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EXAMSOFT ACCOUNT: 202104455 in by at least two-thirds of all the Members

PASSWORD: D0CB22AF of the Senate.

- 2/3 – SENATE
SCRATCH PAPERS (7) International custom becomes a source
of international law if it meets two elements.
POLITICAL LAW: First, it has ripened into a state practice
(1) Under the doctrine of qualified political which is consistent, general, and existing for
agency, the act of an executive secretary is a certain period of time. Second, there is
presumed to be the act of the President, in opinio juris otherwise known as the belief of
the absence of showing that the later has the States that a particular norm of behavior
expressly repudiated the same. However, the or practice is obligatory.
power to declare martial law, suspend the
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, or the (8) The ICJ may decide a case ex aequo et
exercise of the pardoning power, cannot be bono when the parties to a dispute agree
validly delegated to the President’s alter ego. thereto. This pertains to decisions which are
not based on points of law, but on the
(2) The President shall have control of all judge’s sense of justice and fairness.
the executive departments, bureaus, and
offices. He shall ensure that the laws are (9) Customs can prevail over treaties when
faithfully executed. they are considered as jus cogens. Jus
cogens are norms accepted and recognized
(3) The Doctrine is extended to the by the international community of States as
President’s executive secretary and cabinet a whole from which no derogation is
secretary, but not to a deputy executive permitted and be modified only by
secretary or assistant deputy secretary. subsequent norms of general international
law having the same character.
(4) In times of war or other national
emergency, the Congress may, by law, IMMUNITY FROM SUIT:
authorize the President, for a limited period The president cannot be charged with
and subject to such restrictions as it may any suit, civil or criminal in nature, during
prescribe, to exercise powers necessary and his or her incumbency in office. This is in
proper to carry out a declared national line with the doctrine of the president's
policy. Unless sooner withdrawn by immunity from suit.
resolution of the Congress, such powers The president is the head of the
shall cease upon the next adjournment executive branch, a co-equal of the judiciary
thereof. under the Constitution. His or her
prerogative is entitled to respect from other
(5) The President shall also have the power branches of government.
to grant amnesty with the concurrence of a Inter-branch courtesy is
majority of all the Members of the Congress. but a consequence of the doctrine of
– Majority + All separation of powers.

(6) No treaty or international agreement REQUISITES FOR A VALID

shall be valid and effective unless concurred DELEGATION:
Collateral attacks on a presumably Chief Executive is not only because the
valid law are not allowed. legislature is unable to meet due to a
What are needed for a valid national emergency but also because
delegation are: (1) the completeness of the although it could and does actually meet,
statute making the delegation; and (2) the whether in regular or special session, it is
presence of a sufficient standard. not in a position and able to cope with the
problems brought about by and arising from
EXHAUSTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE the emergency, problems which require
REMEDIES: urgent and immediate action.
A case is ripe for adjudication when However, under the principle of
the challenged governmental act is a separation of powers, the delegated power of
completed action such that there is a direct, the President to legislate ceases when the
concrete, and adverse effect on the Congress reassumes the emergency power
petitioner. so delegated to the President.
Courts may only take cognizance of
a case or controversy if the petitioner has POLICE POWER:
exhausted all remedies available to it under Proclamation No. 475 which called
the law. for the total closure of Boracay for a period
The doctrine ensures that the of 6 months must be upheld for being in the
administrative agency exercised its power to nature of a valid police power measure.
its full extent, including its authority to As defined, it consists of (1)
correct or reconsider its actions. imposition or restraint upon liberty or
It would, thus, be premature for property, (2) in order to foster the common
courts to take cognizance of the case prior to good.
the exhaustion of remedies, not to mention it The assailed governmental measure
would violate the principle of separation of is within the scope of police power cannot
powers. (KMU v. President Aquino, G.R. be disputed. It is without a doubt the interest
No. 210500, April 02, 2019, Leonen, J.) of the public in general.


PRESIDENT IN TIMES OF NATIONAL The purpose of the ordinance is to
EMERGENCY: regulate the construction and maintenance of
Under the doctrine of transcendental electric and telecommunications posts
importance, the Supreme Court may assume erected within Cagayan de Oro City.
jurisdiction not only because of the vast It is clear that the ordinance in this
amounts of public funds and the rights of case serves a regulatory purpose and is,
citizens affected but also of the principles of hence, an exercise of police power.
law involved, and the fact that not only the If the purpose is primarily to
force and the effect of a law but also the regulate, then it is deemed an exercise of
legality and the force and effect of numerous police power in the form of a fee, even
executive orders issued by President through though revenue is incidentally generated.
the IATF. Not only citizens, their interests, Stated otherwise, if generation of
and their properties but also the different revenue is the primary purpose, the
departments and offices of the Government imposition is a tax but, if regulation is the
are seriously affected. The real reason for primary purpose, the imposition is properly
the delegation of legislative powers to the categorized as a regulatory fee.
Criminal due process requires that
POWER TO IMPOSE REAL PROPERTY the procedure established by law, or the
TAX: rules be followed to assure that the State
In MWSS v. Quezon City (G.R. No. makes no mistake in taking the life or liberty
194388, November 7. 2018), the Court held except that of the guilty. All the necessary
that a government instrumentality exercising measures must be taken to guarantee
corporate powers is not liable for the procedural due process throughout all stages
payment of real property taxes on its of a criminal prosecution until rendition of
properties unless it is alleged and proven judgment. (Labay v. Sandiganbayan, G.R.
that the beneficial use of its properties been No. 235937, July 23, 2018)
extended to a taxable person.
Under Section 234(a), the general EQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE:
rule is that any real property owned by the The argument of Zomer
Republic, or its political subdivisions is Development is untenable.
exempt from the payment of real property The difference in the treatment of
tax "except when the beneficial use thereof juridical persons and natural persons was
has been granted, for consideration or based on the nature of the properties
otherwise, to a taxable person." foreclosed — whether these are used as
Under the beneficial use doctrine, it residence, for which the more liberal one-
is the lessee of the government which has year redemption period is retained, or used
the burden of paying the real property taxes for industrial or commercial purposes, in
assessed by the local government on the which case a shorter term is deemed
subject property. necessary to reduce the period of uncertainty
in the ownership of property and enable
DUE PROCESS: mortgagee banks to dispose sooner of these
The petition of Atty. Labay should acquired assets.
be granted because his constitutional right to
due process was violated when he was not VALID CLASSIFICATION:
furnished a copy of the complaint affidavit It does not require absolute equality,
and its attachments during the preliminary but merely that all persons be treated alike
investigation. under like conditions both as to privileges
Section 1, Article III of the 1987 conferred and liabilities imposed.
Constitution guarantees the right of every We have held, time and again, that
person to due process before they are the equal protection clause of the
deprived of their life, liberty, or property. Constitution does not forbid classification
Due process in criminal prosecutions for so long as such classification is based on
is further emphasized under Section 14, real and substantial differences having a
Article III which provides that no person reasonable relation to the subject of the
shall be held to answer for a criminal particular legislation.
offense without due process of law. If classification is germane to the
The same provision also states that purpose of the law, concerns all members of
the accused shall be presumed innocent until the class, and applies equally to present and
the contrary is proved and shall enjoy the future conditions, the classification does not
right to be informed of the nature and cause violate the equal protection guarantee.”
of the accusation against him.
WHEN VIOLATED BY PRIVATE Succinctly put, the right of privacy
INDIVIDUALS: cannot be invoked to resist publication and
No, the constitutional guaranty of the dissemination of matters of public interest.
equal protection clause may not be invoked
against a private entity in the absence of CONTENT-BASED VS. CONTENT-
governmental interference, the liberties NEUTRAL:
guaranteed by the Constitution cannot be Content-based regulation regulates the
invoked. Put differently, the Bill of Rights is message or idea and may distort public
not meant to be invoked against acts of debate. Government may impose sanction
private individuals out of fear. (Osmena v. COMELEC, G.R.
No. 132231, March 4, 1998) The test which
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION: the Court will apply is the strict scrutiny test.
The COMELEC has no jurisdiction Upon the other hand, content-neutral
over the tarpaulins displayed within the test merely controls the time, place or
premises of the church of the Diocese of manner of the information relayed. Only a
Bacolod because they are covered by the substantial government interest is required
constitutional protection of freedom of for its validity. The intermediate approach
expression. test is applied in this case since the
The expression resulting from the restriction is not greater than necessary.
content of the tarpaulins is a political speech (Chavez v. Gonzales, G.R. No. 168338,
covered by the constitutional protection of February 15, 2008)
freedom of expression.
Even with the application of the clear HECKLER’S VETO:
and present danger test, COMELEC failed to The Heckler’s Veto is a government
justify the regulation as there is no action which attempts to ban protected
compelling and substantial state interest speech because it might provoke a violent
endangered by the posting of the tarpaulin as response.
to justify curtailment of the right of freedom
Yes, the case filed by Ortigas and
MASS MEDIA: Company against DPWH will prosper. As
A private mass media company may held in Republic v. Castellvi, a property
refuse to accept any advertisement without owner is entitled to just compensation when
violating the freedom of speech clause government takes his property for a public
because the clause is a limitation on state purpose.
action and not on action of private parties. The intention to take the property for
public use was obvious from the completion
PRIVACY OF PUBLIC OFFICERS: of the road widening for the C-5 flyover
A limited intrusion into a person's project and from the fact that the general
privacy has long been regarded as public was already taking advantage of the
permissible where that person is a public thoroughfare.
figure and the information sought to be
elicited from him or to be published about ADDITIONAL POINTS ON EMINENT
him constitute of a public character. DOMAIN:
The owner of the property may file
an inverse condemnation case when
government takes over its property without HUMAN REMAINS:
his consent. Human remains may be the subject
The property owner may ask for of a search warrant. Section 3, Rule 126 of
reconveyance of his title to the property the Rules of Court provides that a search
when government abandons its project warrant may be issued for the search and
because public purpose no longer exists. seizure of personal property.
If after the lapse of five years, Considering that human remains can
government has not fully paid the just generally be transported from place to place
compensation, the property owner may ask and considering further that they qualify
for reversion of the title of the property. under the phrase "subject of the offense"
If within the 5-year period, given that they prove the crime’s corpus
government has not fully paid the just delicti, it follows that they may be valid
compensation, the court may order payment subjects of a search warrant under the
of interest until it is fully settled. (before above-cited criminal procedure provision.
June 30, 2013, 12% may be imposed but It is of paramount importance that
after that date, the court may only impose an the existence of the drug, the corpus delicti
interest rate of 6%) of the crime, be established beyond doubt.
Its identity and integrity must he proven to
DANGEROUS DRUGS: have been safeguarded.
The elements to sustain convictions
for violation of Section 5 of the PROCESS OF LEGISLATION:
Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act, or The presidential certification can be
the illegal sale of dangerous drugs are "(1) dispensed with the requirement not only of
proof that the transaction or sale took place printing but also of reading the bill on
and (2) the presentation in court of the separate days.
corpus delicti or the illicit drug as evidence." The phrase “except when the
The prosecution must prove with President certifies to the necessity of its
moral certainty the corpus delicti. Sadly, the immediate enactment, etc.” in Art. VI, sec.
prosecutor failed to discharge this burden. 26(2) qualifies two stated conditions before
This requires the performance of two (2) a bill can become a law: (i) the bill has
actions: physical inventory and passed three readings on separate days and
photographing. Section 21(l) is specific as to (ii) it has been printed in its final form and
when and where these actions must be done. distributed three days before it is finally
As to when, it must be "immediately after approved.
seizure and confiscation."
As to where, it depends on whether VALID AUGMENTATION:
the seizure was supported by a search 1. There is a law authorizing the President,
warrant. If a search warrant was served, the the President of the Senate, the Speaker of
physical inventory and photographing must the House of Representatives, the Chief
be done at the exact same place that the Justice of the Supreme Court, and the heads
search warrant is served. In case or of the Constitutional Commissions to
warrantless seizures, these actions must be transfer funds within their respective offices;
done at the nearest police station or at the 2. The funds to be transferred are savings
nearest office of the apprehending generated from the appropriations for their
officer/team. whichever is practicable. respective offices; and
3. The purpose of the transfer is to augment REVOCATION OF PROCLAMATION OF
an item in the general appropriations law for MARTIAL LAW (BY MAJORITY VOTE)
their respective offices The Congress in a joint session
revoke the proclamation of martial law and
LIMITATIONS ON CONGRESSIONAL the suspension of the privilege of the writ of
INQUIRY: habeas corpus because the 90-day period is
Section 21 has made explicit the limitations beyond the 60-day period prescribed in
on the power of legislative investigation: (1) Section 18 of Article VII.
it must be in aid of legislation; (2) it must be
in accordance with its duly published rules
of procedure; and (3) the rights of persons CLUSTERING OF QUALIFIED
appearing in or affected by such inquiries NOMINEES:
shall be respected. No, the JBC may not resort to
clustering the qualified nominees to the six
CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS: vacancies in the Sandiganbayan.
No, the President has no power to The President has the absolute
bar Cabinet members and other executive discretion to determine who is best suited for
officials from attending Senate inquiries in appointment among all the qualified
aid of legislation. nominees.
The Court explained that “when the The power to recommend of the JBC
inquiry in which Congress requires their cannot be used to restrict or limit the
appearance is ‘in aid of legislation’ xxx, the President's power to appoint as the latter's
appearance is mandatory xxx.” prerogative to choose someone whom he/she
It emphasized that the executive considers worth appointing to the vacancy in
branch is a co-equal branch of the the Judiciary is still paramount.
legislature, it cannot frustrate the power of
Congress to legislate by refusing to comply POLITICAL QUESTIONS:
with its demands for information. Political questions refer “to those
questions which, under the Constitution, are
POWER OF THE COURT TO ENJOIN to be decided by the people in their
CONGRESSIONAL INQUIRY: sovereign capacity, or in regard to which full
No, the Court may not enjoin the discretionary authority has been delegated to
Senate from proceeding with its the legislative or executive branch of the
congressional inquiry. government. It is concerned with issues
In a congressional hearing, the dependent upon the wisdom, not legality of
officers of the foreign bank neither stand as a particular measure.”
accused in a criminal case nor will they be
subjected by the Senate Committee to any MOOT AND ACADEMIC CASES:
penalty by reason of their testimonies. The Court will decide cases,
They cannot altogether decline otherwise moot, if first, there is a grave
appearing before the Senate Committee, violation of the Constitution; second, the
although they may invoke the right against exceptional character of the situation and the
self-incrimination when a question calling paramount public interest is involved; third,
for an incriminating answer is propounded. when the constitutional issue raised requires
formulation of controlling principles to
guide the bench, the bar, and the public; and
fourth, the case is capable of repetition yet An ad interim appointment is a
evading review permanent appointment because it takes
effect immediately and can no longer be
LNMB: withdrawn by the President once the
There is no clear constitutional or appointee has qualified into office.
legal basis to hold that there was a grave The second paragraph of Section 16,
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or Article VII of the Constitution provides as
excess of jurisdiction which would justify follows: "The President shall have the power
the Court to interpose its authority to check to make appointments during the recess of
and override an act entrusted to the the Congress, whether voluntary or
judgment of another branch. compulsory, but such appointments shall be
effective only until disapproval by the
ADMINISTRATIVE SUPERVISION: Commission on Appointments or until the
Section 6 of Article VIII provides next adjournment of the Congress."
that the Supreme Court shall have
administrative supervision over all courts PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY FROM
and the personnel thereof. Therefore, the SUIT:
Civil Service Commission has no The concept of presidential
jurisdiction over the administrative case immunity under our governmental and
filed against her. constitutional system does not distinguish
The Ombudsman must defer action whether or not the suit pertains to an official
on a criminal complaint against a judge, or a act of the President. Neither does immunity
court employee where the same arises from hinge on the nature of the suit. The lack of
their administrative duties and refer the distinctions prevents us from making any
same to this Court for determination whether distinctions. Guided by judicial precedents.
said judge or court employee had acted the concept is clear and allows no
within the scope of their administrative qualifications or restrictions that the
duties. President cannot be sued while holding such
The argument of X, Y and Z is A lawmaker's participation in media
correct because Section 5 (5) of Article VIII interviews is not a legislative act, but is
vested the promulgation for the admission to "political in nature," outside the ambit of the
the practice of law only in the Supreme immunity conferred under the Speech or
Court. The act of admitting, suspending, Debate Clause in the 1987 Constitution.
disbarring, and reinstating attorneys at law The privilege arises not because the
in the practice of the profession is statement is made by a lawmaker, but
concededly judicial. because it is uttered in furtherance of
No, Secretary Lopez can no longer ENROLLED BILL DOCTRINE:
discharge her duties despite having issued an Under the "enrolled bill doctrine,"
ad interim appointment by the President the signing of a bill by the Speaker of the
once the Commission on Appointments House and the Senate President and the
rejected her nomination. certification of the Secretaries of both
Houses of Congress that it was passed is shareholders in a Canadian company with
conclusive not only as to its provisions but respect to measures taken against that
also as to its due enactment company in Spain. The Court ruled on the
side of the Spanish, holding that only the
NATIONALIZATION PRINCIPLE: nationality of the corporation (the
Section 2, Article XII of the 1987 Canadians) can sue. The case is important as
Constitution provides that: “The exploration, it demonstrates how the concept of
development, and utilization of natural diplomatic protection under international
resources shall be under the full control and law can apply equally to corporations as to
supervision of the State. The State may individuals
directly undertake such activities, or it may
enter into co-production, joint venture, or EXTRADITION:
production-sharing agreements with Filipino The Court held in Lantion that at the
citizens, or corporations or associations at stage of the extradition, it was only at an
least sixty per centum (60%) of whose evaluation stage; thus, there was yet no
capital is owned by such citizens.” requirement that he be given notice of the
SEC MC No. 8, s. of 2013 uses the proceedings.
two-tiered test in determining compliance At that stage, using the balancing of
with the required percentage of Filipino interest approach, the balance was tilted in
ownership. Under the two-tiered test, the favor of the interest of the State in helping
60% required Filipino ownership shall be suppress crime by facilitating the extradition
applied to both: a) the total number of of persons covered by treaties entered into
outstanding shares of stock entitled to vote by the government.
in the election of directors; and b) the total
number of outstanding shares of stock, DOCTRINE OF INCORPORATION:
whether or not entitled to vote in the election According to Article II, Section 2 of
of directors the 1987 Constitution, “[t]he Philippines
renounces war as an instrument of national
PIECEMEAL RATIFICATIONS: policy, adopts the generally accepted
No, piecemeal ratification is not principles of international law as part of the
favored. A constitution must be interpreted law of the land and adheres to the policy of
as a whole and separate ratification will not peace, equality, justice, freedom,
be in accord with this doctrine. cooperation, and amity with all nations.”
The language of the Constitution is In Magallona v. Ermita (G.R. No.
clear that there is no limitation as to the 187167, August 16, 2011), the Court
number of amendments (Section 2, Article declared that principles of international
XVII) but the process of ratification can customary law (such as the right of innocent
only be conducted in one process when it passage) are “automatically incorporated in
provides for ratification by a majority of the corpus of Philippine law.” It has
votes cast in a plebiscite consistently held that customary law is part
of the law of the land. There is no need for
DIPLOMATIC PROTECTION treaty law, valid or otherwise, to be
(CORPORATIONS): applicable in the Philippines
The ICJ ruled that the Belgian
government lacked the standing to exercise Reminder: Sources of International Law
diplomatic protection of Belgian Article 38(1) of the Statute of the
International Court of Justice lists the pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with
sources that the ICJ uses to resolve disputes the objections, to the other House by which
as follows: “1. The Court, whose function is it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if
to decide in accordance with international approved by two-thirds of all the Members
law such disputes as are submitted to it, shall of that House, it shall become a law. In all
apply: a) international conventions, whether such cases, the votes of each House shall be
general or particular, establishing rules determined by yeas or nays, and the names
expressly recognized by the contesting of the Members voting for or against shall
states; b) international custom, as evidence be entered in its Journal. The President shall
of a general practice accepted as law; c) the communicate his veto of any bill to the
general principles of law recognized by House where it originated within thirty days
civilized nations; d) subject to the provisions after the date of receipt thereof; otherwise, it
of Article 59, judicial decisions and the shall become a law as if he had signed it. (2)
teachings of the most highly qualified
publicists of the various nations, as The President shall have the power to veto
subsidiary means for the determination of any particular item or items in an
rules of law.” appropriation, revenue, or tariff bill, but the
veto shall not affect the item or items to
SECTION 26. (1) Every bill passed by the which he does not object.
Congress shall embrace only one subject
which shall be expressed in the title thereof. SECTION 24. All appropriation, revenue or
tariff bills, bills authorizing increase of the
(2) No bill passed by either House shall public debt, bills of local application, and
become a law unless it has passed three private bills shall originate exclusively in the
readings on separate days, and printed House of Representatives, but the Senate
copies thereof in its final form have been may propose or concur with amendments.
distributed to its Members three days before
its passage, except when the President SECTION 25. (1) The Congress may not
certifies to the necessity of its immediate increase the appropriations recommended by
enactment to meet a public calamity or the President for the operation of the
emergency. Upon the last reading of a bill, Government as specified in the budget. The
no amendment thereto shall be allowed, and form, content, and manner of preparation of
the vote thereon shall be taken immediately the budget shall be prescribed by law.
thereafter, and the yeas and nays entered in
the Journal. (2) No provision or enactment shall be
embraced in the general appropriations bill
SECTION 27. (1) Every bill passed by the unless it relates specifically to some
Congress shall, before it becomes a law, be particular appropriation therein. Any such
presented to the President. If he approves the provision or enactment shall be limited in its
same, he shall sign it; otherwise, he shall operation to the appropriation to which it
veto it and return the same with his relates.
objections to the House where it originated,
which shall enter the objections at large in (3) The procedure in approving
its Journal and proceed to reconsider it. If, appropriations for the Congress shall strictly
after such reconsideration, two-thirds of all follow the procedure for approving
the Members of such House shall agree to
appropriations for other departments and to: 1. self-organization; 2. collective
agencies. bargaining and negotiations; 3. peaceful
concerted activities, including the right to
(4) A special appropriations bill shall strike in accordance with law; 4. security of
specify the purpose for which it is intended tenure; 5. humane conditions of work; 6. a
and shall be supported by funds actually living wage; 7. participate in policy and
available as certified by the National decision-making processes affecting their
Treasurer, or to be raised by a corresponding rights and benefits as may be provided by
revenue proposed therein. law. e) Promotion of the principle of shared
(5) No law shall be passed authorizing any responsibility between workers and
transfer of appropriations; however, the employers and the preferential use of
President, the President of the Senate, the voluntary modes in settling disputes,
Speaker of the House of Representatives, the including conciliation, and shall enforce
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and the their mutual compliance therewith to foster
heads of Constitutional Commissions may, industrial peace. f) Regulation of the
by law, be authorized to augment any item relations between workers and employers,
in the general appropriations law for their recognizing the right of labor to its just share
respective offices from savings in other in the fruits of production and the right of
items of their respective appropriations. enterprises to reasonable returns to
investments, and to expansion and growth
(6) Discretionary funds appropriated for
particular officials shall be disbursed only CIVIL CODE:
for public purposes to be supported by “Art. 1700. The relations between
appropriate vouchers and subject to such capital and labor are not merely contractual.
guidelines as may be prescribed by law. They are so impressed with public interest
that labor contracts must yield to the
(7) If, by the end of any fiscal year, the common good. Therefore, such contracts are
Congress shall have failed to pass the subject to the special laws on labor unions,
general appropriations bill for the ensuing collective bargaining, strikes and lockouts,
fiscal year, the general appropriations law closed shop, wages, working conditions,
for the preceding fiscal year shall be deemed hours of labor and similar subjects.”
reenacted and shall remain in force and
effect until the general appropriations bill is LABOR CODE:
passed by the Congress Under Article 3 of Labor Code: a) Full
protection to labor; b) Promotion of full
LABOR LAW: employment; c) Promotion of equal work
opportunities regardless of sex, race or
STRIKE creed; d) Regulation of the relations between
workers and employers; e) Protection of the
CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISION – rights of workers to: 1. self-organization; 2.
SOCIAL JUSTICE: collective bargaining; 3. security of tenure;
a) Full protection to labor, local and and 4. just and humane conditions of work.
overseas, organized and unorganized; b)
Promotion of full employment; c) Promotion CONSTRUCTION IN FAVOR OF
of equality of employment opportunities for LABOR:
all; d) Guarantee of the rights of all workers
Article 4. Construction in Favor of Labor. – TWO-FOLD DUE PROCESS
All doubts in the implementation and REQUIREMENT:
interpretation of the provisions of this Code, 1. Substantive aspect which means
including its implementing rules and that the dismissal must be for any of the (1)
regulations, shall be resolved in favor of just causes provided under the Labor Code
labor.” or the company rules and regulations
promulgated by the employer; or (2)
FOUR-FOLD TEST: authorized causes under the Labor Code;
1. Selection and engagement of the and
employee; 2. Procedural aspect which means
2. Payment of wages or salaries; that the employee must be accorded both
3. Exercise of the power of dismissal; or STATUTORY DUE PROCESS AND
4. Exercise of the power to control the CONTRACTUAL DUE PROCESS
employee’s conduct
The 4th test above, the control test, is TERMINATION BY THE EMPLOYER:
the controlling test which means that the (a) Serious misconduct or willful
employer controls or has reserved the right disobedience by the employee of the lawful
to control the employee not only as to the orders of his employer or representative in
result of the work to be done but also as to connection with his work;
the means and methods by which the same is (b) Gross and habitual neglect by the
to be accomplished employee of his duties;
If the so-called employer does not (c) Fraud or willful breach by the employee
control such means and methods but is only of the trust reposed in him by his employer
interested in the results thereof, then the or duly authorized representative;
arrangement is called “independent job (d) Commission of a crime or offense by the
contracting” or “contractualization”, the employee against the person of his employer
party controlling the means and methods is or any immediate member of his family or
called the independent contractor and the his duly authorized representatives; and
party interested only in the results is called (e) Other causes analogous to the foregoing.
the principal/client/indirect
employer/statutory employer. SERIOUS MISCONDUCT:
1. It must be serious; and
TWO-TIERED TEST: 2. It must relate to the performance of the
(1) The putative employer’s power to employee’s duties; and
control the employee with respect to the 3. It must show that he has become unfit to
means and methods by which the work is to continue working for the employer
be accomplished [control test]; and Serious misconduct implies that it
(2) The underlying economic must be of such grave and aggravated
realities of the activity or relationship character and not merely trivial or
[broader economic reality test]. unimportant
Under the economic reality test, the
proper standard of economic dependence is INSUBORDINATION OR WILLFUL
whether the worker is dependent on the MISCONDUCT:
alleged employer for his continued 1. The employee’s assailed conduct must
employment in that line of business. have been willful or intentional, the
willfulness being characterized by a 2. The act, omission or concealment
wrongful and perverse attitude; and involves a breach of legal duty, trust, or
2. The order violated must be based on a confidence justly reposed;
reasonable and lawful company rule, 3. It must be committed against the
regulation or policy and made known to the employer or his/her representative; and
employee and must pertain to the duties for 4. It must be in connection with the
which he has been engaged to discharge employees' work
Refusal to undergo random drug
testing constitutes both serious misconduct WILLFUL BREACH OF TRUST:
and insubordination (1) The employee holds a position of trust
and confidence;
GROSS AND HABITUAL NEGLECT OF (2) There exists an act justifying the loss of
DUTIES: trust and confidence, which means that the
(1) There must be negligence which is gross act that betrays the employer’s trust must be
and/or habitual in character; and real, i.e., founded on clearly established
(2) It must be work-related as would make facts;
him unfit to work for his employer. (3) The employee’s breach of the trust must
The negligence must be gross in be willful, i.e., it was done intentionally,
character which means absence of that knowingly and purposely, without justifiable
diligence that an ordinarily prudent man excuse; and
would use in his own affairs. (4) The act must be in relation to his work
Habituality may be disregarded if which would render him unfit to perform it
negligence is gross or the damage or loss is
substantial. “Habitual negligence” implies (1) The loss of confidence must not be
repeated failure to perform one’s duties for a simulated
period of time, depending upon the (2) It should not be used as a subterfuge for
circumstance causes which are illegal, improper or
Tardiness or absenteeism, if habitual, unjustified;
may be tantamount to serious misconduct (3) It may not be arbitrarily asserted in the
face of overwhelming evidence to the
ABANDONMENT OF WORK: contrary; and
Abandonment is not provided for in (4) It must be genuine, not a mere
the Labor Code but it is jurisprudentially afterthought, to justify earlier action taken in
considered a form of neglect of duty; hence, bad faith
a just cause
1) The employee must have failed to TWO CLASSES OF POSITIONS OF
report for work or must have been absent TRUST:
without valid or justifiable reason; and The first class consists of managerial
2) There must have been a clear employees or those who, by the nature of
intention on the part of the employee to their position, are entrusted with confidential
sever the employer-employee relationship and delicate matters and from whom greater
manifested by some overt act fidelity to duty is correspondingly expected
The second class consists of
FRAUD: fiduciary rank-and-file employees who,
1. There must be an act, omission, or though rank-and-file, are routinely charged
concealment; with the custody, handling or care and
protection of the employer's money or or (2) closure NOT due serious business
property, or entrusted with confidence on losses or financial reverses. - One (1) month
delicate matters, and are thus classified as pay or at least one-half (½) month pay for
occupying positions of trust and confidence every year of service, whichever is higher, a
Thus, with respect to rank-and-file fraction of at least six (6) months shall be
personnel, loss of trust and confidence as a considered as one (1) whole year. (c) If
ground for valid dismissal requires proof of closure is due to serious business losses or
involvement in the alleged events in financial reverses, NO separation pay is
question and that mere uncorroborated required to be paid (d) In case the CBA or
assertions and accusations by the employer company policy provides for a higher
will not be sufficient. But as regards a separation pay, the same must be followed
managerial employee, the mere existence of instead of the one provided in Article 298
a basis for believing that he has breached the [283].
trust of his employer would suffice for his 5. Fair and reasonable criteria in ascertaining
dismissal what positions are to be affected by the
1. A crime or offense was committed by the DEVICES:
employee; 1. There must be introduction of machinery,
2. It was committed against any of the equipment or other devices; and
following persons: (a) His employer; (b) 2. The purpose for such introduction must be
Any immediate member of his employer’s valid such as to save on cost, enhance
family; or (c) His employer’s duly efficiency and other justifiable economic
authorized representative. reasons


AUTHORIZED CAUSES: 1. There must be superfluous positions or
1. There is good faith in effecting the services of employees;
termination; 2. The positions or services are in excess of
2. The termination is a matter of last resort, what is reasonably demanded by the actual
there being no other option available to the requirements of the enterprise to operate in
employer after resorting to cost-cutting an economical and efficient manner; and
measures; 3. There must be an adequate proof of
3. Two (2) separate written notices are redundancy such as but not limited to the
served on both the affected employees and new staffing pattern, feasibility
the DOLE at least one (1) month prior to the studies/proposal, on the viability of the
intended date of termination; newly created positions, job description and
4. Separation pay is paid to the affected the approval by the management of the
employees, to wit: (a) If based on (1) restructuring
installation of labor-saving device, or (2)
redundancy. - One (1) month pay or at least RETRENCHMENT:
one (1) month pay for every year of service, 1. The retrenchment must be reasonably
whichever is higher, a fraction of at least six necessary and likely to prevent business
(6) months shall be considered as one (1) losses;
whole year. (b) If based on (1) retrenchment,
2. The losses, if already incurred, are not that his dismissal due to disease is not
merely de minimis, but substantial, serious, proper and therefore illegal.
actual and real, or if only expected, are
reasonably imminent; TWIN-NOTICE REQUIREMENT:
3. The expected or actual losses must be (1) First written notice. The first written
proved by sufficient and convincing notice to be served on the employee should:
evidence; and a) Contain the specific causes or grounds for
4. The retrenchment must be in good faith termination against him;
for the advancement of its interest and not to b) Contain a directive that the employee is
defeat or circumvent the employees' right to given the opportunity to submit his written
security of tenure explanation within the reasonable period of
FIVE (5) CALENDAR DAYS from receipt
DISEASE: of the notice: 1) to enable him to prepare
The Deoferio rule on substantive adequately for his defense;
requisites. The following are the three (3) 2) to study the accusation against him;
substantive requisites: 3) to consult a union official or lawyer;
(1) An employee has been found to be 4) to gather data and evidence; and
suffering from any disease; 5) to decide on the defenses he will raise
(2) His continued employment is prohibited against the complaint.
by law or prejudicial to his health, as well as c) Contain a detailed narration of the facts
to the health of his co-employees; and and circumstances that will serve as basis for
(3) A competent public health authority the charge against the employee. This is
issues a medical certificate that the disease is required in order to enable him to
of such nature or at such a stage that it intelligently prepare his explanation and
cannot be cured within a period of six (6) defenses. A general description of the charge
months even with proper medical treatment will not suffice.
d) Specifically mention which company
The Deoferio rule on procedural rules, if any, are violated and/or which
requisites. Deoferio, finally pronounced the among the grounds under Article 282 is
rule that the employer must furnish the being charged against the employee.
employee two (2) written notices in
terminations due to disease, namely: (2) Hearing required, After serving the first
(1) The notice to apprise the employee of the notice, the employer should schedule and
ground for which his dismissal is sought; conduct a hearing or conference wherein the
and employee will be given the opportunity to:
(2) The notice informing the employee of his 1) explain and clarify his defenses to the
dismissal, to be issued after the employee charge/s against him;
has been given reasonable opportunity to 2) present evidence in support of his
answer and to be heard on his defense defenses; and
3) rebut the evidence presented against him
Subsequent to Deoferio, Fuji Television by the management. During the hearing or
Network, Inc. v. Arlene S. Espiritu: conference, the employee is given the
categorically specified the right of the ailing chance to defend himself personally, with
employee to present countervailing evidence the assistance of a representative or counsel
in the form of medical certificates to prove of his choice. Moreover, this conference or
hearing could be used by the parties as an
opportunity to come to an amicable (c) Written acceptance by the employer of
settlement the resignation

3.) Second written notice. After determining RESIGNATION WITH JUST CAUSE:
that termination of employment is justified, (a) Serious insult by the employer or his
the employer shall serve the employees a representative on the honor and person of
written notice of termination indicating that: the employee;
1) all circumstances involving the charge/s (b) Inhuman and unbearable treatment
against the employee have been considered; accorded the employee by the employer or
and his representative;
2) grounds have been established to justify (c) Commission of a crime or offense by the
the severance of his employment employer or his representative against the
person of the employee or any of the
DUE PROCESS IN AUTHORIZED immediate members of his family; and
CAUSES: (d) Other causes analogous to any of the
Due process in authorized cause termination foregoing.
is deemed complied with upon the separate
and simultaneous service of a written notice RETIREMENT:
of the intended termination to both: (1) Optional retirement upon reaching the
(1) the employee to be terminated; and age of sixty (60) years.
(2) the appropriate DOLE Regional Office, (2) Compulsory retirement upon reaching
at least one (1) month before the intended the age of sixty-five (65) years
date of the termination specifying the
ground/s therefor and the undertaking to pay 5 years is the minimum years of service that
the separation pay required under Article must be rendered by the employee before he
283 of the Labor Code can avail of the retirement benefits upon
reaching optional or compulsory retirement
CONSTRUCTIVE DISMISSAL: age under Article 287.
1) An involuntary resignation resorted to
when continued employment is rendered For purposes of determining the minimum
impossible, unreasonable or unlikely; retirement pay due an employee under
2) A demotion in rank and/or a diminution Article 287, the term “one-half month
in pay; or salary” shall include all of the following:
3) A clear discrimination, insensibility or (1) Fifteen (15) days salary of the employee
disdain by an employer which becomes based on his latest salary rate.
unbearable to the employee that it could (2) The cash equivalent of five (5) days of
foreclose any choice by him except to forego service incentive leave;
his continued employment (3) One-twelfth (1/12) of the 13th month pay
due the employee; and
RESIGNATION WITHOUT JUST CAUSE: (4) All other benefits that the employer and
(a) The resigning employee should tender a employee may agree upon that should be
written (not verbal) notice of the termination included in the computation of the
(commonly known as “resignation letter”); employee’s retirement pay
(b) Service of such notice to the employer at
least one (1) month in advance; and LABOR ONLY CONTRACTING:
There is labor-only contracting if the Illegal recruitment when committed
person supplying workers to an employer by a syndicate or in large scale shall be
does not have substantial capital or considered as offense involving economic
investment in the form of tools, equipment, sabotage. Illegal recruitment is deemed
machineries, work premises, among others, committed in large scale if committed
and the workers recruited and placed by against three or more persons individually or
such person are performing activities which as a group. Illegal recruitment is deemed
are directly related to the principal business committed by a syndicate when it is carried
of such employer. out by a group of three or more persons
Labor-only contracting is prohibited conspiring or confederating with one
by law and the person acting as contractor another.
shall be considered merely as an agent of the
employer who shall be responsible to the ALIEN EMPLOYEES RIGHT TO JOIN
workers in the same manner and extent as if UNIONS:
the latter were directly employed by him. Jim as an alien employee may
On the other hand, there is job participate in union activities if he has a
contracting if a principal agrees to put out or valid working permit issued by the
farm out with a contractor or series of Department of Labor and provided that he is
contractors the performance or completion a national of a country which grants the
of a specific job, work or service within a same or similar rights to Filipino workers, as
definite or predetermined period, regardless certified by the Department of Foreign
of whether such job, work, or service is to be Affairs, or which has ratified either ILO
performed or completed within or outside Convention No. 87 and ILO Convention No.
the premises of the principal, provided that 98
the contractor has substantial capital or
investment and the workers recruited and FIXED TERM EMPLOYEES:
placed by such contractor are performing The Supreme Court has held that a
activities which are not directly related to fixed-term employment contract terminates
the principal business of the principal. by its own terms at the end of a definite
period and the fact that the service rendered
RECRUITMENT AND PLACEMENT: by the employees is usually necessary and
Recruitment and placement" refers to desirable in the business operations of the
any act of canvassing, enlisting, contracting, employer will not impair the validity of such
transporting, utilizing, hiring or procuring contracts nor will it make the employee a
workers, and includes referrals, contract regular one
services, promising or advertising for
employment, locally or abroad, whether for
profit or not:
Provided, That any person or entity
which, in any manner, offers or promises for
a fee, employment to two or more persons
shall be deemed engaged in recruitment and



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