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DOI: 10.1002/asia.201300745

Tuning the Stability of CaCO3 Crystals with Magnesium Ions for the
Formation of Aragonite Thin Films on Organic Polymer Templates

Fangjie Zhu,[a] Tatsuya Nishimura,*[a] Takeshi Sakamoto,[a] Hidekazu Tomono,[b]

Hiroki Nada,*[b] Yasushi Okumura,[c] Hirotsugu Kikuchi,[c] and Takashi Kato*[a]

Abstract: Thin-film growth of aragon- ces, no thin films are formed, despite cursor suggests that the transition of
ite CaCO3 on annealed poly(vinyl alco- the presence of Mg2 + . Molecular dy- amorphous calcium carbonate to crys-
hol) (PVA) matrices is induced by namics simulation of the CaCO3 pre- tals is suppressed in the presence of
adding Mg2 + into a supersaturated so- Mg2 + . The role for ionic additives in
lution of CaCO3. Both the growth rate the crystallization of CaCO3 on organic
Keywords: biomineralization ·
and surface morphology of the aragon- templates obtained in this study may
calcium carbonate · magnesium ·
ite thin films depend upon the concen- provide useful information for the de-
molecular dynamics · organic–inor-
tration of Mg2 + in the mineralization velopment of functional hybrid materi-
ganic hybrid composites · thin films
solution. In the absence of PVA matri- als.

Introduction materials, morphological control is essential. CaCO3-based

thin films with flat surfaces,[6a, d] periodically patterned surfa-
Biogenic hard tissues are called biominerals because of their ces,[6b] and thin films consisting of oriented crystals[6c] have
high content of inorganic components: calcium carbonate been prepared by tuning the soluble and insoluble macro-
for invertebrates and calcium phosphate for vertebrates, in molecular templates.
general.[1] Biominerals have an organic–inorganic hybrid Polymorph control, that is, selective induction of calcite,
nature and hierarchical structures.[2] A promising way to aragonite, vaterite, and amorphous phases is also important
obtain environmentally benign and functional materials is to for the development of hybrid materials based on CaCO3.
mimic the self-organization processes of biomineralization Aragonite is thermodynamically less stable than calcite;[9]
and the elaborate structures of biominerals.[3] however, it is widely used by living organisms as the build-
Inspired by the observation that insoluble matrices and ing blocks for their skeletons, for example, in the nacreous
soluble additives are involved in biomineralization,[4] our ap- layer of bivalve shells. Thus, the induction of aragonite has
proach is to employ both soluble additives and insoluble attracted attention.[10] We previously succeeded in the prepa-
matrices to prepare organic–inorganic hybrids.[5] By using ration of aragonite thin films by exploiting the cooperative
this approach, we have developed thin-film CaCO3/organic effects of magnesium ions and acidic macromolecules[7] and
hybrids.[6–8] For the development of CaCO3-based hybrid by using annealed crystalline poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) ma-
trices as lattice-sized templates.[8] For Mg2 + , its roles for
CaCO3 thin-film crystallization on an organic polymer tem-
[a] F. Zhu, Dr. T. Nishimura, Dr. T. Sakamoto, Prof. Dr. T. Kato plate have not yet been well examined. It should be noted
Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology
School of Engineering
that, in all of these cases, the addition of soluble acidic poly-
The University of Tokyo mers was necessary for the preparation of CaCO3 thin
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656 (Japan) films.[7, 8]
Fax: (+ 81) 3-5841-8661 We have been interested in the role of magnesium ions in
aragonite crystallization. Some previous studies showed that
the main effects of Mg2 + on CaCO3 crystallization were the
[b] Dr. H. Tomono, Dr. H. Nada
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science facilitation of aragonite formation[11] and the stabilization of
and Technology (AIST) amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC).[12, 13] Compared with
Onogawa, Tsukuba 305-8569 (Japan) the Ca2 + ion in the aragonite lattice, the Ca2 + ion in calcite
Fax: (+ 81) 29-861-8722 is more readily substituted by Mg2 + .[14] This substitution in-
creases the solubility of calcite.[15] As a consequence, the
[c] Prof. Dr. Y. Okumura, Prof. Dr. H. Kikuchi
Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering
presence of a high Mg2 + concentration favors the formation
Kyushu University, Kasuga, Fukuoka 816-8580 (Japan) of aragonite, despite its lower stability.[11] ACC, which is the
Supporting information for this article is available on the WWW precursor form of crystalline CaCO3, is thermodynamically
under unstable and crystallizes rapidly in the presence of water.[16]

Chem. Asian J. 2013, 8, 3002 – 3009 3002  2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Tatsuya Nishimura, Takashi Kato et al.

The presence of Mg2 + as an additive was found to greatly

stabilize ACC and disturb its crystallization.[12, 13] For exam-
ple, in the cuticle (CaCO3/organic hybrid) of the terrestrial
crustacean, the amorphous region was found to contain
more Mg2 + than the crystalline region.[12c] Mg2 + is intimately
involved in both natural biomineralization and the artificial
synthesis of CaCO3. In nature, Mg2 + is abundant in seawa-
ter,[17] and takes part in the formation of the CaCO3 skele-
tons of marine organisms.[12a, b, 18] For example, in the teeth of
sea urchins, the distribution of Mg2 + in calcite is con-
trolled.[18] In synthetic systems, Mg2 + is extensively used as
an additive in CaCO3 crystallization for the purposes of de- Figure 1. Schematic illustration of approaches to the induction of thin-
creasing the CaCO3 crystallization rate,[19] stabilizing the film CaCO3. Approach I: Use of Mg2 + as an additive (the present study);
amorphous precursor,[13] obtaining polymorph selectivity,[7, 20] Approach II: Use of acidic polymer additives (our previous studies).
facilitating the development of spherulites,[13b, 21] and control-
ling the morphology of calcite.[13a, 22] In the present study, we Mg2 + (Figure 1, Approach I). The thin films induced by
have examined the roles of Mg2 + in CaCO3 crystallization Mg2 + exhibit crossed-extinction patterns indicative of spher-
on polymer templates. We have taken this approach be- ulitic structures, when observed under crossed polarizers
cause, in biomineralization, a macromolecular template is (Figure 2 a). It is of interest that the ionic additive alone
essential and because Mg2 + exists in seawater. We expect (without additional polymer additives) gave thin films of
that studying the effects of ions in the presence of macromo- CaCO3 on the PVA matrices. In our previous normal
lecular templates on the crystallization of minerals will be method to obtain CaCO3 thin films,[6–8] the cooperative
useful for the development of new synthetic organic–inor- effect of organic acidic polymers, such as poly(acrylic acid)
ganic hybrid materials.[23] (PAA), played an essential role (Figure 1, Approach II).
Herein, we report on the effects of the addition of Mg2 + The top-view SEM images (Figure 2 b, for example) of these
on CaCO3 crystallization from supersaturated solutions of thin films revealed radially aligned dendritic morphologies.
CaCO3 containing Mg2 + on PVA matrices. Simulation stud- The cross-sectional SEM image (Figure 2 c) indicates that
ies for ACC structures in the presence of Mg2 + are also de- these films are about 1 mm thick, and that each dendrite of
scribed. the spherulitic thin films consists of nanocrystals with diam-
eters in the order of tens of nanometers. The polymorph of
the thin films is aragonite, as confirmed by the IR bands of
Results and Discussion CO32 at ṽ = 1491 (v3, asymmetric stretching mode), 859 (v2,
2+ out-of-plane bending mode), 715 (v4, in-plane bending
Effects of Mg on the Formation of CaCO3 Thin Films
mode), and 701 cm 1 (v4), together with the Raman bands of
Thin films of CaCO3 were deposited on annealed PVA ma- CO32 at ṽ = 1085 (v1, symmetric stretching mode), 705 (v4),
trices from supersaturated solutions of CaCO3 containing and 206 cm 1 (librational lattice mode; Figure 2 d and e).

Figure 2. a) Polarizing optical micrograph, b) SEM image (top view), c) SEM image (cross-section), d) IR spectrum, and e) Raman spectrum of the
CaCO3 thin films grown on PVA matrices (annealed for 10 min) in the presence of Mg2 + (5 mm).

Chem. Asian J. 2013, 8, 3002 – 3009 3003  2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Tatsuya Nishimura, Takashi Kato et al.

The measured magnesium content of these thin films is

(0.38  0.01) mol % MgCO3. The XRD patterns of the
CaCO3 thin films (Figure 3) also suggest that the polymorph
for the thin-film crystals is aragonite. In these thin-film

Figure 3. Out-of-plane and in-plane XRD patterns of the CaCO3 thin

films formed on PVA matrices (annealed for 10 min) in the presence of
Mg2 + (5 mm). The standard powder diffraction data of aragonite (extract-
ed from Powder Diffraction File Card No. 41-1475) are shown below.

XRD patterns, the relative intensity between the peaks is

Figure 5. a) IR spectra and b) micro-Raman spectra of CaCO3 thin films
different from the standard diffraction pattern of aragonite
grown on PVA matrices (annealed for 10 min) in the presence of Mg2 +
powder; for example, the 130 reflection is intensified in the ([Mg2 + ] = 0, 20, and 50 mm).
out-of-plane measurement. The change in relative intensity
indicates a preferred orientation during the growth of the
thin films. However, it is not clear whether the preferred
orientation is homogeneous through the thickness of the that the products in the absence of Mg2 + are principally cal-
thin films. cite. These results suggest that Mg2 + plays an essential role
No thin films form in solutions without Mg2 + (Figure 4 a in the thin-film growth of aragonite on PVA matrices. The
and d); only granular CaCO3 crystals are obtained. In con- average diameter of the spherulitic thin films decreased as
trast, Mg2 + concentrations higher than 20 mm in the supersa- the Mg2 + concentration of the mineralization solution in-
turated solution of CaCO3 also induce the formation of creased from 5 to 50 mm (Figures 2 a and 4 b and c). Surface
thin-film CaCO3 (Figure 4 b, c, e, and f) in the aragonite features of the resultant CaCO3 thin films also changed with
polymorph (Figure 5). The IR bands at ṽ = 1432 (v3), 878 Mg2 + concentration (Figures 2 b and 4 e and f). Compared
(v2), and 715 cm 1 (v4), and the Raman bands at ṽ = 1086 with the dendritic morphology of the CaCO3 thin films
(v1) and 282 cm 1 (librational lattice mode; Figure 5) imply formed with 5 mm Mg2 + (Figure 2 b), at 20 mm Mg2 + , the
surface of the deposited thin
films is composed of finer den-
drites (Figure 4 e), which are
segmented perpendicularly to
their growth directions. For the
solution containing 50 mm
Mg2 + , no dendritic structures
are observed. Instead, a con-
centric pattern is formed on
the surface of the thin films
(Figure 4 f). Some previous re-
ports showed that bulk ACC
deposited prior to the forma-
tion of CaCO3 thin films.[13b, 24]
However, in this study, we did
not observe the deposition of
bulk ACC on the PVA matri-
ces during crystallization of the
Figure 4. a)–c) Polarizing optical micrographs and d)–f) SEM images of the CaCO3 crystals grown on PVA ma- CaCO3 thin films, even at the
trices (annealed for 10 min) in the presence of 0 (a, d), 20 (b, e), and 50 mm Mg2 + (c, f). highest concentration of Mg2 +

Chem. Asian J. 2013, 8, 3002 – 3009 3004  2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Tatsuya Nishimura, Takashi Kato et al.

(50 mm). The CaCO3 thin films induced by Mg2 + possibly

Effects of PVA Matrices on the Formation of CaCO3 Thin
grow through the deposition of ACC particles from solution.
A time-resolved dynamic light scattering (DLS) study was
performed to follow the development of the CaCO3 parti- PVA matrices, annealed for different times, were used to
cles after mixing solutions of CaCl2 and (NH4)2CO3 in the control the thin-film growth of CaCO3. First, we examined
presence of Mg2 + . These results indicate that the presence the effects of annealing time on the PVA matrices. The
of Mg2 + retards the growth of the CaCO3 particles in solu- thickness of the annealed PVA matrices before and after
tion (Figure 6). In the absence of Mg2 + , after 35 min, the di- swelling was measured by SEM (Figure 7). The swelling
ameter of the particles in the solution reached a macroscopic
size (> 1 mm) and became too large for precise measure-
ment. In contrast, the particles are about 500–600 nm in di-
ameter at 45 min in the presence of Mg2 + . In other words,
the diameter of the particles increases more rapidly in the
absence of Mg2 + .

Figure 7. Cross-sectional SEM images of swollen PVA matrices annealed

for a) 3, b) 10, and c) 30 min; scale bar = 1 mm. d) Thicknesses of the
PVA matrices before and after swelling, as measured from the SEM

ratio of the PVA matrices decreases as the annealing time

increases (Figure 7 d). After swelling, the thickness of the
PVA matrices showed a 3-fold increase when annealed for
3 min (Figure 7 a), and a 1.5-fold increase when annealed for
10 min (Figure 7 b), whereas swelling was negligible when
Figure 6. Average diameter of the particles at specific time intervals after
the PVA matrices were annealed for more than 30 min (Fig-
mixing solutions of (NH4)2CO3 and CaCl2 (containing MgCl2). The mixed
solution contained (NH4)2CO3 (20 mm), CaCl2 (10 mm), and MgCl2 (0– ure 7 c). Structural changes to the matrices were character-
20 mm). The error bars indicate the standard deviation of the Gaussian ized by IR spectroscopy (Figure S2 in the Supporting Infor-
fits of the particle size distribution. mation). A new band at ṽ = 1142 cm 1 emerged after anneal-
ing. This band corresponds to the symmetric C C stretching
mode and has been reported to correlate with the crystallin-
Because Mg2 + is a single atom, the steric stabilization or ity of PVA.[29] The crystalline regions induced by annealing
depletion stabilization mechanism[25] proposed for polymer may help increase the cross-linking of PVA, and thus, de-
additives is unlikely to apply to the stabilization of small crease the swelling ratio.
CaCO3 particles by Mg2 + . Considering that Mg2 + is These PVA matrices were subsequently used for crystal
“harder” than Ca2 + , and that Mg2 + is more strongly hydrat- growth of CaCO3 in the presence of Mg2 + (5 mm). Birefrin-
ed,[26] Mg2 + ions located on the surface of the CaCO3 parti- gent aragonite thin films formed on the PVA matrix an-
cles may suppress the aggregation of particles through nealed for 10 min, as shown in Figure 2 a. Conversely, when
strengthening the hydration layers around them. PVA matrices annealed for 3 min were used (Figure 8 a),
Other metal ions (Na + , Li + , Sr2 + , and Zn2 + ) were used as both birefringent thin films (type 1) and partially or com-
additives to examine their effects on CaCO3 crystallization. pletely non-birefringent thin films (type 2, areas surrounded
These ions were selected because they were reported either by dashed lines in Figure 8 a) appeared. The SEM image
to interact with CaCO3[22a, 27] or to be associated with the showed that the surface of the type 2 thin films was smooth-
biomineralization of CaCO3.[28] In the presence of Na + , Li + , er than that of type 1 thin films. The IR spectrum (Fig-
or Sr2 + , few thin films are obtained and rhombohedral cal- ure S3 a in the Supporting Information) of the thin films sug-
cites are the main products (Figure S1 a–c in the Supporting gested that both vaterite and aragonite were present be-
Information). Inhibition of CaCO3 crystal growth by Zn2 + is cause, as well as the aragonite v4 bands at ṽ = 715 and
significant; no CaCO3 crystals form in the solution contain- 701 cm 1, the v4 band of vaterite at ṽ = 749 cm 1 was ob-
ing Zn2 + (5 mm; Figure S1 d in the Supporting Information). served. Micro-Raman characterization (Figure S3 b in the
Lower concentrations of Zn2 + , down to 0.25 mm, were also Supporting Information) indicated that the two polymorphs
examined, but only granular crystals were observed (data were associated with different types of thin films. The type 1
not shown). These findings indicate that Mg2 + is more effec- thin films were characterized as aragonite from the Raman
tive than other metal ions at inducing the thin-film state of bands at ṽ = 1085 (v1), 705 (v4), and 206 cm 1 (librational lat-
CaCO3 crystals. tice mode); the type 2 thin films showed a split v1 band be-

Chem. Asian J. 2013, 8, 3002 – 3009 3005  2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Tatsuya Nishimura, Takashi Kato et al.

precursors, we assume that, in the present study, such pre-

cursors also form during the crystallization of CaCO3. Mo-
lecular dynamics (MD) simulations were employed to study
the effects of Mg2 + on ACC (Figure 9). The simulation

Figure 8. Polarizing optical micrographs (left) and SEM images (right) of

CaCO3 thin films grown in the presence of Mg2 + (5 mm) on PVA matri-
ces annealed for a) 3 and b) 30 min. In the polarizing optical micrograph
of a), the numbers indicate the two different types of thin films; all thin
films of type 2 in the image are surrounded by dashed lines.

tween ṽ = 1090 and 1076 cm 1, which was indicative of vater-

ite. The PVA matrices annealed for 30 min gave only bire-
fringent thin films (Figure 8 b). The surface of these films
showed a dendritic morphology, for which each dendrite
was slightly segmented perpendicular to its growth direction.
IR characterization revealed that these thin films were ara-
gonite (Figure S3 a in the Supporting Information).
Mg2 + has been reported to induce aragonite formation.[11]
However, the results given herein suggest that vaterite is Figure 9. a) Illustration of the CaCO3 system used in this study. Gray,
also induced by the combined effects of Mg2 + and PVA ma- blue, and red spheres represent Ca2 + ions and the C and O atoms of
trices on CaCO3 crystallization. We previously reported that CO32 ions, respectively. The dimensions of the system, which were ob-
aragonite was formed in the crystallization of CaCO3 when tained as the time average over 0.5 ns in the NPT-ensemble simulation,
were 31.55, 31.20, and 31.04  for fMg = 0, 0.33, and 0.67, respectively.
PVA was employed as the matrix.[8] We assume that the b) The definition of q formed by the three nearest neighbor O atoms of
crystalline regions of PVA matrices promote the nucleation the CO32 ions. c) P(q) for ACC at each fMg (upper) and P(q) for calcite,
of aragonite. PVA matrices annealed for 3 min favor the for- aragonite, and vaterite (lower). P(q) = 1/2sin q for the random distribu-
mation of vaterite; this may be because these PVA matrices tion are also shown. P(q) for each of the CaCO3 crystals was obtained
from a MD simulation of each crystal at 300 K and 1 atm. The structure
are less ordered than matrices that have been annealed for
of vaterite predicted from the quantum chemical calculations by Wang
longer times. and Becker was used for the simulation of vaterite.[32]
Other polymer matrices, chitin and chitosan, were used
for CaCO3 crystallization through the same crystallization
method. These matrices gave sporadically formed granular study was performed for anhydrous bulk ACC, assuming
crystals when Mg2 + was added to the crystallization solu- that its structure approximates that of the real ACC precur-
tion. sors in solution. Changes in the local structure of the bulk
ACC caused by the addition of Mg2 + were quantitatively
analyzed. Strictly speaking, the real ACC precursors in solu-
Simulation Study on the Roles of Mg2 +
tion are hydrated. However, features of the structure of an-
In recent studies of crystallization either with[13b, 30] or with- hydrous ACC do not significantly change by hydration.[33]
out[31] additives, it was suggested that, under the supersatura- Therefore, we assumed that the effect of Mg2 + on the struc-
tions typical of most experimental crystallization systems, ture of ACC is essentially the same for both anhydrous and
amorphous precursors emerged before the nucleation of hydrated ACC.
crystal phases. As the crystallization conditions employed in To analyze the local structure of ACC in detail, we intro-
the present study resemble the conditions in previous stud- duced the distribution function, P(q), of the angle q into the
ies,[13b, 30a, c] which showed the formation of transient ACC present study. The angle q is formed by the three nearest

Chem. Asian J. 2013, 8, 3002 – 3009 3006  2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Tatsuya Nishimura, Takashi Kato et al.

neighbor O atoms of the CO32 ions (Figure 9 b). A selected tion suggested that the order of the local structure of ACC
pair of O atoms was defined as a nearest neighbor pair if was suppressed in the presence of Mg2 + . In biomineraliza-
the distance between the pair was less than 3.8 . Figure 9 c tion, the incorporation of Mg2 + into CaCO3 was reported to
shows P(q) for ACC at each fMg. For comparison, P(q) for be controlled by living organisms.[34] Further study of the
calcite, aragonite, and vaterite are also shown. Many distinct roles of Mg2 + in CaCO3 crystallization is of interest to de-
peaks appear in P(q) for the CaCO3 crystals, indicating velop biomineralization-inspired hybrid materials.
a strongly ordered local structure. P(q) for ACC also shows
small peaks at around q = 35, 60, and 958, indicating
a weakly ordered local structure. However, as fMg increases, Experimental Section
the heights of the peaks around q = 35 and 958 decrease, in-
dicating the disappearance of the weakly ordered local
structure. As a result, P(q) approaches a random distribu- PVA (87–89 % hydrolyzed, Mw 1.5  105 to 1.9  105) was obtained from
Sigma–Aldrich Japan (Tokyo, Japan). Zinc chloride was purchased from
tion. Furthermore, we observed that P(q) for other q angles,
Kanto (Tokyo, Japan). Chitin, chitosan, and all other inorganic salts were
created by other atomic species, also approached a random purchased from Wako (Tokyo, Japan). All reagents were of the highest
distribution as fMg increased. Therefore, it is concluded that grade and used without further purification.
Mg2 + suppresses the formation of the ordered local struc-
Preparation of Polymer Matrices
ture of ACC.
We assume that the ACC obtained in this simulation cor- PVA matrices were prepared by spin coating of solutions of PVA
(4 wt %, 400 mL) in dimethylsulfoxide onto glass substrates. The matrices
responds to a part of the ACC precursors and that the for-
were then air-dried and annealed at 180 8C. To study the swelling behav-
mation of the ordered local structures in ACC precursors ki- ior of the PVA matrices, they were soaked in deionized water for 2 h and
netically favors the nucleation of CaCO3 crystals. Then, the then freeze dried for SEM observation. Chitosan and chitin matrices
disappearance of the ordered local structure of ACC upon were obtained as previously reported.[6c, d]
the addition of Mg2 + gives us a reason for the suppression Crystallization of CaCO3
of the nucleation of CaCO3 crystals from the ACC precur-
Purified water obtained from an Auto Pure WT100 purification system
sors in the presence of Mg2 + , as reported previously.[12, 13]
(Yamato, Tokyo, Japan) was employed for crystallization. The procedure
The DLS results in the present study revealed that Mg2 + for crystal growth of CaCO3 followed the previous method with minor
delays the size increase of the CaCO3 particles. The results modifications.[12a] Mg2 + or other metal ions were added to an aqueous so-
obtained by the present simulation study also supported the lution of CaCl2 ([Ca2 + ] = 10 mm) containing (NH4)2CO3 (1 mm). The solu-
tion was subsequently transferred into vessels containing the polymer
assumption that Mg2 + suppressed the crystallization of
matrices. The vessels were placed in a closed desiccator, together with
ACC. Therefore, in the presence of Mg2 + , higher stability a vial containing (NH4)2CO3 (75, 200, or 300 mg for solutions with [Mg2 +
can be expected for the ACC precursor particles in solution. ] = 5, 20, or 50 mm, respectively). An FMU-131I incubator (Fukushima,
Conversely, PVA matrices may promote the crystallization Tokyo, Japan) was used to maintain a constant temperature for crystalli-
of CaCO3 by providing an organic template, which has been zation (25 8C). Crystallization was performed for 22 h. The samples were
then taken out of the solution and air-dried for characterization. A solu-
reported to stabilize the dynamic crystalline domains and
tion obtained by the mixing of a solution containing (NH4)2CO3 (40 mm)
promote the nucleation of CaCO3.[31b] The observed thin- and a solution containing CaCl2 (20 mm) and MgCl2 (0–40 mm) was mea-
film state of CaCO3 could be a result of the cooperative ef- sured by DLS to examine the early stages of crystallization.
fects of Mg2 + and the PVA matrices; in other words, be pro-
duced by the combination of the suppression of crystalliza-
tion by Mg2 + , and the promotion of heterogeneous crystalli- The crystal morphology was characterized by SEM. A Hitachi S-4700
field-emission SEM instrument (Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan) was used to
zation by the PVA matrices.
obtain the SEM images. Samples were platinum-coated by using a Hitachi
E-1030 ion sputter (Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan). Polarizing optical micro-
graphs were obtained with an Olympus BX51 polarizing optical micro-
Conclusion scope (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan). A Jasco FT/IR-660 Plus spectrometer
(Jasco, Tokyo, Japan) was employed to collect FTIR spectra as KBr pel-
lets. XRD measurements were performed by using a Rigaku SmartLab
Aragonite thin-film composites have been obtained by using X-ray diffractometer (Rigaku, Tokyo, Japan) with CuKa radiation. Raman
the combination of Mg2 + as an additive and PVA as characterization over the spectral range of ṽ = 150–1200 cm 1 was per-
a matrix. The morphologies of the thin films depend on the formed by using a Jasco NRS-1000 micro-Raman system (Jasco, Tokyo,
concentration of Mg2 + in the supersaturated solution of Japan) at an excitation wavelength of 514 nm. The Mg contents of the ob-
tained thin films were measured by a Thermo Scientific iCAP 6300 Duo
CaCO3. The annealing time of the PVA matrices also affects ICP spectrometer (Thermo Scientific, MA, USA). The time-resolved
their morphologies. In our previous studies (Figure 1, Ap- measurements of particle size in the supersaturated solution of CaCO3
proach II), the biomimetic synthesis of CaCO3 thin films were performed at 25 8C by using a DLS-7000 spectrometer (Otsuka
employed the cooperative effects of polymer additives and Electronics, Osaka, Japan). The light source was a He–Ne laser (wave-
length of 632.8 nm).
insoluble matrices.[5] In contrast, in the present study, we
found that Mg2 + induced thin-film formation of CaCO3 in MD Simulations
the presence of insoluble polymer matrices (Figure 1, Ap- The simulations were performed for amorphous mixtures of Ca2 + , CO32 ,
proach I), without requiring soluble polymer additives. A and Mg2 + . The system for ACC was a cube containing 432 cations (Ca2 +
simulation study on the roles of Mg2 + on CaCO3 crystalliza- and Mg2 + ) and 432 CO32 . Three-dimensional periodic boundary condi-

Chem. Asian J. 2013, 8, 3002 – 3009 3007  2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Tatsuya Nishimura, Takashi Kato et al.

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