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N02B E01


Analgesic/antipyretic Brand names: Apanol, Cetal syrup, Children"s Tylenol, Efferalgan, Efferalgan adults, Efferalgan children, Efferalgan infants, Efferalgan paediatric solution, Efferalgan young children, Farmadol, Febricet, Infants Tylenol, Lekadol, Medipyrin, Panadol, Panadol baby & infant, Panadol extra, Panadol extra soluble, Panadol soluble, Paracetamol, Paracetamol B-C, Paracet for children, Paracet for infants, Pharmadol, Pyremol, Tylenol. Pharmacological properties: Analgesic/antipyretic with slight antiinflammatory action. The action mechanism consists of the prostaglandins synthesis inhibition, predominant in the hypothalamic thermoregulation center. Prescribed for: slight and moderate Algias: cephalalgia, odontalgia, myalgias, neuralgias, artralgias, primary dysmenorrhea, feverish conditions of diverse provenience. Contraindications: Hyper sensibility to drug, severe hepatic and/or renal insufficiency, glaucoma, urina retention, blood diseases, pregnancy, lactation, age under 3 months.

Dosing: Adults - 500-1000 mg 3 times per day , 30 min before eating, children (3 months-1 year) - 25-50 mg 2-4 times per day , 2-5 years old - 100-150 mg 2-4 times per day , 5-10 years old - up to 1000 mg/day, 1015 years old - up to 1500 mg/day. Overdosage: hepatic insuficiency, methemoglobinemia. Treatment: gastric lavage; activated charcoal, acetylcysteine as antidote (initially 140 mg/kg, then 70 mg/kg each 4 hours for a period of a couple of days). In severe intoxication hemodialysis must be used. It is recommended to control the aminotransferasis level. Side effects: Anemia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, and allergic reaction. Drug interactions: Increases the hepatotoxic effect of barbiturates, antiepileptics, rifampicine, alcohol, and specific action of nesthyroidien antiinflammatory, indirect anticoagulants. Acetilcysteine reduces adverse and toxic effects of paracetamol. Cautions: renal or hepatic insufficiency. Prescribed for: algetic syndrom of little and moderate intensity (toothaches, teeth eruption aches, earaches, cephalalgia, nevralgia, myalgia, trauma aches), fever in infectious and inflammatory diseases or provoked by vaccinas.

Contraindications: severe renal and hepatic insufficiency, hyper sensibility to drug. Dosing: children of 6-12 years 10-20 ml (2-4 teaspoons) 4 times per day, 1-6 years old 5-10 ml (1-2 teaspoons) 4 times per day , 3 months-1 year old 2,5-5 ml (1/2-1 teaspoon) 4 times per day . Composition: Paracetamol 500 mg, Caffeine 65 mg. Prescribed for: Cephalalgia, migraine, myalgia, nevralgia, odontalgia, algodysmenorrhea, influenza and cold. Contraindications: renal and/or hepatic insufficiency, age under 12 years, hypersensibility to paracetamol.

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