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Pressure Solution

Pressure solutions occur during diagenesis, particularly during compaction
and cementation of carbonate sediments where stylolites
may form parallel to bedding

 Like Coble-creep (but only in presence of
water), diffusion of matter occurs along grain
boundaries, fractures and other discontinuities
 “solubility” of material probably affected by
elastic or plastic deformation at high stress
grain boundaries
 May not involve true “solution,” since a true
fluid may not be present on grain boundaries
at high normal stress
 Little evidence of T or grain size sensitivity
pressure solution "dimples" in conglomerate clasts

Image from Greg Davis’ structure resources DVD

What are Stylolites?

Stylolites – irregular surfaces coated with insoluble minerals or seams of insoluble

material left behind at localized sites of pressure solution
See arrows

Stylolites presentations continued
See arrows

Stylolites continued refers to arrow point, occurring between the Qs
the mineral crystals and the rock mass

At higher T, crenulation cleavage develops in slates & schists by pressure solution

Image from Greg Davis’ structure resources DVD

• Dominant mechanism for low-T
deformation cleavage, folds, fibers, veins...
• Arguably main mechanism of Internal
deformation of thrust belts (minor faults
and unfaulted material)

 Kinetics/flow laws
 Low activation energy prohibits extrapolations from
high T-fast strain rate experiments
 Multiple potential rate-limiting factors (e.g.
diffusion, advection, reaction kinetics)
 Major uncertainties on associated stresses,
strain rates and thus viscosity.
 Temperature range (above ~100°C for qtz,
room temperature for calcite –Platt notes)
a. Recommended Reading/Text
1. Structural geology: Principles, concept and problems
– by Robert D. Hatcher Jr.
2. Physical geology – by Plummer, McGeary and
3. Elements of petroleum Geology – by Richard C.


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