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Topic: First English Assignment

Student name:

The Tutor: Nialette Flávia da Cunha

Beira, April 26, 2022

Solving Exercise

1. Fill the blanks using the verb to be.

1- I a great risk.        2-We not tennis players.
 3- they teachers? 4-He a participant in an extreme sport.
 5- you a student? 6- I    not a skier.
 7- Emily   not a driver. She is a swimmer.

2. Look at the following sentences David uses to introduce himself to someone for the first
time. Change the underlined words to make sentences about yourself.

Hi, my name is David. I’m from Quelimane. I’m 36 years old. I like football and music. I’m
studying Portuguese. Hi, my name is David. What’s your name? My name is Maria.
Nice to meet you, Maria. Nice to meet you too. (Shake hands). Where are you from? I’m from
Quelimane, how about you? I’m from Cuamba. What do you study? I study Portuguese, how
about you? I study English. How old are you? I’m 36, how about you? I’m 23. I like watching
films. What do you like? I like swimming and going to the beach. Nice meeting you. I have a
class now. See you later. OK, goodbye.
3. Match the words and the numbers.

Numbers Words
a) 1/1 7. the first of January
b) 5/4 1. the fifth of April
c) 4/7 6. the fourth of July
d) 17/3 2. the seventeenth of March
e) 22/10 8. the twenty-second of October
f) 31/8 4. the thirty-first of August
g) 11/2 5. the eleventh of February
h) 27/4 3. the twenty-seventh of April
4. Fill in with Have / Have got / Be

'm 've got
Hi, I'm Tony.  I  thirty-two and I  a big family.  We live in Birmingham
have are
in England.  I   three sisters and four brothers.  We   all in our twenties
or thirties now.  My mum and dad   retired now and they like to relax in the garden
and go on holidays.
are not have
My sisters   all married but they   any children at the moment.  All
of my brothers   single and I think they don't want to get married or have children. 
is am
Yes, it   strange! All the women are married in my family!  I   single at the
moment but want to find the right person one day.... 
is have
My youngest sister's name is Angela and she   22 years old.  She   
brown hair and brown eyes.  She's sometimes shy but always generous.  She's very beautiful
(probably the most beautiful!) and likes swimming in the sea.  My oldest brother is called
is are
John.  He   39 and works a lot.  He   usually very tired after work and
always goes to bed at 9 p.m.! 
'm don't have
I  the youngest of the brothers, and I   a job at the moment.  So I get
've got
up late and I'm never tired! But I  a bike which I use every day to stay fit, and I
visit my friends and family at the weekend.

5. Complete the following sentences by using the correct form

of do (do, don't, does, doesn't).
1. My mother likes chocolate, but she     like biscuits.
2. What            the children wear at your school?
3. Lynn's father watches badminton on TV, but he            watch judo.
4. Where            the Masons buy their fruit?
5.            the cat like to sleep on the sofa?
6. Dogs love bones, but they            love cheese.
7. Where            Sam and Ben hide their CDs?
8. We eat pizza, but we            eat hamburgers.
9.            Mrs Miller read magazines?
10.            the boys play cricket outside?
6. Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

iseat eat
1. She   (be) good at school. 2. Elephants   (eat) grass.
like meet
3. I   (like) fish and chips. 4. She always   (meet) her friends after
w ears are
5. Tom often   (wear) a white shirt and blue jeans. 6. They   (be)
never tired in the morning.
likes goes
7. He   (like) apples and bananas. 8. The children sometimes   (go) to
the playground.
takes has
9. Sandra usually   (take) the bus to school. 10. Derrick always   
(have) lunch at a restaurant.
play catch
11. The boys often   (play) computer games. 12. Our cat hardly ver   
(catch) a mouse.
w alks get
13. Paul   (walk) his dog every day. 14. Our daughter often   (get) up
too late.

7. Write the following times in words. Use AM, PM, in the morning, etc.
(a) 11:00 AM-Its eleven o’clock (b) 09:23AM-Its Twenty three past nine
(c) 06:50 AM- Its ten to seven d) 14:25 PM -Its twenty five past fourteen
(e) 01:30AM-Its half past one (f) 18:54PM-Its six to nineteen
8. Using this second way of telling the time, write the following times in
words. You can also use AM, PM, and in the morning, etc.
(a) 11:12 AM_Its eleven twelve (b) 08:23AM Its eight twenty-three
(c) 06:50AM Its six fifty (d) 14:25 PM Its Fourteen twenty five
(e) 01:30 AM Its one thirty (f) 18:54PM_Its eighteen fifty four
9. Fill in the verbs in brackets in the correct form either Present Continuous.

heve type
1. We   dinner now. (have) 2. He   at the moment. (type)
w aiting geting
3. She   for her boyfriend now. (wait) 4. It   late. We must go home. (get)
5. I cannot ask her now. She  . (pray)
6. He   for President in this election. (not / run)
7. You are wrong. We   any guests. (not / expect)
8. Why aren't you drinking your coffee? It   cold. (get)
rises are you
9. The sun   now. (rise) 10. Who   for? (you / wait)

10. Choose the correct word.

1. The  glass / glasses  is full. 6. The  women /woman  are in the
2. The  pencil / pencils  is short.
7. The  mouse / mice  is in the hole.
3. He is  a child /children .
8. I have  an apple / apples . 
4. The  men / man  is in the park.
9. We are  a fireman /fireman .
5. His  tooth / teeth  are yellow.
10. I see two  box / boxes .

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