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EkaM Roll no.

-2034S DooB66
faper Coda- 123IS|lo
Dale of ExaM 2 3 MAR 202-/

(F) Firozabaol> A slilt May be uuilhoss e y the
the Capital her the locafion of
te rocky Zmo along t hiues ousmg olwsm
in qSultom fruz
Capirad ternzabad am theshah Tuglla, Loho fied his
Firozabad was thut a bmks of he Yarung y 13s8 AD.
two Pultl norh lage Citohueh pro bably
aall the ano South gnd Sprea
Ond t
round alioeen
appeaks to haue oCCuplod
app eass
ocupla 4
Ridlge It rma4, houever, (Indhapyastha,
the populathon be
poin ted Mronada
euf koAe that
exteded along t
faily noskeo aolt Shars-i Yaryng
Yaryno RherRheey y 9g
the reig of Firoz Svaj Afif, bhe chhanicles of
shah tolly
By te ace ofAod the
much that the eutihe
populhon of Delli
increased So
Space boluoeen olpat amo
kaushak-i ikar had laeen th
the Units f
holpa and the Inhabifed, thu distance katuoe
kaushok -l Shukav u
The kotla or ferfress oas
of the
bui abouf 1350-70 fe-kmhs
Jaung, te ofTyuinhs ofLohi oka the bauk
adjein adjoining Hhe Ashokom ch Seen
as Lal. t ovne ef The Two
pllar pepu larly kneuon
whih Loeha
which Stone pillgrs of
removed fror Topra Ashoka
of Jogadlhani omod ploilo by trozSeven miles Stuth Sputh-Oost

the othey pillar i planted on h shah on tis Spot

tuis Spot
The Kidge y kaushok-i shiltav.
polace u akso Khpton Q Jahonmurmg or the
loorld dlsployor
Exam RoU no.- 203ySo00866 Poge-
Paper Co de /23 IS)1 0
Date of Exar - 23 NAR 202

The Mast notable buildina in firczabao u te ichusesque
mes 9ue knoton Q the causqlh-khanl9 (Sxty fouY pillayed),
ond kalarn Masjid, Sttuated bn a pavt of firozabad uwhese
the Cit is bvorapped by the present Shohjobhana ba, he

mesqu is neo ullin tue oalls of tir Ci to the

Seulh-Loest of the Jomo Masjid of 9hoh Jahor t uoas built

khonkhon Jalon, the hozr of firoz Shal au tsos te

chisl mes gue of Fhrozshans ume
A Atas All venta}k fir2 Shoh shittoo) Dellhi
to a mere Suitable terrain, hanuforth i dtiloreus
Lseke t odlein the Yomung atur thoy tuu ravalliHHeN
Sher shal Dellui ama Sali erty Hurmayurs tomb ond
SLaljohonabad, euen Neu olel ase sutiotad wiuin
the alluvlal zome. In ageograpyCal euse, Qs u
o1 hutorical, firezaKad Sa Sea tu tue declne
of Delli f the ultgnate will ib Site upon Qud
Qhpumd the rocky toajlus, Qnd Sluillhdt
to the luer /9mols to the hovt ona hort,-eo P

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