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1. What is the purpose of the message?

A. To schedule a checkup
B. To delay a meeting
C. To confirm an appointment
I just wanted to confirm your appointment for your annual physical checkup on Friday, June 27 at 3
D. To request some files
2. What is being advertised?
A. A city tour
B. A spa package
Istanbul Spa. This week, we're offering a full-day service including a full-body massage, aroma
therapy and a facial for just one low price
C. A hotel
D. A hospital
3. According to the announcement, what will be built near Berryville?
A. A university
B. A high school
C. A new hospital wing
D. An airport terminal
The new terminal will join our older, existing facilities.
4. Who is this announcement probably for?
A. Factory employees
This announcement is for all assembly line employees.
B. Office managers
C. Safety supervisors
D. Hotel workers
5. What is the purpose of the message?
A. To make a reservation at a restaurant
B. To ask about a new employee
C. To invite a co-worker for dinner
I just wanted to know if you are free to join us for dinner tonight.
D. To offer a ride home
6. What is the purpose of the message?
A. To make an appointment
I would like to schedule aninterview at our office on Friday, April 29 at 10 o'clock. Please give me a
call and let me know ifthat time is good for you.
B. To offer a position
C. To cancel an interview
D. To confirm receipt of an application
7. What is this message about?
A. A new security policy
B. The business hours
C. An office relocation
This office will be closing at 11:00 A.M. Wednesday morning as we relocate to the 10th floor.
D. A permanent closure
8. Who is the speaker?
A. A new employee
B. The founder
When I founded Winton Property Development 13 years ago, I knew that I alone could not make the
company the success that it is today.
C. The chairman of the board
D. The personnel director


Q.1: What is the purpose of the message?

Good afternoon. I'm calling for Julie Gibbs. This is Donald Carson from Doctor Kim's office. I
just wanted to confirm your appointment for your annual physical checkup on Friday, June 27 at
3 o'clock. The checkup shouldn't last longer than an hour and a half. Since this is your first visit
with Doctor Kim, we'd like you to come to the clinic about 20 minutes early so that we can create
a file for you. If you cannot make the appointment, please contact the office and let us know at
least a day in advance. Thanks.

Q.2: What is being advertised?

Do you need a way to relieve your stress? Whether you're looking for a full-time membership or
just a day of relaxation, Istanbul Spa has something for you! We have several different services
for all your treatment needs. This week, we're offering a full-day service including a full-body
massage, aroma therapy and a facial for just one low price. You can also enjoy our hospitality with
a healthy and refreshing beverage at our tea lounge.

Q.3: According to the announcement, what will be built near Berryville?

I am very pleased to announce that city leaders in Berryville have finally approved a proposal to
enlarge the airport on Hathor Road. We have given the building contract to Heaton Construction.
The new terminal will join our older, existing facilities. Berryville's population has been growing
at a rapid rate over the past 15 years, due to the addition of a local university and the recent
expansion of several businesses.

Q.4: Who is this announcement probably for?

This announcement is for all assembly line employees. Please make sure to check your work
schedule as soon as you arrive in the morning to see where you will be working for the day. You
will need to sign in by putting your signature in the space by your name. After that, please check
the announcement board next to the manager's office for any daily notices. Finally, don't forget to
pick up your protective aprons and glasses from the safety area.

Q.5: What is the purpose of the message?

Hi, Rose. This is Dorothy calling from the personnel department. I just wanted to know if you are
free to join us for dinner tonight. A few of us will be leaving the office around 5:30 and going to
the Thai restaurant. Our new colleague Sophia is coming as well. Anyway, if you'd like to join us,
just meet us downstairs in front of the building at about 5. Sophia and I will be taking my car, and
you are more than welcome to ride with us. Anyway, I hope to see you later. Bye.

Q.7: What is this message about?

Thank you for calling the Tower Place security department. This office will be closing at 11:00
A.M. Wednesday morning as we relocate to the 10th floor. All security officers will be on duty
during this time. The 10th floor office will be open at 9 a.m. Thursday. Please contact the security
officer on duty, Roy Williams, at 555-7251 if you need to speak with security personnel after 11
on Wednesday. Thank you.
Q.6: What is the purpose of the message?
Hello, Mr. Nakamura. This is Eric Parkman, manager of the personnel department for Linderman
Enterprises. We received your resume last week for the accounting position in our shipping
department. I was very impressed with your experience and education. I would like to schedule an
interview at our office on Friday, April 29 at 10 o'clock. Please give me a call and let me know if
that time is good for you. Thank you.

Q. 8: Who is the speaker?

Staff members of Winton Property Development, welcome to the 8th annual Top Achievers Awards
Dinner. When I founded Winton Property Development 13 years ago, I knew that I alone could
not make the company the success that it is today. I knew that it would take people like you to help
me achieve that goal. The reason why I host this dinner every year is to express my deep
appreciation to everyone for working so hard for the continued growth of this company.

1. Who is probably talking on the phone?

A. The receptionist at a hotel
B. The receptionist at a dentist’s
Hello, this is Gloria with Dr. Baum's office. This is a reminder of your dental appointment for
Thursday, May 22, at 1:00 p.m
C. A travel agent
D. A real estate agent
2. Why has the meeting been relocated?
A. Because a building is being renovated
Because the South Tower is undergoing renovations, the design team meeting scheduled for tomorrow
morning has been moved to the North Tower conference room on the 12th floor.
B. Because the North Tower is being painted
C. Because the South Tower is sold
D. Because the North Tower is more spacious
3. What is the main cause of decreased domestic sales?
A. A weak economy
B. Competition
The primary cause of this worrying development is increasing competition in the retail clothing sector.
C. Retail clothing sector
D. Domestic economy
4. What should the listeners do before they skate?
A. Get permission from the safety coordinator
B. Wear the proper safety equipment
Remember, you are notallowed to skate with the club unless you wear an approved safety helmet.
C. Pay a nominal fee
D. Have membership cards
5. What profession does the speaker work in?
A. Sports therapy
B. Sports broadcasting
As a woman and sports announcer, I'm often approached about giving speeches on women in
C. Physical training
D. Sports fashion
6. What is the purpose of Ricardo's visit?
A. To train staff members
B. To oversee a project
C. To learn business methods
Ricardo will be here in the U.S. for three months observing some of the managerial techniques
and procedures we use at this office.

D. To see a client
7. What kind of business would be making this announcement?
A. A gas station
B. A hotel
C. A restaurant
The survey will focus on several different areas, including courtesy and promptness by waiters or
waitresses, cleanliness, and food quality and selection.

D. A store
8. Why has confidence increased?
A. Because of increased investment
B. Because of low inflation
Investor confidence was bolstered by government data indicating inflation rose
C. Because of higher production
D. Because of government data

Q.1 Who is probably talking on the phone?
Hello, this is Gloria with Dr. Baum's office. This is a reminder of your dental appointment for
Thursday, May 22, at 1:00 p.m. Since you have several cavities to fill, please allow yourself at
least three hours for the visit.
Q.2: Why has the meeting been relocated?
Because the South Tower is undergoing renovations, the design team meeting scheduled for
tomorrow morning has been moved to the North Tower conference room on the 12th floor. The
meeting will still be held at 10:00.

Q.3: What is the main cause of decreased domestic sales?

Unfortunately, I must report that domestic sales have dropped by 17 percent over the last two
quarters. Although the sluggish (chậm chạp) domestic economy is a factor, the primary cause of
this worrying development is increasing competition in the retail clothing sector.

Q.4: What should the listeners do before they skate?

This weekend is the first outing of the in-line skating club for this season. Remember, you are not
allowed to skate with the club unless you wear an approved safety helmet. You can ask Rea, the
safety coordinator, if you are unsure about your gear.

Q.5: What profession does the speaker work in?

As a woman and sports announcer, I'm often approached about giving speeches on women in

Q.6: What is the purpose of Ricardo's visit?

Ricardo will be here in the U.S. for three months observing some of the managerial techniques and
procedures we use at this office.

Q.7: What kind of business would be making this announcement?

In order to improve customer service, we will be initiating a customer satisfaction survey. The
survey will focus on several different areas, including courtesy and promptness by waiters or
waitresses, cleanliness, and food quality and selection.

Q.8: Why has confidence increased?

Investor confidence was bolstered by government data indicating inflation rose by barely two
tenths of one percent last quarter, meaning that the National Bank is unlikely to raise interest rates.

1. Why is the woman visiting this office?

A. She wants to be a science major.
B. She wants to learn about politics.
C. She is interested in registering for a course.
D. She is interested in Political Science.
2. Why are there few people in the honors program?
A. It is not considered a prestigious program.
B. The requirements are difficult to meet.
C. No one likes the economics requirement.
D. It is an unpopular program.
3. What subject is NOT included, if the woman chooses Political Science?
A. Political Science 1
B. Political Science 2
C. Writing seminar
D. Economics
4. Which is one of the requirements, if the woman chooses International Relation
A. Students have to maintain over a "B" average in all required courses.
B. Students have to study economics and a second history credit.
C. Students need to be realistic in their expectation.
D. A, B, and C are all correct.
5. What is NOT a reason for the Political Science Department's elaborate
registration process?
A. To make students think carefully about what courses they will take
B. To have a similar system with other majors
C. To make students have a planned program
D. To ensure students have realistic expectations

W: Hi, there. I was looking for information about becoming a political science major.
M: Sure. We have some brochures right here.
W: Thanks, but could I ask you a few questions?
M: No problem. Fire away.
W: Are there many requirements for Political Science?

M: Uh, not really ... Just you must take Political Science 1 and 2, a general history class, and a
writing seminar.
W: I thought you had to take economics, too.

M: Not for the general Political Science program. But there are a couple of specialized
programs that have additional requirements.
W: Oh, really? What are they?

M: Well, there is the International Relations program. It is more interdisciplinary, so it requires

economics and a second history credit; the two history credits have to be in different regions.

There is also the honors Political Science program. To get into that, you need to take the same
economics class as the International Relations program, and a special Political Science seminar.
And you need to maintain over a "B" average in all those required courses.
W: Wow! That sounds difficult.

M: Yeah, not many people are qualified for the honors program. That's why it's considered more
prestigious, I guess.
W: Is that all?

M: No. You also have to complete this form, listing all the Political Science and related credits
you have already taken or plan to take, and get the department chair to sign off on it.
W: Uggh. This is really a lot of work.

M: Yeah, but everyone has to do it. It's not different from any other majors; the department
wants to know that you've thought about your major carefully and thoroughly, and that all the
students are being realistic in their expectations.
1. What happened to the debate club meeting?
A. They painted instead of debating.
B. The club was disbanded. (giải tán)
C. The meeting was moved to another room.
Did you see the poster saying that our debate club meeting tonight had been moved?
D. The meeting was postponed.
2. Why couldn’t the man receive the email?
A. He was too busy with his classes.
B. He was in a meeting.
C. His computer has been out of order.
My computer hasn't been working these few days, so I can't get access to my mailbox.
D. His friend forgot to tell him.
3. What is going to happen with the debate club’s meeting room?
A. It is going to be demolished. (phá hủy)
B. It is going to be sold.
C. It is going to be repainted.
That whole wing of the Student Union building is getting repainted today
D. It is going to be closed.
4. What is true about the debate club's meeting room?
A. It is too small for the group.
We've grown too big for that little room
B. It is called "Turner Auditorium".
C. It will soon be enlarged to accommodate everyone.
D. It is the most run-down room in the student building.
5. What can be inferred about the man?
A. He does not enjoy the debate club.
B. He is not taking many classes.
C. He is a weak debater.
D. He is not ready for his debate yet.
Although, to be honest, I could use another week to preparefor my speech, I've been really busy with
my classes lately.
M: Hey, Clara. Got a minute?

W: Oh, hi, Will. Sure, I've got plenty of time. What's the matter?

M: Did you see the poster saying that our debate club meeting tonight had been moved?

W: Oh yes, you didn't get the email?

M: My computer hasn't been working these few days, so I can't get access to my mailbox.Anyway, why has it
been moved?

W: That whole wing of the Student Union building is getting repainted today, so it's off-limits until the paint
dries, vented properly and the workers clean everything up.

M: It's about time. The club offices in the student building have been looking run-down for quite awhile now. A
new paint-job would do them a world of good.

W: And the rooms are going to be repainted in a lighter color, too. That old paint was too dark and depressing.

M: A lighter color would help everything look bigger, too. Our debate club could use that.

W: Yeah, but we need more than just light paint. We've grown too big for that little room; we really need to
move into a bigger place.

M: Any chance of that happening?

W: Not that I know of. Except for tonight, that is, just for this once, we'll be meeting downstairs in Turner

M: That place is huge, way too big for us.

W: I know, but it was the only place available tonight. And it was either there or else cancel the meeting

M: I guess it's better than canceling. Although, to be honest, I could use another week to preparefor my speech,
I've been really busy with my classes lately.

1. What did the woman do last night?

A. Studied for a final test
B. Worked on her paper
Jessica and I stayed up half the night trying to finish it.
C. Stayed in the computer lab
D. Turned the paper in early
2. What is probably true about the woman?
A. She called Professor Kensington and asked for an extension.
B. She had her friend help to complete her paper.
You had Jessica to help you? At least you had someone to proofread your paper and help you with the
C. She had plenty of time to complete her paper last night.
D. She completed his paper without help from anyone else.
3. What can be inferred about the man?
A. He is too unhappy to express his anger to the woman.
B. He does not feel the extension was necessary at all.
C. He understands the reasoning behind the extension.
I think he did it so that wecould have one more chance to look over our work before turning it in
D. He is planning to hand in the paper today no matter what.
4. What is the extension for the assignment submission?
A. They have 1 more day.
B. They have 2 more days.
Besides, an extension of two days isn't going to change anything drastic in our papers.
C. They have 1 more week.
D. They have 2 more weeks.
5. What is the woman probably going to do next?
A. She is going to revise the paper.
B. She is going to talk with the professor.
C. She is going to submit her paper.
I'm handingit in after the next class.
D. She is going to prepare for the exam.
W: Can you believe Professor Kensington postponed the due date for the term paper this morning?
It's unbelievable!

M: Yeah, it was crazy! I've been spending days and nights in the computer lab writing up that paper. I
only did that because he kept on emphasizing that he won't take any paper that's not in his office by
noon today.

W: I heard that, too. Jessica and I stayed up half the night trying to finish it. I think it was
three o'clock in the morning when we finally had the third draft. I barely had any sleep.

M: You had Jessica to help you? At least you had someone to proofread your paper and help
you with the research. It was a nightmare for me. I didn't even have time to proofread my paper.
W: Well, I'm really upset that Professor Kensington was so inconsiderate. Don't you agree?
M: I guess it was a hasty (vội vàng) change, but... I think he did it for us students.

W: You really didn't get enough sleep, did you? You're not thinking straight. I can't possibly see how I
can understand his hasty decision that way.

M: Well, as much as I'm unhappy with his last-minute decision, I think he did it so that
wecould have one more chance to look over our work before turning it in. Besides, an
extension of two days isn't going to change anything drastic in our papers.
W: I suppose. Still, I would have had more time to study for the calculus exam, which
was today, if I hadn't had to spend so much time and energy on that paper.
M: Oh well, at least he didn't tell us to hand it in earlier.

W: That's right ... anyway, I'm not going to spend another two days on the assignment. I'm handing
it in after the next class.

1. Who is Professor Atkins?

A. A math teacher
B. A physics teacher
C. A chemistry teacher
Professor Atkins, could I get some help with my chemistry lab
D. A laboratory manager
2. What is the acceptable range of difference off the textbook?
A. 4% or 5%
I'd expect your answer to be within... let's see now ... perhaps 4 or 5% off the textbook.
B. 10%
C. Less than 10%
D. 45 %
3. What will the woman most likely do?
A. Redo the experiment in the evenings
I'm going to have to redo it. I only have time during late evenings this weekend.
B. Ask the professor for more time
C. Hand in the experiment as it is
D. Lower her results by 10% from the textbook
4. When is the experiment due day?
A. Tomorrow
B. Next week
C. Tuesday
D. Friday
The lab is due Friday

5. What does the professor advice Julie to do?

A. Spend more time in the lab
B. Clean the tubes before the experiment
Before you start the experiment, wipe the test tubes with alcohol... there might be unwanted
residue inside that mightbe affecting the result.

C. Ask someone to help her

D. Meet him after class hours in the lab
W: Professor Atkins, could I get some help with my chemistry lab?

P: Certainly, Julie. What's the problem? Are you having trouble understanding some of the
W: Oh, no, I understand the experiment…perhaps I only think that I understand it.
P: What do you mean? Do you or don't you?
W: Well, I tried the latest experiment by myself, based on what I understood from your

lectures and lab session ... but I seem to come up with really different results from what the
textbook indicates I should be getting.

P: That certainly is a possibility. Remember, the textbook tends to give you an ideal explanation
of the experiments. But in real life, any number of factors can cause you to get results that might
not be the ideal or preferred outcome.
W: Oh, that's good ... so any result is acceptable?
P: No, of course there is a range for this particular experiment, I'd expect your answer to be within
... let's see now ... perhaps 4 or 5% off the textbook.
W: Really? My answer was nearly 10% off. Wouldn't that be alright?

P: I'm sorry, but that would be a problem. If your answer were that far from the proper
answer, and say that even if you could explain the difference, I would have to lower
your grade significantly.

W: I see. Alright. I guess I'm going to have to redo it. I want to do well in your class and can't
afford to get a bad grade.
P: Very good. But you'll have to hurry, the lab is due Friday, and I won't be giving any extensions.
W: Oh, I was hoping...
P: Yes?

W: Oh, it's nothing. Well, could you please sign a permission slip for me to use the lab after hours?
I only have time during late evenings this weekend.
P: Sure, I'll do that for you right now. Here you go…, and a tip ... before you start the
experiment, wipe the test tubes with alcohol... there might be unwanted residue inside that might
be affecting the result.

1. Vera and Mark are talking about college……

a. housing
b. goals
c. courses
What classes are you going to take this semester?
2. Vera already………..a few computer courses.
a. took
b. signed up for
I’ve already signed up for a computer programming class and a couple of computer design courses.
c. rejected
3. Vera had planned to study architecture, but she ……
a. switched to
Well, I thought about becoming an architect, but I changed my mind. I worked part-time at a computer
company this summer, and I really enjoyed it. So now I want to pursue a degree in technology
b. applied for
c. was accepted
4. Vera is interested in…….
a. enrolling in a dance program
b. taking up dance
I might take something not related to technology at all; for example, a dance class
c. applying to dance school
5. Vera thinks she will take ………dance class
a. a specialized
b. a professional
c. an ordinary
Just a run-of-the mill class.
6. Mark thinks getting into medical school is ……
a. achievable
b. unrealistic
c. Ambitious
Oh, I’m sure you won’t be rejected by them. You’ve done so well in your classes so far.
Mark: You’re probably right. I’m just not sure what’s taking so long. I’m actually on my way to talk to
someone in the admissions office now
7. Vera wishes Mark……… for getting into medical school.
a. Luck
b. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!
c. Money
d. Time
Mark: Hi, Vera. What classes are you going to take this semester?

Vera: Oh, hi, Mark. I’ve already signed up for a computer programming class and a couple of
computer design courses. I just have to decide on two more electives now.
Mark: Computer courses? Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t your background in architecture?

Vera: Well, I thought about becoming an architect, but I changed my mind. I worked part-time at a
computer company this summer, and I really enjoyed it. So now I want to pursue a degree in
Mark: That’s cool. Did you have to apply to the new program or just switch classes?

Vera: Since I was already accepted by the school, I just had to change my major. I completed mostly
general classes last year, which work for either degree. So it was easy to make the change.
Mark: I see. So, what electives are you thinking about taking?
Vera: I might take something not related to technology at all; for example, a dance class.
Mark: Really? How long have you been dancing?

Vera: Oh, I took a class or two when I was younger. I’m not going to fulfill a dream or anything by taking
dance. I just think the exercise will help me with my other classes. And I’d like to try something fun.
Mark: I see. What kind of dance will you take?

Vera: Oh, nothing special. Just a run-of-the mill (ordinary) class. You know, something to get me moving.
What about you? What classes are you taking?
Mark: Oh, I don’t know. I’m still waiting to see if I’ve gotten into medical school.
Vera: Oh, I’m sure you won’t be rejected by them. You’ve done so well in your classes so far.

Mark: You’re probably right. I’m just not sure what’s taking so long. I’m actually on my way to
talk to someone in the admissions office now.
Vera: Well, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!
Mark: Thanks, Vera
1. Nancy and Luke are talking about ……….
a. not keeping promises
b. not telling the truth
It said that everybody tells lies
It was actually saying that it’s sometimes OK to lie
c. not using excuses
2. Luke thinks that people today have less ………… than they did in the past.
a. Morals
People just don’t have standards and values today like they used to in the past.
b. priorities
c. colleagues
3. Luke thinks Nancy should tell the truth about her friend’s haircut so other people don’t …..
a. shift the blame on her
b. make fun of her friend
But what if other people talk about your friend’s haircut and laugh? Wouldn’t it be better to tell your friend
the truth?
c. let things get out of hand
4. Nancy and Luke have different……
a. morals about friendship
b. ethics about work
c. beliefs about honesty
Well, I guess we have different ideas about telling the truth. I vote for complete honesty all the time!
5. Luke won’t change his………. but if his boss asks him about an ugly outfit, he might make an

a. principles about lying

Um, well, I . . . Let’s see. That’s a good question, Nancy. I just might have to tell a little white lie in that case.
But, I still think it’s wrong to lie in most cases.
b. opinion about clothing
c. mind about his peers
Nancy: Hey, Luke. I read this really interesting article yesterday. It said that everybody tells lies.
Luke: Wow. People just don’t have standards and values today like they used to in the past. In fact,
a lot of my coworkers lie to get out of doing work.
Nancy: Well, that might be true, but that’s not what this article was about. It was actually saying that it’s
sometimes OK to lie.
Luke: Really? I don’t know about that, Nancy.
Nancy: Think about it. Sometimes it’s better to tell a small lie instead of hurting someone’s feelings. For
example, the other day my friend asked me what I thought of her new haircut. I didn’t like it, but I
didn’t want to hurt her feelings, so I told her it was nice.
Luke: But what if other people talk about your friend’s haircut and laugh? Wouldn’t it be better to
tell your friend the truth?
Nancy: I see what you mean. But her hair wasn’t that bad. Other people might like it.
Luke: Well, I guess we have different ideas about telling the truth. I vote for complete honesty all the
time! But I understand your point, and I think we both just want to help our friends.
Nancy: Yeah, and I agree with you that you shouldn’t lie at work. But wait! What would you do if your
boss had on a strange outfit and she asked you what you thought about it? Would you be completely
honest and tell her it was unattractive?
Luke: Um, well, I . . . Let’s see. That’s a good question, Nancy. I just might have to tell a little white
lie in that case.
Nancy: See!
Luke: But, I still think it’s wrong to lie in most cases.

1. Chuck and Andrea are……

a. planning a camping trip
b. on a camping trip
Are you having fun on this camping trip?
c. shopping for camping supplies
2. Chuck…….
a. expresses frustration (sự thất vọng)
b. doesn’t encourage Andrea
c. empathizes with Andrea
That must be frustrating. You must’ve hated our hike yesterday. I think I saw about five snakes on
the trail!
3. When Andrea thinks of snakes, ………..
a. she gets sweaty palms
b. she gets palpitations
My heart feels like it’s going to jump right out of my chest just thinking about them
c. her hands shake
4. When Andrea thinks about going on another hike, she gets………
a. sweaty palms
b. cold feet
c. butterflies in her stomach (feeling nervous)
My stomach turns, and I feel sick at the thought of having to go on another hike
5. Andrea wants to be………for her sister
a. Brave
Well, I came on the trip with my sister. She’s quite a bit younger than I am, and my parents wouldn’t
let her do this by herself. I don’t want to disappoint her. She’s having a great time, so I’m trying not
to let her know how freaked out and miserable I am. Plus, I’d be in trouble with my parents if I left
her here by herself
b. Fearful
c. truthful
6. Andrea’s sister is……..
a. Unwilling
b. Encouraging
c. Fearless
Actually, she’s my hero. She’s not afraid of anything
7. In the end, Chuck thinks Andrea should……..
a. face her fears
Honestly, I think you can overcome your fears. I read that you overcome fears by being exposed to
b. go home
c. be honest with her sister
8. Andrea will probably……
a. talk to her sister about her fears
b. go on the next hike
Actually, I didn’t know that. That does make me feel a little better.
c. go home early

Chuck: Are you having fun on this camping trip?
Andrea: To be honest, it’s been really challenging.
Chuck: I know what you mean.
The hikes have been difficult. Andrea: No . . . that’s not what I mean. You see, I’m not much of an outdoors
person. In fact, I kind of hate camping. I’m afraid of animals and insects . . . especially snakes! My heart
feels like it’s going to jump right out of my chest just thinking about them!
Chuck: That must be frustrating. You must’ve hated our hike yesterday. I think I saw about five snakes on
the trail! Andrea: I know. I’ve had it! I just can’t take it anymore. My stomach turns, and I feel sick at the
thought of having to go on another hike. I really want to go home.
Chuck: Why don’t you? This kind of trip isn’t for everyone.
Andrea: Well, I came on the trip with my sister. She’s quite a bit younger than I am, and my parents
wouldn’t let her do this by herself. I don’t want to disappoint her. She’s having a great time, so I’m trying
not to let her know how freaked out and miserable I am. Plus, I’d be in trouble with my parents if I left her
here by herself!
Chuck: That’s really nice of you. It sounds like you’re her hero!
Andrea: Actually, she’s my hero. She’s not afraid of anything. I’d like to be more like that.
Chuck: Well, don’t give up! Honestly, I think you can overcome your fears. I read that you overcome fears
by being exposed to them. I bet the more snakes you see on this trip the less you’ll be afraid of them.
Andrea: Hmm . . . maybe. But I don’t know.
Chuck: Also, it helps to know about the thing you’re afraid of. Did you know that there aren’t any
poisonous snakes in this area?
Andrea: Actually, I didn’t know that. That does make me feel a little better.
Chuck: Good. Hang in there. I think you’ll be a real outdoors person by the end of this trip, and your sister
will never know you were afraid!
Chuck: Are you having fun on this camping trip?
Andrea: To be honest, it’s been really challenging.
Chuck: I know what you mean. The hikes have been difficult.

Andrea: No . . . that’s not what I mean. You see, I’m not much of an outdoors person. In fact, ___(1)____.
I’m afraid of animals and insects . . . especially snakes! My heart feels ___(2)____ just thinking about

Chuck: That must be frustrating. You must’ve hated our hike yesterday. I think I saw about five snakes on
the trail!

Andrea: I know. I’ve had it! I just can’t take it anymore. My___(3)____ , and I feel sick at the thought of
having to go on another hike. I really want to go home.
Chuck: Why don’t you? This kind of trip isn’t for everyone.

Andrea: Well, I came on the trip with my sister. She’s quite a bit younger than I am, and my parents
wouldn’t let her do this by herself. I don’t want to ___(4)____ her. She’s having a great time, so I’m trying
not to let her know ___(5)____ and___(6)____ I am. Plus, I’d be in trouble with my parents if I left her
here by herself!
Chuck: That’s really nice of you. It sounds like you’re her hero!
Andrea: Actually, she’s my hero. ___(7)____. I’d like to be more like that.

Chuck: Well, don’t give up! Honestly, I think you can overcome your fears. I read that you ___(8)____
fears by ___(9)____. I bet the more snakes you see on this trip the less you’ll be afraid of them.
Andrea: Hmm . . . maybe. But I don’t know.

Chuck: Also, it helps to know about the thing you’re afraid of. Did you know that there aren’t
Andrea: Actually, I didn’t know that. That does make me feel a little better.

Chuck: Good. Hang in there. I think you’ll be a real outdoors person by the end of this trip, and your sister
will never know you were afraid!

Chuck: Are you having fun on this camping trip?
Andrea: To be honest, it’s been really challenging.
Chuck: I know what you mean. The hikes have been difficult.

Andrea: No . . . that’s not what I mean. You see, I’m not much of an outdoors person. In fact,___(1)____
I kind of hate camping. I’m afraid of animals and insects . . . especially snakes! My heart feels ___(2)____
like it’s going to jump right out of my chest just thinking about them!

Chuck: That must be frustrating. You must’ve hated our hike yesterday. I think I saw about five snakes on
the trail!

Andrea: I know. I’ve had it! I just can’t take it anymore. My___(3)____ stomach turns, and I feel sick at
the thought of having to go on another hike. I really want to go home.
Chuck: Why don’t you? This kind of trip isn’t for everyone.

Andrea: Well, I came on the trip with my sister. She’s quite a bit younger than I am, and my parents
wouldn’t let her do this by herself. I don’t want to ___(4)____ disappoint her. She’s having a great time,
so I’m trying not to let her know ___(5)____ how freaked out and___(6)____ miserable I am. Plus, I’d be
in trouble with my parents if I left her here by herself!
Chuck: That’s really nice of you. It sounds like you’re her hero!

Andrea: Actually, she’s my hero. ___(7)____ She’s not afraid of anything. I’d like to be more like that.
Chuck: Well, don’t give up! Honestly, I think you can overcome your fears. I read that you ___(8)____
overcome fears ___(9)____ by being exposed to them. I bet the more snakes you see on this trip the less
you’ll be afraid of them.
Andrea: Hmm . . . maybe. But I don’t know.

Chuck: Also, it helps to know about the thing you’re afraid of. Did you know that there aren’t ___(10)____
any poisonous snakes in this area?
Andrea: Actually, I didn’t know that. That does make me feel a little better.

Chuck: Good. Hang in there. I think you’ll be a real outdoors person by the end of this trip, and your sister
will never know you were afraid!
1. Tina and Leo have different jobs, but they take a …….. class together.
a. Spanish
b. English
c. Photography
Class was interesting today, wasn’t it? It’s so great that you’re taking a photography class here
in Quito to improve your Spanish.
2. Tina feels like she ……….when she told a joke in class.
a. made everyone laugh
b. made a fool of herself (tự lừa mình)
No one laughed but you, so I felt really embarrassed
Not at all. You see, the humor of your joke was because of a word you used, and that kind of
humor isn’t typical here.
c. embarrassed Leo
3. Leo thought Tina’s joke was …...unlike the other people in the class.
a. Confusing
b. Offensive
c. Hilarious
Honestly, I thought the joke was really funny
4. Tina made a ……..joke that didn’t get the reaction she had wanted.
a. Verbal (bằng lời nói)
Jokes about politics are really popular. But your joke was funny because of the two meanings
of a word.
b. political
c. practical
5. Leo thinks that Tina’s joke……….
a. was too personal
b. went over their classmates’ heads (Khó hiểu, trôi tụt đi)
I bet most people didn’t even realize you were telling a joke.
c. was ridiculous
6. Leo claims that it takes a long time to ………… in another culture.
a. read jokes
b. tell jokes
c. get jokes
You know, in my opinion, it takes a long time to understand humor in another culture
7. Leo thinks Tina………..
a. will never have a sense of humor in Spanish
b. will get a better feel for humor in Quito
Give yourself time. After I lived in the States for a few months, I was laughing and joking in
English a lot. You could say my sense of humor expanded.
c. takes funny pictures in their photography class
8. Tina insists she has a good sense of humor in……
a. English
It’s hard for me, though, because I’m pretty funny in English! At least my friends back home
always laugh at my jokes.
b. Spanish
c. photography class
Leo: Hey, Tina. Class was interesting today, wasn’t it? It’s so great that you’re taking a photography class
here in Quito to improve your Spanish.

Tina: Yeah, thanks for recommending it, Leo, I’ll only be teaching here for a year, so I want to improve
my Spanish as much as possible. I want my Spanish to be as good as your English!

Leo: Well, don’t forget that I speak English at the bank all day. You don’t need Spanish for your job, so
it’s harder for you. But living here will really help. My English improved quickly when I lived in the
States. Take my word for it—your Spanish is getting better every day.
Tina: Speaking of my Spanish, can I ask you something?
Leo: Of course.
Tina: Well, you know that joke I told today in class—the one about your camera?

Leo: Uh-huh. Tina: You were just laughing to be nice, right? No one laughed but you, so I felt really
embarrassed. Was my Spanish bad, or was the joke bad?
Leo: Neither! Honestly, I thought the joke was really funny!
Tina: Do you think I offended everyone else because it was kind of a dirty joke?

Leo: Not at all. You see, the humor of your joke was because of a word you used, and that kind of humor
isn’t typical here. We’re used to jokes that are more obvious.
Tina: You mean like practical jokes?

Leo: Not necessarily. Jokes about politics are really popular. But your joke was funny because of the two
meanings of a word. I bet most people didn’t even realize you were telling a joke.
Tina: Well, that’s OK I guess, as long as I didn’t offend anyone.

Leo: Don’t worry, you didn’t. You know, in my opinion, it takes a long time to understand humor in
another culture. I can easily use English to tell a Spanish joke I know, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to
be funny to native English speakers.

Tina: Yeah, I guess a joke doesn’t always translate from one language to another. It’s hard for me, though,
because I’m pretty funny in English! At least my friends back home always laugh at my jokes.

Leo: Give yourself time. After I lived in the States for a few months, I was laughing and joking in English
a lot. You could say my sense of humor expanded.

Tina: That’s a good way to put it. I suppose I’m not quite bilingual yet when it comes to humor! Now, if
only I could learn to take better photos—in any language!
Leo: Hah. That’s too much.
Question 1. What is the speaker mainly discussed?
A. A conveyor belt
As most of you know, the new conveyor belt is now installed and up and running.
B. A computer program
C. A storage space
D. A cooling fan
Question 2. Where most likely does this announcement take place?
A. At a ferry terminal
B. At an airport
Attention, passengers flying to Dublin.
C. At a train station
D. At a travel agency
Question 3. What does the speaker imply when she says, “Our business is increasing.”?
A. A marketing campaign has been successful.
B. The local population has grown.
C. An additional branch will be opened.
D. More employees will be hired.
Question 4. According to the speaker, what has been changed?
A. A boarding time
B. A refund policy
C. A departure gate
Your aircraft will now be departing form gate A2, rather than from gate A7.
D. A trip route
Question 5. According to the speaker, what will begin today?
A. Some salary increases
B. Some building repairs
Starting today, we’ll have some workers here fixing the pipes and replacing the flooring. They may need
to turn off the water during the repairs
C. A landscaping improvement
D. A department audit
Question 6. What is provided with a purchase?
A. Beverages
B. Serving utensils
C. Discount coupons
D. Recipes
When you pick up a meal, you’ll also find some recipe cards included in the package.
Question 7. What does the speaker remind the listeners to do?
A. Pick up conference materials
If you haven’t done so already, don’t forget to take a conference packet from the registration desk. It has
all the information you’re going to need.
B. Pay a registration fee
C. Visit a vendor’s booth
D. Make a lunch selection
Question 8. What will the speaker do on Fridays?
A. Meet with clients
B. Make deliveries
C. Summarize feedback
And every Friday afternoon, I’ll write up a summary of the comments left in that box for the
management team to review
D. Inspect facilities

OK everyone, before you head out to the factory floor this morning to start your shifts, I have a brief
announcement. As most of you know, the new conveyor belt is now installed and up and running. This
new conveyor belt is very similar to the older model, except it’s twice as fast as the old one. This means
that our factory can now move double the number of units per hour. Clearly, this is a big improvement
in production speed. However, it could also be a challenge for us to watch out for production errors.
So, you’re all required to watch a short training video this morning before starting work.


Attention, passengers flying to Dublin. Since this flight is fully booked and luggage space will be
limited, you may check extra bags for free. If you’d like to check your luggage to your final destination
at no extra charge, you can speak to an airline representative at the gate check. We’ll begin boarding
soon, so please check your ticket for your seat assignment. Thank for flying with us.


Before you start this evening’s shift, I’d like to make a quick announcement. As you know, we’ve had
a very successful two months since our restaurant opened. But, off course, that means you’ve all been
working some very long days and serving many customers at once. Now, we’d originally planned to
have six waiters on our staff, but our business is increasing. We’ll be working to remedy the situation.
In the meantime, to thank you for your hard work, we’ve arranged to get you all some complementary
tickets to the upcoming music festival. Enjoy the event!


Ladies and gentlemen, may I please have your attention? This is an announcement for passengers of
flight seven-ten to Tokyo. Your aircraft will now be departing form gate A2, rather than from gate A7.
We apologize for the inconvenience of this last-minute change. When we start boarding, please have
your photo identification card out and ready to be checked. Thank you.


Hi everyone, I’m Stephen Anderson, the head of maintenance here at Kelson Pharmaceuticals.
Yesterday evening, a pipe in the lobby broke, causing some flooding and water damage to the floor.
Starting today, we’ll have some workers here fixing the pipes and replacing the flooring. They may
need to turn off the water during the repairs – but only for a few minutes at a time. We have bottled
water on hand for anyone who needs it. The bottles will be available near the water fountains.


Attention all customers. If you’re looking for a quick meal solution, stop by our prepared-food section
for an easy, nutritious take-out dinner. We’re celebrating international week at our grocery store.
Yesterday’s Italian pasta was a big hit, and if you enjoy spicy food, you’ll definitely want to see what
our chefs have prepared for you today. You can try a sample at the counter in aisle nine. The dishes
are available in single, double, and family-size portions, for your convenience. When you pick up a
meal, you’ll also find some recipe cards included in the package.


Welcome to the annual Midwest Landscapers Showcase. This is an opportunity for the region’s
landscaping professionals to network and explore the latest innovations in our industry. If you haven’t
done so already, don’t forget to take a conference packet from the registration desk. It has all the
information you’re going to need. Now, there’s one change to the schedule of today’s events. Our
original ten o’clock speaker had to cancel. Instead Holmdale Systems will be discussing irrigation
technology at then o’clock. Before we get started with the first presentation, I’d like to introduce Rajesh
Patel from our conference organizing committee. He’ll talk about how to become a presenter for next
year’s conference.


Good morning, everyone! As always, there are a lot of shipments to pack up and send out today, so I’ll
try not to take up too much for your time. Before you head out onto the warehouse floor, I’d like to
introduce you to our new system for addressing employee complaints and suggestions. We really value
feedback from our employees, but we’ve had some trouble collecting it. We know, in the past, not
everyone felt comfortable identifying themselves by speaking directly to management. Now, there’s a
box in the staff room. And every Friday afternoon, I’ll write up a summary of the comments left in that
box for the management team to review.
1. What is the main topic in this conversation?
A. How to get a better grade in class
B. How to write a better essay
I want to know how to write a good essay.
C. How to write a paragraph
D. How to organize an essay
2. According to Professor Smith what is important for essay writing?
A. Many good ideas
B. Strong introduction
C. Summary
D. Organization
A good essay needs organization. Let’s go over the format for an essay.
3. How many parts are there in an essay?
A. Two
B. Three
There are the three parts to an essay
C. Four
D. Five
4. What are the functions of the body paragraphs?
A. To summarize the main ideas
B. To provide examples and ideas
C. To provide evidences and details
Next, there are the body paragraphs. They provide evidence or details for your main idea.
D. To give main ideas for an essay

M: Hi, Professor Smith. Do you have a few minutes?
W: Sure. How can I help?
M: I want to know how to write a good essay.
W: I see. What exactly is the problem?
M: Well, I’m not sure. I mean I take many notes, and I understand the lessons. It’s just that my
essays aren’t very good.
W: Ah, yes. A good essay needs organization. Let’s go over the format for an essay.
M: That’d be great.
W: So there are the three parts to an essay. First, there’s the introduction. You need a strong
introduction. This gives the main idea for your whole essay. OK?
M: That makes sense.
W: Next, there are the body paragraphs. They provide evidence or details for your main idea.
M: OK. [Slowly] I think I should write this down.
W: Yes, that is a good idea.
M: OK. [Quickly] Can you tell me about body paragraphs again?
W: Sure. The body paragraphs provide evidence or details.
M: Ahhh right.
W: And then there’s your conclusion. The conclusion is just a summary of your main idea.
M: Wow! I’ve never thought of it that way.
W: Yes, it can make a big difference. Good organization is important for essay writing.
1 According to Anita, some teenagers think that karting...........
A. is a water sport for kids

B. does not require real driving skills.

I mean, some teenagers think it’s like a theme-park ride, you know, just playing at driving, but that’s
rubbish, because you’re actually driving for real.
C. is not as exciting as theme-park rides.

D. should use larger cars.

2 What does Anita say about the lesson at the racetrack?
A. She found it rather boring.

B. She thought it went on too long.

C. She was pleased with what she learnt.

Actually it was all really useful, especially the bits about safety
D. She didn’t get any information about safety.
3 What happened on Anita’s first drive?
A. She had an accident.

B. She couldn’t use the brakes.

C. She managed all the exercises.

We all had exercises to do, like driving round a track showing we could use the brakes and steer to the
left and right and stuff, and did fine.
D. She didn’t do as well as her brother
4 In her first race, Anita was disappointed because...............
A. less skillful drivers beat her.

B. the other drivers weren’t very good.

I was fine with that, but the girls in my group were dead nervous, and kept asking questions that help
you the start. I mean I did win, but one girl didn’t even finish and the other went really slowly, so it
was much of a race.
C. she wasn’t allowed to compete against boys

D. she made mistakes.

Int: Hi. This week I’m talking to Anita Dixon who takes part in the motor-sport called karting. Anita,
what is karting exactly?
Anita: Karting’s a motor-sport for kids where you drive a racetrack. The karts are like tiny formula-one
racing cars. I mean, some teenagers think it’s like a theme-park ride, you know, just playing at driving,
but that’s rubbish, because you’re actually driving for real.
Int: So, tell us about your first time.
Anita: Well, I was thirteen and my brother Toby was eleven. We went to a special track where they
teach you to race properly, so we started off with a classroom lesson. Toby was a bit bored by that, but
actually it was all really useful, especially the bits about safety. It only lasted an hour or so.
Int: so, how did you feel when you got in the kart?
Anita: like a real professional, putting on the driving-suit, gloves and helmet – that was brilliant. And
there’s lots of noise, even though the karts only have small 200cc engines, which came as a bit of a
shock. Then when you start it feels really fast because you are so close to the ground. Just like we’d been
told it would.
Int: So, what happen on that first drive?
Anita: Well, it wasn’t a race against other people. We all had exercises to do, like driving round a track
showing we could use the brakes and steer to the left and right and stuff, and did fine. I felt sorry for
Toby because he drove into a pile of old tires, but he only laughed afterwards. Typical! Like most of the
boys he just tried too hard!
Int: Did you get actually race?
Anita: Sure. Once you’ve shown that you can do all the exercises, you are divided into groups, and you
race round the whole 350-metre track. I was fine with that, but the girls in my group were dead nervous,
and kept asking questions that help you the start. I mean I did win, but one girl didn’t even finish and the
other went really slowly, so it was much of a race.
Int: So, can anyone go carting?
Anita: I’d say it’s good for kids who are okay with following instructions, because you can’t afford to
make mistakes. You learn skills which will help you when you grow up, but don’t go if you are easily
frightened – oh and it’s just as much for girls as for boys.
Int: Sure! Anita, thanks.
1. Which generation is the speaker from?
A. Generation X (1965 -1979)
B. Veterans (kỳ cựu)
C. Baby Boomers (thế hệ bùng nổ trẻ sơ sinh) (1946-1964)
D. Millennials (1980 – 1994)
Z generation (1995 – 2012)
Alpha generation (2013-2025)
Ok, so I’m a Millennial – I was born in 1990
2. What does Generation X believe communication is important for?
A. Building relationships and developing ideas
Generation X, on the other hand, uses communication to build relationships and develop ideas
B. Express their ideas and opinions
C. Saying what they want to do
D. Writing how they feel
3. Which two generations don't want to talk about their personal goals?
A. Millennials and Baby Boomers
B. Generation X and Veterans
C. Veterans and Baby Boomers
Both Veterans and Baby Boomers take time to talk things over that matter to their job or family, but
are not that interested in chatting about personal goals and development
D. Generation X and Baby Boomers
4. What do Millennials expect other people to tell them?
A. How they’re doing
One really big difference between us Millennials and the other three generations is that we expect
people to tell us – gently – how we’re doing
B. What they feel
C. Why they don't like something
D. How they want to live
5. What can younger generations offer to older generations?
A. Teach them how to write informal emails
B. Give older people some life experiences
C. Teach them about life in the modern world
and in turn you might be able to teach them about life in the modern world
D. Help older people figure out the differences across generations

Four generations – and they all prefer communicating in different ways. There are sure to be
misunderstanding and other problems, right? Well, there don't have to be.
Ok, so I’m a Millennial – I was born in 1990 – and so being able to connect with people is really important
to me. I’m constantly trying to learn, grow and change. And, for me, fast on-screen communications is the
best way to do this. I love the way that the internet puts you in touch with all kinds of people you wouldn’t
meet in everyday life.
Generation X, on the other hand, uses communication to build relationships and develop ideas. This sounds
pretty good, but they express their feelings and opinions directly, and aren’t afraid to say or write how they
feel. My boss is Generation X, and she definitely has an opinion on everything!
And, of course, at home I spend time with Baby Boomers and Veterans. My dad is a typical Baby Boomer.
They have a lot in common with Generation X – they can be quite direct about what they think. I don't
always agree with his opinions, but I do appreciate his honesty – usually! And Baby Boomers definitely
prefer face-to-face communication. My dad’s really not very good with emails, social networking or
anything like that.
My grandparents are in the generation called Veterans. For them, communication is something that keeps
people together and traditions alive. Both Veterans and Baby Boomers take time to talk things over that
matter to their job or family, but are not that interested in chatting about personal goals and development.
Understanding these different communication styles is really important for improving our relationships,
both at work and at home.
So, for example, one really big difference between us Millennials and the other three generations is that we
expect people to tell us – gently – how we’re doing. So, I used to get a bit annoyed with my boss for not
giving me enough feedback about how things are going at work. But then I realized that other generations
don't necessarily notice this difference, so I learnt not to be upset if older people didn't praise me all the
time, and I also learnt to ask for help if I needed it.
Similarly, some of us Millennials find it difficult when people criticize us or disagree with us. Generation
X and Baby Boomers will tell you clearly if they don't like something. Don't take it personally – although
that’s often easier said than done!
On a practical level, it can help to use different communication styles with different generations. Pick up
the phone, write emails, and make time for face-to-face conversation. When you do, pay attention to your
writing style. You might think an informal style is friendly, but to an older person it can seem rude. Finally,
understand that communication differences across generations do exist. So talk about them – with people
of all ages. This can open the door to other conversations. You can learn a lot by hearing older people’s
experiences, and in turn you might be able to teach them about life in the modern world.

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