Day 12 Teacher

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Exercise 1: Read the text below and think of ONE word which best fits each space.

The Dreamtime
Most cultures have myths to explain the creation of the universe. From the prehistoric period before writing
was invented, through the mists of (1- time)______ to the present, myths have been preserved in the (2-
oral)________ traditions passed down through stories and song.
(3- it)________ is through such means that the Australian Aborigines understand the world. (4-
what)________ their traditions tell them is that time began when supernatural beings broke through the
earth's crust. It wasn't (5- until)_______ they did so that the sun rose out of the ground and the land was
awash with light for the first time ever. These beings were their ancestors who brought with them all
knowledge and the laws of existence. In order to survive, they had to obey the laws and hold (6- fast/on)
_______ to their traditions.
Aborigines call the dawn of time 'The Dreamtime'. There is no (7- knowing)________ how old the myth is,
but the Aborigines have inhabited the country for upwards (8- of)_______ 40,000 years.
The mists of time: very long time ago
Oral tradition: a form of preserving beliefs, customs, and history by orally transmitting through generations
To hold on to/ onto sb/st: to keep sb/st that is important or useful
There’s no knowing: used to express that st is not certain
Upward of: more than the amount or number mentioned
Exercise 2. Read the passage, then select the word or phrase that fills the blank in both meaning and
What did Neil Armstrong actually say?
'That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,' is perhaps the most famous line of recent history.
Uttered by the astronaut, Neil Armstrong, after (1)______the first person (2) ______ foot on the moon, it is
also perhaps the most misheard.
As Armstrong himself insisted, the sentence is meaningful only if he said, 'That's one small step for a man.'
Armstrong was adamant that this is what he actually said on July 20, 1969- (3) ______, there's no
distinction between one individual and all humanity.
A (4) ______carried out by a team front Michigan State University, after scrutinizing the audio file of
Armstrong's historic transmission for evidence of the (5)________ 'a', concluded that the reason for the
misunderstanding is the way people from central Ohio, where Armstrong was raised, pronounce the word
'for' and the phrase 'for a'. Speakers from this area tend to (6)_______the two words together. Spoken by
Armstrong, the phrase 'for a' would have sounded like 'frrr(uh),' according to these (7)________.
By checking (8)_______of 40 people raised in Columbus, Ohio, about 90 miles southeast of Wapakoneta,
where Armstrong lived from the age of 13, the team was (9)______ to show that the length of the 'r' sound
was much the same when Ohioans said 'for' and 'for a', confirming Armstrong's version.
However, it was also noted that, regardless of what Armstrong actually said, people are still more likely to
hear the sentence without the (10)______ 'a'.
1. a. became b. becoming c. being d. become
2. a. to set b. setting c. set d. he set
3. a. however b. without c. otherwise d. unless
4. a. work b. paper c. research d. study
5. a. losing b. missed c. missing d. lacking
6. a. blend b. tell c. pronouncing d. stick
7. a. theories b. findings c. research d. speakers
8. a. speaking b. records c. recordings d. examples
9. a. possible b. able c. enough d. made
10. a. correct b. trivial c. silent d. crucial
- câu 4 có bạn chọn research nhưng hãy xem lại định nghĩa của 2 từ này
+ to research: a careful study of a subject to discover new facts or information about it
+ to study: the activity of learning or gaining knowledge, either from books or examining things
 đáp án là study vì trong bài có chứa thông tin “after scrutinizing the audio file of Armstrong's
historic transmission” và sau nc thì ko có tính mới nào được tìm ra.
- Câu 7 cần phân biệt records và recordings
+ record (n): a written description of st
+ recording (n): sound or pictures that have been recorded
Exercise 3: Give the correct form of words
1. It may take patience, but it is important to be ________ about what sort of home you are prepared to
inhabit. FASH fastidious
 Fastidious (a) | fəˈstɪdɪəs |: meticulous (paying attention to every detail)
2. Small wonder if their son grew up with a taste for ________ pursuits, warlike deeds and sometimes
foolhardy enterprise. CHIVALRY chivalrous
 chivalrous (a ) | ˈʃɪvəlrəs |: gallant  chivalry (n) | ˈʃɪvəlri |
3. I ever felicitate myself secretly that I won't make ________ remarks or be hurt by them. PERTAIN
 To pertain | pəˈteɪn | : to exist, to apply
 (im)pertinent (a) |ˈpɜːtɪnənt|: (in)appropriate
4. Sam became quite frightening when he was ___________ with rage. CANDLE incandescent
 incandescent with rage | ˌɪnkænˈdesnt |: ( formal) full of strong anger
5. The motive behind such words is austere rather than _________. SNOB snobbish
 Snobbish (a): thinking that having a high social class is very important- tự cao, tự đại
6. She was sitting apart from those who had once been her friends, her eyes ___________ and her cheeks
blazing. DOWN downcast
 Downcast (a): (of eyes) looking down
(of a person or an expression) sad or depressed
7. He tends to adopt a(n) ___________ manner when talking to young women. DESCEND condescending
 to condescend to do st (a) |ˌkɒndɪˈsend|: to do st that you think it is below your social or
professional position to do  chiếu cố đến việc làm gì
Eg: there is no knowing that he will condescend to pay a visit to our new flat
 condescending (a)
8. He considered taking part in such a brutal ritual to be complete___________. SANE  insanity
 Sane (a): not mentally ill
 Insane (a): seriously mentally ill  insanity (n)
9. ln comparison to Europe and Asia, she found Australia rather_______ barren. CULTURE culturally
10. One of the biggest mistakes you can make in this culture is to speak to your elders_________.
RESPECT disrespectfully
11. _________ of this barbaric practice is now widespread, and efforts are being made to eradicate it
from their culture altogether. CONDEMN  condemnation
 To condemn sb (for/as st): to express very strong disapproval of sb/st for moral reasons
 Condemnation of st/st(n)
12. Any interference into traditional cultural practices must be handled with__________. SENSITIVE 

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