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Name: _________________________________ Date Accomplished: ___________

Year/Block/Specialization: ________________ Score: _______________________


With COVID-19 on the horizon, we must strike a balance in light of the country's
significant disparities. While increasing community quarantine is important, the consequences
differ significantly depending on our socioeconomic situation. There is little question that these
policies influence us all, albeit to varying degrees.
Community quarantining and social distancing have quite different meanings. The loss of
income as a result of restricted mobility affects the entire family, not just the wage worker. There
are no accessible funds. When people are crowded into a 3sqm room, social separation is
Strong community quarantine measures must surely be used to prevent transmission.
What policies and initiatives, on the other hand, are available to assist the poor? Is it possible for
the president to increase the amount and frequency of social security? Can we provide
emergency water, sanitation, and food assistance, as we would after a typhoon? These are
preventative and corrective measures. However, there is an imminent tragedy that needs the
implementation of a solid backup strategy.
Local governments will need to prepare for the worst-case scenarios. Testing and health
services should ideally be offered directly to underserved communities, and facilities should be
accessible. The President has convened a special session of Congress to consider a
supplemental budget to address the crisis and its (social) and economic ramifications. This
stimulus, as well as modifications to existing programs, are critical.
It's now a matter of investing quantity as well as quality. At all costs, we must avoid the
ethical dilemma of determining whose life to save or care for. Income should certainly not be the
decisive factor. We are on the verge of a humanitarian as well as a health crisis. This is how we
must respond, leaving no one behind.

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