Platform Business Model

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Digital currency – government backed, legal tender

Can save 30cr spent due to printing of money

Crypto – not backed by the government

90% of major tech companies from China and USA

Platform business model

Collect data
Analyze data
Generate insight
Sell the data

Digital disruption
Advertising industry moving away from paper

Disruptive technologies of past decades

Communication – 4G/5G
Computing – Phones in 90s vs now

Data – unmeaningful data

Information – meaningful data
Knowledge – meaningful insight

Digital Transformation vs Incremental changes

(understand differences)

Digital in today’s world – data connectivity at scale and speed.

specializations of organizations happen with connectivity at scale.

Digitization – converting analog data into digital files

Digitalization – using digital files to make something meaningful and useful
Digital transformation – using digital technologies to create new business process or
Netflix has transformed many times.

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