving
B. suddenly realized
C. has been driving => had been driving do realized đã chia ở thời quá khứ nên k thể chia động từ ở
thời HTHT
D. in the wrong direction
Question 10. I think she will be suitable for the work because she has been working like a teacher for a long
Work as + job: nghề nghiệp
A. will be B. for C. has been working D. like => as
Question 11. Passengers are required to arrive to the gate fifteen minutes before departure time.
A. are required B. to arrive to ( arrive + at ) C. before D. departure time
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 12. Larry never spoke to anyone, and kept himself ____.
Keep himself aloof : sống khép kín
A. outside B. withdrawn C. superior D. aloof
Question 13. ____ of transportation has given someone the idea for a new type of toy.
A. Mostly forms: mostly ở đây là trạng từ nên k bổ nghĩa dc cho forms
B. Most every form: most k đi cùng every
C. Almost forms: forms => chia số nhiều mà động từ trong câu “ has given” chia số ít
D. Almost every form

Question 14. It gets on my nerves: khó chịu vì điều gì đó that way that Carol ____ about her job.
Dùng ở dạng HTTD để nhấn mạnh sự than phiền, sự khoe khoang kéo dài về 1 vấn đề nào đó
A. forever boasts B. is forever boasting C. never boasts D. is never boasting
Question 15. ____, Mozart was an accomplished composer while still a child.
No matter + how = However + adj/adv + S + V: dù cho thế nào đi chăng nữa
A. Whatever it seems remarkable how. B. No matter how seems it remarkable.
C. No matter how it seems remarkable. D. No matter how remarkable it seems.
Question 16. Many young people travel all over the world, and then do all kinds of jobs before they ____.
A. touch down: hạ cánh
B. settle down: ổn định, bđau 1 csong
C. put down
D. go down: đi xuống
Question 17. The question of late payment of the bill was ____ again at the meeting.
A. raised B. risen( nội động từ k có PII) C. brought D. taken
Question 18. The manual coming with the appliance says “ ___ any problem with merchandise, contact your
dealer.” Đảo ngữ câu đk loại 1: Should + S1 + (not) + V( hiện tại), S2 + will/ may/might/should/can... + V
A. You should have B. Had you have C. Do you have D. Should you have
Question 19. “Let me stay up late any longer, ____?” => câu mang ý nghĩa xin phép
A. do you B. won't you C. will you D. should you
Question 20. For me, ____ is not important.
B, D bị loại do đây không là câu hỏi nên k thể đảo trợ động từ lên trước
A do thiếu động từ to be trước V-ing đang chia ở các thì tiếp diễn
A. what a person wearing B. what does a person wear
C. what a person wears: what + S + V: làm chủ ngữ trong câu
D. what will a person wear
Question 21. Hope you won’t take____ if I tell you the truth.
To take offence at sth:mất lòng, tức giận về việc gì
A. annoyance: sự khó chịu
B. resentment: sự phẫn nộ
C. irritation = annoyance
D. offence
Question 22. ____, copper is one of the earliest known metals.( Rút gọn mệnh đề cùng chủ ngữ là copper)
Cấu trúc rút gọn mệnh đề đồng chủ ngữ với V1, V2 cùng thì, hai chủ ngữ là một : S + V1 + O; S + V2 + O
+ V1 ở dạng chủ động: V-ing + O, S + V2 + O
+ V2 ở dạng bị động: PII + O, S + V2 + O
A. Over 2,000 years ago mined B. Mined 2,000 years over ago
C. Mining over 2,000 years ago D. Mined over 2,000 years ago
Question 23. I walked away as calmly as I could ____ they thought I was the thief.
A. to avoid B. or else C. owing to D. in case
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete the following exchanges.
Question 24. "Thank you for the lift” – “____.”
A. Nonsense B. All right C. No problems D. You are welcome
Question 25. "Will you be able to come to the meeting?" – “____.”
A. I'm afraid not B. Of course you will C. You must be kidding D. I’m sorry not
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
each of the following sentences.
Question 26. Had I known more about computer programming, I would have worked for a computer
company. Đảo ngữ câu điều kiện loại 3: diễn tả sự việc k thể xảy ra trong quá khứ
A. I didn’t know much about computer programming so I didn't work for a computer company
B. A better knowledge of computer programming will help me find a job in a computer company
=> sai nghĩa
C. I wish I knew more about computer programming and could work for a computer company
=> sai nghĩa
D. Knowing more about computer programming, I would find a job in a computer company.
=> sai nghĩa
Question 27. The newspaper reports that James was awarded the first prize. Câu tường thuật
People + V1 + that + S + V2 + O
V2 là awarded the first prize xảy ra trước khi the newsspaper reports => bị động: S + be + to have been
A. It's reported that James wins the first prize.
B. It's reported that James to be awarded the first prize.
C. James is reported to have been awarded the first prize.
D. The first prize is reported to award to James.
Question 28. Alfred said to John. "I didn't use your computer! Someone else did, not me."
A. Alfred told John that he hadn’t used his computer, saying that someone else had.
B. Alfred denied having used John’s computer, saying that someone else had.
C. Alfred refused to use John's computer, saying that someone else had.
D. Alfred said to John that he hadn't used his computer, saying that someone else had.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of
sentences in the following questions.
Question 29. Some economists argue that new technology causes unemployment. Others feel that it allows
more jobs to be created.
Whereas: dùng để nối 2 hành động, 2 quan điểm độc lập với nhau.
A. Arguing that new technology causes unemployment, other economists feel that it allows more jobs
to be created.
B. Besides the argument that new technology causes unemployment, some economists feel that it
allows more jobs to be created.
C. Some economists argue that new technology causes unemployment, whereas: trong khi others feel
that it allows more jobs to be created.
D. Some economists argue that new technology causes unemployment, so others feel that it allows
more jobs to be created.
Question 30. Travelers are advised to take out insurance. Their luggage: hành lý may go astray: thất
A. Travelers are advised to take out insurance if their luggage may go astray.
B. Travelers are advised to take out insurance, so their luggage may go astray.
C. Travelers had better buy insurance as a precaution against their luggage may go astray.
D. Travelers are advised to take out insurance in case their luggage goes astray.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
One of the most important (31) ____ of a standardized test is time. You'll only be allowed a certain
number of minutes for each section, so it is very important that you use your time (32) ____. The most
important time strategy is pacing yourself. Before you begin, take just a few seconds to survey the test,
noting the number of questions and the sections that looks easier than the rest. Then, make a rough time
schedule based on the amount of time (33) ____ to you. Mark the halfway point on your test and make a
note beside that mark of the time when the testing period is half over.
Once you begin the test, keep moving. If you work slowly in an attempt to make fewer mistakes,
your mind will become bored and begin to wander. You'll end up making far more mistakes if you’re not
concentrating. If you take too long to answer questions that stump you, you may end up (34) ____ out of
time before you finish. So don’t stop for difficult questions. Skip them and move on. You can come back to
them later if you have time. A question that takes you five seconds to answer counts as much as one that
takes you several-minutes, so pick up the easy points first. (35) ____, answering the easier questions first
helps build your confidence and gets you in the testing groove.
Question 31. A. factors B. issue C. concern D. information
One of the most important factors: một trong những nhân tố quan trọng nhất
Question 32. A. quickly B. fast C. wisely D. hardly
Use your time wisely: sử dụng thời gian 1 cách thông minh
Question 33. A. close B. similar C. available D. suitable
Question 34. A. short B. running C. moving D. cutting
Run out of sth: không còn cái gì
Question 35. A. Therefore B. However C. So D. Besides
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Carbohydrates, which are sugars, are an essential: thiết yếu part of a healthy diet. They provide the
main source of energy(42-D) for the body, and they also function to flavor and sweeten foods(39-D).
Carbohydrates range from simple sugars like glucose to complex sugar such as amylase and amylopectin.
Nutritionists estimate that carbohydrates should make up about one-fourth to one-fifth of a person's diet.(38)
This translates to about 75-100 grams of carbohydrates per day.
A diet that is deficient in carbohydrates can have an adverse effect on a person’s health. When the
body lacks: thiếu a sufficient:hợp lí amount of carbohydrates, it must then use its protein supplies for
energy(39-C), a process called gluconeogenesis. However, this result in a lack of necessary protein, and
further health difficulties may occur. A lack of carbohydrates can also lead to ketosis(39-A), a build-up of
ketones in the body that causes fatigue:sự mệt mỏi, lethargy: hôn mê, and bad breath.
Question 36. What is the main idea of this passage? ( câu đầu đoạn 1)
A. Carbohydrates are needed for good health B. Carbohydrates prevent a build-up of proteins
C. Carbohydrates can lead to ketosis D. Carbohydrates are an expendable part of a good diet
Question 37. The word "function" as used in the first paragraph refers to which of the following?
A. neglect B. serve: chức năng, cung cấp C. dissolve D. digest
Question 38. According to the passage, what do most nutritionists suggest?
A. Sufficient carbohydrates will prevent gluconeogenesis
B. Carbohydrates are simple sugars called glucose
C. Carbohydrates should make up about a quarter of a person’s daily diet
D. Carbohydrates should be eaten in very small quantities
Question 39. Which of the following do carbohydrates NOT do?
A. Prevent: ngăn ngừa ketosis B. Cause gluconeogenesis
C. Provide energy for the body D. Flavor and sweeten food
Question 40. Which of the following words could best replace "deficient” as used in the second paragraph?
A. outstanding B. abundant C. insufficient: thiếu, k đủ D. unequal = same
Question 41. What does the word "this" refers to in the second paragraph?
A. Using protein supplies for energy B. Converting carbohydrates to energy
C. Having a deficiency in carbohydrates D. Having an insufficient amount of protein
Question 42. According to the paragraph, which of the following does NOT describe carbohydrates?
( Dòng 1 2 đoạn 1)
A. A protein supply B. A necessity = essential part C. A range of sugars
D. An energy source
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Many people are unaware of how many of the products we use every day comes from petroleum and
natural gas. In the United States each family of four uses more than two tons of petroleum products annually.
That’s almost 1200 lb of chemicals each year for every man, woman, and child in the United States - a
staggering total of 225 billion pounds of chemicals from petroleum, and to a lesser extent, natural gas.
Of the vast amount of petroleum and natural gas we consume, more than 90 percent is burned as
fuels. Only about 5.5 percent is used for the manufacture of petrochemicals by the chemical industry. These
petrochemicals vary widely in their functions and include such products as drugs, detergents, rubber, paints,
fertilizers, dyes, perfumes, explosives, food preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and agricultural chemicals.
(50) Finally, about 1.5 percent of the oil and natural gas is used as raw material for plastics. This small
percentage (44) translates into the production of billions of pounds of polymers that yield many different and
useful products.
In Post- World War II years, the United States was flooded with domestic and imported items of
extremely low cost, low quality, and limited lifetime(47). This led to the image of “cheap plastics” with low
durability. Today, however, the image of plastics has changed. Plastics perform an extremely broad range of
functions, from heart valves and artificial kidneys to ski boots, non-stick surfaces, superglues, and spacecraft
parts, and they compete with natural products in durability. No other materials except plastics could perform
all these different functions.
Plastics are replacing more and more parts of your car. The use of 1 lb of plastic can replace an
average of 3.5 lb of metal in an automobile. An automobile with 400 lb of plastic substance for metal with
weigh about 1000 lb less, which increases its gas mileage by about 3 mi/gal. The fuel savings are estimated
to be about 160 million barrels of oil annually. That's more than the total amount used by the chemical
industry as raw materials to make the polymers. As another example, synthetic polymer fibers are commonly
used in fabrics, for both economical and practical reasons(49). If the world’s synthetic fibers were replaced
by cotton, this would require an additional 40 million acres of farmland.
Question 43. What does the passage mainly discuss? ( đoạn 2 3)
A. Production of petroleum and natural gas B. The versatility of petrochemicals
C. New uses of plastic in automobile D. Plastics and plastic products
Question 44. According to the passage, the percentage of petroleum and natural gas that is used in the
production of plastics is ____.
A. large B. tiny C. extravagant D. efficient
Question 45. The word "yield" is closest in meaning to ____.
A. gain B. surrender C. produce D. require
Question 46. The word "flooded" is closest in meaning to ____.
A. inundated: làm lụt B. damaged C. promoted: thúc đẩy D. in need of: cần
Question 47. It can be inferred from the passage that after World War II plastic products in the U.S were all
of the following EXCEPT ____.
A. inexpensive B. plentiful C. mediocre D. long-lasting
Question 48. The word "This" refers to ____.
A. the end of World War II B. the appearance of large quantities of inferior goods
C. the limited lifetime of the good. D. the use of imported rather than domestic goods
Question 49. In paragraph 4, the author supports the use of plastics in cars and polymer fibers in fabrics
because they are ____.
A. economical B. fashionable C. easily manufactured D. costly
Question 50. Where in the passage does the author mention the products made of petro-chemicals?
A. Paragragh 1 B. Paragragh 2 C. Paragragh 3 D. Paragragh 4


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