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Geochemical Field Data Form - Amir Project, North Darfur State - March 2022

ID Code Coordinates Sample Types Map Scale Sample Color Collectors Date
X Y Stream Heavy Chip 1:20,000 1:10,000

Predominant Land Use Sediment composition

Mature Recent Mature Recent Metal Low Moderate High
Rough Heather Port areas, Re- Urban open
coniferous coniferous deciduous deciduous Arable Pasture Industrial manufactur Extractive clay clay clay
grazing moor airfield creational space
forest forest forest forest e Low Moderate High
organic organic organic

Duplicate Drainage Type Stream Order

Duplicate Dup Site Seepage / Spring Ditch Drain, land drain Small stream <3m wide Stream 3-10m wide River 10-30m wide First Secound Third

Drainage Condition
Moderate flow-only Strong flow-larg Channel filled bank to
Dry Ponded with dry sections Low Flow Overflow-banks burst Spate (flood)
boulders visible boulders visible bank

Drift types Influencing the Site and adjacent and upstream areas
Raised Coarse Clay with Fluvio-
Blown sands Estuarine Alluvium Soil Marsh Peat Bog Scree Glacial Till Moraine Made Ground
Beach Gravel Flints glacial

Observed Bedrock within 100m Site Geology

No outcrop Minor outcrop Moderate outcrop Abundant outcrop

Catchment Geology Site and Catchment Structural Feature

Fault shear zone Unconf Ign contact Fold Dyke Ign vein Others

Mineralization in Bedrock
Arsenopyrite Baryte Bornite Calcite Cassiterite Chalcopyrite Chromite Cinnabar Epidote Fluorite Galina Garnet Gold Hematite Ilmenite Magnetite MoS

Qtuartz Relgar Rutile Scheelite Sphalerite Stibnite Tourmaline Wolframite Zircon Coal Monazite Pyrite Pyrihotite

Mineralization Style in Bedrocks Observed Panned Minerals (See Mineralzation in Bedrocks)

Vein Fault Pod Disseminate Stratiform Fracture Lens Staining

Oserved Site Contamination

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