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Personal Insight Questions

1. Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem

solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you

express your creative side.

I express my creative side in both an artistic way and a problem-solving way. In terms of

artistic ways, I like to draw up simple 2D pieces that follow a specific theme, for example, if I

think of the theme “Floating City,” I draw a futuristic city that floats with giant rocket engines, or

if I think of “Mountain Village,” I draw a village on the side of a mountain that is next to a

waterfall that makes a river at the bottom of the mountain. And in terms of problem-solving, I

think of easier ways of fixing a problem that makes things easier. For example, if my local

grocery store is closed for construction and will reopen in 10 days, but my soap bottle will be

empty in 3 days and I only have half a soap bar, I solve this by not only limiting my use of the

bottle soap but also reduce my shower time’s to half my normal time. Or say my fish tank gets a

crack in it but I don’t have enough money to buy a new one, I put my fish in a temporary tank I

bought prior and empty the broken one and then work extra hours at my job to get me enough

money for a new one.

2. What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and

demonstrated that talent over time?

I believe my greatest talent or skill is my “stealth,” or in other words, I’m known to move

and talk in the most silent way possible. I remember the times I successfully snuck up on my

friends during my time in 9th - 11th grade. This has also been a bit of a problem due to how the

teacher would overlook me if I don’t say anything during attendance. Thankfully my skill isn’t as

bad as it looks, because most of the time I get caught when I’m not paying attention to my

surroundings or my friend turns around at the last minute. Another skill or talent is, of course,

my creativity, my mind would make up scenes of beautiful landscapes and points in my life that

would take place if my life was different, however, it’s hard to recreate these scenes on paper due

to my inability to draw straight. I also find artistic pieces in the most random ways possible. I

have a picture on my phone of a pile of leaves I was cleaning up and my mind thought of some

sort of canine-like creature sleeping on its side. Along with that I also like adding small details to

my works to make them somewhat realistic.

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