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The suburbs

The issue of people moving to the suburbs has been widely discussed recently.It
is an important issue because it concerns the lifestyle of the people, the
economy of the city , its’ image to the outsiders , and many other things. A
variety of arguments have put forward about this issue, although it can certainly
be reduced to 2 solutions. One would be prettying up the center of the town to
bring the majority of people back from the suburbs and the other would be
offering incentives so people come back to the center.

Even though these are the solutions that we have money should not be spent
on making the city more beautiful as schools and hospitals represent a bigger
issue. Most of the money is supposed to go into education and hospitals , not
beautiful parks and others. Even though that in itself will bring in money ,
education is much more important because on a long term plan , our country
will flourish because of the money invested. More doctors , more scientist etc.I
personally think we should invest just as much as we can in this situation
because we could even profit. If more people more to the centre then bussineses
will move here too , because a majority of potential customers will be here.

I think we should invest in urban residences here because in this day and age
youngsters and other people enjoy something new , that could attract the people
back but we should renew the parks and others too because people won’t be
attracted to staying at home ,but having an enjoyable lifestyle in a good
environment which provides them with everything they need , parks where you
can relax with friends , places where you can practice sport and many others.

In conclusion , I believe we have to invest as much as we can to make the centre

of the city more beautiful and modern.

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