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Paix - Travail - Patrie REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON

P.M.B. 10015, BUEA

The Regional Inspectorate of Pedagogy for Science Education, in collaboration with the South
West Association of Physics Teachers (SWAPT) and the Teachers’ Resource Unit (TRU )


March 2021

780 Physics 2 ADVANCED LEVEL

Subject Title PHYSICS

Paper Number 2

Subject Code Number 780


Two and half hours


Answer all the questions in sections I and II and any two from section III

SECTION – I is designed to be answered in 1 hour, SECTION – II in 30 minutes and SECTION – III is designed
to be answered in 1 hour.

You are advised to design your time accordingly.

You are reminded of the necessity of good English and orderly presentation in your answers.

In calculations you must show all the steps in your working, giving your answer at each stage.

Calculators and formulae booklets are allowed.

Turn over

SWR MOCK 2021/780/2/QNS


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Section 1: (One hour). Answer all the questions

1 2 2
1. a) The power, P, transmitted by a sinusoidal wave on a stretched string is given by P = μ ω A v , where
μ is the linear density of the string, 𝜔 is the angular frequency of the wave, A is the amplitude of the wave and v
is the speed of the wave. Show that the equation is homogenous. (3
(b) A taut string of linear density, μ=5.0 x 10−2kgm-1 is under a tension of 80.0 N. How much power must be
supplied to the string to generate sinusoidal waves at a frequency of 60.0 Hz and an amplitude of 6.0 cm?
(3 marks)

2. (a) Explain why an object undergoing uniform circular motion is said to be accelerating
(b) A car and a truck start moving at the same time, but the truck starts some distance ahead. The car and the
truck move with constant accelerations ac = 2 ms-2 and at = 1 ms-2 respectively. The car overtakes the truck after
the latter has moved 32 m.
i) How long did it take the car to catch up with the truck? (4 marks)
ii) What were the velocities of the car and the truck at that moment? (2 marks)

3. a) State the Newton’s universal law of gravitation. (2 marks)

b) Two point charges Q1= -25µC and Q2 = 45 µC are separated by a distance of 12.0 cm as shown in figure 1.
The electric field at the point, P, is zero. How far is Q1 from P? (4 marks)

4. a) How is a stationary wave different from a progressive wave? (2 marks)

b) A tuning fork is set into vibration above a vertical open tube filled with water. The water level is allowed
to drop slowly. As it does so, the air in the tube above the water level is heard to resonate with the tuning fork
when the distance from the tube’s opening to the water level is 12.5 cm and again at 39.5 cm. What is the
frequency of the tuning fork if the speed of sound in air is 340 ms-1? (4

5. a) During a change of state of a material, the temperature of the material remains the same. Where does all
the heat energy supplied to the material go to? (2
b) A 1.2 kg head of a hammer has a speed of 7.5 ms-1 just before it strikes an iron nail and is brought to rest.
i) Estimate the temperature rise of a 14 g iron nail generated by 10 such hammer blows done in quick
successions. State any assumption made in your calculations. The specific heat capacity of iron is 448 Jkg -1K-1.
(4 marks)

Answer Either 6 (a), (b) and (c) OR 6 (d), (e) and (f)

6. a) i) State the Newton’s second law of motion. (2marks)

ii) A 5 kg mass and a 20 kg mass are connected by a light inextensible string which passes over a light
frictionless pulley. Initially, the 5 kg mass is held stationary on a horizontal surface, while the 20 kg mass hangs
vertically downward, 6 m above the ground as shown in figure 2.

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When the stationary 5 kg mass is released, the two masses begin to move. The coefficient of kinetic friction,
μk ,between the 5 kg mass and the horizontal surface is 0.4. Calculate the acceleration of the 20 kg mass and
the speed of the 20 kg mass as it strikes the ground.

(6marks + 2marks)
b) i) State the lenz law of electromagnetic induction. (2mark)
A magnet is held in place vertically and a coil made of cupper wire is droped such that it passes down the
magnet. The coil drops slower than expected due to back emf developed in the coil.
ii) What is the meaning of back emf? (2 marks)
iii) A back emf of 10 mV is set up in the coil of 100 turns, when the magnetic flux density , B, drops from 0.1 T
to 0 T in 2 s. The cross sectional area of the coil is 2.0 x 10 -3 m2. Calculate the self inductance of the coil.
(2 marks)
c) Name and define two mechanical properties of solids. (4 marks)


6. d) i) What is meant by a cyclic process as used in thermodynamics? (2 marks)

A certain mass of gas is held at a pressure P 1 = 2 x 105 Nm-2 and occupies a volume V 1 = 1 m3. The gas expands
at constant pressure until its volume is doubled. It is then held at constant volume while its pressure is halved. A
cyclic transformation is completed by an isobaric compression transformation followed by an isochoric
transformation back to V1 and P1 as shown in figure 3 below.

ii) What is an isobaric process? (2 marks)

iii) Calculate the work done by the gas. (3 marks)
iv) What is the heat absorbed by the gas? (1marks)

e) i) What is the difference between sound waves and electromagnetic waves? (2marks)
ii) Two identical sound sources A and B are 1 m apart under water and emit sound waves of frequency, f =
3500 Hz in phase with each other. A microphone is placed on a line parallel to AB at a distance L = 1000 m
from AB as shown in figure 4. Calculate the distance, x, that the microphone should be positioned so that the
sound intensity is a local maximum. The speed of sound in water is 1500 ms -1.

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f) i) State one application of the photoelectric effect. (1marks)

When illuminated by monochromatic light of wavelength 1= 5.5 x 10 m, a certain metal emits electrons with

a maximum energy of E1= 1.02 eV. When the metal is illuminated by monochromatic light of wavelength λ 2=
4.8 x 10-7 m, the maximum energy is E 2 = 1.35 eV.
ii) Find the value of the Planck’s constant h from the data. (3 marks)

Section II (30 minutes) DATA ANALYSIS

7) The experiment whose data are displayed on the table below shows how the magnetic field strength, B, varies
at various distances, x from a straight current carrying conductor.
i) Plot a suitable graph from which µo can be determined. (10 marks)
ii) Calculate the slope of your graph. (4 marks)
iii) Using the value of the slope calculated above, estimate the value of µo given that the current flowing
through the conductor during the experiment is 22 A. (4 marks)
iv) Compare your calculated value of µo with the standard value and comment on your answer.
(2 marks)
B ( 10 -9 /T ) X / cm
40 1.0
35 1.3
25 1.8
20 2.0
16 2.5
12 3.0
8 5.0
4 10.0
2 20.0
1.3 30.0

Section 3 (1 hour)
Answer any two questions from the four options

Option 1: Energy resources and environmental physics

8) a) i) Define solar constant. Name two factors that influence the amount of solar radiation that reaches the
earth’s surface. (4
ii) If the solar constant has a value of 1.35 kWm -2 , find the total power radiated into space by the sun , assuming
it to be a perfect emitter at T = 5500 K and the sun’s radius is 7.0 x 10 8 m.
(2 marks)
b) Energy may be stored for use during peak demand by pumping water to a high reservoir when needed.
Suppose water is pumped to a lake 135 m above the turbines and at a rate of 1.35 x 105 kgs-1 for 10 hrs at night.
i) How much energy (kWh) is needed to do this each night. (4 marks)

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ii) If all this energy is released during a-14 h day, at 75% efficiency, what is the average power output?
(2 marks)
c) State three forms of environmental polution and how they can be prevented. (3marks)

Option 2: Communication

9) a) i) what is the difference between an analogue signal and a digital signal. (2 marks)
ii) Give three advantages of fiber optics over copper cabling. (3 marks)

b) Figure 5 below shows a simple block diagram of a radio receiver.

i) Identify the missing components in the blocks A and B and state their functions. (4 marks )
ii) What is the role of the aerial and the loud speaker. (2 marks)
c) Explain the processes involved from when a call is dialled to when it is received.
(4 marks)

Option 3: Electronics

10) a) i) What is the difference between a p-n junction diode and a zener diode? (2marks)
ii) Draw a full-wave rectifier circuit using two p-n junction diodes. Sketch the corresponding input voltage-
time curve and the output voltage-time curve. (4 marks)
b) An air craft’s door is locked by two bolts A and B each of which operates a sensor giving a logic 1 when the
bolt is fully inserted. A further sensor C gives a logic 0 output when the door is shut. A circuit using logic gates
is required to give logic output 1 only when both bolts are inserted and the door is shut.
i) Identify the logic gates used in the circuit. (2 marks)
ii) Use the circuit and complete the truth table. (3 marks)

c) the circuit in figre 7 is a simple operational amplifier circuit.

i) Identify the type of operational amplifier in the circuit. (1 mark)

ii) Calculate the output voltage in the circuit. (3mark)

Option 4: Medical Physics

11. a) i) Draw a simplified diagram of the human ear. (3 marks)

ii) Two identical machines are positioned the same distance from a worker. The intensity of the sound delivered
by each machine at the location of the worker is 2.0x10 -6 Wm-2. Find the sound level heard by the worker when

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one machine is operating.

iii) If the two machines are operating, will the sound level pose any danger to the ear drum of the worker? Why?
(3 marks)
b) What is radiology? Name the two branches of radiology and a center in Cameroon in which it can be done.
(4 marks)
c) State three eye defects and how they can be corrected. (3 marks)

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