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PART 1 6

Work and studies (always in use) 6

Hometown (always in use) 7

Art (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 9

Mirrors (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 10

Dreams (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 11

Emails (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 12

Sports (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 12

Taking photos (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 14

Cinemas (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 14

Street markets (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 15

Mobile phones (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 16

Time management (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 16

Websites (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 17

Losing and finding things (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 18

Daily routine (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 19

Cars (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 20

Memory (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 20

Advertisements (May - December 2022) 21

Boring things (May - December 2022) 23

Watches (May - December 2022) 23

Computers (May - December 2022) 23

Old buildings (May - December 2022) 24

Reading (May - December 2022) 25

Meeting places (May - December 2022) 25

Talents (May – December 2022) 26

Sports programs (May - December 2022) 26

Evening time (May - December 2022) 28

Collecting things (May - December 2022) 28

Science (May - December 2022) 28

PART 2 29

Course that impressed you (topic for all test dates till 31 Prev | Next August 2022) 29

Gift you want to buy (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 30

Story you remember (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 31

New place you visited (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 31

Rule you don't like (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 32

Interesting city (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 33

Clothes as a gift (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 34

Person you follow on social media ( 31 August 2022) 35

Interesting song (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 35

Special cake you received (topic for all test dates till 31 August Prev | Next 2022) 36

Person who contributes to the society ( 31 August 2022) 37

Person you like to spend time with (topic for all test dates till 31 Prev | Next August 2022) 38

House or apartment you'd like to live in ( 31 August 2022) 38

Something you received for free (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 39

Something that was broken in your home (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 40

Something you can't live without (topic for all test dates till 31 Prev | Next August 2022) 41

Person you met once and want to know more about (till 31 August 2022) 42

Toy (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 42

Happy event you organized (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 43
Long walk (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 44

Skill you learned from older people ( 31 August 2022) 45

Place in the village you visited (topic for all test dates till 31 Prev | Next August 2022) 46

Thing you did to learn a language (topic for all test dates till 31 Prev | Next August 2022) 47

Interesting discussion (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 47

Ambition you haven't achieved (topic for all test dates till 31 Prev | Next August 2022) 48

Describe a day out that didn’t cost a lot (May – December 2022) 49

Describe a positive change in your life (May – December 2022) 50

Describe a quiet place that you like to go to (May – December 2022) 50

Describe an occasion when you got stuck in a traffic jam (May – December 2022) 51

Describe a time when you lost something and then got it back (May – December 2022) 52

Describe in important river or lake in your country (May – December 2022) 53

Describe a completion (music, sports) You would like to take part in (May – December 2022) 54

Describe an interesting neighbor (May – December 2022) 55

Describe an important event that you celebrated (May – December 2022) 55

Describe something you do to keep fit and healthy (May – December 2022) 56

Describe something that surprised you (May - December 2022) 57

Describe a product from your area (a food or handicraft) (May - December 2022) 57

Describe something you do to keep yourself concentrated (May - December 2022) 58

Describe an invention that changed the world for the better (May - December 2022) 59

Describe a time when you were very busy (May - December 2022) 59

Describe a time when you helped a child (May - December 2022) 60

Something you do to save time (May - December 2022) 61

Describe a family member you'd like to work with (May - December 2022) 62

Describe a difficult decision that you once made (May - December 2022) 62

Describe a person famous in your country (May - December 2022) 63

Describe an occasion when someone gave you positive advice or suggestions about your work
(May - December 2022) 64

Describe a time when you used your cellphone to do something important (May - December
2022) 65

Describe a person you enjoyed talking with (May - December 2022) 66

Describe a time when you gave advice to others (May - December 2022) 66

Describe a place you visited (not your hometown) that you recommend others to live in (May -
December 2022) 67

PART 3 67

Remembering things (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 67

Gifts (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 71

Stories (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 74

New places (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 74

Rules (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 75

Cities, countryside, tourism (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 76

Leisure (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 78

Clothes (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 79

Social media (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 81

Learning from others (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 82

Countryside (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 83

Learning languages (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 84

Music (topic for all test dates till 30 April 2022) 85

Food (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 86

Opinions and ideas, communication (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 88

Jobs (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 89

Getting along with others (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 90

Accommodation (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 91

Free things (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 92

Repairing things (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 92

New and old things (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 93

Ambitions (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 94

Making friends (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 95

Toys, kids and ads (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 97

Organizing things (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022) 99

Quiet places noise (May - December 2022) 99

Losing things (May - December 2022) 101

Neighbors (May - December 2022) 102

Festivals, important events (May - December 2022) 103

Sports, health and keeping fit (May - December 2022) 104

Happiness (May - December 2022) 107

Traditional products, traditions (May - December 2022) 109

Concentration (May - December 2022) 109

Inventions (May – December 2022) 111

Being busy (May – December 2022) 112

Volunteering, helping others (May - December 2022) 113

Time management (May - December 2022) 114

Making decisions (May - December 2022) 116

Popularity (May - December 2022) 118

Encouraging people (May - December 2022) 119

Mobile phones (May - December 2022) 121

Meeting friends, communication (May - December 2022) 122

Opinions and advice (May - December 2022) 123

Cities, countryside, relocating (May - December 2022) 126


Work and studies (always in use)


1. to be between jobs (to be unemployed)

2. to work one's fingers to the bone (to work very hard)
3. to go the extra mile (to go beyond what is necessary)
4. to learn the ropes (to learn how to do a particular job or task)
5. to be a change of pace (to be a variation in routine)


1. to miss the boat (to lose an opportunity to do something by being slow to act): I've
missed the boat for the fall semester, so ....

Do you work or are you a student?

I've been working as an English teacher for about 15 years now, and for the last 10
years I've specialized exclusively in teaching IELTS. And I absolutely love what I do. Of
course, sometimes I feel tired and emotionally drained, especially when I have to mark
my students' essays until midnight... but I just don't see myself being happier doing
anything else.

What work do you do? What subjects are you studying?

I'm a student, and this is my final year at school. Now I'm working hard in order to get
passing grades to enter college in Canada. If everything is ok, six months from now I'll
already be studying there. I want to major in Journalism as I like writing essays and
articles and want to work for some famous magazine or newspaper. I'm going to do a
three-year course at X college.

Why did you choose that job?

Well, I guess the primary reason why I decided to pursue a career in Finance was that I
really loved Maths at school as I was always good at numbers. And because of this, I
thought it was the only possible choice I could make. So it wasn't a tough decision. And,
thank God, I have never regretted it.

Why did you choose to study that subject?

Back in the day when I was a high school student, I had an idea that I might like to do
something related to fashion, but my parents insisted on my choosing. Accounting.
Frankly, I wish I hadn't listened to them as I don't really enjoy being an accountant.
Do you like your job?
I do. Mainly because it's never boring. I love challenges. tasks. In fact, the more
challenging, the better. Of course, I usually spend a lot of time and energy, and put in a
lot of effort in order to complete such tasks successfully, but the job satisfaction that it
gives me significantly outweighs the hours, the stress and the hard work. Among other
things, there's nothing to complain about as my remuneration is more than adequate, let
alone all the perks that my employer provides.

Is there anything you dislike about your job?

Well, I hate that I often have to work against the clock to meet deadlines and it seems
that I'll never be able to escape this constant rat race. I feel this jam packed schedule is
robbing me of my life.

What was your dream job when you were young?

Oh, when I was younger, I wanted to either become a CEO of a big company or be self-
employed. I was really sure that this would bring me adequate remuneration and, as a
result, a sense of satisfaction. What is more, I understood that I was good at problem-
solving and managing people, could take on responsibility and work under pressure,
which was very important for pursuing. such careers.

Have you changed your mind on your dream job?

Well, on the whole, 'no' as this is what I still dream about. However, now I realize that
there are quite a lot of things in this career which I didn't think about at a younger age,
for example, the fact that working under pressure is robbing people of their life, taking
them from their families and pushing them to participate in the rat race in order to get
recognition and good money.

What do you like about your studies?

I will probably sound a bit nerdy, but I'm happy that school provides me with an
opportunity to acquire knowledge about things I didn't know before. I guess that most
subjects, we are taught, will help us to succeed in the future. So I never miss lessons
and complete all the assignments on time.

What do you dislike about your studies?

As a high school student, I can safely say that I dislike school very strongly mainly
because the teachers pile so much work onto us that we hardly get 5 hours of sleep a
night during an average school week. You see, no matter when I go to bed, I have to
wake up early. because my classes usually start at 8 am. To top it off, most subjects are
boring and irrelevant to our future careers. So it causes a lot of stress, making me and
my fellow students reluctant to study.

Hometown (always in use)

Please describe your hometown a little?

Well, Delhi is the capital of India and by far the largest city in the country. It's a densely-
populated place, so the city is always crowded and noisy. Also, Delhi has the highest
number of vehicles, therefore traffic congestion is a norm here. Also, it has a very rich
history. For this reason, it's really popular with tourists who come to visit our wonderful
temples and experience Indian culture. It's never boring to live here as the city provides
a wide array of entertainment options. It is also home to our government and all major

What is your town well-known for?

You see, as it's an industrial city, I'm afraid, there's nothing it can boast of. There are
neither ancient buildings nor other places of interest that could possibly attract tourists.
However, it is in my city that the best shoes are produced.

Do you like your hometown?

Yeah, it is never boring no matter what your intere It's a large city, so you can easily find
where to go and what to do. One thing I particularly like about it is although it is vast,
there are a thousand small and intimate places there such as peaceful gardens and
small friendly restaurants.

Is that a big city or a small place?

It's neither small nor big. Actually, it largely depends on what city you compare it with. I
would say it's big. enough to provide city dwellers with all necessary facilities, whereas
it's nowhere near as large as New York or Sydney, for example.

How long have you been living there?

Well, I've been living there since I was born. At times | leave the city just for a while
when I go on holidays.

Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?
Every time an opportunity to move to a different place turns up, I come to realise that I
want to be here above everywhere else as the city is rich in everything you could
possibly desire. There are lots of things to do and places to go. What is most important
for me is that X is the city of infinite possibilities for ambitious and career driven people
like me as a lot of large international companies have chosen it for their headquarters.

Would you like to live in the countryside in the future?

Oh-no! Not until I retire! I’m only 25 and dreaming of a high-flying career, but I’m afraid
that living in the countryside will leave my career in tatters. Besides, I’m a very active
and sociable person, so I think I will be bored to death being deprived of an active social
life and abundance of entertainment options a big city provides.

Have you ever lived in the countryside?

Do you ever spend time in the countryside?
Well, this isn’t what I'm dreaming of. I’d rather say I don’t mind swapping city life for a
rural idyll. I’m tired of the constant rat race and I’ll definitely enjoy a slower pace of life.
Also, I want to live in a house with multiple rooms, a garage and swimming pool which is
obviously not possible until I move out of the city.

What is the difference between living in the countryside and the city?
I guess that the most striking difference is that in the countryside there isn't much traffic
even during rush hours. Again, as there are fewer vehicles emitting exhaust fumes, rural
areas are nowhere near as polluted as urban ones. So the air is definitely fresher. This
is why it's highly likely that people living in the country live longer. However, there may
be a number of people who won't appreciate these benefits as there aren't many
opportunities for professional growth and the choice of facilities is limited.

What do people living in the countryside like to do?

What do you like to do in the countryside?

There's generally not much to do in the countryside, especially in the winter, so I'm sure
the majority of young people like to chat with their friends online or play computer
games. They may also like to get together in order to play football, ride bicycles or
explore the surroundings. This is because if children are not glued to their devices, they
usually have active pastimes. The more adventurous, the better. Again, as the number
of recreational facilities is severely limited in the countryside, it seems to me that the
most popular activity with adults is having barbeque parties or just chatting with their
neighbours over the fence.

How has your town changed over the last 20 years?

Oh, I would say it has undergone sweeping changes 'cause those who haven't been
there for a long time can hardly recognise it. First of all, the general quality of the city
landscape has improved, so it's way more beautiful now. For instance, many ancient
buildings have been restored and modern ones have been erected. Therefore, it has
turned into a remarkable tourist attraction

Art (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Do you like painting or drawing?

Oh, I really enjoy it. It is so relaxing. It always calms my mind and helps me forget my
worries. Plus, it's a great way to fight boredom. I often draw while waiting for someone
or queuing.

What kinds of things do you like to draw?

Well, I can't say I enjoy drawing something in particular. I like to draw everything I see.
These can be people, animals, flowers or foods. I just see someone or something that
catches my attention. I start drawing, and do it as long as it brings me joy.

Is it easy to learn how to draw?

I'm sure it is, but only if you're positive and have the confidence and willingness to learn.
One more thing that makes it really easy, to my mind, is taking a drawing course... and,
of course, practicing a lot

What do you know about paintings?

Well, not too much and not too little, I would say. For example, I know that there are
different painting styles and techniques, that paintings can be created on different
supports, in other words, different surfaces such as canvas, primed hardboard, wood or
paper, and with different brushes for different kinds of paint and to produce different
kinds of lines. Also, I know that the most common types of paint used by artists are
acrylic, oil, water-mixable oil, watercolor and pastel, and that color theory is one of the
fundamentals of painting, a guide to how colors interact, complement or contrast with
one another.

Have you learned drawing or painting?

Oh yes, I can say that I have as I took time to do it every single day in my childhood
practicing hard and never getting discouraged either from my parents or my Art

Do you like visiting museums and art galleries?

Do you often visit museums?
When was the last time you visited a museum?
Definitely, I do. I enjoy visiting museums and art galleries because they are a great way
to spend time with friends and family learning something new about different time
periods and discussing thoughts and opinions with each other. What's more, museums
make me think, which I really like and art galleries clear my mind and boost my own

Mirrors (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

How often do you use a mirror?

Do you like looking at yourself in a mirror?
Oh, I use a mirror almost every other minute. For instance, one of the first things I do in
the morning is look in the mirror. It is not because I enjoy looking at myself. It is just
simply unavoidable. I go to the bathroom, I look up, and there I am. So I always look in
a mirror while brushing my teeth, washing my face and brushing my hair. I also use it
while I'm driving to see what's happening around my car. I also look at myself while I'm
working out in the gym to make sure I do exercises correctly. It's also unavoidable when
I'm in a locker room at a sports center. Actually, I always give a quick glance in a mirror
if there's one nearby.

Do you use a mirror before buying clothing?

Well, frankly speaking, there's no point using changing. room mirrors as most of them
lie. For example, they take a dress size off you. They make you look taller and thinner
than you are. So you look at yourself and think you've found the perfect dress as it looks
fabulous. Then you get home and look in your own mirror and discover it's actually a

What functions does a mirror have?

Do you think a mirror is a good decoration?
I believe its main function is to let you compare what you look like to what you think you
should look like and make appropriate changes if necessary. For example, you may
give a quick glance in the mirror to check your hair and makeup, especially during those
precious moments when you want to look and feel your best. Also, some mirrors can
really enhance decor and make a room brighter and bigger-looking. Oh, I nearly forgot
to say that mirrors are vital for safe driving as they allow you to observe what is
happening around your car. And it's really important to use side mirrors and a rear view
one before you start to speed up, slow down, change direction, turn or stop.

Have you ever bought a mirror?

Sure. I bought a full length mirror to place on the floor in the entrance hall to look at
myself from head to toe before I leave home to make sure I look good. I bought one
more mirror to hang on the wall in the bathroom so that I could look at myself while
brushing my teeth or doing my hair. And, of course, I bought several compact mirrors
while traveling abroad as they make wonderful gifts.

Dreams (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Do you remember your dreams when you wake up?

Oh, yeah, but only if they were so beautiful or bizarre that captured my attention, or if
they happened right before I woke up.

Do you think dreams will affect life?

Do you think dreams have special meanings?
Well, I guess they will. Dreams can affect our behavior and mood for the following day.
They can serve as a guide to our emotions that we sometimes can't express. They help
us work through stress, fear, anger, self doubt and guilt. So, yeah, they definitely have
an influence on our life, our health and even our relationships with other people.

Do you like hearing other people's dreams?

Do you share your dreams with others?
Oh, yeah. I find it fascinating. It's really interesting for me to ferret other's dreams out as
well as get a deeper perspective of their personality. What's more, listening to other's
dreams is often enjoyable 'cause dreams can be pretty amusing at times.

Do you want to learn more about dreams?

Well, I'm not sure I would like to get deep knowledge of dreams, but I would definitely
like to know what dreams are and why we have them, what they mean, what purpose
they serve and, of course, if we can control them or not.
Emails (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Do you write many letters?

A great many, actually. I write them almost all the time at work 'cause it's the fastest and
easiest tool for business communication both inside and outside the office.

How often do you write letters or emails?

I write plenty of them almost all the time at work 'cause it's the fastest and easiest tool
for business communication both inside and outside the office.

Do you prefer to write letters by hand or to use a computer?

I like writing letters 'cause they are more personal and add a human touch to the
relationship making every word count, but I mostly write emails because they are fast
and save a lot of my time in the decision making process.

What are the differences between letters and emails?

I guess the main difference between them is that letters are written by hand and emails
are typed on a computer. What is more, letters require our undivided attention and show
how much we care while emails are easy to use and can be delivered around the world
at once.

What do you usually write about?

When would you send emails to others?
I generally write about something that occupies or moves me, about the changes that
are happening at work or in the country, about recent events. From time to time I also
write about something I don't have enough courage to face.

Is it hard to think of what to write?

For me it is, unfortunately. The first reason for that is my very poor imagination and the
second is the fact that it's hard for me to focus on writing to let ideas come.

What kind of letter or email do you think is the hardest to write?

I guess the hardest letters are the ones rejected. someone or stating that a family
member or close friend has died. It's also really hard to write the kind of letters and
letters in which you say goodbye to someone you don't want to leave.

Sports (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Do you like watching sports programs on TV?

Yeah, I love watching sports programs on TV 'cause it's a lot more comfortable than
doing so at a stadium. First of all, a cozy seat or couch is much better than a cheap
plastic seat with minimal legroom. And you're not standing in long lines for food and
toilet like you do when you watch it at a stadium. Plus, you can watch a game with the
sound off or turn down the volume if you don't want to hear crowds cheering as well as
stadium or arena music. What's more, I know that some people go to the game and
then watch it on TV after they get home because they feel they miss being there too
much as there's no replay.

Who do you like to watch live sports games with?

Well, I enjoy watching live sports games with my father and brother as it brings us
closer to each other. Plus, we have a really good time together with food, beverages
and entertainment all in one place. And of course, it also makes the game much more
special for the three of us.

Do you like to watch live sports games?

What is the difference between watching sports events at home and at the
Well, watching a game at home gives people more comfort as they don't have to queue
for food or toilets for hours, get cold if the weather is not really good and waste hours
after the game to get out of the parking lots. Instead, they can enjoy the warmth of their
home, the company of their close friends and unlimited snack breaks during long
timeouts and halftime. They can also easily pause the game and not miss out on any of
the action and, of course, replay the episodes they want to see one more time.
Watching a match at the stadium people get first hand touch of the event and create
long-lasting memories of fun and entertainment. atmosphere created by a large number
of fans. One more advantage they get being at the stadium is a chance to focus on
anything that catches their attention as they are not restricted to a particular view of the
camera, which is unfortunately impossible watching a game on TV. Oh, and the last
difference I see is the fact that going to the stadium can cost people quite a bit of
money, while enjoying the game at home is for free.

Do you like sports?

Oh yeah, I do as it's the only way for me to release stress and improve my general
health. What's more, it's my favorite way to make friends and enjoy social interaction.
So, definitely yes!

Do most people in your country like sports?

Well, I guess yes as sport helps people stay in shape and in some cases even find a
purpose in life. Moreover, playing sports makes life more interesting and filled with
positive emotions 'cause sports communication brings fun into everyday routine. So,
yeah, I am more than sure that most people in my country like it.

Did you do any sports when you were young?

Oh, I am really fond of playing tennis as it is one of the most dynamic sports requiring
my total involvement. It encourages interaction, communication and just plain fun and is
a great stress reliever which makes it even more loveable.

What sports do people in your country like to play?

Oh, I would say all kinds of ball games. People in my country are fond of football
because it has simple rules, can be played just with a ball almost anywhere, is very
entertaining to watch and play and very short which makes viewers actively involved in
the game from the beginning to the end. There are also a lot of basketball and volleyball

Taking photos (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Do you like photography?

I can safely say I have a passion for it. At some point of my life photography changed
the way I see the world around me. What I mean is when I look at the world through my
camera lens, I see the details. otherwise, would go unnoticed. Now I notice light,
shapes, colors, textures, people, buildings, trees, flowers... It's a great way to explore
the world. Once you start noticing details, you inevitably start to see how much beauty is
all around you.

Do you like to take photographs?

For me, photography is the best way to relieve stress. Once I start taking pictures, it's
really hard for me to stop. I really quickly get immersed in the process and completely
forget about my problems. The only thing I worry about is how to make a perfect shot.

How did you become interested in photography?

Well, I fell in love with photography when I joined an interest group for traveling on
Facebook. Every day its members shared beautiful photographs of nature and exotic
places which they had been to. I was especially fascinated by micro images of flowers
and insects and magnificent seascapes at dusk. One day I asked myself why I couldn't
take such beautiful pictures. So now I'm a keen photographer.

How do you keep your photos?

Well, I usually store photos on my computer and there's a folder for each year and
event. Also, I have a backup copy of all my_photos on an external hard drive. This way,
even if my computer suddenly crashes, or gets stolen, I will still have my photos safe
and sound.

Do you ever delete or, if on paper, throw away any of your photos?
Oh, it's better to ask me if there are any photos that don't delete. Unfortunately I'm a
perfectionist, therefore I don't like less than perfect pictures. So if || see that a photo has
poor quality, I immediately delete it. Also, I don't like multiple photos of the same kind as
nobody will look at all of them unless they want to train their eyes to spot minor
differences. I'm joking.

Cinemas (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie?

Well, I go to the cinema every time there is a new release. My friends call me a movie
freak but I just enjoy it. watching films on the big screen and getting pulled into the
sound and color in a way that can't be felt at home.
Do people in your country like to go to a cinema to watch a film?
I guess yes as there are always a lot of people at the cinema. Cinemas are in great
demand as they let people focus on the movie and not get distracted, which people
value. What's more, it's a good way to spend time out.

Do you like to watch movies alone or with your friends?

Do you like to go to the cinema with your friends?
Personally I like to watch films alone as I get to watch exactly what I want. What's more,
it's a kind of the ultimate 'me time' with no conversations and other distractions.

What kinds of movies do you like best?

Well, I guess action films for sure. They attract me with their non-stop motion,
spectacular rhythm and pacing. What's more, I like their two-dimensional 'good guy'
heroes battling 'bad guys' as the age-old struggle between good and evil is always

Street markets (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Are there many street markets in your country?

Oh yeah, I'd say many as there is at least one street market in each neighborhood in
cities or towns and sometimes a couple of markets in every village. You see, street
markets have always been central to the cultural and economic history of my country.
So, there are a lot of them everywhere.

What do street markets sell?

What do people usually buy at street markets?
I think people usually go to street markets in order to buy foods like fruits, vegetables,
meat and fish, flowers, sweets, paintings and even antique stuff.

What is the difference between street markets and supermarkets?

Do you prefer shopping in a shopping mall or at a street market?
Well, supermarkets are self-service stores while markets are places where sellers serve
buyers. One more difference is that supermarkets are indoor shops while street markets
are located outdoors. Also, the conditions inside supermarkets are more comfortable
than those of the street markets, I mean that shops are always warm in winter and cool
in summer. And the most important difference, to my mind, is that produce at street
markets is more fresh, and sometimes more diverse, than that in supermarkets.

Do many people go to street markets in your country?

Well, quite a few, actually. People like visiting street markets as there is always a variety
of products to everyone's liking and budget. What's more, the produce there is always
fresh and usually lasts longer than that from the supermarket.
Do you like going to street markets?
I do, but not very often. I don't really like crowded and noisy_places, but at the same
time I adore buying fresh high-quality products. Oh, I also adore to bargain at the
markets, so I'd rather say I like visiting them than not.

Mobile phones (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

What was your first mobile phone?

Oh, I will never forget it. It was the Nokia 3310, a compact handset which gained a
reputation of being indestructible because I changed several phones which stopped
working after a year or so, but my old Nokia which I continued using was like new.
Those cool modern devices were nowhere near as durable as my old Nokia.

How often do you use your mobile phone?

Do you use your mobile phone for texting or calls?
Well, I guess I am awake all the time. I use it for making and receiving calls, texting my
friends and customers, getting and sharing news on social networks sites, checking my
email messages and even doing online banking. I also take photos with my phone and
keep track of calendar events. So yeah, almost all day long.

Can you describe your mobile phone?

Recently I bought a Samsung Galaxy XX which I'd been dreaming of for a long time. I
think it's an excellent smartphone. What I mean is it's a typical smartphone by toda''s
standards as it's a touchscreen device which is thin and light, but it's obviously of much
higher quality than many other Android devices. I'm more than satisfied with the quality
of photos and videos. The sound is excellent too. So there's, actually, nothing to
complain about.

Would you buy a new one in the future?

Oh yeah, definitely I would. Just to be updated with technology and improve the
functionality of the phone. I am sure everyone would take a chance to get a significantly
better phone at the earliest opportunity, and I am not an exception.

How has your mobile phone changed your life?

Oh, first of all, it has made my life much more convenient ‘cause it provides me with an
easy and fast way of communication, enabling me to do various tasks all at the same
time and freeing me from the constraints of space. What’s more, it has given me a
chance to enjoy social media on the go, which is really cool.

Time management (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

How do you usually organize your time?

Well, I start my day only after completing my time plan. The first thing I do is identify my
priorities and assign time to any activity or conversation important for my success. I try
to stick to the time boundaries by eliminating activities that waste my time and prevent
me from staying focused.

Are you good at organizing time?

I guess I am, because I always meet my deadlines. At the beginning of each week I
make a list of the tasks I need to accomplish, identify my priorities for a day and a week,
peg a time limit to each task and do my best to stick to these time boundaries by
crossing things off the list as they are completed and trying to speed up when I see that
I am behind my schedule.

Are you good at organizing time?

I'm afraid I'm not. I don't always meet my deadlines and procrastinate. I often fail to
manage distractions such as TV, emails, Facebook. Also, I sometimes take on too
much 'cause I can't say 'no' to people.

What is the hardest part about making plans?

Well, I think there's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question as all people are
different, and the challenges they face while making plans are also different. For some
people, the most difficult part of planning is prioritizing among their available options, for
others it is identifying their actual desired outcomes. For me personally, the hardest part
is crunching through all the different combinations of possible actions to select the best
overall set. So, it depends.

What is the latest plan that you made?

Well, the latest plan I've made is to enter a university abroad. So, I'm currently learning
all the information about studying in different countries and trying to find the country and
the university I'd like to study in.

Websites (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

What kinds of websites do you often visit?

Oh, I really often visit Gmail, an email website to check my email when I'm on my
computer. Also, I am a frequent visitor to social networking sites such as Facebook,
Instagram and TikTok as they help me stay up-to-date with news and current events,
make social connections and find funny and entertaining content.
What kinds of websites are popular in your country?
Well, undoubtedly, the most loved and preferred choice of websites in my country is
social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok as they are an
epicenter of all kinds of human activity, be it in the sphere of business, education or
entertainment. Though, I should also name shopping sites, business sites and
educational sites among the most visited websites in X.

What is your favorite website?

Oh, my favorite website (though it's also an app, Instagram as it offers a flurry of
benefits to enjoy. This site is an inexhaustible source of breaking news and so potent a
tool both for social interaction and business activity. I really love to fill up my free time
with all the information I can find there.

Losing and finding things (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

What should people do if they find something?

Well, I guess, first of all, hand the item in at the location of finding or leave their contact
details at the place of find so that the owner may contact them. Also, I think people
should put up a notice near to where they found the item i.e. place an advert or posters
on a community notice board at the location of find as well as create a post on local
social media pages such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. One more thing I would
recommend people to do in this case is report found property to the police or if they find
some documents, return them directly to the issuing authority or provider.

Is it ok to keep an item that you found?

No. No way! How is that different from stealing? Whatever you find is a piece of
property that belongs to someone else. This means it's not yours. And, by definition,
holding or possessing property that you know does not belong to you is stealing. So,
even though you did not steal the item by taking it directly from its owner, keeping an
item that you found, and not trying to return it, is a form of stealing. So, at first, it's
illegal. You should turn over whatever you found to the local police. Also, to my mind,
it's morally wrong to take something that someone else lost. What if this person spent
life savings to buy it? Or what if this item meant a lot to this person?You can only keep it
for some time if you are going to make a sincere effort to return it to the rightful owner.
Otherwise, as I've said before, you should hand it in to the police or lost and found.

What should people do to find what they lost?

Of course, what people should do in order to find a lost item very much depends on
what they lost and where they lost it. But in most cases, all people need to do is
determine the last time they saw it, return to the place where they last saw it and repeat
their way to the place where they found it missing. If a person lost something in a public
place, I guess they should ask people around if they saw the lost item, visit the lost-and-
found office, if available, or inform the police about the loss. If a person lost a phone,
they should try to hunt it down using Google maps, IMEI number or some app that will
help them locate their device and lock it until they get it back. If a person loses a key,
the best thing to do first is to search the bag and pockets thoroughly. At least, these are
the things that usually work for me when I lose something.

What things do people usually find?

Well, I guess the ones other people usually lose. I mean keys, wallets, ID cards, cell
phones, sunglasses, laptops and other easily misplaced items often left in public places
such as shops, parks, sports centers, or on public transportation such as the bus or
subway. I also know quite a few cases when people found umbrellas, gloves, earrings
and even lunch boxes while shopping. bags. So, you never know.
What things do people often lose?
Well, I think that phones, keys and glasses top the list of the most commonly lost items.
Running second to them are battery chargers, stationery, wallets and documents,
especially passports and driver's licenses. Oh, and umbrellas as well. If we also talk
about what people lose at home, I am more than sure that the leader is a TV remote
control, as I also lose it every now and then.

Daily routine (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

How do you organize your study time?

What is your daily study routine?
First of all, I work out how much time I have available, and when. Then I list all the
subjects I need to study and the tasks in hand, work out priorities between them, set
targets for each task and do my best to stick to the timetable.

Do you ever change your plans?

Have you ever changed your routine?
Oh yes, I often change my plans when something goes wrong along the way and I feel I
got stuck in a rut. I also make changes when new opportunities arise and I see some
better alternatives to the plans I had.

What's your favorite time of the day?

Oh, I adore evenings as it's the only time of the day. I can spend time with my family
and friends. What is more, evenings let me enjoy everything I do as I don't have to
hurry, which I value a lot.

Do you like to plan what you will do each day?

Oh yeah, I really enjoy planning my days as it makes my life more predictable and, as a
result, less stressful. It gives me the right direction, motivates me during the day and
keeps me disciplined. It also increases my efficiency and helps produce quality work.

Please describe your typical daily routine?

Oh, I usually wake up at around 6 am, wash my face, brush my teeth, drink a glass of
lemon water and go for a run. I normally run for about 1 hour, then get back home, have
a shower, get dressed, do my hair and put on make-up. Then I prepare and have my
breakfast, and go to work. At the office I usually work on a current project, have a
couple of meetings and discuss some work issues with my colleagues. After office
hours | have a short walk back home, make and have my. dinner, unwind a bit either
watching TV or surfing the net, have a soothing bath and go to bed. That's what my
typical day is like.

What do you usually do at this time of day?

Well, at this time I normally have my extra classes or, if I am lucky enough, a walk in the
park with my friends.
Do you usually do the same things at the same time each day?
At least I try to. Doing so helps me manage my time, increases my efficiency and
ensures timely completion and deliverable results, which is important for me.

What do you want to change in your daily routine?

Well, I would really like to wake up later, work less, rest more and have enough time for
hobbies but it's unlikely to happen in the very near future.

Cars (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Do you like to sit in front or back when traveling by car?

Well, if we travel during the day, I always choose the front seat as keeping my eyes on
the road prevents me from experiencing nausea while traveling. Though, usually opt for
a back seat if we travel at night as it's more comfortable to nap in the back.

Why do you like traveling by car?

Oh, I like traveling by car because it always means speed and comfort for me. For
example, it prevents me from worrying about my kids bothering other passengers or
from deciding what things we just can't take with us because of some baggage weight
restrictions. Well, and one more reason why I like traveling by car is because it is
typically the cheapest way to travel inside the country.

What is the farthest place you have traveled to by car?

Well, the farthest place I've traveled to by car was Paris. That drive took me across a
few other countries and in general lasted a few days. I was exhausted when we arrived
in Paris but it was definitely worth it.

When do you travel by car?

Well, I usually travel by car when it's the fastest or the only way to get to my destination.
Or when I want to travel at my own pace making stops whenever and wherever I want
as well as changing my plans as I go pulling off the road and seeing the sights.

Memory (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Are you good at memorizing things?

Yes, I think I can say so. I have no difficulty in memorizing information 'cause I use a
number of simple memorisation strategies. For example, I always try to review
information just before I go to sleep 'cause it has been proven that our brain processes
and stores information while we sleep. Also, I'm an auditory learner, so for me the most
effective way to memorize information is by hearing it. So to memorize, say, a poem, I
read it out loud to myself several times. Sometimes I record it and then play it again and
Why do people often forget small things?
Well, I guess because of insufficient focus, time and attention spent on them. People
just don't register small stuff in their memory in the first place and, as a result, easily
forget it.

How can you make sure you don't forget things?

Oh, I think I can do it in a variety of ways. For instance, I can write all plans down on my
ToDo list or put them on my calendar and then just check what I have already done and
what I still have to complete. I can also set reminders for things to do or try using some
app like Evernote or Slice Planner to remember everything I need. But the best thing I
can do, to my mind, is develop specific habits that will ensure that things don't slip
between the cracks.

Advertisements (May - December 2022)

Do you watch ads from the beginning to the end?

Oh no. Never. When I watch videos on YouTube, always press the SKIP AD button as
soon as it appears on the screen. When I watch TV, I always switch to another TV
channel during ad breaks to avoid ads and go back to a channel when advertisements
end. You see, if ads were different every time, and if they were similar to those
produced by Procter & Gamble or Nike, I would definitely watch them from the
beginning to the end. But it's just unbearable to watch the same ad every day 20 times
per day.

Is there much advertising in your country?

Yeah, nowadays there seems to be no place beyond the reach of advertising. Ads
plaster urban areas, interrupt TV shows and constantly pop up on the screen of a
computer or smartphone.

What are the different places where we see advertisements?

Oh, they seem to be plastering the whole city. Even in the most unlikely locations... We
cannot even go to a bathroom in a cafe without being bombarded by marketing

What advertising do you have in your country?

Nowadays, there are numerous ways that companies use to target their audience. If you
watch a football match, you are likely to see an example of corporate sponsorship. I
mean a logo of some company on each player’s T-shirt. There are also banner ads that
clutter up the Internet. Finally, oftentimes, you can see people distributing leaflets. And,
of course, there are hoardings that literally plaster cities.

How do you feel about advertisements?

Well, I hate ads as they've become simply unbearable. For example, there are
magazines 200 pages long with only about 50, if that many, readable pages. I also hate
it when I look for some information on the Net and constantly come across the pages
where the content exists just to serve the marketing purposes or the most valuable
information is buried under a heap of ads.

Do you like advertisements?

I don't really like ads, so I just try to tune out. You know, you get used to ads being all
around you and it's kind of like anything in your home, once it's been there for a while,
you just stop paying your attention to it.

Do you like advertisements on TV?

I actually ignore advertisements as much as I can as they are nothing more than just an
annoyance bet plot twists in my favorite TV shows and films, is off the sound on TV
during ads. I installed an AdBlocker on my browser because incessant pop-up ads used
to distract my attention and slow down my surfing the Net, thus, making it next to
impossible to actually enjoy content on the page.

What kind of ads do you dislike?

I don't really like ads, so I just try to tune out. You know, you get used to ads being all
around you and it's kind of like anything in your home, once it's been there for a while,
you just stop paying your attention to it.

What do you think is the purpose of advertising?

Well, competition is fierce, so you have to always remind your customers that you are
still there and ready to address their needs. More importantly, advertising helps you to
tell your customers why you are a better choice than your competitors. If companies
don't advertise, customers will quickly forget about them and switch to competing

Do you think advertising plays a very important role in today’s world?

Well, competition is fierce nowadays and if competing companies advertised and you
didn't, it would take you ages to enhance sales and expand markets because no one
would know that your products exist. Being bombarded by advertisements of your rivals,
customers won't bother spending time on finding out whether our company has what to
offer or not. They are likely what they have already seen advertised or what I see
advertised on a regular basis.

Why do you think companies advertise themselves or their products?

Well, to promote new products is one of the reasons why companies launch advertising
campaigns. By informing people about a product and highlighting its benefits,
companies stimulate people's interest if they manage to show that the product will
address the needs of customers.
Boring things (May - December 2022)

What things are boring to you?

Well, to be honest, lots of things make you feel bored. But the ones that top the list are
doing chores, queuing, being stuck in traffic jams and filling in some documents.

What do you do when you feel bored?

Oh, I try to find something that will bring me pleasure like planning my next vacation,
watching a movie or just going for a walk. The main thing is to switch off.

Do you ever get bored?

Thank god, almost never. I can get bored only if I lack interest in something I do, do the
same thing over and over again or do nothing at all, which happens once in a blue

Do you feel more bored than when you were young?

Fortunately not as I have learnt how to deal with boredom for years of my life. Being a
teenager I just didn’t have any experience in combating this psychological state and so
suffered from it more often. Now, the moment I start feeling bored, I do my best to
switch off.

Watches (May - December 2022)

Do you like to wear watches?

Do you think a watch is important for you?
No, I don’t feel the necessity to have a watch on my wrist as I’m used to checking the
time with my phone.

Have you ever received a watch as a gift?

When I was a child, my parents gave me a watch on my birthday as I was learning to
tell time then, so I was dreaming of having my own watch and kept asking parents to
buy it.

Why do people like expensive watches?

Well, expensive watches are a status symbol and a symbol of success. So it’s a great
way to show everybody how wealthy you are without saying a single word. For some
people wearing an expensive watch is as natural as breathing, whereas others like to
buy expensive watches just to impress their business partners or attract women
although they may not be rich enough to afford such buys.

Computers (May - December 2022)

How often do you use a computer?
What do you usually use your computer for?
Well, I guess I do it every waking hour because there is such a wide choice of what to
use it for from storing and calculating data to browsing the Internet and socializing.

What kinds of copters are popular in your country?

It seems to me that computers that are in high demand these days are laptops and
tablet PCs. I think it’s because they are small, flexible and mobile and at the same time
rather powerful.

Who taught you how to use a computer?

When was the first time you used a computer?
It was my dad who did it. I was around 3 or 4 years old when he taught me basic
computer concepts. He used some really engaging software programs to enhance my
learning experience and desire to learn and he did it in such a way that I thought I was
playing rather than learning.

Do you think computers have changed your life?

Surely, they have. They have done it by facilitating my and people’s living and creating
effective learning, production and medical care as well as relieving the severity of
travelling difficulties.

Old buildings (May - December 2022)

Should old buildings be preserved?

I guess ‘Yes’, especially if they are a symbol of architectural heritage. Such buildings
usually create a lasting imprint on the area they are in and provide an insight into the
history of the country. This draws attention to the country and provides important
income attracting great numbers of tourists.

What aspect of culture do old buildings reflect?

I’d say that both old and new buildings reflect three most important aspects of culture.
The first is the type of behavior of the people of the time, for example, the speed of their
life reflected in construction materials they used and design of the buildings. The
second is the art of the time. I mean a variety of forms common to a particular historical
period or the techniques builders of the time used. And the third aspect is religion that is
beliefs people had and reflected in the buildings they constructed.

How do old buildings affect the appearance of a place?

Well, they add some inexplicable charm to the area creating a tractive and mixed
environment and making the place distinctive. What is more, they create the context
defining the style of the buildings around and completing the skyline in accordance with
Reading (May - December 2022)

Do you like reading?

Oh, I’m really passionate about books. If it weren’t for them, I guess my life would be
boring in a sense. While I’m reading, I become so deeply immersed into a different
world that I feel almost like I’m experiencing it myself. Books offer hundreds of lands to
explore, the past and future to navigate, and of course an infinite number of lives to step
into. I feel as though I’m actually thee with the characters.

What books do you like to read?

To be honest, It doesn’t really matter what books to read provided that they blow my
mind and leave me pensive long after I have finished reading. I also like books that
describe life situations that help me find solutions to my problems or learn some

What book did you read recently?

Recently I finished reading Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX and the Quest for a Fantastic
Future by Ashlee Vance because it was one of the most-cited books of 2015. In this
book the author looks inside the extraordinary life of Elon Musk and tells us about his
incredible projects such as Tesla, Paypal, SpaceX and SolarCity. I would like to say it’s
one of the most interesting and inspiring books I have ever read.

What did you learn from it?

I guess the most valuable insight is that impossible is nothing. If Elon Musk and other
inventors had listened to people around them or if he had hesitated whether to try or
not, he wouldn’t have launched his wonderful projects that benefit people worldwide.

Have your reading habits changed since you were younger?

Not too much, I used to read ebooks only because I was obsessed with being
productive, and therefore I tried to always keep myself busy. So I had an ebook reader,
and I read a book whenever I had a spare moment. Now I prefer printed books to digital
ones. And now I’m reading for pleasure.

What was your favorite book as a child?

I remember I borrowed a Harry Potter book from my classmate and it appeared to be a
real page turner. I still consider it to be by far the best book ever.

Meeting places (May - December 2022)

Where do you usually meet your friends?

Well, in all kinds of places where we can have a pleasant experience together like
guestrooms, cinemas, live sporting events and restaurants, as well as all those places
where we can have a lot of fun, for instance, amusement parks or karaoke clubs. Also, I
often meet my friends in places where we can walk and do something active together. I
mean parks, embankments and even fitness centers. On special occasions, we get
together with friends in spa-centers, saunas or baths. In winter time, our most popular
places for friend gatherings are skating-rinks and pubs. In summer time we love
meeting on beaches and in countryside resorts.

Do you think there are some places that are more suitable for meeting others?
Well, definitely, there are as not all places are welcoming and accessible to everyone as
well as not all places help people feel safe and comfortable. What's more, in order to be
suitable for a meeting, a place must meet that very purpose of the meeting. For
example, if I want to meet my friends and chat with them, I'll opt for inviting them to my
flat or a cafe with light background music. If I plan to have a party, I'll definitely opt for a
pub, a bar or a restaurant with live music or even disco. If I want to meet my colleagues
or business partners and discuss some work issues, I'll probably organize a meeting in
my office or rent a meeting room somewhere.

Talents (May – December 2022)

Do you have a talent or something you are good at?

Well, all my relatives say that I'm a natural-born entrepreneur. And they all say that if I
were a business person, I would make lots and lots of money. So everyone says that it's
a pity that I used this talent of mine only when I was a kid. And probably they are right.
As far as I remember, as a child, I came up with lots of quick and easy ways to make
money almost every day. For example, I did a lot of garage sales. When I ran out of
junk from my parents' garage to sell, I asked my friends if we could organize garage
sales at their houses. Also, I sold homemade lemonade in the summer and lots of other
things like this.

Sports programs (May - December 2022)

Do you like watching sports programs on TV?

Yeah, I love watching sports programs on TV 'cause it's a lot more comfortable than
doing so at a stadium. First of all, a cozy seat or couch is much better than a cheap
plastic seat with minimal legroom. And you're not standing in long lines for food and
toilet like you do when you watch it at a stadium. Plus, you can watch a game with the
sound off or turn down the volume if you don't want to hear crowds cheering as well as
stadium or arena music. What's more, I know that some people go to the game and
then watch it on TV after they get home because they feel they miss being there too
much as there's no replay.

What sports do you like?

Oh, I am really fond of playing tennis as it is one of the most dynamic sports requiring
my total involvement. It encourages interaction, communication and just plain fun and is
a great stress reliever which makes it even more loveable.

What sports do people in your country like to play?

Oh, I would say all kinds of ball games. People in my country are fond of football
because it has simple rules, can be played just with a ball almost anywhere, is very
entertaining to watch and play and very short which makes viewers actively involved in
the game from the beginning to the end. There are also a lot of basketball and volleyball

Do you like to watch live sports games?

What is the difference between watching sports events at home and at the
Well, watching a game at home gives people more comfort as they don't have to queue
for food or toilets for hours, get cold if the weather is not really good and waste hours
after the game to get out of the parking lots. Instead, they can enjoy the warmth of their
home, the company of their close friends and unlimited snack breaks during long
timeouts and halftime. They can also easily_pause the game and not miss out on any of
the action and, of course, replay the episodes they want to see one more time.
Watching a match at the stadium people get first hand touch of the event and create
long-lasting memories of the fun and entertaining atmosphere created by a large
number of fans. One more advantage they get being at the stadium is a chance to focus
on anything that catches their attention as they are not restricted to a particular view of
the camera, which is unfortunately impossible watching a game on TV. Oh, and the last
difference I see is the fact that going to the stadium can cost people quite a bit of
money, while enjoying the game at home is for free.

Who do you like to watch live sports games with?

Well, I enjoy watching live sports games with my father and brother as it brings us
closer to each other. Plus, we have a really good time together with food, beverages
and entertainment all in one place. And of course, it also makes the game much more
special for the three of us.

Do you like sports?

Oh yeah, I do as it's the only way for me to release stress and improve my general
health. What's more, it's my favorite way to make friends and enjoy social interaction.
So, definitely yes!

Do most people in your country like sports?

Well, I guess yes as sport helps people stay in shape and in some cases even find a
purpose in life. Moreover, playing sports makes life more interesting and filled with
positive emotions 'cause sports communication brings fun into everyday routine. So,
yeah, I am more than sure that most people in my country like it.

Where is your favourite place to sit?

It's my new loveseat sofa in the kitchen. It's very soft and comfortable. This is where I sit
back and relax after a hard working day. Also, it's a comfy reading corner. It's big
enough. It has low armrests and thick, comfy. cushions. The cushions are filled with
memory foam that adapts to the contours of your body, but they easily regain their
shape when a person rises. The high back provides comfortable support for my body
and neck.

Evening time (May - December 2022)

Do you like the morning or the evening?

Well, I actually love both the morning and the evening but for different reasons. I love
the morning setting. the tone for my day as well as for the newness and possibilities it
offers. At the same time, I always wait for the evening to unwind and reflect on my day
or accomplish overdue assignments when I'm still full of energy after a hard day at work.

What do you usually do in the evening?

Well, in the evening I really love to take a stroll in order to exercise, get some fresh air
and relax. Also, I always have dinner with my family in the evening and then spend
some time either taking a soothing bath or not doing anything at all except for reflecting
on my day and trying to make some plans for the next day.

Collecting things (May - December 2022)

Do you collect things?

Well, actually, I do as it is the collection of the things | love and value that brings back
my happy memories.. connects me to some important periods of my life and gives me
personal pleasure and enjoyment. What's more, it satisfies my natural hunting instinct
and lets me enjoy the social interaction with fellow collectors. So, yeah, I do collect
things, but I'm not a crazy collector. I don't spend all my money and free time on
building out a collection.

Science (May - December 2022)

Do you like science?

Did you like science classes when you were young?
Of course I do. Science is what lets us make progress as a race, it is something never-
ending and so really addicting. It defines us, our world and our universe, allows us to
know where things come from and explains absolutely everything in life. This is why I
adore it.

Do you think school children should have both science classes and art classes?
I'm sure that kids need to study both science and art because they are equally important
for kids' development. Science classes teach children about the way the world works
and help kids create a hypothesis in their mind as well as form a healthy dose of
skepticism. While art classes connect kids more deeply to the world, opening them to
new ways of seeing. promoting activity in their brain and nurturing. inventiveness that
aids in the development of self-esteem, self-discipline, cooperation and self-motivation.
So definitely both are important.

Do you think science is important to our society?

No doubt it is. It is part of our daily lives. It is something that pushes back the
boundaries constraining our knowledge and transforms our world at an incredible pace.
What is more, science allows us to define, investigate and try to understand the world
we live in and how it works as well as provides the potential for long-term benefit


Course that impressed you (topic for all test dates till 31 Prev | Next
August 2022)

Describe a lesson that you remember well You should say:

when it was
where it was
what you did
what your teacher did
why it was special

Part 3 - 'Remembering things'

Many moons ago when I was a child I attended an English language course at a
language center.
I'm convinced that one of the reasons why that course still remains in my memory is that
our teacher did her best to perfectly arrange everything. Although there was nothing
unusual at all, I vividly remember almost each class as our teacher created an
unforgettable and pleasant atmosphere.

A typical lesson consisted of several interconnected stages each of which was filled with
an awesome activity, so there was no chance to get bored. I remember I did a lot of
different things with my group mates. Firstly, the teacher carefully checked the
homework assignment, which was an indispensa part of every lesson. It took quite a
long time to ask various questions. The teacher answered all the questions, which
helped me get a good understanding of the grammar points we dealt with.After that we
played fun educational games. As I love interacting with people, I really enjoyed those
oral activities. They were designed to be done together with classmates so I greatly
developed my communication skills. In addition, I enjoyed doing crossword puzzles,
that's why when I was told to do that at the lesson, I was really glad. At the end of the
lesson, we got a challenging task which was to compose spooky stories in English. I am
fond of creative writing, so it was a real pleasure for me when I got that task. Then every
student read their story aloud. The teacher praised us from time to time, therefore our
language confidence significantly increased, and I bet everybody was convinced that
their story was a masterpiece.

To my mind, that lesson was special because I had a wonderful opportunity to develop
my communication and writing skills and got a good understanding of tricky grammatical
structures. Moreover, it's worth mentioning that it was only after this lesson that I started
feeling an overwhelming desire to learn English. Every minute of the lesson was
incredibly interesting to me. In other words, the teacher aroused my interest in the
English language.

Gift you want to buy (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Describe a gift you'd like to buy for your friend You should say:
what gift you want to buy
who you'd like to give it to
why you'd to buy a gift
why you've chosen that gift

Part 3 - 'Gifts'

A few weeks ago, one of my close friends moved into a new apartment. So it's perfectly
natural that she wants to present her new home to her friends, and for this, she's going
to throw a housewarming party next month.

When I received an invitation, my first thought was 'Oh my God. What gift shall I give
her?' To me, choosing the perfect gift is always a daunting task 'cause I hate giving
something that will go unappreciated. For me, it's really important to give a gift a person
is dreaming of. But the element of surprise is as important as the acceptance of the gift.
That's why I never ask a giftreceiver about what they want or need directly. As a result,
it usually takes time to find out what a person wants and find the perfect gift for them.

Fortunately, this time my friend literally saved me when she created a wishlist using
Google Docs so that everyone can choose the gift of their choice and budget, but she
won't see what people are getting her 'cause she set me as the owner of the
spreadsheet. So she has no access to her own document. And we'll be able to keep all
activity a secret until she starts unwrapping presents. So nothing will ruin the surprise.
What's more, his system helps prevent the receipt of duplicate or unwanted gifts and
allows us, gift-givers, to figure out which stores have the items she needs.

All I did was open the document, look through the whole list and choose the gift I liked
the most. And it was also the one that fitted my gift budget. I'm going to buy her a
flatware set for 6. It's quite expensive. She told me she'd added some pricey items to
the list she doesn't expect to get them. Just imagine how surprised and delighted she
will be when I give her the gift that she expects the least.

Story you remember (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Describe a story someone told you and you remember You should say:
what this story is about
who told you this story
when you heard it
why you remember it

Part 3 - 'Stories'

Last year in the winter my father was going to go outside wearing just slippers, trousers
and a jumper. I told him to put on his winter coat, boots and a hat as | was afraid he
would freeze to death. He said he would be back in 5 minutes. And he told me a story
about a man who spent a whopping 20 hours lying paralyzed in snow outside his home
and didn't even have any frostbite. I was amazed to hear that. I asked how it was
possible. And it appeared that the man was saved by his dog.

So, there was some man who decided to go outside for a moment, just like my father.
He wasn't going to stay out in the cold for a long time, that's why he was wearing
slippers, trousers and a shirt. But he slipped and broke his neck. He couldn't stand up.
He was lying in the snow screaming for help, but nobody could hear him. Luckily, his
dog came to him and started barking for help. She kept him warm for about 20 hours by
lying on top of him. Also, she kept him awake by licking his hands and face. If he had
fallen asleep, he would have been doomed. The dog kept barking for help all night long.
Thank God, she alerted the man's neighbor, who called the emergency services, and
the man was taken to hospital.

The story moved me, but when my father finished it ! asked him to put on warm clothes
because we didn’t have a dog that would rescue him.

New place you visited (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Describe a new place that you visited You should say:

what place it was
why you went there
what you did there
how you felt about it

Part 3 - 'New

Before the COVID-19 pandemic started, I visited Dubai Miracle Garden, the world's
largest natural flower park, for the first time in my life. I've never been someone who
really loves flowers, so I went there just because I wanted to make the most of my trip to
the UAE and visit as many popular places as possible. And I have never regretted going
there. It is indeed a miracle garden.

I had a good couple of hours wandering around the numerous decorations. There were
millions of flowers arranged in colorful arches and patterns. For example, the heart's
passage was totally gorgeous as was the flower covered full size aircraft. Also, there
was a huge floral clock made of real plants and flowers. There were giant cats, Disney
characters, and a flower castle. All of them were totally covered with flowers. You feel
like you are in some kind of a fairyland.

I took pictures of flowers and flower displays until I totally ran out of storage space on
my phone. Then! just explored the park gasping in amazement every other minute. It's
impressive how much work was put in it. If I had to choose one word to describe this
amazing place, it would be 'magical'. It was the first and only time I saw so many
colorful flowers. I saw the colors | never knew existed. It was truly a feast for the eyes.

When I came home, I was so impressed that I set a picture taken there as the home
screen on my phone. So every time I unlock my device, I fondly recall my first (and only)
visit to this beautiful place full of color.
Well, nowadays there's so much noise around that sometimes silence is a luxury I can
no longer affc time and again I go to some quiet places to not to forget what 'silence' is.
Recently I found a nice clearing in a coniferous forest which is just a 20-m drive from the
city. This was a magical place whec quietness was almost tangible.

Rule you don't like (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Describe a rule that you don't like You should say:

what it is
why you don't like it
what others feel about it
whether you follow the rule

Part 3 - 'Rules'

What I really dislike is that some hotels don't allow guests to take any food from a
hotel's breakfast buffet and restaurants to eat later or to eat, say, on the beach or in the
Of course, if people were permitted to take as much food as they want, most hotels
would go bankrupt 'cause in hotels that don't have such restrictions some people just
bring several containers and clean out the buffet, leaving nothing for the rest of the
people in line. I think this is a bit over the top. So if all people acted like this, the rule
would be justified.

But there are also many people like me. I would only grab just a few items for later
'cause I prefer to relax with my coffee and breakfast in my room rather than in the
breakfast room. I think there is nothing wrong with taking food from a hotel's breakfast
room as long as it's the same amount as I would have taken if eating IN the breakfast
room. What's more, when you are staying at a hotel, you have paid for the buffet, so
there is no difference if you eat a muffin and take another to eat later, or if you eat the
two muffins directly.

You know, although I don't think the rules should be obeyed just because they are the
rules, I never sneak food into my room. It's not that I'm so law-abiding a person, but I
just don't do this. I don't know why.

Interesting city (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Describe an interesting city You should say:

what city it is
how you know it
what it is famous for
why you think it is beautiful

Part 3 - 'Cities, countryside, tourism'

Well, X is the city that I'm in love with. And because I was overwhelmed by its size and
beauty, I remember almost every minute that I spent there like it was just yesterday
although I went there 2 years ago.

X is a bustling city, the capital of X. It's so large that if you view the city from a tall
building, you get the feeling that it doesn't end. And as I've just said it's by far the most
beautiful city that I've ever visited. X is divided into two parts, the old town and the
modern city, therefore there's an eclectic mix of historic architecture and modern
buildings that have bizarre shapes. What is really amazing is that there are no ugly,
cooker-cutter buildings in the modern part of the city. Due to a clever use of materials,
almost each building has its unique design. There are a lot of beautiful and green
zones, too.

I'm a keen walker so I explored the whole city on foot. And I really liked both parts of the
city. For example, while walking around its historic part, I am leisurely. explored
historically significant architecture, peaceful green spaces, and unique local attractions
along the way. You can walk for days and still have something. new to see 'cause there
are many places of cultural and historical value, and there are countless routes that can
be taken in different parts of the city. Sometimes I just walked around the city having no
destination in mind. I also visited the observation deck. It's one of the most famous
attractions there. I just couldn't miss the opportunity to visit it although it was a bit pricey.
So | walked, tried local food, visited famous attractions and enjoyed the beauty around.
It really did feel like I was jumping from antiquity into modern times all the + think X is a
magical place.

Clothes as a gift (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Describe a piece of clothes that you received as a gift You should say:
when you received the clothes
what the piece of clothes was like
who gave it to you explain
how you feel about it

Part 3 - 'Clothes' Vocabulary Ideas

Oh, there's a crazy story behind my go-to pair of jeans. Once I saw cool jeans in a shop
window of a high-street shop and fell for them. However, I didn't dare to go and try them
on because everyone knows this shop is for people with deep pockets. Once my
husband and I were passing by this shop window. He noticed the way | looked at the
jeans and asked me whether I wanted to pop in and try them on. I tried to pretend not to
be in the mood for shopping, but he insisted and we entered the shop.

It was an amazing pair of skinny jeans, the ones you have to fight some to put on, but
the torment is forgotten as soon as you see yourself in the mirror. These were dark
wash blue jeans with sanding. One might think there was nothing special about them as
they were stripped of all details which could justi price. There were neither zippers nor
welts. But they elongated the line of my legs and felt like a second skin. They were
perfect because I could match them with anything, be it formal, casual, street style or
even corporate. I looked at the price tag, understood they cost a fortune and made my
husband quickly leave the shop.

However, I couldn't stop thinking about these jeans. One day I realized that I had to buy
them no matter what. Well, I borrowed 500 euros from my friend and couldn't wait to
purchase them. Much to my disappointment, when I came to the shop, I was told that
the jeans had been sold a few days before. I was upset, but I had to put up with this fact
somehow. Gradually I stopped thinking about them.

Several weeks later, on my birthday I found a gift Y near my bed. Guess what was
inside! Those jeans!
Person you follow on social media ( 31 August 2022)

Describe a person you follow on social media You should say:

who this person is
how you know this person
what this person posts on social media explain
why you follow this person

Part 3 - 'Social media'

The person I've been following on Instagram for a while is Marina Mogilko. She is a
YouTuber with 2 million subscribers, Instagram influencer and entrepreneur. Her
YouTube channel is dedicated to learning English. And, actually, this is how I found her.

One day I was looking for an accent reduction course on YouTube. I watched one of her
videos, then another one. They were really engaging. I just couldn't stop watching them.
I found her personal account on Instagram and started following her.

Her posts proved to be even more interesting than her videos because she wrote a lot
about her life in America, described her business strategies, and shared her insights
with the audience. So I've been following her on Instagram for almost a year now. I still
find her interesting, so I never miss her posts, especially that she writes after attending
some events.

I'm sure it is her ideas and beliefs that have helped her achieve the results I'm dreaming
about. So I try to apply some of these things to my life. Some of her ideas are totally
different from mine, thus, they made me look at things from a different perspective.

Interesting song (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Describe a song that means something special to you You should say:
what this song is about
when you heard this song for the first time
how often you listen to this song
why it is special to you

Part 3 - 'Music'

I Will Survive' by Diana Ross is a song that is very personal to me. This is a story of a
woman that was abandoned by her beloved man. She really vividly describes what it
feels like to have your heart broken.

So when I heard this song for the first time (I was a teenager), it touched a nerve as I
had just broken up with my boyfriend (or girlfriend). My heart was broken, and I thought
I would never love again. She sang about exactly the same feelings that I experienced
at that moment. She was afraid, disappointed, frustrated and depressed. I remember I
was crying the whole night, but somehow this provided emotional relief. Also, in the
song she states that although it hurts, she will be strong and cope with this situation.

I heard it on the radio first and liked it straightaway Now this song isn't as popular as it
was years ago this doesn't make it less worth talking about. After that I downloaded it on
my computer, and I couldn't stop listening to it until I had learnt it by heart so that I could
sing along to the whole song.

It is really difficult to overestimate what impact this song had on me. First of all, it made
me understand that whatever happens, life goes on. This insight helped me combat
depression, let go of negative emotions and look at my problems from a different
perspective. I don't know whether I would have gotten through a sticking. point in my life
as fast as I did if it hadn't been for this song: Now I don't often listen to it as I don't do it
delibe But, of course, sometimes I do if I accidently hea. the radio.

Special cake you received (topic for all test dates till 31 August Prev |
Next 2022)

Describe an occasion when you received a special cake You should say:
what kind of cake it was
when you had it
who gave it to you
why it was special

Part 3 - 'Food'

Several years ago my boyfriend messed up big time, and I was so angry with him that I
didn't even want to listen to his 'I am so sorry. Please forgive me.' He kept saying he
would do anything to make me forgive him. And I decided to give him a punishment he
deserved. My boyfriend considered cooking to be a cruel form of punishment. I swear.
He always said it was easier for him to work all night long than to make an omelet, let
alone some exquisite dishes like lasagna or soup.

So I said I would forgive him if he could make my favorite three-tier chocolate biscuit
cake. And I told him I would sit and watch him cooking to make sure he didn't cheat.

He found a video recipe on the Internet and just followed all the instructions step by
step. First, he baked several cakes and made chocolate mousse. He assembled the
cake, stacking the layers onto each other. Also, he experimented with cake decorations
a bit (who would've thought) and finally decided to make a chocolate lace collar around
the bottom and middle cakes. The cake looked gorgeous. The crumb was delicate and
moist, the frosting was rich and creamy and utterly chocolatey. It was filled with
buttercream, fresh fruit, and nuts. He sprinkled the top tier of the cake with chocolate
curls and dusted it with confectioners sugar.

My jaw dropped to the floor. I just couldn't believe it managed to do it for me.

Person who contributes to the society ( 31 August 2022)

Describe a person who contributes to the society You should say:

who this person is
how you know the person
how this person helps others
how you feel about what this person does

Part 3 is 'Jobs'

I'm lucky to be surrounded by many altruistic people who put others before themselves,
but the person who deserves the highest praise is a young woman whose name is
Diana. I once came across her post on Facebook, which was shared by one of my
friends, and I decided to donate to some cause she was raising money for. This is how I
found out about her volunteer work. Diana doesn't belong to any organizations. She
thinks each of us can and should take initiative to change what we feel is wrong in our

We've met several times in person and she told me how it all began. Initially, she found
posts of people asking for help, visited them in order to make sure they were not taking
the money under false pretenses and donated money, food or clothes. She helped
many people in need, for example, families with many children, cancer patients and
elderly people... all who needed both physical and emotional support... But as her
individual resources were limited, she decided to raise money and invite people to join
her using Facebook

Looking at her, you would never say that she single handedly has raised a lot of money
for many good causes, be it helping the poor or the disabled. Not only does she help
people, but also makes attempts to protect the environment by organizing community
cleanups in different districts of the city. And I guess there is one more really important
thing she does by spreading the information about the needy. She inspires people to do
good and makes them pay attention to problems our society faces. Otherwise, many of
us would ignore the difficulties of others, making tons of excuses such as a lack of time,
problems at work, stuff like that. But when people see that she takes it. of her husband
and children, goes to work like all of us, they don't even dare to say that they would help
if they weren't for something.
Person you like to spend time with (topic for all test dates till 31 Prev |
Next August 2022)

Describe a person that you like to spend time with You should say:
who this person is
how you know this person
what you like to do together
why you like to spend time with this person

Part 3 - 'Getting along with others'

The person I really enjoy spending time with is my. boyfriend Denis. You know, it's like
every time I say. 'Goodbye' to him, right after that I start looking forward to the next
meeting. This is what, in my opinion, shows how much I like being with him.

To tell the truth, if it hadn't been for his persistence, I wouldn't have even started
communicating with him. So, how did it all begin? We met by accident. We went to the
same fitness center and saw each other from time to time, but I didn't pay attention to
him as he wasn't my type. Once we had small talk at the reception and after that he
befriended me on Facebook. Gradually we started communicating a lot and have
become inseparable friends.

Everybody says we are a perfect match as, on the one hand, we have a lot in common,
on the other, we are really different and complement each other, so it is always
interesting for us to be together. We both like walking in the park. We can speak on the
phone till morning as every hour feels like a minute, and I don't realize how time flies
when we are together. We often go to the cinema or just stay at home to watch a good
film together. He invites me to different cafes and restaurants where we can taste new
dishes and just chat. We discuss our plans for the future, visualizing what life will be like
when we get married. We like reading. books and discussing them. When the weather
is bad, we like playing board games such as backgammon or checkers at home.

Actually, it doesn't really matter what we do as we are together. What I know for sure is
if it were. him, I would have missed out on so many things. For instance, I wouldn't have
jumped with a parachute swum in a cold river. Whatever we do, we always have a good
time, laugh and enjoy each other.

House or apartment you'd like to live in ( 31 August 2022)

Describe a house or apartment you'd like to live in You should say:

what kind of accommodation it will be
where it will be if it will be big or small
what it will look like
Part 3 - 'Accommodation'

Well, if you'd asked me to describe my dream house a few weeks ago, I would have had
no answer. But just several days ago I came across a video on YouTube that showed
an unbelievably cool rectangular modern house with a grass backyard and an in-ground
pool. When I saw it, my jaw dropped to the floor. I realized that this is the house of my
So, now I know that the house I'm dreaming of is a straight-lined white house made of
concrete, steel and glass or a rectangular cottage with a black glass facade, possibly
with multiple decks. Actually, it doesn't really matter whether it will be white or black. I
just want it to be an ultra modern geometric building, without a traditional roof, you got
the idea.

It goes without saying that the interior of the house should match its exterior. I think it
will be a 2 storey house with a wide open floor plan, high ceilings, and flying. staircase
and big floor-to-ceiling windows that let a lot of natural light in. I'd like it to be either in a
minimalist style or with some characteristics of a loft style such as massive oak planks,
concrete walls, marble panels and some other elements made of natural stone glass
and steel.

What's more, there will definitely be remote control heating, lighting, and sound
systems, floor heating and cooling, and automatic blinds. Oh, and I nearly forgot one of
the most important things... There will be a surrounding. sound system all through the

It will definitely be a big house as a small one won't include all the rooms and elements
of design that I want to have. I mean tall ceilings, lots of windows, spacious foyers, huge
staircases, three or four garages, a kitchen and a dining room, a sun room, walk-in
closets and 2 or 3 bedrooms complete with whirlpool tubs and separate showers,
laundry rooms, media rooms and a home office. And I think the best place for such a
fantastic house would be in the heart of London or New York, for example.

Something you received for free (topic for all test dates till 31 August

Describe a product or service that you got for free You should say:
what it was
how you got it
how you felt about it

Part 3 - 'Free things'

Just a few days ago I decided to have a quick bite to eat at McDonald's as I didn't have
a lot of time to have a meal at a cafe.

So I went to the McDrive and ordered a cheeseburger and small fries. I paid for my
order at the first drive through window. And I expected to get my food as soon as I got
to the second one as McDonald's guarantees one-minute drive-through service. But no
such luck.

I was asked to drive forward, park the car and wait for my order. Well, after 5 minutes of
waiting I started getting nervous and decided to get their attention by beeping the car
horn. After 10 minutes of waiting, I was going to go to the drive-through window and get
a refund. And when I was about to get out of the car, I saw a girl with a takeout bag
approaching my car.
She sincerely apologized for having kept me waiting for so long and awarded me with a
free food voucher on a future McDonald's visit.
Of course, I didn't jump for joy as I was nervous and afraid to be late for my appointment
with a doctor, but I was really pleased about it because I felt valued as a customer. No
doubt I will be back in the future.

Something that was broken in your home (topic for all test dates till 31
August 2022)

Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired
You should say:
What it is
How it was broken
How it was repaired
How you felt about it
Part 3 - ‘Repairing things’

There’s a story I think I’ll never forget. I was already in bed when I heard a strange
noise coming from the kitchen. I rushed there, opened the door and what I saw made
me totally shocked. Water was gushing out from the broken faucet.

Of course, it didn’t happen unexpectedly. I was bound to happen sooner or later. First of
all, the faucet was old. And it should have been replaced, but we were always too busy
to deal with it. And we kept putting it off. What’s more, we just ignored the harbingers of
the impending disaster. For example, a few days before this happened I noticed the
faucet was dripping. I told my husband about it, but he said there was absolutely
nothing to worry about.

A few days later it became apparent that there was something to worry about. The worst
thing was that it was almost midnight. So there was very little change that we would find
a 24-hour emergency plumbing repair service. In any case, we had to deal with the
problem urgently. What we did immediately was turn off water at the main shutoff valve,
which is at the water meter. Thank God, it didn’t take us much time to find it. That’s all
we could do ourselves. The next morning I contracted a local plumbing repair service
and scheduled a service call for plumbing repair because fixing is not husband’s forte.

It was a nightmare, but I was feeling happy because we didn’t flood our neighbors.

Something you can't live without (topic for all test dates till 31 Prev |
Next August 2022)

Describe something you can't live without (not a computer or phone) You should
what it is
how you use it
how often you use it
how it helps you and why you can't live without it

Part 3 - 'New and old things'

What I can't imagine my life without now is a vacuum cleaner. I use it every single day,
sometimes even twice a day. I'm not obsessed with cleanliness (though my husband
says I am a clean freak), but I hate to see dust, crumbs, cat's hair and other particles on
the floor, on carpets and on the furniture. I love my cat, but he sheds a ton of hair
everywhere every day. It seems to me he drops more fur than one would think is
possible. And I've got a chair that gets particularly covered in hair every day 'cause this
is the place where my cat likes to chill. If I didn't vacuum every evening, there would be
clumps of hair all over our clothes and everywhere. Plus, I like to walk around my flat
barefoot, but I hate when my feet get dirty and when dirt and other particles stick to my

I'm happy that I have a really powerful vacuum cleaner which is specially designed for
people who keep pets. It's a canister model which has the motor and dust collector, and
the vacuum head connected to its main part by a flexible hose. It is a wheeled type and
it has really high suction power, so I don't have to put too much effort in order to clean
all the surfaces. It's compact and lightweight, therefore I don't have any difficulty using

So every evening I vacuum all the surfaces using different heads for different tasks. And
I do it even if I feel drained after a hard working day. If it weren't for this vacuum cleaner,
the whole flat would be covered in cat's hair, crumbs, dust, torn paper pieces and other
particles, which would really annoy me.

Without exaggeration, I'm really happy that humanity once created this household
device because it saves a lot of my time, and I clean the whole flat relatively fast.
Person you met once and want to know more about (topic for all test
dates till 31 August 2022)

Describe a person you met only once and you want to know more about You
should say:
who this person is
how you met this person
when you met this person
why you want to know more about this person

Last summer I decided to take a 5-day personal development course. I knew this would
help me not only to improve myself, but also to meet like-minded people and form
lifelong friendships with them. So, as I expected to have a chance to network with lots of
such people. But one of them seemed to be particularly interesting to me. This was a
young lady named Helen.

At the very beginning each of us presented a short story in order to introduce ourselves
to other group members. She said she was there because she was keen on
Psychology. Also, from what other people knew about her I found out she was a
successful businesswoman who owned an online store which sold unusual handmade
gifts all over the world. During breaks between lectures she always disappeared and I
didn't have an opportunity to talk to her in a relaxed atmosphere. I was really surprised
to find out tha during these breaks she always went to feed her newborn baby who was
looked after by her mother while she was studying.

I wish I'd had an opportunity to get to know her. And I still want to get in touch with her
in order to know more. I'd like to find out how she manages to take care of her husband
and children, always look impeccable, and run a successful business. Another thing I
want to know is what makes her so energetic. I'd like to communicate with her to be like
her because I really like that she always looks on the bright side of life and she has
qualities that are in short supply nowadays. Those who know her well say she is
industrious, ambitious, si minded, knowledgeable, caring and risky. I admire people and
want to surround myself with people like her.

Toy (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Describe a toy that you liked when you were a child You should say:
what the toy was
who gave it to you
how you used this to explain
how you felt when you got this toy
Part 3 - 'Toys, kids and ads'

I was a really spoiled kid, so there were tons of different toys competing for my
attention, but my all-time favorite was a teddy bear. When I was about 7, my dad came
home with a giant box. When I opened it, I saw a brown bear with a big head and black
beady eyes staring at me. I started leaping for joy because this toy had been on my
wishlist for a long time and I begged my parents for it. It was really cute and cuddly. The
whole next day I was really busy choosing the best name for my fluffy furry friend. I'm
afraid it wasn't original but I called my teddy Winnie, after my favorite cartoon character
Winnie-the-Pooh. It became my best buddy for many years.

Not that I didn't like spending time with my peers, but unlike my friends, Winnie was
always by my side, sharing all the moments of my life. I dragged it around everywhere.
Once I found out that one eye was missing. I tried to find it, but didn't succeed. I was
really upset because I thought it wouldn't have happened if I had looked after Winnie
more carefully. So my mom had to get a replacement on the same evening.

Winnie and I spent a lot of time together. I fed it and talked to it. In the evenings I read
stories to my teddy bear. When it got sick, I treated it with pretend tea and honey. It is
without doubt I took it to bed and it even had its own pillow. Probably it was Winnie that
chased away bad dreams. I also taught my bear to read and write, and it was a really
assiduous student. Besides, Winnie must have been the most fashionable of all. In the
summer it had on some shorts, tee sandals, sunglasses, and a hat. When it was cold
and wintry, I would put on a jacket, sweater, boots, and a cute snowy hat! Winnie is
much more than a toy, it is a symbol of my childhood, so it is still with me, hibernating in
one of my closets.

Happy event you organized (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Describe a time when you prepared for a happy event successfully

You should say:
what the event was
when and where it was say
whether it was easy or difficult
how you prepared

Part 3 - 'Organizing things'

I love different celebrations and parties, but not when I'm the person who is responsible
for organizing things. For me, the process of preparation is a chore to be endured. But
at least once a year I have to organize my birthday party.
I have a birthday in November. So as you understand, I went through the whole process
just a couple of months ago. This time I started preparing a party one month before the
date as I didn't want to do everything at the last minute like I usually do.

First of all, I chose a date for the party. Thank God, I didn't need to make sure that most
of my friends were free because they know that I always celebrate my birthday on the
same day as I was born. It has been for many years, so they don't plan anything . I
planned to invite quite a few guests, so obviously I couldn't invite them to my place as
my dwelling is : ' one-room flat. For this reason, I booked a table at my favorite
restaurant, I ordered food, drinks and a birthday cake. I ordered big colorful balloons
and prepared a basket of props handy for people to use to take funny photos. You
know, some funny hats and glasses. I discussed a party playlist.

To tell the truth, although it may seem that I didn't do a lot, the process was really tiring.
First of all, though || started well in advance, I was pressed for time. Secondly, I didn't
want to spend a fortune, so I had to choose everything carefully and compare prices in
different places. And sometimes it was difficult for me to make up my mind about some
things such as what dishes to choose, what color balloons to order. Such things. But the
party was even better than I expected.

Long walk (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Describe a long walk you had You should say:

where it was
who you were with
why it was long
how you felt about it

Part 3 - 'Leisure' u

I'm gonna tell you about something that started as a 3hour walking tour and turned into
a day-long adventure walk around Z 'cause I got lost.
So, several years ago I spent my summer vacation in X. I lived in Y city and almost
every day had one-day bus trips to different places.

One day I went to Z city, and had a walking tour of the city. At first, everything was ok.
But at some point, the guide started walking faster, and suddenly I realized | had lagged
behind the rest of the group.

To my regret, my phone had died, so I could neither call the guide or use Google Maps.
Then I asked some passers-by for directions, but they were tourists, just like me. They
just shrugged their shoulders and apologized for not being able to help me. I decided to
retrace my way, but it appeared to be more difficult than it seemed as there were many
winding and narrow streets which looked exactly the same. So ! ended up walking
round in circles. I had no idea how to get back to the bus. I understood that I would have
to take a taxi to return to the hotel. So I stopped worrying about it, relaxed and
continued exploring the city on foot. I guess I walked more than 20000 steps on that
day. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to document my record 'cause my phone was dead.

Skill you learned from older people ( 31 August 2022)

Describe a skill that you learned from older people You should say:
what skill it was
who you learned it from
how you did it
how you feel about it

Part 3 - 'Learning from others'

It is my father who taught me the most important life lessons and skills. And among
many things, he taught me to drive safely and confidently.

I went to a driving school. I passed my driving test, but I wasn't a confident driver. So my
father decided to teach me to drive like a pro. I liked the idea as I wanted to overcome
my fear of driving. But I didn't want to drive a stick. I was going to buy a car with an
automatic transmission, so I didn't understand why he wanted me to learn to drive a car
with a manual transmission.

We had our driving sessions every weekend. I expected him to break down the process
into a series of steps. I thought we would first practice in a simulated environment and
focus on mastering one or two functions, say, steering and speed calibration. And I
thought he would make me me repeat each step until | got it right before leading me
headlong into 'real' traffic conditions.

But my father has always been the 'sink or swim' type of a teacher. He took me on X
Boulevard, one of the busiest roads in the city. My spine stiffened, my eyes popped and
my face turned red like in the episode of 'Tom and Jerry' in which Tom gets his claws
smashed by a hammer. I was really scared. Moreover, my father was constantly yelling
at me and giving instruction 'n sure that Apollo astronauts received fewer com from
mission control than I did from my father. So you can imagine... back in the day when I
was 18, I didn't really appreciate the lessons. But his approach to teaching proved to be
effective, and I overcame my fear of driving.
It was only when I learned to drive a car confidently that I understood what freedom
was. Even when I didn't have my own car, I could take my parents' vehicle and go
somewhere without waiting for one of them to give me a lift. On many occasions it made
getting around the city far more comfortable than it used to be. Now that I have my own
car, I think driving is an indispensable skill for me. It saves a lot of time as I don't have to
catch the bus, wait for a taxi or ask somebody to give me a lift and completely depend
on them. I can stop or change the route any time I want. I'm free to go wherever | need,
especially to some places which are difficult to get to by public transport, for example,
out of town. What's more, I can take as much stuff with me as I need without keeping an
eye on it on a bus. I don't have fingers that are numb after carrying my heavy bags all
day round. Also, I can transport a lot of stuff by hiring special companies. I can say
without any exaggeration that since I learned to drive my life has improved in countless

Place in the village you visited (topic for all test dates till 31 Prev | Next
August 2022)

Describe a place in the village you visited You should say:

what place it is
when you went there
what you did there
how you feel about it

Part 3 - 'Countryside'

Last summer I finally visited my grandparents who live in a quiet, picturesque village
situated on the bank of the river. During the pandemic, I was trying to stay away from
grandparents in order to reduce the risk of infection. I missed them very much. What's
more, my grandpa said he was more afraid to die of loneliness than of coronavirus.

So I decided to spend a couple of days in the village and kill two birds with one stone:
spend time with my grandparents and get away from the noises and bustle of the city.

My grandparents live in a beautiful, quaint house with a lovely garden all around dotted
with blooming orchids. Being there is like traveling back in time. Everything reminds me
of my carefree childhood: my toys, o CDs, my bicycle. It feels like you step into another
world. All the walls are still covered with old wallpaper. And my grandmother doesn't
allow us to remove it. And she refuses to get their house refurbished 'cause she wants
to keep all their memories alive. She says they both love their 50-year old chairs and
armchairs, their old wooden table in the kitchen, paintings, clay pots, old pictures, lots of
things that they bought when they were young.
She's right. There's something special about this old house. It's a magical place. I really
love spending time there. So last summer I had a really good time there, as always. In
the daytime, I went fishing and just explored the countryside. In the evenings I enjoyed
the sunset sitting in the backyard of the house, sipping hot tea and munching buns with
cinnamon baked by my grandmother. I wish I could go there more often.
Thing you did to learn a language (topic for all test dates till 31 Prev |
Next August 2022)

Describe a thing you did to learn a language You should say:

what language you learned
what you did how it helped you
how you felt about it

Part 3 - 'Learning languages'

A few years ago I realized that if I wanted to make further progress in English and
sound more like a native English speaker, I would somehow have to gain more
exposure to the language native English speakers would use every day. But I couldn't
pack up and go to a country where English is spoken natively, so I knew | had to find a
way to always get exposed to it at home.

All my friends said I had to subscribe to Netflix and start watching series and TV shows
in English. And this is what I did. I remember I started with a TV series which I had
already seen in my own language. It was Friends. Who hasn't watched Friends? After
that I always found what to watch. First, I watched films and series in English with the
subtitles in my own language, so I could check the meaning of any vocabulary I didn't
know easily. Later, I had the subtitles in English, and paused if the characters spoke too
quickly. When I started feeling more confident, I watched each episode without subtitles.
I used the 10 second 'back' button to try again and again to catch all the new words and
conversational phrases. Then I played each scene again, and watched the scene with
English subtitles on. Then I looked them up and watched the scene AGA ' see how
these new words were used in the contest. I watched each episode as many times as I
needa used to the speed, pronunciation, and common expressions used. After that, I
always practiced SHADOWING, which I'm sure really helped improve my fluency. I tried
to repeat what they were saying at the same time. Again, I used my favorite ten second
'back' button to practice saying and repeating some short phrases a few times.

I believe watching Netflix series and TV shows helped me a lot as I learned the most
current version of a language, stuff that may not even exist in textbooko I learned to
speak naturally and easily. And it helps develop my listening skills. What's important is
that it was never boring.

Interesting discussion (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Describe an interesting discussion you had with your friend You should say:
what it was about
what opinions you and your friend had
why it was interesting
how you felt about it
Part 3 - 'Opinions and ideas, communication'

Recently my friend invited me to grab some coffee and catch up. One of the things he
told me was that he started thinking of investing his life savings in cryptocurrency. He
said it was the best time to invest 'cause the price of bitcoin and several other leading
cryptocurrencies had suffered huge falls in December, so the price of bitcoin plunged to
about 40000 dollars, but some analysts are predicting the price of bitcoin could hit
100000 dollars by the end of the next year. And there are a lot of new coins that he
thinks will make a good investment as well. One more reason why he said
cryptocurrency could make a good investment is that everyone says cryptocurrency is
the future 'currency of the internet' and ultimate store of wealth. What's more,
transactions are fast, digital, secure and worldwide, which allows the maintenance of
records without risk of data being pirated.

Despite all this, it was obvious he couldn't make up his mind. I'm sure what I told him
didn't help him at all 'cause my knowledge of cryptocurrency is limited. All I could tell
him was a couple of stories of bitcoin millionaires and losses. For instance, I told him a
sad story of some guy who accidentally threw away 7500 bitcoins when he got rid of an
old laptop hard drive. He bought them when they were worth 1 dollar. And they are
worth over 200 million dollars today. He now wants to dig up his local rubbish tip, hoping
to find the drive. Also, I told him that if I were him, I wouldn't invest more than I can
afford to lose, and that I wouldn't invest all my life savings. In my opinion, the discussion
was really fruitful as it helped me form a balanced opinion on this matter. And now I'm
planning to invest a small amount of money in bitcoin in the near future. But it seems to
me my friend began to doubt even more.

Ambition you haven't achieved (topic for all test dates till 31 Prev | Next
August 2022)

Describe an ambition you haven't achieved You should say:

what it is
why you haven't achieved it
what you did
how you felt about it

Part 3 - 'Ambitions'

Four years ago I was dreaming of setting up my own business - something that I could
do while working my daily job. I decided to use the dropshipping model. It's an online
business model in which you don't keep the products you sell in stock. When you sell a
product, a manufacturer, wholesaler, or another retailer ships the product directly to a
So for me, it was the easiest way to start my own business. I was told I wouldn't have to
stock products, order inventory in bulk, or physically fulfill the orders in any way. But I
had to have some capital to launch a website and invest at least a small amount of
money in advertising.
However, the most important thing was to decide which product to sell. And this is what
became my bigg problem.I couldn't decide what to sell for too long. I spent a lion's share
of time on doing market research to figure out what products or services would be in
high demand. And when I was about to start acting, there was an outbreak of
coronavirus. Obviously, it wasn't the best time to start a business. So I decided to put
my plans on hold.

Of course, I felt down for a while, but then I remembered that there's always a second
chance. And I'll try again later.

Describe a day out that didn’t cost a lot (May – December 2022)

You should say:

What you did

When you did it

Who you were with

Why it didn’t cost a lot

Last summer, when the national coronavirus lockdown came to an end, I said to my
husband (brother, friends, etc) that I was fed up with staying indoors almost all the time.
He promised we would spend the whole day out the next weekend. And we did. My
husband suggested having a bike ride through the countryside. I agreed despite the fact
that I hadn't ridden a bicycle since childhood.

So we rented two bikes, which didn't cost a lot. And we went to our country house that is
located in a very picturesque area near the coniferous forest. Funnily enough, we only
had barbeque parties in the garden there and had never explored the beautiful nature
around. We took some food because we didn't know if we would return fast or spend the
whole day cyclina And we took a navigator so as not to get lost somewhere in the
middle of nowhere.

At first, I was riding at a snail's pace. I was concentrating solely on balancing and
steering, of course, I didn't look around and couldn't appreciate the beautiful scenery.
But it was fun. It was a bit like being a kid again. I soon got the hang of it and started
riding confidently. There were cows grazing in green fields, ducks hiding in the grass,
beautiful wild flowers and butterflies. We often stopped to take photos and enjoy the
stunning scenery.
In general, it wasn't a strenuous tour. Whenever we felt tired, we just wheeled our bikes.

In the evening we returned to our starting point and went home. This bike trip helped me
recharge my batteries, and it was real fun.

Describe a positive change in your life (May – December 2022)

You should say:

What the change was and when it happened

How it happened

Why it was a positive change

Last year I came to realize that the quality of my life would improve significantly if I
started leading a healthy lifestyle. What I did first was I read a lot of articles in
magazines and consulted a dietician because without professional help diets may do
more harm than good. The biggest challenge was to stop eating fast food. I started to
choose carefully what I ate, when and what for. I became a frequent visitor of a gym and
did exercises regularly. At least 3 times per week.

I've been living like this for more than a year now. I have to confess that this appeared
to be more difficult than | expected as, first of all, this requires discipline and time. For
example, sometimes you don't want to go to the gym. You say to yourself that nothing
will happen if you skip one workout. But you understand that if you do it once, nothing
will stop you from doing it regularly. Secondly, when you eat fast food, you don't have to
think at all. You take whatever you see in a shop to make your stomach full. But if you
start eating healthy food, you think about its nutritional value, you count calories and try
to choose fresh high-quality meat and vegetables.

In any case, all these efforts are worth changing the way you live. For instance, it was
not until I started following a healthy diet and doing sport regularly that I began to lose
weight naturally without starving myself. As a result, I started looking slimmer and
feeling better. What's more, I became much more attractive for the opposite sex. Now I
have many admirers who say that I'm beautiful, and my photos get really many likes on
social networks. My health has improved significantly since I started taking the first
steps towards my life. I have started feeling more energetic than usual before. This has
also helped me get better skin, so now I don't look as pale as before. To sum up, the
quality of my life has improved dramatically.

Describe a quiet place that you like to go to (May – December 2022)

You should say

What place it is

How often you go there, when you go there

What you do there

Why you like this place

Well, nowadays there's so much noise around that sometimes silence is a luxury I can
no longer afford. So time and again I go to some quiet places not to forget what 'silence'
is. My favorite one is a coniferous forest which is just a 20-minute drive from the city.
This is a magical place where quietness is almost tangible.

I like to walk, enjoying the air, the scents, and the vegetation. I usually move slowly,
calmly, and mindfully. The older I become, the more I appreciate each opportunity to
take the time to walk or sit and enjoy silence, especially when I feel that I'm on the verge
of burnout. When it's warm, I spread down a small carpet and sit under a pine tree,
reading a book or just enjoying nature.

This is by far the best place where I can take a bar from a constant stream of noises to
reboot my bi and unwind. Also, it is there that I can rid my mind of negative and
unnecessary thoughts, slow down, take a deep breath, set my mind straight, think about
my life and focus on what I really want. If I'm feeling blue, a walk in the forest helps me
to set myself in the right mood. When I feel stressed and exhausted, it helps me to
recharge my batteries.

I usually notice a huge difference in the way I feel before and after I go there, and this is
definitely what keeps me coming back for more.

Describe an occasion when you got stuck in a traffic jam (May –

December 2022)

Where you went

How often you do this

When you did this

Why you dislike it

Every day I hit the morning rush hour. I always sleep until the last minute, so I leave
home when congestion is at its height. Because of this, my daily commute is nothing but
a 40-minute stop and go crawling. And on Monday it's particularly bad. As a
consequence, I routinely sit in about 40 minutes of bumper-to-bumper stop and go
traffic every day. Last Monday wasn't an exception. Traffic moved very slowly, and there
was no end in sight. The closer to the city center, the slower. This makes me really

As a result, I was late for an important meeting. In fact, if only I could leave home just 15
minutes earlier, I would get to the office without any problems very fast. Normally it
takes not more than 15 minutes. But I never manage to.

Another thing that made me irritated, and it always does, was that I wasted a lot of time.
What I mean is when I'm stuck in a traffic jam, for example, because of a car accident,
and don't move, I take my tablet and write letters or do other important things. But last
time cars were crawling, the only thing I could do was to scroll down my news feed on
Facebook, which didn't improve my productivity and didn't do any good to me.

Also, traffic congestion usually entails additional expenses. I've recently read that for
every two minutes a car is idling, it uses the same amount of fuel as a mile's drive.
What's more, it increases vehicle emissions, so every morning I blame myself for
contributing to environmental pollution, which I can avoid only if getting to work by car,
which is out of the question.

Describe a time when you lost something and then got it back (May –
December 2022)

What it was

Where you lost it

How you found it

How you felt

I'm a person who's forever losing something. And in most cases, I don't notice that
some item is missing for a long time... if ever... However, recently there was one case
that I remember very well. This is because I lost my smartphone, and it was a total
disaster because I am not ashamed to say that I can't survive even an hour without the

So, one day I returned home after a busy day and wanted to text one of my friends, but I
couldn't find my smartphone. At first, I didn't worry at all. I asked my mom to call my
phone 'cause I was sure it was somewhere in my purse or in one of the pockets. What
we heard was 'the phone you dialed is not available at the moment'. This meant that
locating my phone fant and easily was out of the question. I thought the batt had gone
flat, therefore it would just take a little time to find it. I searched high and low, but the
search was without success. I realized I'd lost it.
At that very moment I felt like my heart was coming to a complete stop. I started
panicking. I thought that someone would hack my phone password and get access to
my photos and notes, my accounts on social media, which was the last thing I wanted to
have happened. I thought of the potential consequences of my being out of contact for
what might be several days. Among other things, it was an expensive item, and I'd been
saving for a long time to buy it.

The worst thing about it was that I had no idea where | lost it. What I remembered well
was that I called my friend after I left the office. This meant I didn't leave it in the
workplace. Sol understood that I must have lost it either in the back seat of a taxi or in a
changing room in a clothes store. To be honest, I thought I would never see my phone
again. Much to my surprise, I got it back.
I returned to the shopping mall and asked around for the lost item. The shop assistant
told me she had found my phone in the dressing room.

Describe in important river or lake in your country (May – December


What river it is

What you know about it

Why it is important

Without exaggeration, I can call India the land of rivers. And, in my opinion, by far the
most important one is the Ganges. It's the longest river in India which originates high in
the Himalayan Mountains, flows for about 3000 kilometers through the country and
discharges into the Bay of Bengal. The Ganges has a lot of tributaries, which I can't
name. What I know for sure is that it flows in 5 states of India and passes through a
number of towns on its way to the Bay of Bengal. As a result, the river has a myriad of
uses in the regions it passes through.

First of all, it is the most sacred river in India. It is worshiped as the goddess Ganga Ma
or Mother Ganges. There are large religious festivals that occur in the river throughout
the year where millions of people travel to the river to bathe, cleanse and purify their
sins. Also, people bring their dead to the river for cremation along its banks, and
afterward their ashes are spread in the river. In some cases corpses are also thrown
into the river.

The Ganges River provides livelihood for a large number of people in my country as
most of the people living on its banks use the river for daily needs such as bathing and
fishing. By the way, its basin is the most heavily populated in the world with over 400
million people living there.
The river also plays an important role in the economy of my country as it provides
irrigation water for agriculture, and it is the backbone of the country's. of the transport
system. I'm not quite sure, but I think it's a source of electricity as well.

Describe a completion (music, sports, etc.) You would like to take part in
(May – December 2022)

What completion it is

What you would do in this competition

Why you want to take part in it

Well, there's one business idea that makes me get up every morning, and I really want
to implement it in the near future. But I don't have enough money for it 'cause it requires
huge investment. And this is a big problem as while I'm still thinking, someone else is
acting. I want to create a blockchain-powered educational marketplace. It will be like
Coursera and eBay mixed together. Both content creators and students will benefit from
it because smart contracts that are used by the blockchain technology will guarantee
easy, fast, safe and commission-free payments. And no one will have to control the
whole system as the system will regulate itself. So what I want is to take part in a
startup battle and pitch my project to investors.

I've already done some research, and now I know more or less what I need to do to
enter such a competition
First, I have to submit an entry which is processty a panel of judges. If they feel that
angel investors may take interest in the project, I move to the next stage. As a rule,
finalists are selected to pitch on stage or have one-to-one short meetings with potential
investors. I'll have to prepare a detailed business plan, write a powerful pitch and
prepare an investor offer 'cause no one will invest a lot of money in the project if I
cannot explain how exactly it will generate profit for investors.

I suppose such a competition will allow me to test my idea to see how viable it is. I will
have a chance to prove to everyone that my idea is worth implementing. In the best-
case scenario, I will attract investment to develop my project. Also, >I'll get much
needed PR coverage through local (national or international) media. I want to make a
difference in the world and become famous as Steve Jobs or Elon Musk. And even if i
go wrong, I'll get invaluable experience in order to get better prepared next time and not
to make the mistakes. In any case, it will be a good opportunity get my business idea
evaluated by independent
Describe an interesting neighbor (May – December 2022)

Who this person is

How often you see him or her

How long you have known this neighbor

Why you consider this person to be interesting

I live in a crowded high-rise building, and have neighbors next door, below and above. I
guess, about a hundred people in total. So it's not surprising that most of them are
nameless and faceless to me. The only person who stands out is my next-door
This is an elderly man whose name is John. He's been living next door ever since I can
remember. So I can say I've known him since my childhood though for many years I just
greeted him politely and smiled. I was too young to appreciate an opportunity to
communicate with such a truly remarkable person.
Just imagine, now he is in his late 70s, but he seems to be more energetic than me and
most of my peers. He is literally a person of indomitable energy. John is retired. And if I
were him, I would sleep late, but he wakes up at 5 or 6 a.m. and always starts his day
with morning exercises. He goes jogging, I think, every day regardless of the weather
and the season. I know about this 'cause when I go to work we often have small talk
while waiting for an elevator because it usually doesn't come for ages.

Another thing that draws people to him is that he will never say 'no' if you ask him to
water your flowers when you're away, keep an eye on your flat or feed your pets. I used
to think he does it not to feel lonely, but some time ago I understood that this is just
because he is a really caring and considerate person.

Describe an important event that you celebrated (May – December


What event it was

When this happened

Who was with you

How do you feel about this event?

I would say one of the most important events which was celebrated was my great
grandfather's anniversary. It was a couple of years ago. At that moment, of course, I
didn't realize how important that family gathering was. I understood it much later when
my grandfather died. Just several weeks ago I was looking through the photos in a
family album and recalled that event.

My great grandparents invited all the members of our family to their house in the village.
Frankly speaking, it was a few years ago, so I don't remember everything in detail. I
guess much of what I think I remember is a product of my imagination. Every time I
recall this event, I see memories flooding across my mind like a kaleidoscope of
pictures. For example, there was a lot of food on the table though I don't really
remember whether it was tasty or not. The guests were laughing all the time. Some of
them were dancing, others were just sitting and eating non-stop. One more thing that I
can't help remembering is there was a firework display at night. Also, there were huge
bouquets of beautiful flowers everywhere.

Thank God there is a photo taken during this event which depicts the whole family. That
was the last family party when my great grandfather was alive.

Describe something you do to keep fit and healthy (May – December


What you do

When and where you usually do it

How you do it

How it helps you keep healthy

In my opinion, by far the best way to maintain good health is to work out in the gym,
which I do every week, at least twice a week. Of course, I wish I could do it more
frequently, but I just don't have that much free time.

What's important is that I always mix strength and cardio training. Strength training
exercises help me work out my muscles, increase metabolism and build stamina. So
they generally make me stronger. Cardio exercises help me burn calories, and therefore
maintain a healthy weight.

To make the most of each workout session, I start it with a warm-up. This is usually a
combination of some light cardiovascular exercises and stretches, which helps me to
prevent the injury and prepare my body for more vigorous exercises.
If I have strength training, I sometimes perform exercises with free weights such as
dumbbells or medicine balls. To be honest, I used to think that weights were something
for bodybuilders. But now I realize that light lifting exercises are really good for anyone.
Sometimes I use elasticized bands or specialized machines. But in most cases, I do
bodyweight exercises. I mean everyone's all time favorites such as sit ups, squats,
lunges and pull ups. For me, bodyweight exercises are more difficult to do than weights,
but my fitness instructor doesn't care about it and makes me do several 25-rep sets of
exercise. When I have a cardio workout, I either run on a treadmill.

Describe something that surprised you (May - December 2022)

You should say:
what it is
how you found out about it
what you did
whether it made you happy

Just a couple of weeks ago, I was aimlessly scrolling down my news feed on Facebook
when I spotted a catchy headline stating that Israeli scientists may have discovered a
cure for cancer. This made me immediately click on the link.

What I read made me feel really enthusiastic about the future because nowadays
cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. For example, just in 2018, there were 17
million new cancer cases and 9.5 million cancer deaths. What's more, treatment is
super expensive and, in most cases, ineffective.
So, according to the news article, a team of scientists has discovered the first complete
cure for cancer. The treatment is a multi-target toxin which specifically Lilla cancer cells.
Also, they say that patients could lik stop treatment after a number of weeks and not
drug cocktails throughout their lives.

The team has already concluded its first exploratory experiment on mice, and it had
promising results. The experiment inhibited human cancer cell growth and had no effect
on healthy mice cells. So, the company will soon begin clinical trials that could be
completed within a few years and would make the treatment available in specific cases.

Describe a product from your area (a food or handicraft) (May -

December 2022)
You should say
what the product is
when you tried it for the first time
where you can buy it
how it is produced
why it is popular
As far as I know my country is famous for making such crafty things as ceramics. I
mean pottery, porcelain, and glasswork. In my country, virtually every household has
ceramics of various shapes and sizes, which are used for different purposes. For
instance, as far back as I can remember, my mother always used clay pots for cooking.
I remember she would always say 'there is no healthy cooking without healthy
cookware'. I really liked everything my mom cooked in clay pots. She steamed veggies
and stewed meat. The taste was truly exceptional.

So when an opportunity turned up, I went to the artisan village and bought a few pots for
my own family. P. way, it is these villages that are considered the places where all this
stuff is produced and sold.
When I was there, I watched a kind of a performance. Craftsmen showed how they
produced different crafted items. But I'm afraid I can't go into detail about the production
process as it was quite a while ago. The only thing I remember is that clay was first
dampened 'cause when dampened, it behaves like plasticine. Then it was modeled,
dried, and then fired. Of course, I didn't see all the stages as this process is long and
complicated. And I didn't have so much time to wait for each stage to be completed.
Anyway, we got a broad idea of what the process is like.

I really like ceramics for many reasons. If we talk about pottery, for example, it is healthy
and non-toxic. Glassware and porcelain make very good presents and this list can be
endless. It is no wonder that ceramics have become a traditional product in my country.

Describe something you do to keep yourself concentrated (May -

December 2022)
You should say:
what it is
how often you do it
when you started doing it
why it helped you concentrate

A couple of months ago I noticed that day by day I was getting more and more irritated
'cause I was unproductive at work just because I couldn't concentrate on the task I was
doing. I felt I just wasted my time doing nothing. I sometimes literally stared at the
screen trying to collect my thoughts. Plus, I got easily distracted. The main problem
about it is that once you get distracted, it takes about 20 minutes to return to our original
task. I was stressed and overworked.

My friend recommended that I practice mindfulness meditation in the mornings. I'll

explain what it is. It's simply focusing completely on what you're doing, slowing down,
and observing all of the physical and emotional sensations that you are experiencing in
that moment. This is the skill that I really needed to master. She told me to sit still and
focus on my breath, then concentrate on the beating of my heart. The most important
thing was not paying any attention to anything else.

But I'm a very active person. So you can imagine... I was absolutely terrified at the
thought of sitting still, even for a couple of minutes, let alone half an hour. At first, it was
indeed a nightmare. I couldn't get rid of the incessant chatter in my head. My thoughts
were driving me crazy. And therefore I couldn't slow down and make my mind relaxed.
Plus, it was boring.

Despite this, I didn't give up and practiced every morning. Gradually I got used to it and
even started enjoying the process. Just a week later I saw measurable improvements in
attention span. I saw that I could easily center my thoughts on what I did. Later I started
directing focused attention towards my ordinary activities. For instance, I practiced
mindfulness when I ate. I took time to really chew my food and concentrate on its flavors
and texture.

Describe an invention that changed the world for the better (May -
December 2022)
You should say:
what it is
how it changed the world
how popular it is

To my mind, the greatest thing since sliced bread is a smartphone. Without

exaggeration, I think that smartphones have revolutionized humanity.

They allow us to do amazing things and interact with the world in ways we never
thought were possible. They can be used for making and receiving calls, texting,
friends, family and colleagues, getting and sharing. news on social networks sites,
checking email messages and even doing online banking. We also use them to take
photos and keep track of calendar events. For example, in the past, I used to depend
too much on my home PC for doing tasks like checking mails and browsing the web.
Now that I have a smartphone, I no longer have to rush to a computer to edit a
document or check my email. So, first of all, this invention has made our lives much
easier providing us with an
easy a way of communication, enabling us to do various tasks all at the same time and
freeing us from the constraints of space. The second change brought by smartphones is
that they have replaced many devices such as ebook readers, MP3 players, or
cameras. If you want, you can use them for listening to music or watching a film. Also,
there are apps for practically everything. They are quick to install and ready to use.
Thus, having a smartphone makes waiting not as boring as in the past.

Describe a time when you were very busy (May - December 2022)
You should say:
when this time was
what you did at this time
how you arranged your time
how you felt after this busy time was over
Last month, to say that I was busy is to say nothing. I was like a hamster on a wheel
trying to get everything what I'd planned done.

It was an absolutely crazy time. I was working on several projects at the same time to
cover for a colleague who was on holiday. I couldn't say 'no' because we usually cover
for each other, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to count on her in the future if I had
refused to pick up her workload. So I had to push myself beyond my limits to get all the
work done. I had a constant flow of emails coming in. Also, I had to deal with customer
requests and phone calls, let alone my daily reports. Even when I came home after
work, I couldn't relax because I had to walk the dog and make sandwiches and tea so
as not to collapse from hunger as I didn't even have time for lunch. Also, in the
mornings I woke up at the last minute, so breakfast was out of question in most cases.

To tell the truth, the only thing that literally saved me from burnout and overwork was
my paper planner called Slice Planner. This planner presents a work day as a diagram
which looks like a clock face. This diagram is divided into 12 sectors, like 12 hours. You
have to shade the sector representing some time slot if you plan to do something during
that period of time. Although I saw what fitted into my schedule and what didn't, I tried to
do more work.

Describe a time when you helped a child (May - December 2022)

You should say:
how you helped a child
why you helped them
when it was
how you felt about it

Some years ago I taught my younger brother to tie shoelaces. I found my nephew
crying over his shoes 'cause he couldn't tie them. I wanted him to let me help him, but
he didn't allow me to tie his shoes 'cause he wanted to be independent and do
everything himself. I remember myself when I was his age. So I decided to help him and
teach him this skill.

I thought it would be a piece of cake as it takes no more than two seconds to do it. And
we, adults, do it automatically without thinking about it. I mean it's as natural as
breathing. So I thought I would show it once or perhaps twice and it would be done, but
sometimes things don't go like we think they will. This was just the case. He couldn't
repeat after me. So it turned out to be one of the biggest challenges in my whole life.
My mom told me that this process could take up to a month of consistency and
dedication from both the teacher and child.
I understood that, first of all, I myself had to learn how to teach somebody. So, I
watched a number of video tutorials which showed different ways to teach a child to tie
shoelaces. After that we started practising 5 minutes every day, and I broke down this
complicated task into smaller steps in order not to overwhelm the child.
At first, we practised with his shoes off. I used laces of two different colours to help him
differentiate one lace from the other. We started from learning to make a starting knot. I
showed him how to cross the left end of the lace over the right one, and pull both ends
to complete the knot.

Something you do to save time (May - December 2022)

Describe something you do to save time You should say:
what it is
when you do it
how you feel
when you do this how it helps you

Until recently, I thought the best way to save more time or to use time as efficiently as
possible was to make lists of tasks for each day. I sorted these tasks by priority. But no
matter what I did I couldn't get all the work done. And I was really angry and frustrated.
So, now I know that creating a daily plan is enormously important. But it's also
necessary to peg a time limit to each task on the list. I used to work slowly just because
I didn't control the time. Sometimes I was trying to bring the result to perfection, which is
pointless per se. Sometimes I was distracted by emails, calls messages or Facebook.
You know, you want to quickly check something on Facebook or Instagram, but then
you find yourself aimlessly scrolling the feed for half an hour.

But now I understand that I have a limited period of time to complete some tasks. So I
just don't pay attention to the distractors and activities that waste my time. But it was
easier said than done. So I had to set some an ds and punishments in order not to be
tempted to te someone or scroll the feed on Facebook. The main problem about it is
that once you get distracted it takes about 20 minutes to return to our original task.

Now that I’ve managed to significantly increase my productivity, I can tell you that this
method worked for me well. And when I have a lot of tasks to complete. I no longer feel
nervous as I know that I will complete all the tasks on the list. I feel calm and in control
of what’s going on.
Describe a family member you'd like to work with (May - December
You should say:
who this person is
what kind of work you'd like to do
why you want to work with him or her
how you feel about this person

I would be insanely happy if my younger brother became my business partner. Together

we could start an online store, manufacturing business or pizza shop. We could open a
restaurant. Actually, we could start whatever business we want.

The main reason why I want to go into business with him is that I'm sure he is able to
build a very successful company 'cause he's a natural-born entrepreneur. All our
relatives say that if he started a business, he would make lots and lots of money. And I
want to be involved (LOL). As far as I remember, as a child, he came up with lots of
quick and easy ways to make money almost every day. For example, he did a lot of
garage sales. When he ran out of junk from our parents' garage to sell, he asked his
friends if they could organize garage sales at their houses. Also, he sold homemade
lemonade in the summer. Once, and that's one of my favourite stories, he figured out
that he could invest, say, $3 into buying the whole pizza and then sell it! the slice. So he
was able to charge something lik $5 for a pizza that cost him just $3.
I consider him a genius And I think these stories prove that he does have a business
flair. So everyone says that it's a pity that he used his talent only when he was a kid.
What's more, he already has extensive experience in sales, which is sometimes key to
success in business. Also, we complement each other very well. We would engage in
different activities and have different responsibilities. So I believe there would be less
reason to fight. Finally, what's important is that we know each other inside out and I
know I can trust him.

Describe a difficult decision that you once made (May - December 2022)
You should say:
what the decision was
how you made your decision
what the results of the decision were
why it was difficult to make

Several months ago it was the first time I had been caught in a real dilemma. I had to
decide whether | wanted to study abroad or locally. Once my parents and I were having
dinner, when suddenly they told me it was time to start thinking about my future and...
(this is where the nightmare began) that they were ready to pay for my education
abroad if it was what I really wanted to do. At first, I was on cloud nine, but then | started
agonizing over the decision.

You can't even imagine how painful the process was. I asked my friends what they
would do if they were given such an opportunity. Needless to say, opinions differed
wildly. Then I made a list of pros and cons and analyzed all 'what-ifs' which threw me
into doubt all the time. I also read a few articles about education abroad and found out
what other students were saying about experience. I even tried to consider job prospect:
different countries.

I struggled to make a decision because my future was at stake. And, of course, I was
afraid to suffer consequences of the wrong choice. It was difficult to imagine what living
abroad would be like (taking into account the current situation regarding covid-19). Also,
I knew I would have to start my life from the very beginning. And to top it off, I realised I
would have to leave my friends and family behind.
After a great deal of thought I decided to seize this opportunity as it's better to regret
what you have done than what you haven't. Now I'm planning to study in Canada. Of
course, the outcomes cannot be accurately predicted yet, but I hope I made the right
decision. We'll see. I'm still worried and fear disappointment but at the same time I'm
looking forward to this change.

Describe a person famous in your country (May - December 2022)

You should say:
who this person is
what this person has done or does
why this person is popular
how you feel about this person

One of the many popular people in my country is X (put someone's name here, for
example, Bea Alonzo, a Filipino social media influencer). She's a Filipino actress,
Instagram influencer, vlogger, and lifestyle blogger. Bea makes videos and writes about
her own life, experiences, interests, or daily activities, for example, there's content about
subjects like parenting, cooking, fitness, beauty, college life, home decoration and
everything else in between.

You know, there are millions of lifestyle bloggers all over the world, so it's almost
impossible to create content somebody else hasn't shared yet, but she's really popular.
And I think that it is being authentic that helps her stand out from the crowd. Now many
bloggers show only carefully curated, beautifully lit and perfectly filtered moments and
think that this will them connect with followers, but I think this strat doesn't work. And
she doesn't use it. She managed to find her ‘blend’ of content. It’s obvious that she
enjoys blogging. I’m sure this helps her keep her social media presence real. And this
content resonates with many people. For example, in her opinion, sometimes it’s okay
to post without a filter, or even post about challenges and struggles. I really appreciate

Describe an occasion when someone gave you positive advice or

suggestions about your work (May - December 2022)
You should say:
who this person is
what they said
how this advice affected you
how you felt about the advice

Until recently, I made lists of tasks for each day but was unable to complete them no
matter how hard I tried. I tried to cope with this problem myself. For example, I sorted
tasks by priority and I avoided checking my emails or texting my friends, hoping that
these strategies would help. No matter what I did I couldn't get all the work done. And I
was really angry with myself. The turning point for me was realizing that I didn't even
want to start doing anything at all.

I was so upset that I complained about this situation to my colleague. I told him that I
had already tried all the time management strategies, but nothing helped. He gave me a
really simple, yet efficient solution to my problem. He advised me to stop making to-do
lists because I planned much more than I could do. I thought that I had to complete all
the tasks on the list. He told me that to-do lists don't work for visual thinkers like me and
recommended that I start usir different approach to planning my day. At first, he drew a
circular diagram which looked like a clock face. Then he took my long to-do list and
asked me to estimate how much time each of the tasks would consume. So he
transferred the tasks from my to-do list to this diagram. Every time he shaded a sector
for the task At some point, there were no empty sectors on the diagram. He drew the
second one. And I realised when I made lists of things to do, it seemed to me I was
obliged to do everything on the list by the end of the day. I realised that the problem was
not about poor productivity, but my inability to make realistic plans. He taught me to set
achievable goals and avoid planning too many things.

I am convinced this was a clever solution because, first of all, it worked for me and
helped me solve my problem fast and efficiently. What’s more, it didn’t require me to put
any extra effort into solving the problem. You know, it was like taking the most direct,
yet congested, route during rush hour versus driving through a series of alleyways to
reach the same location.

Describe a time when you used your cellphone to do something

important (May - December 2022)
You should say:
what happened
when it happened how important your cellphone was
how you felt about the experience

Once my smartphone literally protected me from losing all my money. So, once I
realized the debit card was missing. I was so shocked that I just didn't know what to do
at first.

The last time I saw it, it was in the interior slip pocket of my handbag (or coat). I was
sure nobody could reach in my pocket and pull it out without me noticing it. So I thought
it just fell out of my pocket or I could have given it to a cashier and walked away without
it. Anyway, I understood it was missing. And I came to realize I wouldn't find it. I wasn't
even going to try to find it. Just didn't want to waste time.

To be honest, I started to panic. But I knew I had to hold myself together in order to deal
with this issue as quickly as possible and avoid losing money.
Then I understood that there was just one thing that would protect me from any
unauthorized charges. I had to contact my bank as quickly as possible in order to report
the loss of the card and cancel it. And this is what I did. But the experience wasn't as
pleasant as I expected 'cause I had to wait on hold for about 15 minutes. I was growing
angry every minute 'cause every minute of delay could potentially cost me a lot of
money. Of course, in the end, I managed to cancel my debit card and order a
replacement one, but I was feeling frustrated although it all turned out okay. F should
say that if it hadn't been for my smartphone, I would have lost all my money.
Describe a person you enjoyed talking with (May - December 2022)
You should say:
who this person is
when you talked
what you talked about
why you enjoyed talking to this person

When I was a child, my mom would always say: 'Don't talk to strangers. It's very
dangerous'. Even though I'm not a child any more, I still get a little nervous when
someone I don't know tries to strike up a conversation with me. For this reason, I don't
generally engage in much conversation with strangers.
So the last time when I was sitting in the departure lounge at the airport, waiting for my
flight, I pulled out a tablet and was going to watch a movie or do my work, but no such
luck. A young man occupied the seat next to me as it was the only empty seat there.

Several minutes later he started asking me some questions. At first, I pretended to be

very busy and answered his questions reluctantly. But he seemed so positive and
sincere that I got talking to him.
We talked about travelling, work, and hobbies. I mean, at first, we didn’t discuss
anything personal. Somehow our small talk turned into a heart-to-heart conversation
about life and relationships. I told him about the problems I had with my boyfriend. We’d
had an on-off relationship for many years. I was fed up with it, but didn’t know what to
do. I was really happy to get that off my chest. We discussed my problems, we talked
about love and relationships between men and women.

It was a really enjoyable conversation mostly because my new friend was sincere and
really open to a constructive dialogue and exchange of ideas.

Describe a time when you gave advice to others (May - December 2022)
You should say:
who you gave advice to
what the situation was
what advice you gave
what the result was

Just recently one of my close friend's decided to quit a job after an argument with some
colleague. And what's more, he was determined to do it as soon as possible.

To be honest, I didn't want to interfere and tell my friend what I thought about his idea
'cause giving advice to people who don't ask for it just doesn't work. Also, I'm sure
people should make their own mistakes and learn their own lessons. But I realized that
this would impact his life significantly, so I just couldn't keep my mouth shut.
I advised my friend not to make emotional decisions. I said that I didn't think it was wise
to quit a job without another one lined up because this would entail uncertainty and
having no income for an indefinite period of time.

To my regret, my friend didn't listen to me as he is too stubborn to listen to anybody's

advice. A few days later, he resigned. And a few months after that h e called me to
borrow some money because he was still looking for a job.

Describe a place you visited (not your hometown) that you recommend
others to live in (May - December 2022)
You should say:
what place it is
when you went there
why you can recommend living there

The place I'm gonna tell you about is Hong Kong. I visited it years ago. But I remember
no sooner had | arrived there than I felt that it was the place where | should have been
born. And since that time I have never felt at home anywhere as much as I do in Hong
Kong. What's amazing is that whoever comes there instantly feels comfortable too. So I
think this is the place I can recommend people to move to.

In my opinion it's a truly unique place that has its own character and emotional pull.
When people generate an image in their heads of what Hong Kong looks like, they
envision a concrete jungle. They imagine movies with famous skyscrapers dominating
the skyline. Yeah, it is true that there are lots of skyscrapers here. But actually it's the
biggest misconception about Hong Kong 'cause almost 65 percent of its territory is
parks, beaches, and mountains. And there are lots of amazing hiking trails. I just love
that. Plus, there is a lot of busy city life going on here, day and night. It's a wondra place
for young active people like me.


Remembering things (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)
What can people do to help themselves remember information for their everyday
Well, I guess the first thing people should do for this is have the right nutrition,
consistent exercise and high quality sleep as they are the basis for strong memory. One
more thing I'd recommend them to do is leverage their visual memory or relate new
information to things they already know. It could also be a good idea to structure and
organize the information people need to memorize or, let's say, create a mental memory
tree or to-do list in an app or on paper and, of course, focus their attention on what they
need to remember in their everyday life actively recalling these things again and again. I
think that taken together, these actions will help everyone preserve their memory
strength and remember everything they need for daily use.

What do you think of people using calendars to remind themselves of things?

Oh, I think that they are very responsible and disciplined, first of all. Also, I think that
they know their goals and like to be sure that they are staying on track with them. One
more thing I can say about them is that they don't like to waste their time, and use
calendars in order to produce quality work without taking unnecessary, unfocused and
inefficient steps.

What kinds of things do people forget easily?

Oh, I guess people usually easily forget some simple things like other people's names,
phone numbers or birthdays. I'd also add passwords to different websites,. words to
songs, recipes and doctor appointments to this list. Some other common things which
usually literally slip people's minds are what time the meeting. starts, where they left
their wallet or keys, where they parked or what they wanted to ask and, of course,
something they wanted or needed to do like for example, return a call to their partner or
friend, reply to some email, pay their monthly bills, book a ticket in advance and even
charge their phone. These are the most common things, I guess.

How can people improve their memory?

Oh, there are many fun, simple and even, I'd say, delicious ways to improve memory.
First of all, it's necessary to eat a brain-boosting diet because the brain needs fuel just
as much as the body does. What | considered healthy for the brain is lots of fruits and
vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats such as olive oil, nuts, fish and
fish oil supplements. For brain health, though, it's not just what we eat but also what we
don't eat matters. So, in order to boost brain power and memory we should eat less
added sugar and cut down on refined carbs such as cakes, cereal, cookies and white
bread. Secondly, in order to help our brain and memory stay sharp we should exercise
more as physical activity increases oxygen to the brain and reduces the risk for
disorders that lead to memory loss. One more important thing for improving memory is
playing different brain games like crosswords, word-recall games and even mobile app
games dedicated to memory training, as memory, like muscular strength, requires us to
use it or lose it. And, of course, we should consider such things as getting. enough
sleep, taking breaks throughout the day, using different tricks such as visualization while
memori something and setting a healthy balance between leisure time as only a
combination of all these methods can give us really good results.
Why do sometimes people forget things they don't want to do?
I guess this happens because our brain subconsciously erases everything that is likely
to bring negative emotions and experiences making room for more positive feelings
which accompany actions and events people look forward to. Or there can be even a
simpler explanation for this... people just block information about what they don't want to
do and, as a result, at some point naturally forget it.

Which do you think is more important to remember about, a business meeting or

a meeting with a friend?
I am more than sure that it's really essential not to forget about a business meeting
because not turning up will communicate a plethora of negatives to your partners
showing you as an unreliable and untrustworthy person and assuring them that they
can't count on you. Of course, it's better not to forget about a meeting with a friend
either but still if it happens, it won't be that embarrassing and unprofessional. What's
more, a friend will anyway forgive you and this won't change their attitude to you, which
is not the case with your partners or boss.

Why is it difficult for some people to remember things?

What kinds of people are more forgetful?
Well, I guess it may be so for a score of reasons. If not to consider age-related memory
loss and memory impairment illnesses such as Alzheimer's disease but focus on
memory problems typical for healthy people, I think that one of the most common
reasons for forgetfulness is that people are just absentminded and don't pay close
enough attention to the things that happen to them. One more reason I can name is
emotional disorders such as stress, anxiety or depression and, as a result, sleep
disorders that make people take certain medications which can cause forgetfulness and
confusion. What else? Well, this may happen because of some kind of vitamin
deficiency. and, of course, because of a lack of storage space in the brain as brains of
some people are overloaded with tons of information.

In what situations is it important to remember information very well?

Oh, I think there are lots of such situations but I would divide all of them into two main
groups. The first group is all kinds of situations in which you need to be accurate just
because you have no right to make a mistake. I mean such situations as taking an
exam or just being tested on information if you are a student, making a diagnosis if you
are a doctor or vet, or navigating a plane if you are a pilot. In all these cases you have
to be able to recall all relevant details, especially if you are alone and have no access to
anyone or anything. And the second group is all those situations in which you just want
to impress other people in order to gain a competitive advantage. For example, when
you want to make a more lively and engaging presentation without rummaging through
pages of notes, and this way build your reputation as an expert in your field.

Which is better for keeping childhood memories, photos or videos?

Well, I'm more than sure that some situations are better suited to photos and others are
better captured in motion, so parents can always just shoot both. Though, there is no
doubt that videos handily beat photos as they contain more stuff. I mean movement,
dialogue, facial expressions, and consequently, more emotional resonance or, in other
words, they help people remember what some past moments felt like, sounded like,
how frustrated and stressed-out and over-the moon everyone was all at once. I'd also
say that videos show the truest moments and tell the stories that feel real, which adds to
my explanation why I think that they are better for keeping childhood memories.

Can people rely on their memory when recalling events from the past?
Well, I wouldn't say they can as experts say that human memory isn't as consistent as
people would like to believe. People are often guilty of changing the facts and adding
false details to their memories without even realizing. What's more, each time they
remember something, they are reconstructing the event, reassembling it from traces
throughout the brain. Oh, and it's also quite common for people to suppress memories
that are painful or damaging to self-esteem. To sum up, human memory is adaptive,
reshaping itself to accommodate the new situations people find themselves facing, so
it's just probably not a good idea to rely on it 100%.

Do you think keeping a diary can lead to creating false memories?

Well, I wouldn't say it can, to my mind, diaries, vice versa, reinforce the memory and
help people keep their memories alive. They help people organize their thoughts and
make them apprehensible, which in turn, lets them make stronger connections with the
information and cement the memories in their mind. So, no... keeping a diary definitely
can't lead to creating false memories... though, what it can do is boost people's ability to
recall information at a later date

Why do people remember very little about things that happened to them in early
Well, I guess it happens because of developmental changes in basic memory
processes. Infants and toddlers don't have a fully developed memory, and they are just
unable to make stable memories of events. What's more, the brains of young children
lack the skills to keep memories for a long time. I am also sure there are some scientific
explanations for why the first few years of life are forgettable but, unfortunately, I don't
know them. The only thing I can add to my answer is that at some point, somewhere
around the age of 5 - 7, the brain supposedly gets rid of unused or ineffective brain
connections making room for more advanced brain networks, which explains why our
earliest memories date from approximately 5 years of age.

What childhood memories do people usually have?

Well, I guess that the most common childhood memories we all have are about our
grandparents, how we visited them, how they pampered us and what they taught us to
do... I also think we often recall our childhood friends and adventures we had together, I
mean sleepovers with friends, playing with them, fighting with them and even jumping in
puddles together. And, of course, we often recall our firsts, bests and worsts. I mean our
first day at school, first time staying up for New Year's Eve, first pocket money and how
we spent it, first time on the plane or train and even first pet we loved to play with. Plus,
we often remember the best and worst toy we had, best or worst sandcastle we built
and best or worst theme park we visited when we were kids. Yeah, these are the most
common childhood memories we have when we become grown-ups.

Do you think technology helps people remember past events?

Well, on the one hand, 'yes' as it is the only way for today's generation to learn about
events of the past. What's more, photos and videos help people keep their memories
fresh and remember important events much longer. On the other hand, committing
almost all memories to technology might hinder human ability to remember and lead to
poorer recall of the factual events. Plus, the quality of such memories may be limited
when it comes to photos, for example, as they can help people remember what they
saw but reduce their memory of what was said. So, it's a debatable issue, to my mind.

What memories are most important for people?

Well, I guess all memories that carry powerful emotions such as happiness, fear,
disgust, anger or sadness as such memories are usually about something that matters
to people. I'd also mention memories of important milestones in life, I mean the day of
graduation, first day at work, weddings, kids' births and things like that. And, of course,
memories of the events when they were proud of themselves, when they managed to
overcome some challenges and obstacles and achieve the goals they set.

What memories are most important for people?

Well, I guess all memories that carry powerful emotions such as happiness, fear,
disgust, anger or sadness as such memories are usually about something that matters
to people. I'd also mention memories of important milestones in life, I mean the day of
graduation, first day at work, weddings, kids' births and things like that. And, of course,
memories of the events when they were proud of themselves, when they managed to
overcome some challenges and obstacles and achieve the goals they set.

Is it possible that technology will replace human memory?

Well, a lot of people say that there is a strong possibility that in the near future we will
be able to insert memory chips into our brain. Scientists promise that these chips will
enable us to have a perfect memory and control the flashbacks we have by buying new
memories and deleting unwanted ones. Though, I think it's more than unlikely that such
chips will replace human memory as it seems to me that even if they are inserted into
the brain one day, they will only be able to enhance our memory but not replace it.

Gifts (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Why is it sometimes difficult to buy a gift for someone?

Well, I guess one of the reasons is that the giver has no idea what to buy to please the
giftee, which puts a lot of pressure and makes the process of choosing the gift quite
challenging. This may happen either because the giftee doesn't have any wishes or
because the giver doesn't know anything about the wishes of the giftee. The second
reason why choosing a gift for someone may be quite painful is because the giver and
the giftee have no interests in common, which makes the giftee really hard to please
and the giver really anxious about choosing the right present. I also can't help
mentioning the time factor as it's really time-consuming to find a great present, and
regrettably, nowadays many people are pressed for time. Also, the budget of the giver
may be too tight for buying what the giftee would be happy to receive, which also makes
the process of choosing the right gift more complicated. These are the main reasons, I

Is the price of a gift important?

Will people feel happy when receiving an expensive gift? (frequently asked)
Well, I wouldn't say it is. At least, it seems to me that most people are not concerned
with the monetary value of a gift. For the majority of people, the gift is simply a
thoughtful gesture, and it is inherent symbolism or emotional significance that matters
while whether the gift is cheap or expensive is often secondary. Though, I think there
are cases when the price of a gift is of the utmost importance. I mean holidays when
people exchange gifts with each other. On this occasion, there should be some kind of
implicit agreement for a budget according to which everyone should try to give a gift. To
my mind, it will prevent people from conflicts and negative emotions as everyone will
know that they have given gifts equal in value to the gifts received.

What gifts are popular in your country?

Well, I guess it depends on the age and gender of the receiver, first of all. If the receiver
is a woman, then quite popular gifts in my country are arts, I mean drawings, paintings,
photographs and prints, or home decor items, for example, candles, vases, figurines
and even home fragrances. I'd also mention wines, gift food baskets and accessories
such as scarves, umbrellas, wallets or gloves. If the receiver is a man, the most popular
gifts are electronics items, for example, smart watches, video games or wireless
earbuds. I'd also add such gifts as desktop items. I mean pen clips or holders, pencil
sharpeners or ashtrays. It's also quite popular to give men strong spirits, glassware and
accessories such as belts, keyrings and wallets. Oh, and good books, of course, too. If
the giver and the receiver have close relationships, the list of popular gifts can also
include perfumes, makeup and skincare products, jewelry, kitchen appliances and even
spa gift certificates. That's how it's going in my country these days.

Do you like giving gifts?

Why do people give gifts?
Oh, yes, I really enjoy gift-giving because it is a perfect way to strengthen bonds with
others showing interest and appreciation, expressing gratitude or apology and just
letting other people know that I care. I like to bring. joy and pleasure to people raising a
smile on their faces and fulfilling their small dreams. Even a little present can cheer a
person up because it is love and care that matter but not the present itself.

Do you think parents are made to give too many gifts nowadays?
Well, regrettably, they really are as children make excessive demands on them for the
products they see in the ads, which in turn happens because of advertisers who create
a particular state of mind in kids that makes them receptive and pushes to pester their
parents for more and more gifts. One more thing that makes parents buy stuff for kids
again and again is the fact that they don't want their children to be bullied at school for
not having the latest 'must-have' items or don't want to disappoint kids for whom being
under peer pressure is quite stressful. Well, and I'd also like to mention the pang of guilt
which acts as a driving force for buying as many gifts for kids as possible. Parents have
to work a lot these days and as a result, a lot of them feel guilty for this, so guilty that
they are ready to succumb to their children's demand for gifts in order to just feel a little
bit better.

Is it better to give practical gifts?

Well I'd say it is as most people hate receiving useless, generic gifts, giving their
preference to presents with a purpose especially if the giver knows them and their
current needs and desires well and can afford to give them what they really long for at
the moment. As far as the giver is concerned, practical gifts are also much better than
fun gifts as they are a great way for the giver to communicate their thoughtfulness to the
recipient letting them know that they are aware of what is happening in their life and
showing them that they want to make them feel special rather than annoyed or

Is gift-giving important for the economy of a country?

Definitely. The thing is that consumer spending drives much of the economy. (70
percent, as far as I know) And a large proportion of annual sales in the retailing industry
comes from gifts because all, or almost all, people and companies set aside some
money each month for buying gifts. I mean people regularly buy gifts for many
occasions throughout the year, including holidays such as Christmas, New Year or
Saint Valentine's Day, weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations and baby
showers. What's more, many people allocate a GREAT proportion of their budget to
gifts as they feel pressured to spend more than they are comfortable with during the
holidays 'cause they think the more expensive the gift, the stronger a gift-recipient's
feelings of appreciation. That people buy gifts so often also means that there are lots of
people and companies involved in producing.. distributing, and selling the goods that
usually serve as gifts. So, yes, I believe that gift-giving does oil the wheels of the
economy by generating sales and creating jobs.

What gifts would parents give to children?

Well, I guess it, first of all, depends on the gender of a child and their preferences and
needs. As far as I know, boys adore gadgets like smartphones and tablets, tech toys
like different kinds of robots and, of course, radio controlled toys which are a great deal
of fun to play with. They also enjoy getting toy cars, building and construction sets,
different ride-ons and board games as presents. However, girls give more preference to
something more creative and intimate like arts and crafts kits, collectibles, dolls and
plush toys as well as something emphasizing their femininity like clothes, accessories
and beauty_gift sets. So, I guess parents would choose something from the list of gifts

Why do companies give free gifts to customers?

Well, I guess companies give things away for free in order to have greater customer
retention and obtain repeat business. Free gifts generate buzz around the brand and
make recipients feel good and satisfied, which causes them to come back and buy from
the company. What's more, freebies attract attention and find new customers, which
develops positive brand associations and encourages impulse purchases. All in all,
companies give free gifts to shoppers in order to encourage feedback and make
customers loyal to them as this will garner traffic, boost sales and increase their profits,
as a result.

Have you ever received anything that was made by the giver?
When receiving a gift, do you prefer something that was self-made or something
bought in stores?
Well, yes, I have. Plenty of times, actually. I received such things as homemade
candles, soap and body scrub from one of my good friends, different New Year crafts
and paintings from my little sister and homemade cakes, marmalade and ginger breads
from my neighbors. I really appreciated all those gifts as all of them had a personalized
touch, showed more love and created a lasting impression.

Stories (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

What kind of stories do children like to listen to?

Oh, I guess all kids like to listen to stories about heroes and villains, giants, dragons and
other animals and, of course, about other planets and other children, especially if the
children in these stories are powerful. Kids enjoy stories that can bring out courage and
laughter, excitement and joy. Oh, and they really like tales with a happy ending, the
ones where good triumphs over bad.
What can a child learn from a story?
Well, stories can teach kids a lot of things. For example, to understand, accept and
express their own feelings, think about and understand other people's motivations as
well as predict their thoughts and behavior. Listening to stories, kids can also learn
about everyday tasks such as how to brush their teeth, take care of animals, clean and
cook, and even learn how to deal with real life situations that they need help to deal
with. There are stories which can help children understand where they fit into the world
and the ones which can teach them the importance of sharing and compassion with

New places (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

How do young and old people react differently to new things?

Well, I guess that new things can cause a significant amount of stress in later life, which
makes older adults do their best to avoid novelty. There is good evidence that older
people have less motivation to explore new ways of living. They tend to be lower in the
personality trait of sensation seeking, and also less open to new experiences. I'm more
than sure that it's connected with the fact that new things may cause them to feel
uneasy. What's more, older adults are slower in learning. to adapt and, as a result, are
slower at responding to changes in their life in comparison with younger people who are
fast at responding and more eager to take steps into the unknown, which makes them
feel excited whenever life brings new beginnings and adventures to their daily routine.

How do young children react when they go to school for the first time?
Well, it's beyond argument that going to school for the first time is a big event for
children which always makes kids go through a wide range of emotions, but what they
feel and how they react when they go to school for the first time is very much different,
depending on whether they have been in childcare before. If they have, I'm more than
sure that on the first day at school kids feel excited to see their classroom, meet their
teacher and make new friends as most kids really love experiencing new things.
Though, if they haven't, I assume that entering a new environment can be scary for
young kids and, as a result, often comes with lots of crying, uncertainty and heel digging
because it may take them some time to sort out their place among. others and start
feeling more confident and relaxed.

Rules (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

What are some rules that exist in schools or workplaces in your country?
Well, there are quite a lot of them, actually, and they usually differ from school to school
and from company to company. The most common school rules that exist in my country
are connected with getting to school on time, being respectful to school property,
teachers and other students, and keeping the school environment and the local
community free from litter. As far as workplace rules are concerned, they are mostly
about being punctual, trustworthy, flexible and open-minded, keeping the desk
organized instead of spreading out into space that isn't yours, keeping the noise level to
a minimum especially in open-plan offices, and being. considerate with files and
equipment you share.

What are some examples of rules that exist in many families?

What rules should children follow at home?
Oh, that's a tough question. I guess the most widespread family rules include telling the
truth to each other even when it's not pleasant, looking for ways to be kind and helpful
to each other, respecting each other's property and not going to bed in an argument. I
also think each family has a set of rules about what they think should be done at home,
for example, taking their shoes off in the house, always locking the door when they
leave, and putting plates in the dishwasher after eating. and turning out the lights when
they are not using a room. These are the most common rules that exist in families I

What can teachers do to make students obey rules?

Well, there is one thing teachers can do to encourage their students to follow rules. And
it's something that at first glance seems obvious, but many teachers fail to do. What I
mean is teachers can explain to their students WHY their rules exist. Dr. Robert Cialdini,
an expert in the field of influence and persuasion, describes a well-known experiment
that demonstrates that when we ask someone to do or not to do something, the
response is more favorable when we give them a reason. So simply adding the word
'because' makes people more likely to do what someone wants them to do. Moreover,
teachers can explain how their rules are in place to their students' benefit, especially if
teachers say that their priority is to protect their students' right to learn and enjoy school.
I think it can transform students' attitude toward the boundaries a teacher establishes for
their class. What teachers should definitely not do is use the 'it's either my way or the
highway' strategy. Such an authoritarian approach to establishing school rules may
cause dislike, rebelliousness, and a desire to misbehave behind a teacher's back.
Another thing teachers can do is allow students to participate in developing the
classroom rules or behavior guidelines. Giving stiş a say will allow them to feel valued.
As students contribute to the classroom expectations, they are more likely to follow
them. And, of course, teach create compelling lessons 'cause when students a clase
they're naturally inclined to follow rules

Do you think the students themselves should have a say in what school rules to
Oh, I am more than sure they should as having a say on school rules will make children
feel more valued and, as a result, increase the bond between them and the school.
What's more, I think it will make students more willing to accept changes, which will, no
doubt, have a positive impact on their learning and behavior. Though, in some cases it
can undermine the power of adults and fuel bad behavior among children, so it's
necessary to be careful while engaging kids in making rules and changes to them but
still, it's worth trying as the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Why do some people refuse to abide by rules?

Well, I think there can be different reasons why people don't follow the rules they have
to follow. One of the reasons I can think of is that they feel that these rules are
unnecessary, silly or inconvenient for them, or they think that these rules restrict their
freedom somehow. Another reason why people see it as acceptable to refuse to abide
by rules is that they know there will be no consequences for not abiding by them. All in
all, refusing to follow the rules, people protest against these rules or, on a global scale,
rebel against the system they disagree with.

Cities, countryside, tourism (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Is it good for elderly people to live in large cities?

Do most elderly people live in cities?
Probably 'yes' 'cause living in a large city the elderly will have good access to medical
services and special deals, to say the least. Also, they will always have a way to get
around using public transport, which is really important, as the older people become, the
fewer of them continue driving. In big cities retirees will have more opportunities for
cultural enrichment and more fitness options that will serve as motivation and social
opportunities while improving their physical and mental health. Though, there can
definitely be not only advantages but also disadvantages of living in a megapolis such
as high crime rates, high noise levels,. high prices and many risks connected with the
fast pace of life such as troubles with crossing busy streets, for example.

Do you think youngsters living in the countryside want to go to live in the city?
Well, I would say it depends on the youngsters and their ambitions and goals in life. If
they enjoy privacy and tranquility as well as the slow pace of the countryside and don't
feel trapped or limited in opportunities, of course, they try to get the most without
moving to the city. But if they dream about more opportunities, I am more than sure they
look for ways to live in the city. The city appeals to young people so much because it
lets them get a good education and develop their knowledge and skills and, as a result,
increase the chances to find employment in good companies. What's more, it provides
the youth with limitless sources of entertainment, which is important for breaking away
from everyday humdrum activity and enjoying a refreshing moment with close people.

Do you think mass tourism returns little benefit to local communities?

I'm afraid it does. It's a well-known fact that mass tourism puts enormous pressure on
an area and leads to a variety of problems such as natural habitat loss, increased air
and noise pollution, soil erosion, depletion of local resources and even climate change.
What's more, it often puts a strain on water resources as the tourism industry generally
overuses water resources for hotels, swimming pools and personal use of water by
tourists. One more major problem tourists bring is solid waste and littering, as they
degrade the physical appearance of the area and sometimes even cause deaths of
some living beings, which is horrible. And the money tourists spend during their
holidays, unfortunately, cannot compensate for the damage they cause.

What advantages can tourism bring to a city?

I guess the main reason is that international tourism is vital for the success of a city's
economy as well as its brand value, image and identity. Tourism always boosts the
revenue of the economy, helps cities protect their cultural sites, creates thousands of
jobs and develops the infrastructure of a city leading to new roads and highways,
developed parks, improved public spaces, new airports and even possibly better
schools and hospitals. What's more, international tourism plants a sense of cultural
exchange between foreigners and citizens as when foreign tourists come to exhibitions,
conferences and other types of events, they bring diversity and cultural enrichment to
the hosting city. To sum up, tourism contributes towards complete growth and
development of a city, which explains the attempts of countries and particular cities to
attract a big number of foreign tourists.
Leisure (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

In general, who do you think has more leisure time, men or women?
Well, I wouldn't say there're big gender differences in what concerns leisure time. To my
mind, both men and women can have either enough or not enough time for rest
depending on their lifestyle and priorities. Though if you consider families where both
mothers and fathers work, it's dads who have more leisure time 'cause they work as
much as moms but spend much less time on bringing up children and household work.

Do you think that people today have more leisure time than people in the past?
Definitely not, to my regret. The world is changing too fast and people have to work
more and never stop learning something new to keep up with its pace. Life is getting
more and more competitive and in order to survive and be successful people sacrifice a
part of their leisure time spending it on developing new skills and fulfilling their potential.
As a result, they work unlimited hours in contrast with people in the past who worked
from 9am till 6pm spending the rest of their time on family and relaxation.

What is the difference in the way people spend their free time nowadays and 20 or
30 years ago?
Well, I think 2 or 3 decades ago people spent most of their time outdoors either playing
sports or working in the garden. They also did a lot of household chores, received
guests and paid visits to relatives, friends and neighbors. Nowadays people spend most
of their spare time surfing the net, playing computer games and communicating with
others on social networks. They take a lot of extra classes, exercise, devote time to
hobbies and travel around their countries and abroad.

What do people in your country do in their spare time?

Oh, nowadays a lot of people living in my country exercise after work and on weekends.
I guess it's because more and more people understand that physical exercise is
important for both physical and mental health as it gives a release after a day or week of
stress. Many people devote quite a lot of their free time to reading and taking extra
classes, never stopping learning new aspects of the world around them. Also, they
spend plenty of time on their hobbies which are a kind of a breath of fresh air that keeps
them grounded and in some cases even offers networking opportunities and, of course,
spend time with family and friends, surf the net, entertain and travel as much as they
can afford.

Is leisure time important for everyone?

l believe it's not just important, but essential to have enough rest because we aren't
robots and our brain and body. cannot work nonstop maintaining the same levels of
productivity. If you don't get enough rest, the only likely outcome is a burnout. So
weekends serve as a so-called system reboot after which you will feel rested and
energetic and therefore satisfied with your life.

What types of outdoor activities are popular in your country?

Well, people in my country are keen on beach and sea activities like scuba diving and
swimming. A lot of people also like family activities such as picnicking and visiting
amusement parks and, of course, mountain activities like skiing in winter or mountain
biking in spring and summer.

Which do you think are better, indoor or outdoor games?

Outdoor games, for sure. First of all, because they are much more active than indoor
games and, as a result, provide aerobic exercise and strengthen the immune system.
Secondly, they help children reduce their stress and positively impact anxiety. One
more thing they do is provide intellectual stimulation, encouraging, learning and
problem-solving skills, promoting creativity and teaching kids to overcome challenges
not only on the playground but also in a classroom setting. So, I am definitely all for
outdoor games.

Clothes (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Do you think students need to wear school uniforms?

I would definitely say, yes, because there are really a lot of pros for wearing school
uniforms. The most important of them, to my mind, is the fact that students feel more
work-related and identify themselves as a part of some community when they have
school uniforms on. As a result, it builds up a sense of school spirit and develops a
stronger team morale among students. Moreover, students are free to concentrate on
lessons rather than on fashion in the classroom at the same time relieving parents from
the necessity to buy clothes for everyday wear.

Why do some people like to wear traditional clothes?

Why do people from different countries wear different traditional clothes?
I think it's, first of all, because traditional outfits are wonderful fashion statements of
individuality and world experience which help people show their affinity for the local and
indigenous people and, of course, play an important role in the preservation of national
values and cultural heritage. And the second reason why some people opt for folk
costumes, to my mind, is the fact that such clothes are generally made from natural
fibers, which makes them comfortable, easy to care for and eco-friendly.

What kinds of clothes should people wear at work?

Do you think people should wear formal clothes in the workplace?
I guess it depends on the position they hold and the company they work for. In some
companies employees are allowed to dress freely or casually for comfort, which mostly
works in a creative work environment. However, companies in which employees
continuously deal with clients and business partners, as a rule, need a dress code to
maintain a work-related image. If a person holds a top-level position, they should wear
so-called boardroom attire. It is a tailored suit in a solid neutral color with a white
collared button-up shirt and a modest tie and closed-toe oxfords for men and a perfect
fit pantsuit or skirt suit in a conservative neutral color with a white collared button-up
shirt, conservative accessories and closed-toe heels in a neutral color for women. A bit
less formal, business professional clothing is just the same spick and span and
traditional, though a little bit more loose so far as colour or pattern are concerned. The
most common dress code is business casual letting employees add spice to their office
wear, giving more choice in coln. and accessories.

Do old people change their style of dressing?

Well, I guess they do as there's no denying that people look different as they get older,
which makes them change their clothing choices as they age. I mean that there are
various physiological and biological changes occurring during senescence which have
an effect upon the clothing needs and preferences of the elderly. For example, as far as
I know, clothing choices for seniors are mostly determined by functionality and comfort
like clothes which are easy to put on and take off, let's say, rather than the ones which
look beautiful but make old people feel uncomfortable during the day. So yeah, my
answer is 'yes', the older people get, the more changes they have in their style.

Does personality affect how people choose what to wear?

Can you say something about a person's character judging by the clothes they
Definitely yes. I am more than sure that the clothes people choose are an influential 'tell'
of their personalities as they project the self image people want to display. For example,
if people are shy and too afraid to draw attention to themselves, they might wear only
neutrals and devoid of accessories and, vice versa, if they have positive thoughts and
dynamic personality, they are more likely to opt for bright coloured clothes.

What kinds of clothes do people wear after work?

What clothes do you like?
Well, to my mind, it depends on where people spend this time after work. If they first go
to the gym or play tennis and then meet friends for a cup of tea or just to have a chat,
they can have jogging suits or warm-ups or any other active casual clothes on. If they
plan to have an informal dinner with friends in some upscale restaurant, then girls can
put on some blouse or turtleneck, crisp jeans and a fashionable belt as well as flats or
mid-heel shoes and men some long-sleeve shirt and dress trousers with a tipped belt
and leather loafers. If people go to some event in an art gallery or theater and then to
dinner with friends, they should stick to dressy casual attire like a dress or coordinated
separates in semi-dressy fabrics for women and a dress or silk sport shirt and dress
trousers for men. The shoes should take on a dressier tone both for male and female. If
somebody just plans to run errands or go for a massage, they can wear something like
cotton pants and a button-down or polo-style shirt with some sneaker-type shoes just to
feel comfortable.

When should people wear formal clothes?

Well, I guess they should opt for formal clothes when they want to boost self-
confidence, promote self respect and draw the right kind of attention. They should also
do it when they want to motivate themselves to get things done, achieve more and
improve their ability to see the bigger picture and make astute financial decisions. Well,
and of course, when dress-code demands it.

Do people wear formal clothes more often than before? I think I can say so as more
and more people want to be successful and send a message that they are professional.
Formal clothes are a great helper in this. They also help people feel powerful and leave
a good first impression, which gives them a competitive edge. To my mind, this explains
why people wear business clothes more often than before.

Social media (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

What do people do on social media?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of social media?
Well, both individuals and businesses can benefit from using social media in numerous
ways. And there are some disadvantages as well. So, first of all, using social media,
people never feel alone. They keep updated on the activities of their friends, relatives,
acquaintances and celebrities they admire as well as make new friends all over the
world. They can communicate with relatives and friends, read interesting articles, stay
up-to-date with news and current events, find funny or entertaining content. People can
share opinions, get and give help. However, some people base their self-worth on social
media likes, which is not healthy. There are also people who post something on
Facebook and then literally just sit there and watch whether they get 100 likes on their
picture. And what is sad is that their self-worth is based on how they are accepted,
wanted, and desired by social media. Another disadvantage is that people now are so
used to communicating via social media networking sites that they're forgetting how to
make friends in real life. Also, I can't help mentio. the fact that threats, intimidation
messages and can be sent to the masses to create discomfort and chaos in the
society as anyone can create a fake account and do anything without being traced. A Y
that's scary.

What kind of things are popular on social media?

Well, I think that live streams are really popular on social media nowadays, maybe
because they are dynamic and really engaging. They turn a video from a broadcast into
a conversation as they let people share comments and likes that the live streamer can
respond to in real time, which builds trust and allows those who go live to keep the
content top-notch moment to moment. One more really popular thing on social media
these days is questions and polls as they are excellent tools for engaging interaction
from the audience. Also, I can't help mentioning posts with useful information as they
are more popular now than ever before and encourage comments, shares and saves.
What else? Well, there are two more things I'd like to name. Number one is long-form
IGTV content as videos that are more than a minute long provide people with more
opportunities to build relationships and connections with their community. And number
two is gamified content such as quizzes and bingo as they add some fun to people's
pages and, as a result, increase engagement significantly.
Is it easy to find real friends on a social networking website?
Well, I'd say it is as it is common interests and passions that bring people together. So it
doesn't really matter where one makes friends. Though, we should always remember
that it's quite easy to find real friends but takes a lot of work to keep them.

What kind of people do you like to be friends with on those websites?

Well, I always send friend requests to people who inspire me to better myself, who have
a great experience in my industry or people with insights to impart. I really like being
friends with them because they pull me out of my shell and introduce new ideas,
philosophies and activities spurring me into action and making me grow.
I really like to be friends with people whose views oppose mine. They are my teachers
who push me to break out of my comfort zone and help open my eyes to different
worldviews, learning to accept people who don't see the world the way I see it.

What kind of social networking websites do you like to use?

Well, I mostly opt for professional networks such as Linkedin and Xing. ‘Cause they are
a good assistant in my business issues such as meeting customers, recruiting new
employees, keeping up with the latest news in business and developing relationships
with suppliers and colleagues.
I really like Facebook ‘cause it lets me make social connections, stay in touch with what
friends are doing.. share photos or videos with others and just fill up my free time
whenever I have it.

Learning from others (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

What kinds of things can young people learn from old people?
To my mind, old people can teach the young lots of things starting from different
necessary skills to attitude to themselves, people around them and life. But I guess that
the most important lessons they can teach young people are to stay positive in any
situation and remember that there is always a way to make a difference and change life,
to never let the learning stop, remembering that wisdom is something they acquire over
ages but not something they are born with, to appreciate blessings in life, to be grateful
for what they have, to take care of health and, of course, to value their bonds and
people they included in their life.

How can people in the neighborhood help the elderly during the epidemic?
Well, I guess they can do it in a number of ways, actually. For example, they can set up
or join a WhatsApp group for the community to keep in touch to ensure the elderly feel
connected to someone as many older people may be alone during the epidemic.
Secondly, they can check whether any local community groups or charities are
coordinating to provide services for the elderly, sick or vulnerable and contact them to
see if they can help or donate. Well, and of course, they can help their old neighbors in
person offering them to go shopping for groceries or pick up medicines, take down the
trash, take the dog for a walk or pets to the vet if the owner can't get out, and simply call
their neighbors to chat to let them feel less stressed and anxious.

Countryside (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Is it possible that all of the population will move to cities?

Will people live in the countryside in the future?
Well, undoubtedly, there will be more and more people moving to cities because of
educational opportunities (as everyone knows that all major and affluent colleges and
universities are located in or near big cities) and because of a better job market. Also, I
think that cities will attract more and more people with their better medical care and
even the lifestyle because collective cultures create an exciting cultural backdrop.
However, massive population growth will inevitably lead to more pollution, higher
accommodation costs, congestion and a number of other problems. So, I'm sure that at
some point the trend will be reversed. What's more, there will always be different types
of people: those who strive for achievements and those who opt for peace, a slow pace
of life, pure privacy and utter tranquility. Thus, there will always be people who will stay
in the countryside. So, I don't think that all of the population will ever move to cities.

Would you like to live in the countryside in the future?

Oh no! Not until I retire! I'm only 25 and dreaming of a high-flying career, but I'm afraid
that living in the countryside will leave my career in tatters. Besides, I'm a very active
and sociable person, so I think I will be bored to death being deprived of an active social
life and abundance of entertainment options a big city provides.
Well, this isn't what I'm dreaming of. I'd rather say! don't mind swapping city life for a
rural idyll. I'm tired of the constant rat race and I'll definitely enjoy a slower pace of life.
Also, I want to live in a house with multiple rooms, a garage and swimming pool which is
obviously not possible until I move out of the city.

What is the difference between living in the countryside and the city?
I guess that the most striking difference is that in the countryside there isn't much traffic
even during rush hours. Again, as there are fewer vehicles emitting. exhaust fumes,
rural areas are nowhere near as polluted as urban ones. So the air is definitely fresher.
This is why it's highly likely that people living in the country live longer. However, there
may be many people who won't appreciate these benefits as there aren't many
opportunities for professional growth and the choice of facilities is limited.

Do you think youngsters living in the countryside want to go to live in the city?
Well, I would say it depends on the youngsters and their ambitions and goals in life. If
they enjoy privacy and tranquility as well as the slow pace of the countryside and don't
feel trapped or limited in opportunities, of course, they try to get the most without
moving to the city. But if they dream about more opportunities, I am more than sure they
look for ways to live in the city. The city appeals to young people so much because it
lets them get a good education and develop their knowledge and skills and, as a result,
increase the chances to find employment in good companies. What's more, it provides
the youth with limitless sources of entertainment, which is important for breaking away
from everyday humdrum activity and enjoying a refreshing moment with close people.

What do people like to do in the countryside?

There's generally not much to do in the countryside, especially in the winter, so I'm sure
the majority of young people like to chat with their friends online or play computer
games. They may also like to get together in order to play football, ride bicycles or
explore the surroundings. This is because if children are not glued to their devices, they
usually have active pastimes. The more adventurous, the better. Again, as the number
of recreational facilities is severely limited in the countryside, it seems to me that the
most popular activity with adults is having barbeque parties or just chatting with their
neighbors over the fence.

Learning languages (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

What are the difficulties of learning a new language?

What difficulties do people face when learning a language?
Well, the fear of making mistakes and shyness to speak in a new language, first of all.
People don't like to make a fool of themselves, which makes them embarrassed to
practise and speak in a language they are learning as much as possible. One more
challenge I can think of is lack of vocabulary or grammar, oh, and of course, lack of time
to improve their knowledge of both.

Why do people learn foreign languages?

Oh, I think they mainly do it in order to open up a world of job opportunities and
completely transform their travel experience, having a chance to communicate with
people from all over the world without any barriers. I also know people who learn other
languages to increase their brain power as language learning has a number of positive
effects such as memory improvement and a reduced risk of age-related cognitive
decline. Young people usually start learning languages for meeting new people and
establishing deep cross-cultural friendships, and often end up doing it for studying or
living overseas. I guess these are the main reasons.

What can people do to learn a second language?

Well, they can use as many ways of getting immersed in the language as possible. For
example, they can hang. out with native speakers, watch TV shows and movies with
subtitles, read books, blogs, newspapers and magazines or maybe even start their own
blog in this language. I'd also recommend people to listen to everything that is
comprehensible, interesting and engaging like audiobooks, podcasts and interviews
with the celebrities. Well, and sign up for a regular language tip too.

Is making foreign friends the best way to learn English?

Well, I wouldn't say it's the best way to learn English though it's definitely the best way
to conquer people's fear of speaking and making mistakes. I think that learning.
Grammar is of primary importance as it is the foundation for communication, and I don't
think foreign friends can teach grammar the way which will keep people from being
misunderstood while expressing their thoughts and ideas. On the other hand, foreign
friends are a good motivation to really improve a language in order not to feel hindered
in communication. So, it's definitely worth making such friendships to feel as
comfortable as possible while conducting talks with native speakers.

Some people travel to learn a foreign language, what do you think?

I'll second that! Being in a foreign country where nobody speaks their native language
pushes people into the corner and makes them delve into their memory to find
necessary words and phrases. It helps them overcome language barriers, giving them a
chance to enjoy themselves. communication with native speakers, and developing
speaking skills. Practicing everyday speech patterns and hearing particular accents
foster language skills and increase people's confidence. That's why the learning
process gathers pace and produces the desired results much faster.

Is it better to study in a group or individually?

I think studying in a group is much better as, firstly, it is more affordable than one-to-one
classes, but at the same time it is not less efficient. Further, there's a competitive spirit
that forces everyone to study hard regardless of the circumstances. Even when
students are tired they cannot let themselves skip doing homework because they don't
want to be worse than their group mates. One more advantage is that group lessons
have far more energy than one-to-one classes due to interaction between group

What's the best way to learn a foreign language?

I'm sure that the best way to learn a foreign language is to immerse in it. People can do
it even without attending language classes, just by making the most of modern
technology. What they can mostly benefit from is changing the operating language of
mobile devices into the language they are learning. This will give them a chance to get
back to foreign words again and again and expand their vocabulary. There are also a lot
of websites providing ground for watching TV shows in a foreign language with subtitles,
listening to audiobooks or podcasts, playing games and many other activities in different
languages. Also, I believe traveling can do its bit thanks to round-the-clock language
immersion, which leaves no chance to avoid communication.

Music (topic for all test dates till 30 April 2022)

What kinds of music do you like to listen to?

I am a music lover so I enjoy listening to different kinds of music because any music be
it classical, electronic or pop creates some feelings in my soul. Moreover, different kinds
of music influence me in different ways, for example classical music lessens depression
whereas rock music evokes strong memories.

What kinds of music are most popular in your country?

I think people in my country mostly enjoy pop and rock. Pop music appeals to people
with its pretty melodies and catchy lyrics while rock is liked simply because it provides
soundtracks for life experiences, motivates people and energizes them.

Why do many young people spend a lot of money on music concerts?

Why do some people like to listen to live music while others prefer CDs?
Well, I guess the first reason is concerts bring a bit of joy into their everyday lives and
let them feel free, swaying to the beat and spending several hours jumping around.
What's more, live concerts help people find the inspiration they need and boost their
happiness. Taken all together, watching live performances reduces stress and improves
people's general sense of well-being. Oh, and one more reason 1 can think of is that
live shows give young people a chance to meet and greet their idols, which provides
them with a truly once-in-a-lifetime experience, which each of us values.

Do you think music concerts are suitable for old people to attend?
Well, I wouldn't say they are like live concerts, I mean pop and rock concerts, are
usually too noisy and quite dangerous for the elderly. When I say quite dangerous |
mean that there is a high probability to get squashed or hit in the mosh pit as the
stampede always occurs when the show starts. Younger people just can't help
themselves from charging to the front and taking up all the space by the stage. They get
too engrossed with singing and screaming at their favorite performer and forget about
those around them, which can make the whole experience of the old quite strenuous as
they will have to focus on fists and elbows flying around rather than on the concert itself.
What's more, the fact that it's necessary to stand at most pop and rock concerts and in
longer-than-necessary lines before concerts may spoil the experience as well 'cause
long standing will most likely cause back pain that will rack their tortured, aged bodies.
So, I guess it's better to enjoy the concert in comfort watching it on TV or YouTube
rather than get tired after a few hours of noise, queues and standing trying to see what
is going on on stage. But if we are talking about a classical music concert, why not

Food (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Is it important to have a meal together with your family?

Well, definitely yes. I would even say family meals are vital for present-day families as
they feed each family member not only physically but also emotionally helping, them
handle the stresses of daily life and the hassles of day-to-day existence. What's more,
they provide children with a sense of security and togetherness, which has positive
effects on child development and self-esteem. One more positive feature of family
dinners I can mention is promoting more sensible eating habits as eating together with
kids lets parents influence what they eat and provide a model for children to carry with
them into adulthood. Oh, I nearly forgot to mention one more advantage - family meals
provide the opportunity for conversation letting relatives find out what's going on in each
person's life, review the day that's passed and plan for the day that's coming.

Do people in your country care about where products are from?

Well, the majority of people in my country do care about what products they buy and
where these products are from because they care about what they are putting, into their
bodies and want to be sure that the foods they buy are produced without the use of
genetic engineering or genetically modified organisms, do not contain toxic pesticides,
antibiotics, growth hormones and stuff like that, and have high nutritional value. Though,
I am sure that there are also a lot of people in X who don't care about it at all. So, it
depends on people and their life priorities.

Do you think people are fully responsible for what they eat?
Absolutely. Although some people blame ads to feel resilient about their poor food
choices, saying they have little choice but to consume that food because the ads are so
pervasive as to make them powerless to avoid the food, I'm convinced that people (I
mean adults) have to take full responsibility for what they eat because it has a big
impact on our health, and it is people, not food producers or advertisers, that will suffer
the consequences of their poor diet. For example, a poor diet that is high in junk food
can lead to cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, some types of cancer and even
earlier mortality rates. Also, eating highly processed foods, saturated fats and added
sugar on a regular basis is linked to many negative health effects. Everyone knows fast
food is one of the major culprits of the global obesity epidemic. So eating unhealthy food
will inevitably lead to health problems, and people will have no-one but themselves to
blame. Also, I'm sure that it's not really other people's occupation to take care of it for
someone else. As far as children are concerned, I think that parents are responsible for
what their children eat because when a certain age is reached, children don't
understand what is good and what is bad for them. I mean if children were given the
freedom to decide what to eat, they would eat French fries 3 times per day.

Is it important for people to learn about foreign foods?

Well, of course, it's not a matter of life and death, but I think it's important in some
situations. For example, it's important for future chefs and for those who are interested
in culinary arts. I mean people who love to cook and always try to cook something new.
Also, it would be great for people who identify themselves as foodies. I think they are
always in search of interesting tastes and flavors. And I'm sure it's important for
travelers, especially for those who have stomach problems from time to time. They need
to know what dishes may cause indigestion, so they will know what foods to try and
what foods to avoid while traveling. Finally, it's important for people who want to explore
certain countries and cultures 'cause each country's cuisine reflects its unique history,
lifestyle, values, and beliefs. For example, in China, harmony is a vital trait in almost
every aspect of life. This is reflected in Chinese cuisine, where almost every flavor
(salty, spicy, sour, sweet, and bitter) is used in a balanced way creating delicious dishes
with flavors that go well together. And it may be interesting to find out why people from
different parts of the world eat different types of food.
Opinions and ideas, communication (topic for all test dates till 31 August

What jobs need employees to be talkative?

In what industries do you think communication is a necessary skill?
Oh, plenty of them, actually. Teachers, for example, as they talk throughout the day,
often repeating the same material to different classes of students, or reporters who
conduct plenty of interviews and follow-up interviews with their sources in order to get
stories straight. I can also mention jobs of sales representatives who need to be
talkative as they spend the majority of their days selling their products or services,
customer service representatives who are expected to have all the answers and be able
to communicate clearly and human resources specialists who consult with employers to
find gaps in employment, interview applicants and organize new employee orientation.

When do children begin to have their own ideas and opinions?

Well, I don't think there's any one-size-fits-all magical age when children start to have
their own views for life as every child grows and develops differently. As my experience
shows, almost every child aged eight years and older is already able to express their
views through talking, writing, drawing and other activities. However, I am more than
sure that there are kids who start doing it much earlier, let's say, at the age of 4 or 5. So,
to my mind, it depends on the child and the environment they grow up in.

Do children like to change opinions?

Do children have strong opinions?
Absolutely! Young children form opinions mostly based on their experience. So in early
stages of development, children change their opinions over and over again as they
learn something new every day. They engage in an ongoing process of hypothesis
testing and revision. They are exploring the world day by day and therefore moving from
a less to more accurate picture of the world, which inevitably leads to a change in
perception of everything around them. As children age, new social influences demand a
certain conformity, which makes them see things differently, thereby changing,
established opinions.

How can teachers help children develop their ideas and opinions?
Well, in a number of ways, actually. For example, by listening to kids' ideas with interest
and taking their views into account. Or by organizing different activities which will
support kids in expressing their opinions. One more perfect method teachers can use is
to involve kids in a decision-making process and share their adult power and
responsibility for decision making with them. I want to believe these things will help kids
succeed in developing their ideas and opinions.

Do you think children will always have ideas and opinions similar to those of their
Well, on the one hand, 'yes' as children are unavoidable. an extension of their parents.
I'd even say that kids are like empty cups parents can pour their beliefs and views into,
and they are more likely to stick. On the other hand, children are not there to lap up and
regurgitate all opinions of their parents, and even if they do get affected by what their
parents think, I think this strong parental effect does not last forever.

Jobs (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

What kinds of jobs are well-paid in your country?

What jobs do young people prefer?
Well, I think the highest paying jobs in India are jobs in management and investment
banking as well as IT and software. Professionals in these spheres are highly sought
after by top companies and offered really high salaries because their knowledge and
skills have a huge impact on business productivity and performance. The work they do
and the decisions they make affect the success of the company and that is the main
reason why these jobs pay really well. They are followed by jobs of chartered
accountants, oil and natural gas sector professionals, medical employees and aviation

What will be the most popular jobs in the future?

Our world never stops evolving. Neither does the world of technology and the sphere of
information technology in particular. So I have no doubt that the most popular jobs in the
future will be somehow connected with IT. I guess software systems developers,
software application developers, computer and information systems managers and IT
security specialists will be more than in favor in the future. I am also convinced that
other types of technology will continue developing and there will be much tension
around the issue of alternative energy sources. engineers will be in demand as well.
And one last thing | can suppose that people will appreciate jobs connected with global
business and health as well as finance and international law.

What are the benefits and disadvantages of working from home?

Well, I think that the main benefit of working from home is a flexible schedule which
allows employees to spend more time with loved ones, for example, children or pets,
and this way have a better work-life balance. One more advantage of working from
home I can think of is a custom work environment which can make employees work
more efficiently. What I mean is homelike noise level, cozy clothes and no office
distractions like loud discussions of colleagues and, of course, zero commuting, and, as
a result, no crowds and traffic. As far as the disadvantages of working from home are
concerned, I'd name such things as lack of personal interaction, which often can result
in boredom or even loneliness and also difficulties connected with sticking, to a routine
and separating home and work life as in many cases they simply slow down task
performance and at times even prolong the employee's working day.

What are the disadvantages of working flexitime?

Well, I think that the main downside of working flexitime is that it has the potential to
complicate every aspect of day-to-day work as there is no clear delineation between
work and free time in the flexitime schedule. What I mean is that working flexible hours
makes it all too easy to slip into working beyond set hours because it makes it
unexpectedly difficult to work with colleagues who work at different times which
prevents employees from performing their tasks on time without breaking their work
schedule. What is more, I'm more than sure that flexitime work requires a high degree of
self-motivation and is a disadvantage for those employees who cannot organize their
work efficiently.

Getting along with others (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Why do many people nowadays say there aren't enough hours in the day?
Do people have enough time for themselves?
In my opinion, most people are feeling pressed for time as the society's standards for
success are very high these days, which puts people under great pressure. As a result,
many people work longer hours, and their work schedules are becoming more and more
exhausting. Some people work multiple jobs. All this leaves them with objectively less
free time for rest and sleep. Not getting enough rest causes people to perform worse
than they ordinarily would, even with the aid of caffeine or other products. And when
people perform slower than they otherwise would, it's inevitable that they feel that time
is always slipping away. Plus, nowadays people seem unwilling to accept the fact that
they can't fit everything in 'cause they don't want to let anyone down, and they can't say
no, so most people are now biting off more than they can chew. For example, they try to
force work, children, friends, bread baking, jogging, and weekly virtual yoga into their
schedules. Many people try layering tasks, such as listening.' music or a podcast while
organizing their office. Of course, all this leaves people with the sense that ti. just don't
have enough time to get everything done and never have time for themselves.

Why do young people like to talk to old people?

They say that you can't know where you are going until you know where you have been.
That's why every time young people get a chance to communicate with the old, they
take an opportunity to ask a wiser generation about past events. The aged are a unique
source of information and advice for young people. Recalling the past, old people can
help guide young people toward choices that will be for their benefit and help them
avoid making decisions that will destroy them. What's more, they can help the young to
learn how and why. people lived as they did throughout the world and explained the
changes and causes of some changes throughout the course of history. And, finally,
discussing the past with the elderly helps a young generation acquire a richer and
broader understanding of the world today and their place in it, which helps them
succeed in their present and future.

How do you get along with people you don't like?

Well, first of all, I try to avoid communication and stay. away from someone I don't like.
But if I am forced to deal with them, I go above and beyond to stay calm and focus on
thinking positively. What helps me most of all to hold my nerve is drawing mental
boundaries and keeping my distance. Sometimes I also take pains to pretend that
everything is ok and even be nice and friendly but it's only if my disaffection has no
substance behind and is based only on my gut instincts.
I always strive to be in tune with other people and I can hardly find somebody I dislike a
lot or have strong conflicts with, but even if I do, I recognise that these disagreements
are a result of differences in values so | acknowledge the reality of others and try to look
only for the positives in our communication. I also never take things personally and, as a
result, have fewer pegs to hang a grievance on. I am convinced that people whom we
dislike or have a grudge against are sent to our lives to teach us something, sometimes
humility, sometimes just love, this is why I am always on friendly terms with everyone.

Accommodation (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Do people in your country mostly buy their own home or do they rent their
Well, I guess both. Those who have enough money mostly buy accommodation 'cause
it's a kind of investment in their future. What's more, home ownership is something that,
on the one hand, gives them and their families a sense of stability and security and, on
the other hand, provides them with freedom to do whatever they want both inside and
outside, dispensing them with the necessity of having humiliating, awkward and
frustrating relationships with landlords. But there are also a lot of people who don't have
enough money. or want to be more flexible with their lifestyle having a wish to pick up
and leave pretty quickly, and they always opt for renting their home considering home
ownership an expense.

Do most people in your country live in a flat or a house?

What are the benefits of living in a house?
Well, the majority of people live in flats 'cause it usually involves less costs and provides
more security as there are a lot of people around. What's more, it is more comfortable to
live in flats because they are usually located in the city, so it doesn't take too much time
to get to the city center and there are no problems with shopping for basic essentials
because of the availability of convenience stores. One more factor which attracts people
to living in flats is the fact that flats already have all necessary facilities such as power
and water backup, uninterrupted supply of cooking gas and so on. Though there are
also quite many people in my country opting for living in houses mainly because houses
usually have more living space as well as outside space and provide people with
greater degree of freedom.

Why do most people in your country live in flats rather than houses?
I guess, first of all, because it's more affordable as living in an apartment involves less
costs. What's more, it's safer because of the close proximity of neighbors who will look
after each other's apartments whenever possible. One more factor which can turn
people to choosing a flat instead of a house is lower responsibility as there is a special
committee which will solve all types of sanitary-engineering, electricity and other
problems which may arise.

Do you think the design of a home is important?

Oh yeah, it is. First of all, it plays the key role in the building's functionality. I mean a
good design can make even a really small flat or house functional and cozy. Also, being
surrounded by comfort and beauty unequivocally makes our daily experiences better
and increases our satisfaction not only short but also long term, making us productive
and happy. So, no doubt, home design is of great importance.

Free things (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

What free gifts do companies usually give to their customers?

Oh, I guess something pleasant and valuable to the customer or, in other words,
something that has perceived value. Well, I mean such gifts as books. For example, a
relevant book will stick with the customer for a long time, reminding them of the brand.
Or this can be an experience like a spa package or tickets to a local event as it's also a
great way to make the brand memorable. One more popular gift that companies give to
their customers is sweet, customizable, widely-loved treats, for instance, cookies or
chocolates which will definitely be appreciated by most customers. Oh, and all kinds of
promotional items like T-shirts, shopping. bags and even notebooks. On customers'
birthdays businesses usually send personalized handwritten notes and flowers. On
some occasions, companies can give their customers surprise upgrades and free
additional services.

Why do companies give free gifts to customers?

Well, I guess companies give things away for free in order to have greater customer
retention and obtain repeat business. Free gifts generate buzz around the brand and
make recipients feel good and satisfied, which causes them to come back and buy from
the company. What's more, freebies attract attention and find new customers, which
develops positive brand associations and encourages impulse purchases. All in all,
companies give free gifts to shoppers in order to encourage feedback and make
customers loyal to them as this will garner traffic, boost sales and increase their profits,
as a result.

Repairing things (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Why do people like to get their mobile phones repaired in specialized stores?
I think that, first of all, people opt for getting their cell phones fixed in specialized stores
because these stores always offer high-quality solutions and deliver reliable one-time
fixes as well as a warranty for their device. Another reason why people do so is
because the warranty provided by the company or authorized seller for their phone
allows them to get their phone repaired in such stores at no cost. Finally, the majority of
people understand that unlike other items they may have in their home, their
smartphone is a complicated piece of machinery, which means that they are at risk of
further damage and data loss when they resort to fixing the phone themselves. These
are the main reasons, to my mind.

What kinds of things do people like to repair by themselves?

Well, I guess the ones that are fairly simple repairs or the ones that are not a problem to
fix following some simple instructions. I mean such things as broken eyeglasses,
zippers or headphones, leaky faucets, running toilets and even sticking doors as it's
quite easy. to find adequate guidance on how to fix them both online and in user
manuals. What's more, these are the things that get broken as often as not, which
makes them pretty simple and enjoyable to fix with some experience under the belt.

New and old things (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Do you think that keeping old things in a family is a great way to connect with the
Why do grown-ups hate to throw away old things?
Oh yeah, it definitely is as family heirlooms bring past generations into the present and
preserve family history. and history in general for future generations. Also, they provide
insight into the lives of ancestors and a richer understanding of family values, beliefs
and traditions. It seems as if they bring family memories to life and this way form a
bridge between family past and family future. So, there is no doubt that family heirlooms
are a perfect way to connect the present and even the future with the past.

Which do you think are better, old things or new things?

Old things, to my mind. They have their own story and this is what catches the
imagination and fascinates people. Old things also serve as reminders or memories
making life more meaningful and letting people feel the stillness of time. They are
pieces of history which hold sentimental value for many people as they carry a genuine
significance to whole families or even generations. In addition, old things are mainly
rare, which makes people, owning them, feel special and keep on sticking to old stuff.

Which do you think are better, old things or new things?

New things, definitely. Our brains are made to be attracted to novelty. New things lend a
great deal of color to our lives, making us feel good and proud of being the first to own
something that nobody else possesses yet. Another reason to opt for new things is that
they elicit new emotions and make us feel cool and fashionable. They are usually of a
better quality, safer and more efficient. And this is what makes people change old stuff
into new from time to time.
How do shops attract customers?
Well, nowadays shops try to attract customers by having a strong online presence,
regularly updating. their social media accounts and store's website. They also appeal to
customers by having sales and adding a bit of urgency to their offers, I mean using a
strong call to action such as 'Be quick' and 'Buy now'. For making visitors buy when they
are already inside the shop, shop managers organize an effective store layout, make
customers feel valued and appreciated and offer points or rewards to attract repeat

Has the way of shopping changed?

Nowadays the majority of people do shopping online. First of all, it's convenient. You
don't have to make time, drive all the way to a store and, god forbid, if the items you
were in the pursuit of appeared to be unavailable. On the Internet, you can buy
whatever you want in a matter of seconds without interrupting other activities. You can
do it literally on the go. All you need is to have a payment card and any Internet-enabled
device. Further, online shops can offer prices which are hard to beat as costs of their
operations are substantially lower than those of traditional ones. Also, it is without doubt
there's a much larger selection than any traditional store can possibly keep in stock.
Many people like online shopping as it gives them access to products they can't buy
locally. I guess in general online shopping has become so popular with people because
it's absolutely hassle-free.

Ambitions (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

What kind of ambitions do people usually have?

Well, I guess that the most common ambitions people have nowadays are educational
and personal development ambitions as well as career and financial ambitions. I mean
such things as university studies, vocational courses and professional qualifications,
taking on and mastering new challenges, broadening the mind through travel or reading,
learning new skills coupled with starting a small or big business, gaining a particular
accolade, getting a promotion and increasing the earning power. I'd also add physical
and health ambitions to the list as more and more people start bothering about
improving their cardiovascular fitness, losing fat, sculpting their body and making it more
agile, flexible and relaxed. And, of course, there are relationships and spiritual ambitions
such as finding a life partner, having children, and freeing up the time to do some
voluntary work, getting involved in a charitable project overseas, or just meditating

What would you feel if you couldn't achieve your goals?

I think failure to achieve my goals would make me really upset and frustrated and would
definitely shake my confidence. But whether I like it or not, it is necessary. stepping
stone on the way to success, so I am sure | would relax and calm down and try to find
blessing in it. I also hope that instead of feeling sorry for myself I would feel more
motivated to find other ways and do my best to achieve my goals this time.
Do you think nowadays people have a better work-life balance than in the past?
How do people balance life and work?
I'd say they do as nowadays the world offers so many. different ways to work and study
that sacrificing personal life looks more like a mindset than a real problem. A lot of
present-day employers do their best to help their employees have a good work-life
balance by offering flexible work hours, the ability to work from home, improved overall
workplace experience and opportunities for professional growth and social connections.
So, even if many people are doing more work these days, it's only because it allows
them to earn more money and live their lives to the fullest. What's more, in this day and
age, fewer people have false expectations that they can have a lot of free time and earn
a lot of money at the same time, which has helped them define what lifestyle they really
want to have and enjoy sticking to it, feeling satisfied and happy.

Making friends (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

How and where do people in your country make friends these days?
Well, there are lots of opportunities to strike up a friendship with somebody who will
walk through life together with you, sharing all your ups and downs, joys and pains. But,
of course, it will take some doing to succeed. First of all, you need to spend more time
around people. There are a huge number of different clubs and online communities with
people who have common interests, so you can join those that appeal to you and find
some mates there. Secondly, when you visit some social, cultural or professional
events, always remember about making eye-contact and smiling at people, making
small talk with them and maybe even asking those whom you like out for lunch or
coffee. You should also get to know your friends' friends and, sure thing, accept
invitations to go out whenever you get them.

I guess these days my compatriots make friends in two ways either rubbing shoulders
with different people at various events, be it parties, concerts, self-improvement clubs or
something else, or joining general interest groups on the Internet and buddying up with
others by making comments in forums or under posts in social networks, sharing good
content with other members of these groups and later on initiating si get-together to get
a chance to communicate face-cuface.

What places are popular for meeting friends in your area?

Well, I guess all kinds of places where people can have a pleasant experience together
like questrooms, cinemas, live sporting events and restaurants, as well as all those
places where friends can have a lot of fun, for instance, amusement parks or karaoke
clubs. I also think that quite a lot of friends meet in places where they can walk and do
something active together. I mean parks, embankments and even fitness centers. Many
girls in my area get together with friends in spa-centers while men usually opt for
saunas and baths. In winter time, the most popular places for friend gatherings are
skating-rinks and pubs, and in summer time, many friends meet on beaches and in
countryside resorts.

Would you only make friends with people who are similar to you?
Is it important to have the same interests and hobbies when making friends?
Well, of course, I wouldn't. What I think should be similar is values, all the rest can or
even must be different. No two men are alike and it makes life really interesting. Maybe
I can feel really comfortable with friends like me because we can do activities that all of
us are interested in and they are more likely to understand my reactions and behavior in
some situations 'cause they would have it the same way, but what makes me really
learn and grow is differences. Friends with a different background can give me a lot, for
instance, knowledge and information about new things I am weak at, a different
perspective of the world and even a chance to enjoy different lifestyles. By exchanging
our ideas and experience, we can enrich each other and that's the main thing in

Do you like meeting new people?

Oh, I really like it. Every new meeting lets me learn something new and this way opens
a whole world of opportunities. It also pushes me to get out of my shell and get new
fresh ideas. Oh, and it brings new friendships to my life, so, it's really cool!

Do you think old friends are more important to the old generation or to the young
Well, I'd say old friends are more important to the old generation as the elderly don't
usually have many work and family commitments and, as a result, have enough time to
keep in touch with those people they don't meet every day. What's more, the old don't
usually visit a lot of new places where they can meet new people and make new
friendships, or even if they do visit such places, they still prefer to communicate with the
people they trust. Though, there is no doubt that old friends are also important for the
young as being old friends with someone is like putting on an old comfy_pair of boots.
So, no new friends can be a replacement for friends we've shared a hundred
experiences with.

Which is more important, to maintain old friendships or make new friends?

I guess maintaining an old friendship is much more important than making a new one as
your old friend knows you and understands you better than a new one does. So your old
friend knows how to make you feel good or sad because they've had years of watching
your reactions to certain situations. Your old friend was there at that family party, they
remember the heartbreak you felt when you broke up with your first love and how it
changed you. There aren't many more enjoyable evenings than the ones you spend
with people you've known forever, where every question starts with 'remember when'.
You might be a high-flying banker or CEO now, but remember when you fell over on the
bus and face-planted in front of everyone... Or the time you had such a good night out
on holiday that you narrowly missed your flight home...
Toys, kids and ads (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)

Do you think some parents spend too much money on toys?

Definitely. Some parents spend way too much money on toys. And there are lots of
reasons for this. Some parents feel guilty that they spend too much time at work and
don't spend quality time with their children. So they think buying lots of expensive toys is
a good way to compensate for this. Some parents want to keep their children occupied
for as long as possible when they find themselves too tired, too overwhelmed or too
overstretched to spend quality time with their kids. Also, there are some parents who
believe this is the best way to show love to their kids. They are convinced that the more
toys they buy, the more loved their kids will feel. Oh, and some parents just give into
their child's whims. Some children want something and throw a tantrum for it, and the
parents give in and get the item. Children quickly figure out that a tantrum will be
rewarded. And they use this strategy more and frequently. As a result, their parents
spend more and more money on toys. Finally, there are some parents who had very few
toys as kids, so they are determined to give their own children as much as they can.

Do you think advertising that targets children should be banned?

Absolutely! Children are an extremely vulnerable target audience because they are
cognitively and psychologically defenseless against advertising. Children take
everything they see at face value, and therefore they are easy to persuade. So if the ad
says that it is a Snickers that satisfies hunger best, they are likely to opt for a Snickers
rather than healthy snacks. They quickly get used to consuming unhealthy food, and
then they become adults who lead an unhealthy lifestyle. Also, children are not able to
understand the persuasive character of advertising messages. However, they absorb
these messages like a sponge. This may cause changes in children's behavior. For
example, some children make excessive demands on their parents for the products they
see in ads. especially if these products were advertised by their favorite cartoon or film
characters. And some kids even have temper tantrums in public if their parents refuse to
buy this or that thing.

Do you agree that the fact that children are targeted by many companies as
potential consumers spoils their childhood?
Unfortunately, I have to agree that advertising pressure negatively affects kids' well-
being, stealing their attention from simple kids' joys and drawing them inferior to their
peers and changing their behavior either causing tantrums or just making them feel
uncomfortable. In the worst case scenario, it can even make them imitate specific adult
behaviors. I mean the necessity to make a choice about what to buy or getting at peace
with the fact that they should refuse from what they want to get.

What toys are popular with boys and girls in your country now?
Well, boys adore gadgets such as smartphones and tablets, tech toys and, of course,
radio controlled toys which are a great deal of fun to play with. They also enjoy getting
toy cars, building and construction sets, different ride-ons and board games as
presents. While girls give more preference to something more creative and intimate
such as arts and crafts kits, collectibles, dolls and plush toys as well as something
emphasizing their femininity, for example, clothes, accessories and beauty gift sets.

How do toy companies make children collect their range of toys?

Well, by making toys that replicate what kids like, I guess. Children like bright, attractive
toys. What is more, they like to enjoy the anticipation aspect. As a result, companies
create attractive toy lines packed in gift boxes which establish the feeling of anticipation
kids experience when they are about to open the box. One more trick toy companies
use is selling toys at an affordable price for customers. The more affordable the toys
are, the more toys from the range kids will collect. Well, and of course, toy companies
use a number of marketing tricks to motivate kids to have a complete collection of toys
such as putting a picture of a complete collection into each toy box, targeting kids with
toy unboxing videos and showing kids that it's cool to have a complete collection by
promoting their range of toys with bloggers and opinion leaders.

Do you think some parents spend too much money on toys?

Definitely. Some parents spend way too much money on toys. And there are lots of
reasons for this. Some parents feel guilty that they spend too much time at work and
don't spend quality time with their children. So they think buying lots of expensive toys is
a good way to compensate for this. Some parents want to keep their children occupied
for as long as possible when they find themselves too tired, too overwhelmed or too
overstretched to spend quality time with their kids. Also, there are some parents who
believe this is the best way to show love to their kids. They are convinced that the more
toys they buy, the more loved their kids will feel. Oh, and some parents just give into
their child's whims. Some children want something and throw a tantrum for it, and the
parents give in and get the item. Children quickly figure out that a tantrum will be
rewarded. And they use this strategy more and frequently. As a result, their parents
spend more and more money on toys. Finally, there are some parents who had very few
toys as kids, so they are determined to give their own children as much as they can.

Some people say that adults can learn a lot from playing with kids. Do you agree?
Absolutely! I think the most important thing that adults can learn from playing with
children is to be fully present in the moment. For example, I often find myself thinking
about problems and many other things while doing something. I mean if I do something,
I'm supposed to be focused on this activity. But very often I can't help thinking about
other things. So I cannot truly enjoy that activity. When children play games, they stay in
the moment. And the only thing they think about is that very game. While playing,
children aren't planning what they have to do next, what they have to remember and
where they need to go, who they need to call. So I think that adults can learn to focus
on what is happening now. Another thing adults can learn from playing with kids is to be
happy for no reason and enjoy little simple things. Also, children can teach adults not to
be afraid to try new things. Once we reach adulthood, we stop taking risks and only go
for things that seem safe. And I'm more than sure that this limits us from seeing and
experiencing wonderful things, and prevents us from learning or doing something really
exciting. Finally, adults can learn to express them freely and sincerely like children do.
Organizing things (topic for all test dates till 31 August 2022)
How can parents help children to be organized?
The first thing parents can do to help their kids get organized is teach them to break
school projects or household chores into smaller, more manageable steps. This will
show children that each project has a beginning, middle and end, which can make
projects look less overwhelming and less scary. Another thing parents can do is
encourage their kids to make checklists and to-do lists as this will let kids check off their
accomplishments as they go and see how many more tasks they have to complete and
if they have enough time to do it. Also, I think it's a good idea for parents to help kids
create a regular schedule as well as teach them to think ahead, reviewing their plans for
the next day together and planning how to handle things if a change comes up in the

What factors do parents consider when choosing a gift for children?

Well, to my mind, the first factor parents take into account is the occasion. Keeping it in
mind, they then set the budget and get to the next important factor which is the needs of
their child. Thinking about the needs of the kid's parents also think about their kids' likes
and dislikes, their interests at that specific period of time, their habits and, of course,
their dreams. Considering all of them, parents make their final choice, usually balancing
between what a child really wants and needs. I guess it happens this way, at least in the
families with kids that I know.

Quiet places noise (May - December 2022)

Is it hard to find quiet places in cities?

Yes, I'm afraid it is. Nowadays, urban life is a symphony of taxing, draining, and
exhausting sounds, which is sometimes overwhelming. Wherever you go, you're always
within earshot of construction noise and traffic. Even in the most secluded places,
there's some building noise and banging. In some cities, torrential beating of heavy
rains competes with calls to prayer and howls of stray dogs. The part that feels the most
crazy in most big cities is downtown: drivers honk constantly, lots of people speak
simultaneously, engines roar. From early morning until midnight, streets in most cities
are full of motorbikes and street vendors. There are always a bunch of kids shouting or
people playing musical instruments. Oh, and there are a lot of billboards with ad videos
that have sounds. Also, in some cities, a lot of noise comes from places of worship.
Sometimes biker gangs roar through the city. So, yes, nowadays city life is nothing
more than an awful din of traffic, construction and other raucous sounds.

Are there many quiet places in your city?

Why do people go to quiet places?
Well, quite a few, as I know. There are several cozy spa treatment zones where people
can take a break from a constant stream of noises, feelings, thoughts and vibes which
don't belong to them. There are botanical gardens and remote corners of parks which
help people slow down, catch a deep breath and set their minds straight. There are
public libraries, museums, art galleries and a planetarium which help people reboot their
brain and unwind. And, of course, there is a good deal of small quiet cafes which help
people rid their minds of negative and unnecessary thoughts,/u> and just enjoy a cup of
tea or coffee and a piece of delicious cake. So, there are quite enough quiet places in
my city.

Why do people sometimes prefer to be alone?

Oh, I guess, first of all, because they need to reboot their brain and unwind from time to
time. There's too much noise and communication in people's every lives these days and
sometimes all of them need just for themselves, time to think about their past actions
and behavior or think through every action they are about to take, time to discover
themselves and find their own voice. Sometimes people need soil to improve
concentration and increase productivity

Is there much noise around your home?

Well, fortunately, ‘no’ as I live in a very quiet area with quite few people around. There
are no industrial facilities or machinery in my neighborhood, so the worst noise around
my home is either the barking dogs of my neighbors or the noise from air conditioning
equipment. Though, from time to time I can also hear squealing brakes of passing cars
but It is the exception rather than the rule, thank god.

Does this noise affect you in any way?

Well, I am pretty tolerant of noises and just try to tune out whenever I hear them. So,
noises which I usually hear in my area don't make me nervous or stressed. Though,
there are some kinds of noise I am very sensitive to. I mean some special noises like
scraping. chalk or nails on a board or persistent knocks on the door. They immediately
distract my attention from what I am doing and make me very irritated. I also can't stand
loud snoring and intermittent noises that repeat.

How do you think noise in cities could be reduced?

Oh, I guess there is a list of 'noise off' solutions and large-scale steps that could be
taken by cities all around the world. One of them is to lower the speed limit in the inner
parts of the city to 40 km/hour. It will not only provide a quieter atmosphere in the city
but also reduce pollution and traffic accidents. One more important step that should be
taken is to pave roads with noise dampening asphalt, and if it doesn't change the
situation significantly reduce traffic volume in the most crowded areas. I would also offer
to plant 'noise buffers' composed of trees and shrubs everywhere and especially in busy
places and create quiet areas and zones in parks, squares and other recreational areas
around the city to provide people with special places for relaxation

Why do some people like to listen to music while they are working?

Well, I think, first of all, because music can deliver much-needed relief on the job,
reduce stress that could compromise their focus and performance, and pump up their
mood. It can also block out the other excessive input that could overwhelm people
especially if they work in an open-plan office and are surrounded by lots of co-workers.
Oh, and it makes repetitive tasks more enjoyable, which is great for office employees.

Is there any place that is absolutely quiet?

Oh, I don't think so, to my regret. I guess it's hard to find havens where silence still
rules. When I try to find one, it always turns out that finding unsullied locations is more
difficult than it might seem 'cause humanity's noises are always with us in one form or

Why is it difficult to stay in a quiet place?

Well, 'cause it can be frustrating, first of all. Quietness often makes people stew on toxic
thoughts, which, as a result, can make them feel depressed and scared. It can also
make people feel lonely and vulnerable to their inner critics. Oh, and it's really dull for

Losing things (May - December 2022)

Why do some people worry more than others when they lose things?
Well, one possible reason is that they are more sensitive than other people. Or maybe
they are control freaks, and losing something is a direct challenge to their need for
control. Some people may worry more than others 'cause they have emotional
attachment to the things they've lost, which means that the things they've lost are more
than just material objects to them. Also, I'm more than sure that there are people who
worry more about losing something because they feel guilty that it happened. In some
cases, people don't believe there's a chance to get these things back, and they are
afraid that they will never manage to get anything like this again.

How can we avoid losing things?

Well, first of all, we can do this by determining what we lose the most and focusing on
that, I guess. Once we have a short list to focus on, it will be much easier to think of
preventive measures from establishing a set location for our everyday essentials to
organizing common storage spots. One more effective thing to do, to my mind, is to
always put things back where they belong. It will definitely help us find whatever we
need even in a rush and under pressure. And, of course, we can avoid losing our stuff
by training our mind or, in other words, teaching our brain to visualize and memorize
everything we do. I'm sure that these steps will help us be more careful and organized,
which, in turn, will help us avoid losing things.

What things do people often lose?

Well, I think that phones, keys and glasses top the list of the most commonly lost items.
Running second to them are battery chargers, stationery, wallets and documents,
especially passports and driver's licenses. Oh, and umbrellas as well. If we also talk
about what people lose at home, I am sure that the leader is a TV remote control, as I
also lose it every now and then.
Is it easy to lose something?
Why do some people lose things easily?
Well, I guess it's quite easy to lose your stuff if you are absent-minded or disorganized.
It can also happen naturally if you don't have a habit of putting things in their regular
place or if they simply don't have their regular place. In other cases, it can be quite easy
to lose something only in particular situations, for example, when you get distracted by
somebody, have too much stuff to keep in mind or hands or get caught up thinking
about your problems and just take your eye off the ball.

How can parents teach children to be organized?

Oh, this can be done by setting a good example, first of all, and providing needed
support at all the stages. Plus, parents can establish household routines and put kids in
charge of some functions. They can also help kids structure their days and help them
create their own schedule for studying, chores and activities, set interim deadlines for all
the tasks they have to complete and cross completed items off to give them a sense of
accomplishment. I am sure it will work.

If you lost a phone, how would you find it?

Oh, I hope it will never happen to me but if it did happen, I think I would first try to hunt it
down with the help of some special app. If it didn't work, I would definitely return to the
place where I last saw the phone and repeat my way to the place where I found it
missing, and in case I failed to find it this way, I would inform the police about my loss
and post info about it in social networks to set the wheels in motion.

Neighbors (May - December 2022)

Do you think it’s important to have a good relationship with neighbors?

Is it beneficial to get along well with neighbors?
Of course, it is. We are social creatures and it's important for us to have communication
and positive relationships with people around, and especially with the ones who live
next door. What's more, neighbors are people we can always rely on in case of an
emergency. They are close to us and will always find ways to help us out in a difficult
situation. The better our relations with neighbors are, the more help and support we will
get from them. Neighbors we have friendly relations with will always give us a helping
hand when we are away by collecting our mail, watering flowers, and feeding. pets and
just keeping an eye on our flats or houses. This will help us remain calm and enjoy our
trip or vacation. We can also ask our neighbors to look after our kids if we need to work
late or just want to visit some party. So, it's really important to have a friendly
relationship with people living nearby.

How can people improve relationships with their neighbors?

Well, first of all, by introducing themselves to neighbors. If people are new in the house
or in the area, they should get acquainted with neighbors and then smile and say hello
to them whenever they meet them. They should try to be nice to neighbors by initiating
a relationship with them by striking up interesting conversations or inviting them for a
meal. Also, it's a good idea to offer neighbors help with something, for example, with
shopping when they are ill or with taking care of their kids while they are at work. One
more thing which can help strengthen neighbor relations, to my mind, is celebrating
special moments together.

Do you think people’s relations with their neighbors today are the same as they
were in the past?
Do you think people are familiar with their neighbors?
Well, I think it depends on people's values and lifestyles. Those of us who value
relations with people who live nearby haven't changed anything in communication with
our neighbors. We spend some evenings and days-off together having backyard BBQ
parties in summer or throwing house parties in late autumn and winter in just the same
way it was a decade and more ago. We keep an eye on each other's houses or flats
when one of the families is away. We give each other a helping hand and support each
other in hard times in exactly the same way we did it in the past. But those of us who
are working a lot these days and don't want to spend free time with neighbors have
changed neighbor relations opting for strengthening family bonds or just devoting time
to ourselves.

What factors help neighbors to have good relations with each other?
Oh, the same factors which help all people to build strong healthy relations, I think. The
most important factor, to my mind, is respecting each other. Because it’s impossible to
build good relations with people you dislike or disrespect. I also guess it’s important to
trust each other and have a shared philosophy of life including values and priorities. I
would also add that it’s great if people do things which make each other happy as well
as enjoy and value time together. Oh, and, of course, people should have a
commitment to work through conflicts and disagreements in a respectful manner.

What makes a neighborhood a good one to live in?

Well, I think the quality of the neighborhood, first of all. I mean its physical beauty, the
number of trees and flowers, the design of buildings, in other words, its aesthetic
character. One more important factor is a variety of functional attributes that contribute
to a resident's day-to-day living, for example, great schools and kindergartens, outdoor
activities abound, access to medical care, proximity to public transport and, of course,
nearby shopping and restaurants. Oh, and the top priority is the safety factor - good
street lighting and a low crime rate. Yeah, that's what differs a good neighborhood from
an ordinary one.

Festivals, important events (May - December 2022)

How do people celebrate important events in your country?
Well, usually people throw a party. Everything depends on people's preferences and
budget. Some people host a party at home. It can be either a garden barbecue party or
just a dinner party with the closest people. Young people may also throw a slumber
party, which is becoming increasingly popular these days. I also know people who may
celebrate special occasions by filling. their day with pleasant outings. I mean such
things as having dinner at a restaurant or renting a yacht and going sailing with sweets,
fruit and champagne. All in all, on special occasions people in my country do their best
to fill the day with lovely and thoughtful surprises that will help them create pleasant
memories of a lifetime.

Do you think that people spend way too much money on celebrating special
occasions such as weddings or birthdays?
Well, I don't actually think so because such celebrations as weddings and birthdays
create memories which make people's lives meaningful. They enrich people's social
lives and make them happy giving them a great chance to share their happiness with
their most beloved ones, which is worth spending a lot of money. Of course, I am talking
about those cases when people have big money and can afford to organize lavish
celebrations. Yet, I don't understand the motives of people who take out bank loans for
such celebrations and then grapple with debt for a while, ignoring more important
expenditure headings they have. I would never do anything like this.

Why do more and more young people prefer to celebrate festivals with their
friends rather than with their families?
Well, I think this is because young people share the same interests with friends so it's
easy for them to relate. Moreover, friends allow each other to be themselves and, as a
result, feel at ease and act without restraint while spending time together, which lets
them enjoy celebrations to the fullest. I think it's always fun to mess around with people
you are on the same wavelength with, and this is what sets friends apart from family
and makes the young prioritize celebrating festivals with friends.

Sports, health and keeping fit (May - December 2022)

What do old people in your country do to keep fit?
Oh, plenty of stuff, actually. They try to stay active as long as possible. The elderly do
morning exercises on a regular basis, choose the stairs over the elevator, walk a lot, do
garden work and play with their grandchildren. All these actions make them move a lot
and train their muscles in everyday routine. Some old people think it's not enough and
add doing functional fitness exercises to improve different types of movements
necessary for daily life. They train bend-and-lift movements to be able to squat down to
lift a shopping bag of groceries from the floor, single-leg movements for climbing and
descending stairs, pushing movements for lifting the torso from a side-lying position,
pulling movements for being able to pull the car door shut and rotational movements to
be able to reach across the body. The most active old people jog, swim and cycle as

What activities can schools organize for children to keep fit?

Well, first of all, they can organize PE classes with moderate-to-vigorous-intensity
activities every day. I mean all types of activities with components of strength
development, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness, especially basic dance steps,
running, jumping, hopping, and skipping. Also, I think schools should think about at least
two or three 20 - 30 minute recess periods a day during which kids will have access to
school playgrounds and sport equipment in order to skip rope or play any type of ball
game be it badminton or football. One more good idea for schools to help kids keep fit is
to organize regular short classroom stretching breaks which will let schoolers stretch
their muscles and relax a bit. Well, and of course, create and implement school-based
sport programs for kids to join after classes. It would be more than enough, I guess, at
least for a start.

What can parents do to make their children like sports?

I think the first thing parents should do to instill a love of doing sport in kids is to make
playing sport a family event. Parents should play with them not to teach skills but to just
have fun. One more thing I consider important is to let kids choose a sport they enjoy
and help them fit it into their everyday lives. Also, it's a good idea for parents to learn
some sport together with children or take kids to sporting events, letting them see
people having fun as they play. I am sure that one or all these methods together will
help children fall in love with sport.

What else can people do to keep fit apart from sports?

Well, they can be as active as possible in their everyday life, first of all. They can work
in the garden, play with kids, and tidy the house. They can also make renovations from
time to time climbing up and down the step-ladder or walking a dog if they have one or
just dance whenever they hear music. What is more, it's vital for people to eat healthy
food, drink plenty of water, get enough sleep and walk a lot because these things
influence our body and shape as well. I would also advise not to eat late in the evening
and not to drink too much alcohol 'cause this is what will harm people's health and
prevent progress.

Why is that many people today do not do enough healthy activities?

Well, I guess it happens for a number of reasons, the most common of which are the
fact that nowadays many people have a busy schedule and just can't fit healthy
activities in it or the fact that they have no energy after a full day of work, school,
errands and child care. I've also heard many other excuses. For example, some people
complained that they don't have a healthy lifestyle just because they can't afford a gym
membership, a healthy diet or a massage, don't know how to start or haven't developed
the habit to do healthy activities while others fairly admitted that they have no motivation
to do exercises or are too lazy to change their routine even when it concerns their

How can the media improve or influence people's knowledge about health?
Well, as far as I can judge, they can do it by informing and instructing people about
health and hygiene as well as other health-related issues, kind of disseminating health
information and bringing behavioral changes in knowledge, beliefs and attitudes to
health. Oh, and by incorporating health messages into television entertainment
portraying medicine accurately and in a way that allows people to gain knowledge but at
the same time not putting too much pressure on people who don't want to be
bombarded with such information.
What can governments do to improve people's health?
Well, lots of things, I think. For example, they can promote healthy communities and
healthy behaviors by providing information and education about health. communities or
population health status. One more thing they can do is protect people against
environmental health hazards. I mean address aspects of the environment that pose
risks to human health, for example, monitor air and water quality, identify and mitigate
environmental risks such as radiation, occupational health hazards and public health
nuisances. Also, I think governments can prepare for and respond to emergencies by
engaging in activities that prepare public health departments to respond to events and
incidents and assisting communities in recovery. Well, and many many other things.

Is it hard for modern people to live a healthy lifestyle?

I'm sure that the majority of people find it really hard to stick to a healthy long-term
lifestyle although they are willing to. I guess the main reason is a lack of time 'cause
most people are more concerned about building a career and earning a living and less
focused on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. People work 12 hours a day, have hectic
schedules, long commutes, little time and mind-space and don't manage to allocate
enough time to activities and choices necessary for a healthy lifestyle. As a result, they
spend most of their waking time working rather than cooking healthy food, sleeping and
exercising. Another obstacle to pursuing a healthy lifestyle is that some people just don't
want to or cannot break their bad habits 'cause bad habits serve a purpose. For
example, people believe that smoking helps them relieve stress.

What do you think about health-related apps?

I guess that health apps are a blessing for modern people 'cause nowadays people are
so busy that maintaining a balanced lifestyle that includes working out, eating fruits and
vegetables, and finding time to meditate is harder than ever. And these apps make it
easier for people to lead a healthy lifestyle without changing their everyday life
significantly. For example, health apps can help a person keep track of what he or she
is eating. There are lots of apps that offer nutrition information for millions of different
foods, including restaurant meals. What's more, they create customizable exercise
programs and meal plans, which is really convenient. Sleep apps are also a necessity
for many people nowadays as they track a person's quality of sleep and monitor a
person's sleep patterns, making note of any disruptions like snoring or sleep talking.
And what's important is that people get notified throughout the day to ensure they're
tracking their meals, drinking enough water or doing all the necessary exercises.

Do you think people are healthier now than in the past?

Well, definitely 'yes' as average life expectancy is higher now in comparison with the
past. I think there are three main reasons for that. The first reason is the fact that there
is access to better health care and preventative medicine these days as well as better
access to healthy food. The second reason is the fact that new therapies that prolong
and improve the lives of people with different diseases have been invented. And the
third reason is that the majority of people exercise regularly nowadays, which can't help
having a positive effect on health.
Happiness (May - December 2022)
What kinds of things make people in your country happy?
Oh, it depends on people, their needs and wants, their perception of the world in
general and happiness in particular. Some people in my country feel happy
of pets or spending time with family and friends. These people are thankful for small
mercies and enjoy every day of their lives. Others take pleasure in dancing, singing,
getting new experiences, travelling, doing. things that they love to do and helping other
people, especially the ones in need. These people live an active life and can't feel
happy without moving. There are also people who feel happy only after buying
something. They dream or dreamt about or just window shopping as well as those who
take pleasure in pampering themselves and meditating. So many men, so many minds.

Do you think money can make people happy?

Well, I wouldn't say money can make people happy, and I would say it can dramatically
increase the opportunities for people to be happy. For example, money lets people stop
worrying enough to enjoy life. I mean it lets people get more life experiences such as
learning to ride a horse or diving in some Mexican caves. It also lets people take care of
their health, for example,go to the gym or swimming-pool, have a massage daily or get
necessary treatment if needed. Money opens the world letting people travel to different
continents and gives people a chance to make beloved ones happier satisfying their
needs. By and large money can be spent on things that actually translate into happiness
so yes, it can make people happy, to my mind.

Do you think failures help people feel happy?

Well, it all depends on how people approach setbacks. In most cases, failure makes
people feel depressed and frustrated. All they do is beat themselves up, thinking about
the things that went wrong, which, obviously, doesn't make them feel happy. Also, some
people conclude that they aren't good enough to achieve something big in life and, as a
result, they give up on a dream, stay inside their comfort zone and therefore never
achieve things that would make them genuinely happy. However, in some cases, failure
can lead to happiness. I mean those cases when people rise above obstacles and
continue pursuing their goals. Usually if people manage to overcome failure and
achieve success, they realize that they are tougher than they think and they can handle
more than they imagine. On very rare occasions, failure helps people understand that
they should stop pushing themselves to their limits and that they should start enjoying
what they have. They stop creating unrealistic expectations for themselves, which
makes them less stressed and more happy.

Is it important to have goals in life in order to feel happy?

Do you think people will be happy if they don't have goals to achieve?
Well, I'm in two minds about it. On the one hand, goals give you a sense of mission and
help you move closer to your ideal life and therefore you've got the reason to wake up
every morning. Also, whenever you set goals and accomplish them, levels of dopamine,
happiness hormone, tend to increase. So it's true that you do feel happier when you
work on your goals. On the other hand, it's probably much more important to love and
accept yourself, to be healthy, and have enough money to take care of yourself and
those you love. As far as money is concerned, you don't have to be a billionaire to be
happy, but a certain amount of money does help you to have a more positive outlook on
life in general. When you have money, you don't have to worry about not being able to
meet your mortgage payments or losing your home, not having money to repair your car
and not feeling desperate when a small financial crisis hits. One more thing that is really
important is to haun healthy relationships in life whether it is with frier in a romantic
partnership. It's really important to people in your life who care about you and who you
care about, people with whom you can laugh, cry, touch, kiss, and spend quality time.

How would you define happiness?

Well, the definition can be so different throughout different stages of life. Sometimes it's
just appreciation of life, life satisfaction and moments of pleasure. Sometimes it's the joy
I feel when I am striving after my potential. In many instances it's building connections
that are meaningful to me and doing something I am passionate about. To sum up, I
can say that happiness is a state of well-being as well as pleasurable and satisfying

Why do some people say happiness never lasts long?

Well, I guess some people say so because happiness is based on conditions, I mean
some external circumstances which often change. Let's say the weather is perfect and I
feel happy, it changes for the worse and I am not that happy anymore. Another reason
why people think so is the fact that we get used to feeling happy and don't feel as
excited as before because the thing or things which made us happy become standard
and don't trigger positive emotions any longer, pushing us to strive for new heights. In
summary, happiness is connected with some transitory things or moments which stop
making us happy either when the moment has passed or when we get used to feeling

What do you do when you feel unhappy?

Oh, when I am unhappy I, first, cry for some time, feeling sorry for myself, then take a
bath to relax and sleep a lot. When I wake up, I start doing my best to change the
underlying negative emotions and move on. I either meet my friends and have fun with
them making a genuine effort to cultivate positive emotions and happiness or spend
time in the park or garden reading something funny just to relax and change the focus of
my attention. I also like doing shopping or watching a comedy to help unwind myself. I
also enjoy working out in the gym to shake off stress and negative emotions.

Are people in your country happier now than they were 30 years ago?
Well, I think it differs among people living in my country. Some people are undoubtedly
happier now than three decades ago 'cause they have higher levels of wellbeing, more
technologies aiding them and more opportunities in all areas of life. They are offered a
great variety of entertainment and sport and can afford more than in the past. But there
are also people who are less happy these days, because they have longer working
hours and less time for themselves. What is more, social contacts have worsened. All
these things make people more stressed and, as a result, less happy.
Traditional products, traditions (May - December 2022)

What is the value of traditions?

Do you think traditions are important?
I guess, first of all, traditions connect people to their ancestors and provide a cultural
treasure that connects different generations bringing in continuity and identification.
Secondly, they bring people back to the idea that they are a part of history that identifies
their past, models who they are today and who they are likely to become. Traditions
also reinforce different values such as a good education, personal responsibilities, a
strong workplace discipline, and integrity. faith, freedom and the value of being selfless.
And, of course, they enable people to celebrate diversity and get united as a country.

What different types of traditional products are produced in your country?

Well, a lot of different handicrafts, first of all. I mean handmade carpets, rugs, pillows,
embroidered goods, baskets and different kinds of jewellery. Local souvenir markets
also offer a wide choice of ceramics and earthenware coming from various regions of X
(the name of the country). One more thing my country is famous for is producing folk
clothes with a distinctive design, for example, geometrical patterns, floral motifs and
stylized images of people, birds or animals.

Why do traditional products attract tourists?

Why are traditional products important?
Oh, I guess traditional goods appeal to holidaymakers because they are truly local and
kind of add flavour to holidays. Plus, tourists like to take something home as a reminder
of their travels, something they can use to look back and reminisce about the fantastic
experience they had during their holiday, something to commemorate their adventures
and love for the places they have been to. Only local traditional products can meet this
demand, to my mind, and that's the main reason why they are loved by travellers so

Why do people like to buy imported products?

Oh, I think for a couple of reasons, actually. First of all, people like doing this because
foreign products have a good reputation and almost always mean a higher quality. They
are internationally accepted by consumers, and it's a sign of their worthiness for many
people. Secondly, they are often regarded as a status symbol, which is very important
for customers as it makes them feel proud of themselves. And lastly, imported goods
usually have a wider choice, which, undoubtedly, appeals to a number of shoppers as
people like to choose goods from a wide range.

Concentration (May - December 2022)

What kinds of jobs require higher concentration at work?

Oh, I think all jobs where people must pay attention to details, for example, a job of an
accountant as accountants have to deal with arrays of interconnected accounts, which
excludes the possibility of making a mistake. Or, a job of an architect who also can't
afford to make a slip as that could result in a crooked house or unstable foundation. I
would also add a job of a surgeon to this list which requires a so-called surgical
precision and the highest possible level of concentration.

How can we help children stay focused?

Well, I think the first and most important thing we can do to help kids keep their focus is
to prepare a distraction-free environment for them. I mean put away all gadgets and
keep everything that is required for doing the task at hand so that a child doesn't need
to get up to get anything like textbooks, pencils and even water to drink before he
finishes the task. Except for eliminating pointless distractions, we can help kids stay
focused by fixing a routine for them to follow as it will help program a child's brain to
know when he has to study. Among other tips to increase concentration power in kids I
can name such tips as dividing bigger tasks into smaller ones to let kids feel a sense of
accomplishment for finishing a small task which might motivate them to move to another
task, setting a time to vent out their energy once their time limit for a task is up.

Is it important for children to learn how to concentrate?

Definitely it is as concentration is the gateway to all thinking: perception, memory,
learning, reasoning, problem solving and decision making, which makes it an important
cognitive skill for lifelong success. As far as childhood times are concerned, the ability to
concentrate makes the studying process more engaging as it helps kids be maximally
efficient, saving a lot of precious time and effort and helping them achieve all their
goals. So yeah, it's very important to learn it, to my mind.

What can employers do to help employees concentrate?

Well, I guess they can, first of all, create a comfortable work environment with minimal
distractions where employees won’t get interrupted with thoughts about food, water,
heat or cold and stuff like that. And, secondl, they can help employees create goals for
the day, setting a time limit for each task and project as well as prioritizing the
assignments they need to complete. I guess that will be enough, at least for the short

Have you ever felt difficult to concentrate?

Oh, I have. And not once, to my regret. Actually, I always feel difficult to concentrate
when I am hungry or washed out, or when I am overwhelmed with tasks to complete. At
such moments my brain just gives in and makes me do at least something to change
the situation for the better. Also, it's hard for me to focus when there are a lot of
distractions around such as noise and constant interruptions of my phone or colleagues.

What distractions are bothering you in your life?

Well, I think all kinds of distractions but in different situations and at different times. The
ones that bother me the most and almost in any situation are hunger and anxiety. They
just switch my brain off depriving me of the opportunity to think or concentrate. If I am
bored or tired, I can also get distracted by gossiping colleagues, posts in social media
and even music. But thank God, that doesn't happen to me too often.
Inventions (May – December 2022)

What electrical appliances do people in your country have at home?

What household appliances make us lazy?
Oh, plenty of them actually. It's almost impossible to imagine our everyday life without
electrical appliances at home. I think that every family in my country has a fridge, a
microwave, a TV, a washing machine, a water heater, a vacuum cleaner and an iron
'cause it's a must these days. A lot of families also have an air conditioner for hot
summer time, a coffee machine for morning energy boost, a game console for having
fun in the evening and on weekends and a dishwasher for getting an easier clean. Many
women in my country have some electrical beauty products such as hairdryers, curling.
irons or hair straighteners. Oh, I nearly forgot to mention that many people in Ukraine
still have desktop computers at home giving their preference to larger monitors, greater
power and more features.

Do you think modern technology makes people lazier?

Well, I wouldn't say so. I would rather say it makes people's lives easier and more
efficient, saving their time and filling their present-day routine with small delights. So, to
my mind, it's more about comfort than laziness. Though, of course, it at the same time
makes people less physically and mentally active as it hypereases accomplishment of
different tasks letting people just press a button and have most of their problems solved
without even leaving their homes or offices.

What do you think have been some of the most important inventions in the past
100 years or so?
Oh, I have no doubt that the inventions that have significantly improved people's lives in
the past century are a computer, a smartphone and the Internet. All of them have
greatly simplified all spheres of human life and brought about a lot of new opportunities.
For example, thanks to computers, people have managed to speed up business
operations, organize all of their information in a very accessible manner and become
more efficient and productive, saving their valuable time in the office. The Internet has
provided people with a chance to have instant communication with anyone in the world,
get instant access to an endless supply of knowledge and entertainment and the ability
to work from home or have a virtual office. A smartphone has united all the devices
needed for daily business and pleasure such as a GPS receiver and a camera as well
as provided people with Internet access wherever there is cellular coverage letting them
tackle different issues on the go.

Do you think it's good that new inventions are appearing so often?
I guess it's not bad for sure. New inventions make our life easier, more interesting and
more comfortable, help us accomplish specific tasks, save our time and money and
always try to meet our growth. needs. Sometimes things that were invented yesterday
fall into oblivion today because of changes happening in our lifestyle and work
processes, so frequent appearance of inventions is a necessity which helps us get
adapted to changes happening in our way of life. All in all, the main goal of any
invention is to simplify our life in different ways, which proves their need and the fact
that their frequent appearance is good.

Do you think there will be any negative effects resulting from future technology?
Well, unfortunately, there are always two sides of the same coin, and future technology
is not an exception. The main thing is not to let the negative outcomes outweigh the
positive ones as it will lead to a real disaster. All the rest is in human hands, to my mind.
So, what's the worst that could happen resulting from future technology? Well, human
unemployment may increase as robots may substitute for humans in manufacturing and
production. I also guess future inventions may exacerbate environmental problems and
even wipe out a huge portion of the human race which can happen, let's say, in the
case of developing supergerms with the help of genetic engineering. And the last risk
factor that comes to my mind is alterations in cognitive and social development of future
generations with a risk of becoming increasingly detached from nature and society and
enjoying a solitary life.

Being busy (May – December 2022)

What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a stressful job?

Well, I think that one of the greatest benefits of stressful jobs is the fact that they require
constant learning and growth, pushing employees to exceed their normal limits and
letting them stretch the boundaries of what they can accomplish and manage in order to
create personal growth and coping skills. What is more, stressful jobs let employees
discover their potential, motivate them to reach their goals and help to develop a
positive and realistic self-worth. As far as drawbacks of stressful jobs are concerned, I
would name a negative impact of stress on the employees' health and capacity. I mean
a weakened immune system, high blood pressure, fatigue, depression, anxiety, sleep
disorders and even heart disease.

How do you think highly efficient people manage their time?

Oh, I guess they, first of all, don't waste it on anything they don't consider really
important. I think they are also great at delegating tasks, leaving enough time for the
things only they can do. They always have a plan and a clear direction for a day, week,
month, year and even 5 years. They plan their days beforehand breaking, goals into
many little chunks that can be achieved in the shortest span of time, prioritising tasks
and projects based on their level of criticality and focusing on one activity at a time.
They dedicate their time only to the right things focusing on accomplishments rather
than activities. That's what accounts for their efficiency, to my mind.

Do you manage your time efficiently?

Oh, yes, I guess I can say so. I always plan out my time and resources doing my best
not to waste them on the wrong things. I have a habit of making a plan for a day... a
week, a month and even a year integrating things I have to do into a to-do list and
tracking my progress at least 2 or 3 times a day. To save time I break the tasks into
many little steps and focus on one part of the task at the time. Having a plan and
sticking to it helps me be as efficient as possible. That's why my planner is my second
self and losing it will be worse than losing all the treasures of the world.

Volunteering, helping others (May - December 2022)

Do you think people nowadays should participate more in volunteering?
Why is it necessary to do volunteer services?
Well, I guess they should as volunteering benefits everyone. First of all, it is a great way
to help individuals and communities in need, which helps build a happier society for
everyone. What is more, volunteering can help people protect their mental and physical
health. For example, research shows it provides a sense of purpose and helps reduce
stress and combat depression, which is really important in these uncertain times when
political and economic situations are unstable. Also, volunteering helps people develop
self-esteem, confidence, and a feeling of self-worth. I mean doing good for others and
the community. provides a natural sense of accomplishment, which can give people a
sense of pride. And the better people feel about themselves, the more likely they are to
have a positive view of their lives, and the more likely they are to feel needed and
appreciated. I'm sure that high school students should volunteer more to boost their
college applications.

How do you think the volunteers themselves benefit?

Well, volunteering brings a lot of benefits to volunteers, to my mind. First of all, it gives
them an opportunity to learn about people from different environments and with different
backgrounds. Secondly, it helps to explore new fields, adds to skills, offers an
impressive networking opportunity and, as a result, boosts career options. And what is
of primary importance in my view, it gives energy and sense of fulfillment creating a
balance in life.

What do you think are the benefits of having unpaid volunteer workers?
Trackon that having unpaid volunteer workers gives companies a lot of advantages.
First of all, it saves costs, which matters nowadays. It also lets companies get free help
in solving some secondary tasks. Volunteers are always excited to get involved and
take on new projects. Moreover, they can exhibit fresh ideas. They are truly motivated
to help the company and willing to go above and beyond for the company. This is why
they devote a lot of time to work, which contributes to the company's success and
makes employers satisfied.

How can we encourage children to help others?

To my mind, there are a lot of things parents can do to teach and motivate their kids to
bear a hand to others. First of all, they should set their own example by helping a
neighbour or a relative and letting a child see this action of helping or even engaging a
child in this act of kindness. It's vital to teach children to give, and parents can do it by
asking them to share an apple or a toy with them or somebody else. They can also
make helping a family affair and perform some small acts of kindness together with kids,
teaching them to see the abundance around and think of people they can share it with.
How can we support people in need apart from giving money?
Well, one way to support these people is to provide employment to them. I mean we
can hire them to assist with needed tasks at an agreed-upon rate or help them find local
professionals such as career counselors or employment agencies that can steer them in
the right direction. Another thing we can do is use our social networks to attract more
people to help those in need or shop online with charitable platforms which will donate a
percentage of our purchase to the charity of our choice. Also, we can donate some
supplies or gently used items to those people who need them, but can't afford to buy
new ones. And, of course, we can volunteer our time to help people in need with their
routine, for instance, babysit their kids while they are studying or working.

How can companies engage in volunteering and help our society?

Well, I guess that companies can get involved in volunteering and give back to society
by encouraging. their employees to volunteer. First of all, companies can launch
volunteer grant programs. The point is that a company gives money to nonprofit
organizations based on how many hours its employees volunteer. As a result, charities
can benefit from the employee's service and from the additional grant the company
awards them. For example, a company can donate money to nonprofit organizations for
every hour its employee volunteers at that nonprofit organization. Alternatively, it can
offer grants that increase with volunteered time. Some companies may choose to
provide grants when groups of employees volunteer together. Also, companies can offer
paid time off for volunteering, provide employees with paid volunteer days, advertise
upcoming community service projects and reward good deeds either by way of financial
compensation or by way of public recognition, be it highlighting their accomplishments
in the company newsletter or posting their photo in Volunteer of the Month spotlight on
the company website.

Time management (May - December 2022)

How do people manage their time?

What can people do to spend their time efficiently?
Well, a lot of people do it by planning out their time and resources doing their best not to
waste them on the wrong things. Some people have a habit to make up their plans for a
day, a week, a month and even a year by integrating things they have to do into to-do
lists and tracking their progress at least 2 or 3 times a day. What's more, to save time
people often break their tasks into many little steps that can be taken in the shortest
span of time, prioritizing tasks and projects based on their level of criticality and
focusing on one part of the task at a time.

How do people manage their time?

Well, a lot of people do it by planning out their time and resources doing their best not to
waste them on the wrong things. Some people have a habit to make up their plans for a
day, a week, a month and even a year by integrating things they have to do into to-do
lists and tracking their progress at least 2 or 3 times a day. What's more, to save time
people often break their tasks into many little steps that can be taken in the shortest
span of time, prioritizing tasks and projects based on their level of criticality and
focusing on one part of the task at a time.

Is it important to manage your time efficiently?

Oh, I am sure it is. Unfortunately, time is limited, there are only 24 hours in a day and no
one can store or save time for later use. Efficient time management will help you to
accomplish more with less effort and eliminate the pressure that comes from feeling like
you don't have enough time. It will also put you in line for advancement opportunities
improving your decision making ability and helping make conscious choices, which will
let you become more successful in your studies and career. So, no doubt, effective time
management is very important.

Do you agree that today success mainly depends on being able to manage time
Well, I don't think it has a key part to play in achieving success, but it is definitely one of
the most important factors that work for the success of people these days. What I mean
is when people manage time wisely, they allocate their twenty-four hours in the right
place, which, as a consequence, helps them achieve the right results. What's more,
managing time effectively, people feel more in control and are able to meet deadlines
and prevent last-minute surprises as they become more prepared to handle anything
that life throws their way. and, no matter what happens, stay focused on hitting. their
day-to-day and overall goals.

Should parents help children manage time?

I guess they should as learning strategies for time management from an early age helps
kids internalize them, which sets them up for lifelong success. It also helps kids be
aware of time, its importance and ways to manage it, which teaches them to complete
activities in a timely fashion and stick to a schedule instead of wasting time on doing
meaningless stuff. So, yeah, it is important for parents to help children learn how to
manage their time.

How can we avoid wasting time?

Well, first of all, by minimizing distractions around us. I mean all those time-wasters we
are not always aware of. I mean meaningless discussions about things we have no
control over or scrolling through the newsfeed on different social networks. One more
way to avoid wasting time is to set goals for both our private and professional life, jot
them down and refer to them often to stay focused. Also, I think that setting hard
deadlines for tasks might help us stay on track and giving, ourselves a stop time not to
burn ourselves out or get frustrated.

Do you think deadlines are necessary?

Absolutely. I think all people can be roughly divided into 2 categories: perfectionists and
procrastinators. As far as perfectionists are concerned, they believe that nothing they do
is worthwhile unless it's perfect. For example, if there are no deadlines, perfectionists
can spend several days writing and rewriting a 2-sentence email. So in the absence of
deadlines, they tend to spend way too much time on completing even the easiest tasks.
Or it's likely that their to-do lists will be full of tasks that will never be completed 'cause
they think that what they've done is less than perfect, and they hope that someday they
will find a way to improve it. For procrastinators, deadlines become the drive that forces
them to focus on their projects, presentations, goals, assignments or things like this
'cause it's pretty easy to delay a task that has no agreed end point, especially when
people lack self-control. Imagine you need to present your work to your boss next
month, and you still have plenty of time on your hands. So you take things easy. And I
bet you don't worry about the task.

What are the good things about working for a big company?
Oh, big companies always provide employees with big opportunities. Working for a
large corporation you become part of a huge community and create invaluable
networks, you get access to a host of resources such as specialist training courses and
additional qualifications, you have tremendous room for upward and sideways growth
opportunities without having to leave. What is more, you have greater security and a
more steady work pace than employees of small businesses.

Why do many young adults keep changing their jobs?

I guess there is a variety of reasons for that. They can job hop because of boredom in
their current job, a low salary, unfriendly coworkers or boss, a lack of new challenges or
vice versa. Frequent job changes can also happen when young people feel a lack of
information about business performance or not enough recognition for their
contributions and, of course, when the young want a career advancement and desire for

Making decisions (May - December 2022)

Is it good for children to make decisions when they are young?

I guess it is as decision making is one of the most important skills children need to
develop to become healthy and mature adults. Decision making teaches people to have
control over their lives and take responsibility for their choices, mistakes and failures. It
lets people have a say in everything that concerns their lives, and childhood is the best
time for kids to take risks and test their own capabilities. The earlier they start, the better
decision makers they will become as good decision making is complex and takes years
of experience to master.

Do you think that parents should make important decisions for their children?
Do you think young people are easily influenced by others while they are making
a decision?
To my mind, everything depends on a child's maturity. If a decision is really crucial but a
child is still living in a world of fantasy and doesn't clearly understand the rules of real
life, of course, parents should interfere and give their kid a hand. They can share their
huge experience which they accumulated throughout life in order to help their child
avoid potential danger and learn to realize the consequences of different decisions. But
if a child is psychologically mature and ready to take responsibility for their choices, I
guess parents should accept their choices and decisions viewing the happenings from
the sidelines. This way, they will bring up a confident and independent child who will feel
in control with themselves.

At what age can children make decisions on their own?

Oh, I'd say kids can make decisions on their own at any age if it happens in a controlled
setting with their parents as their guides or if it happens when parents see that their kids
demonstrate maturity and readiness to make decisions relevant to their daily
experience. What I mean is that children can make their own decisions when they are
ready to make choices without their parents' help and are able to understand the
information, use it to weigh the pros and cons and effectively communicate their
decision defending their reasoning. So, I'd say age is not what it's about.

What's the difference between decisions that children and adults make?
Well, I think that children mostly make decisions relevant to their daily experience or, in
other words, socalled small decisions such as who to play with, what to eat or drink, or
what colour to paint the picture with. These are safe decisions as they concern only a
limited circle of kids' activities. While adults make both small and big decisions such as
making major purchases and taking on new responsibilities. Their decisions are usually
of a much higher level of responsibility and require a number of steps to take, for
example, evaluate alternatives, identify and assess possible consequences, consider
certain constraints and choose the best alternative as well as do many other things
which will help them make a sound decision.

Do you think that teachers should help students make decisions?

Of course, they should. I would even say teachers must help students make decisions
by reinforcing the development of decision-making skills involving kids in social activities
and games and providing them with opportunities to make simple decisions. They can
push kids to make decisions by asking them to explain the reasons for their choices in
class or comment on decisions made by characters in stories. Teachers can also
motivate kids to make decisions by attracting them to decide on school rules and
encouraging them to take responsibility for generating options.

Popularity (May - December 2022)

What benefits are there when a child is popular at school?

Well, one of the very obvious benefits of being popular at school, to my mind, is that
school celebrities get preferential treatment from both teachers and classmates. What I
mean is they get special tasks from teachers, the ones they want and choose to do, and
get all the support they need from their classmates. Also, school celebrities are
recognized by everyone at school, be it a school security guard or a seller in a cafeteria,
which makes them experience confidence and a massive ego boost. So being popular
at school definitely opens many doors which would have remained shut if fame hadn't
been achieved.

What kinds of people are popular at work?

Well, I guess the ones who inspire others to be productive, fulfilled and happy at their
workplace. These are, first of all, resourceful and focused people or in other words
those people who are able to see a solution in just about every problem they encounter
and keep the energy in the team high setting on specific tasks instead of messing
around a lot. Also, these are visionaries or those people who usually think in decades
and have a very clear picture of what they want to accomplish in their lives. Working
with such people other team members always have a feeling they are working on
something big, something that will stay. here as a sign of their teamwork, which is very
motivating. Another type of people I consider popular at work are sympathetic people
who make a workplace as nice as home, helping others feel good in the place where
they spend almost one third of their lives. Finally, 'have fun' people as they are able to
find a way to loosen things up when a stressful situation appears, which makes working
with them a pure pleasure.
Encouraging people (May - December 2022)

Do you think negative feedback is more important than positive feedback? (added
on 18 May 2022)
Why is negative feedback as important as positive feedback at work or in
studies? (added on 18 May 2022)
It depends. Negative feedback is more valuable than praise if you are able to hear
critical feedback openly and calmly, and if it's constructive criticism rather than bullying.
So, if it's constructive tactful feedback, it's a crucial element towards growth and
improvement. It tells you what you're doing wrong and offers insight into how you might
improve. It works like this 'cause we don't see ourselves the way other people see us.
So we don't see or don't want to see our mistakes and weaknesses. Or sometimes if we
do, we hope others don't see we're doing something wrong. So negative feedback is a
way to find areas for improvement and become a better version of yourself. Also in
business, negative feedback helps you analyze your existing processes, build better
products, improve your customer and employee relationships and take your business to
the next level. But, of course, we can take all feedback we receive at face value 'cause
it can be inaccurate or nefarious in nature. For example, it may be given by a coworker
who wants to throw you off your game, by a boss who has completely unachu
expectations or by a friend who projects his or he.

In what situations do parents have to encourage their children to do something?

Well, I think that children mostly need some kind of motivation from parents when they
face a difficult task or some challenges and do not keep going out of fear or when they
feel stuck and don't want to keep moving forward. Also, I'd mention the situations when
children are not naturally great at something, or when they only start learning some
brand new skills and wobble a bit. One more situation in which kids need a kind of
motivation from parents is when they experience negative outcomes, I mean when they
try to do something once or even twice but don't succeed or in some cases even feel
defeated. In these situations, to my mind, it is parents that can find ways to help their
kids stay motivated and keep trying even if they face challenges and setbacks.
How can parents encourage their children to do what they don't want?
Well, parents can do this by appealing to their intellect, I guess. I mean the best way to
encourage kids to do something they don't really want to is to talk to them about the
importance of the activity in a way that is respectful. Another way to do this is to let them
know how much their efforts are appreciated. One more thing that can motivate kids, to
my mind, is identifying what they can receive as rewards and incentives if they make a
push to get something done. And, of course, it's a great idea for parents to set
achievable goals and deadlines for children to help them make their tasks accomplished
and worth the effort.

How can parents encourage their children to do what they don't want?
Well, parents can do this by appealing to their intellect, I guess. I mean the best way to
encourage kids to do something they don't really want to is to talk to them about the
importance of the activity in a way that is respectful. Another way to do this is to let them
know how much their efforts are appreciated. One more thing that can motivate kids, to
my mind, is identifying what they can receive as rewards and incentives if they make a
push to get something done. And, of course, it's a great idea for parents to set
achievable goals and deadlines for children to help them make their tasks accomplished
and worth the effort.

How can parents and teachers motivate children to study more?

Oh, I guess, in the first place, by guiding children through the learning process but
allowing them to have control of their own learning experience. To my mind, the main
task of parents and teachers is to create an open atmosphere where children can feel
comfortable expressing their likes, dislikes or concerns and where kids are allowed to
have direct input in their learning, choices. In other words, children should be shown
that their opinion matters as it will let them feel reassured that they can be open about
their educational experience without being judged, put down, discouraged or ignored.
Also, I think parents and teachers can share with kids their enthusiasm for learning,
showing them the joy and excitement learning brings to their life and this way involves
kids in exploring different topics and subjects. Well, and of course, focus on children's
strengths recognizing and celebrating their achievements, no matter how small they
may be.

How can employers motivate their staff?

Well, in a number of ways, to my mind. For example, by creating a friendly work
environment and lighthearted culture which will break up dreariness and pump positive
energy through the office, boosting the team's happiness. Or, by giving employees their
purpose and the purpose of the business as well as show them the bigger picture. I
mean show them how what they are doing now will eventually contribute to an end goal
as feeling involved with something great and important is a very strong motivator for
many people. I'd also advise employers to give employees room to grow. them with the
training they require to advance in their careers. Oh, and of course, acknowledge their
achievements giving them positive feedback or if there is a possibility of even rewarding
them. Something like that.

Mobile phones (May - December 2022)

Many people think mobile phones can be annoying at times. Can you give any
examples of that?
Do you think there should be laws on the use of mobile phones?
Well, one of the examples when I get annoyed with a mobile phone is when the phone
ring interrupts an important conversation or distracts my attention from what I really
need to do at the moment. Another annoying case is when people talk loudly on their
phones on public transport. Such phone conversations grab my attention and don't let
me relax or focus on my thoughts, which I dislike. I can also get irritated when people
around me play music loudly on a phone 'cause it shows their disrespect to others,
which I don't consider appropriate. These are the main situations I don't like to get in.

What is your attitude to people who speak on the phone in public?

Well, my attitude to such people is quite neutral if they keep their voice low and only
speak for a short time. But in case they do it quite loudly and expressively, of course, I
find it annoying and distracting as such loud conversations are so intrusive into my
consciousness that usually disrupt my plans. What's more, Perceive them as a kind of
invasion of my own personal space and peace of mind as it's just impossible to tune
them out the moment I can't tolerate them any longer. So, it depends.

Do young and old people use phones in the same way?

Oh, definitely no. Seniors generally lag behind their younger counterparts especially
when it comes to using mobile phones. The only pattern they share is voice calling. In
other patterns old people are usually second to the young. Teens and young adults are
more enthusiastic users of cellphones, they are also bigger users of text messaging. I
guess the young send and receive at least five times more messages a day than older
people. Younger adults tend to use their phones for multimedia content, for taking
pictures or video, for accessing the Internet. They are also more likely to turn to their
phones to avoid others around them or to fight boredom. All this is still strange for the
How often do you use your mobile phone?
Well, I guess I am awake all the time. I use it for making. and receiving calls, texting my
friends and customers, getting and sharing news on social networks sites, checking my
email messages and even doing online banking. I also take photos with my phone and
keep track of calendar events. So yeah, almost all day long.

Meeting friends, communication (May - December 2022)

What topics do young people talk about?

Well, I think young people like to talk about what is going on in their lives, what they are
engaged in or what they want to achieve in life. They also often share with others what
they dream about or what they plan for the foreseeable future. However, things that
interest or worry young men and women are different, which in turn makes the topics
they discuss different as well. For example, young men are keen on blabbing about
sport, cars, girls, business and technology while girls like to chat about travelling,
beauty, clothes and fitness. All in all, young people mostly talk about what they devote
their time to in their daily lives.

Do you think women chat more than men?

Well, mostly yes as it's women's nature to chat a lot to overcome monotony. Women are
more emotional than men and whenever they get some information or ideas, they
immediately want to share them with everyone. One more reason why women talk more
than men is the fact that they want connection and closer relationships with others.
Though, I can also say that in many cases who talks more depends on the individual or
context of the conversation. So, it depends.

How do you know that someone isn't interested in your conversation?

Well, there are a number of signs that can indicate that my conversation partner is not
really interested in our conversation. If it's a face-to-face conversation, I can figure out if
someone doesn't want to talk to me by reading their body language or listening to their
responses. For example, if a person I'm talking to isn't too engaged in the conversation,
they yawn frequently or suppress an urge to yawn. Also, they ignore my questions or
their responses are mostly one word such as 'yeah', 'sure', 'really' and the like. And, of
course, I can see that the person is bored and not willing to keep up the conversation if
he or she is constantly checking his or her phone even if no notifications are coming up,
looking at the floor or staring around the room. If I text someone, I can tell that they don't
want to talk to me by seeing how long it takes for the person to respond. For example, if
there is a long lapse between my text and the response or if the person doesn't respond
at all.

Why do some people prefer to tell secrets to strangers?

Oh, I think because talking to strangers can be less embarrassing as people may feel
less judged by them. What is more, such people are usually not preoccupied with how
strangers are viewing them, how this will affect their relationship and so on. They are
also not concerned about stranger's gossiping about their secret. Or maybe they like
sharing secrets with strangers 'cause they hope to see a new perspective with their help
and, as a result, find some solution. There can be lots of reasons, I guess.

Can people communicate if they don't speak the same language?

I think itəs not impossible to communicate, but of course it depends on the message
people need to deliver or receive. In fact, words are oftentimes overrated. It is estimated
that what people say counts for less than 10 percent of what other people interpret. This
means that in many cases, people can communicate using body language. For
example, people can use hands to indicate size and location or a person can nod their
head to show that they understand. Also, people can communicate by acting out what
you are trying to communicate, like in a game of charades. For example, if a person is
trying to find a good place to eat, they might act out the motion of taking some bites with
a fork, then rubbing their belly and making a contented sound, such as Mmmmm. And,
of course, people can use a foreign language dictionary, phrasebook, or translation
apps. Finally, some people can communicate effectively by drawing things.

What places are popular for meeting friends in your area?

Well, I guess all kinds of places where people can have a pleasant experience together
like questrooms, cinemas, live sporting events and restaurants, as well as all those
places where friends can have a lot of fun, for instance, amusement parks or karaoke
clubs. Also, I think that quite a lot of friends meet in places where they can walk and do
something active together. I mean parks, embankments and even fitness centres. Many
girls in my area get together with friends in spa-centres while men usually opt for
saunas and baths. In winter time, the most popular places for friend gatherings are
skating-rinks and pubs, and in summer time, many friends meet on beaches and in
countryside resorts.

Opinions and advice (May - December 2022)

What important changes in popular ideas and opinions have taken place
Is it always bad to get conflicting advice?
Well, if we consider 'recently' to be a period of around 2 decades, I think that the most
significant changes have taken place in what concerns people's attitude to online dating,
same-sex relationships, volunteerism and healthy lifestyle. Now one by one. People in
the past found it difficult to comprehend how it was possible to develop feelings for a
person via the Internet and get a good idea of them without meeting them in person,
while these days online dating has reached its peak and proved to be no bad thing.
Same-sex relationships seemed unimaginable 2 decades ago but have received social
approval by now. The number of volunteers worldwide has risen significantly giving this
civic phenomenon a high social and cultural acceptance and support these days. Well,
and many people from different countries have got engaged in doing sport as well as
changed their eating habits, cutting back on unhealthy foods and shifting to healthy

What problems can people face if they ask many different people for advice?
First of all, people risk making the wrong decision because not everyone has their best
interest in mind. Sometimes a person giving advice has an ulterior motive which is easy
to see when someone has something to be gained in a way that leads them to offer bad
advice. For example, a boss who may be wary of your talent may advise that a certain
project 'won't help you'. But sometimes it's not so obvious. Well, I should say that bad
advice can even be well meant. For example, a parent who fears your chosen career
will leave you in poverty will try to dissuade you from choosing a particular career.
Secondly, when people ask many other people for advice, it is likely that making. a
decision will take ages. The more people, the more opinions. However, too many
equally good options make decision-making progress long and hard 'cause excessive
choice of options can produce 'choice paralysis'.

In general, what kind of person is most suitable for giving advice to others?
What qualities does a good adviser need to have?
I think it is, first of all, a person who can listen to people constructively, attempting to
hear all the aspects of the situation in order to be able to give sound advice. It's also
important for this person to be honest, trustworthy and steadfast, guided by wisdom and
able to avoid judging. 'cause these are necessary conditions for giving good advice. I
would also add that in some situations it's really essential for an adviser to be
compassionate while in others confident and optimistic.

Do you think it's ok if professional advice costs a lot?

Why do some professional advisers charge so much?
Of course, it is because professional advice always brings benefits to those people it is
given to as it helps them achieve very valuable life and career improvement. goals
faster and more completely than they imagined letting them become more prosperous,
happier, healthier and more confident. Professional advice is a kind of tool which helps
people expand their frame of reference, draw useful insights from the right people and,
as a result, develop better solutions to problems than they would have on their own. So
yeah, all these benefits are worth a hefty sum, I guess.

In what situations can old people ask younger people for advice?
Well, many seniors struggle to keep up-to-date with modern technology. But it's obvious
that technology is here to stay and elderly people have to embrace it. So one of the
lessons seniors can learn from younger people is how to use technology to better
connect with friends and family, search for information and perform other everyday
tasks faster and more easily. For example, kids and grandkids can teach older people
how to use video chat applications, smartphones. tablets and other gadgets. The old
can ask younger people how to adopt e-payments and use ATMs. But, to be honest, I'm
convinced that nowadays older people can ask the young about anything and
everything because the world is changing faster than ever before. Everything is turning
electronic. And younger people embrace these changes almost instantly 'cause they
don't have the fear of the unknown and they are used to living in such a rapidly-
changing environment.

Do you prefer advice from your family or your friends?

Who do young people turn to for advice?
Well, whenever I need some really important advice, I, first of all, seek it from my
parents, 'cause I know that they have more experience and will always give me rational
advice based on the lessons they have learnt throughout their life. What is more, they
are very reliable and will never betray or harm me. They are always there for me and
will help me wholeheartedly in any situation. But if the advice I need is not that vital and
doesn't put me at risk or pose threat to my future, I will go to my friends because they
think like me, know all my ambitions and passions and will never criticise or reprimand
me even if I want to do something rash and irrational.

When somebody gives you some advice, do you usually follow this advice or do
you usually insist on your own opinion?
Well, I always follow it if I consider it to be good or if I trust the person who gave it to
me, but first I try to sleep on this advice to be sure I can rely on it. Alternatively, if I trust
my opinion more than the advice | received or if my experience in the sphere is richer
than that of the person who gave me the advice, I always insist on my own opinion
presenting some evidence in support of my view.

Why do so many young people not accept the advice of older people?
I guess it happens because today's youth trust the Internet and social networks more
than older people considering that their skills and methods are impractical and
inappropriate in our fast-paced modern world. Undoubtedly, older people know more
than younger ones but, of course, not as much as Google which makes it unnecessary
to ask the elderly for advice or accept it when it is given.

Some people find it easier to accept advice than other people do. Why do you
think there is this difference?
I think this difference exists because all people are different and what is easy for some
of them can be really hard for others. To my mind it's difficult for people to accept advice
if they perceive their reality differently from the way others see it or if they mistakenly
assume that they can handle the situation themselves. I also think it can be hard to
accept advice if people are stubborn, afraid of the unknown or just not ready for positive
changes. Alternatively, it's really easy to follow somebody's advice for people who are
open to new things and trust those who give them advice.

Cities, countryside, relocating (May - December 2022)

Why do some people like to live close to the company? (added on 26 May 2022)
Well, I guess they like it as it gives them the flexibility. They need to balance their home
and work life more effectively. I mean that it gives them so much more time before and
after work for extra sleep, physical activity. or routine tasks and also time in the middle
of the day to take their lunch break at home, which definitely helps them have a
healthier diet and saves their money on eating out. One more reason why they prefer to
live close to the company is that it minimizes stress 'cause it lets them avoid morning
and evening rush-hour traffic jams. So people get to work on time and get home quickly
in the evening. Lastly, they save on petrol, car maintenance and replacement parts,
driving not too far, and feel great doing good for the environment as no need to drive a
lot reduces their carbon footprint.

Why do people change their places of living?

Why do people move to other areas?
Well, I guess there can be plenty of reasons for that. For example, people can do it in
search of a better way. of life because they find the places they live in boring. and
uninspiring. Or there can be too many bad memories attached to their place of living
connected with somebody's divorce or death, which pushes people to move to a
different house or apartment. Sometimes people change their place of living for better
employment, moving from the rural area to the city or from a small town to the capital. In
terrible cases people can do it for safety reasons trying to escape from war zones or
polluted areas posing threat to health. Quite seldom but still people also change their
places of living just because they need a change, nothing more nor less.

Why do people move to a new home?

Well, I think nowadays people move house for a variety of reasons. For example, they
do it when they face some changes in their relationship status. I mean situations when
people get married or divorced, move in with a significant other or separate from one.
Another popular reason when people move into a new home is changes in their job and
the necessity to relocate to another city or state or just move closer to their new place of
work. Also, there are quite a few cases when people move house when they face with
financial difficulties and have to move to a smaller home in a cheaper area to save more
money or be able to pay the bills more easily, or vice versa, when they upgrade to a
larger home that will fit them better because they finally can afford it.

What makes a city a good one to live in?

Oh, a lot of factors, to my mind. The ones I consider the most important for life are
affordability, I mean housing, expenses, the prices for consumable goods, the price of
petrol, utility services, taxes and stuff like that, and accessibility, appearance and
amenities, that is the presence of the airport, train and bus stations, good transport
links, a number of educational institutions, a wide array of recreational facilities,
shopping malls, parks and gardens and, of course, hospitals. I would also add good
employment opportunities and low crime rates to my priority list, oh, and the climate as

Is it good to move to a new place frequently?

Well, I guess it all depends on people's expectations and wishes, their mindset and
willingness to accept change as whether one moves frequently or almost never, moving
is an intensely emotional experience. Among the pros of frequent home moves are the
perfect chance to start afresh and build the life people want for themselves, various new
opportunities in every aspect of life, be it employment, education or entertainment and
hobbies, and the chance to grow as a person broadening their own horizons and
becoming more self-aware. While among the cons I can see a lot of stress as moving
home frequently might push people out of their comfort zone and make them feel lost,
leaving friends and family behind and more expenses because the cost of moving to a
new place may be quite high, so it might be quite tough on the budget to move
frequently. If people are ready for these challenges focusing mostly on the bright side of
home moves, I'm more than sure that it's very good for them. If they are not ready, I
don't think it's good.
What problems can people face if they ask many different people for advice?
First of all, people risk making the wrong decision because not everyone has their best
interest in mind. Sometimes a person giving advice has an ulterior motive which is easy
to see when someone has something to be gained in a way that leads them to offer bad
advice. For example, a boss who may be wary of your talent may advise that a certain
project 'won't help you'. But sometimes it's not so obvious. Well, I should say that bad
advice can even be well meant. For example, a parent who fears your chosen career
will leave you in poverty will try to dissuade you from choosing a particular career.
Secondly, when people ask many other people for advice, it is likely that making. a
decision will take ages. The more people, the more opinions. However, too many
equally good options make decision-making progress long and hard 'cause excessive
choice of options can produce 'choice paralysis'.

What problems will people face after moving to a new home?

What do people need to prepare for when they are moving?
Well, I guess it depends on people. For example, some people might miss the area they
used to live in and feel lonely without friends and mates they used to have as during
some time it can be quite hard for them to make new friends or at least get acquainted
with new neighbours. Other people might feel quite ok but face such problems as
changing their morning routine habits 'cause they have to leave home earlier to get to
work on time. Sometimes people have to spend their free time on find the way to a new
school for kids as well as shops, gyms and cafes for all their family and a number of
other problems from fitting up their new house to memorizing the names of their new

What makes a location suitable for old people to live?

Oh, access to good health care, first of all. In some cases climate if there are some
pressure problems, for instance. I would also add proximity to family and friends in order
to keep in touch and not feel lonely. One more important thing that comes to my mind is
low crime rates which can make old people's life calmer and more relaxed. And, of
course, accessibility and good amenities of the neighbourhood.

What makes a location suitable for young people to live?

Well, I guess affordability, first of all. I mean housing, expenses, the prices for
consumable goods, the price of petrol if the young have cars and the price of utility,
services and taxes. Next, the education system and employment opportunities if they
are career oriented and have kids of school age. And, of course, accessibility,
appearance and amenities of the neighbourhood. I mean commute time and public
transportation options for those who don't have cars, and cultural offerings like galleries,
concert theatres and so on for those who take care of their leisure time.

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