2 Public Service Values - Self Assessment

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Public Service Values


Manifesting love of country and willingness to sacrifice for one’s
country and fellow countrymen

Behavioral Descriptors Actual Behavior Rating

1. Doing the extra mile despite adversities

2. Takes pride in being a Filipino

3. Observes all laws of the country

4. Carries out and supports government


5. Patronizes Filipino products and services

6. Willing to sacrifice for the good of the

country and fellow Filipinos

Additional Descriptors for Leaders: Actual Behavior Rating

1. Taking the lead in supporting government

2. Inspires others to take pride in being a


3. Ensures that flag ceremonies are regularly

and properly conducted

4. Sees to it that everybody observe all laws

of the country

Rating Scale: 1- Almost Never; 2- Sometimes; 3- Usually; 4- Almost Always

Consistently adhering to strong moral and ethical principles, whether alone or in public

Behavioral Descriptors Actual Behavior Rating

1. Greater prudence in use of resources

2. Productive use of time by focusing on


3. Acts and behaves consistently whether

alone or in public

4. Does not promote or tolerate falsehood at


5. Does not accept or ask for bribe

6. Does not partake in any anomaly

7. Reports irregularities encountered to

proper authorities

Additional Descriptors for Leaders: Actual Behavior Rating

1. Walks the talk

2. Sees to it that time and resources are not


3. Sees to it that violations or wrong-doings

are properly sanctioned

Rating Scale: 1- Almost Never; 2- Sometimes; 3- Usually; 4- Almost Always

Discharges one’s duty with the highest degree of professionalism and superior work standard

Behavioral Descriptors Actual Behavior Rating

1. Transitioning to the New Normal Attending online seminars, programs,
and schooling during the pandemic

2. Collaborating with others and working as Ensuring that there is unity and
one communication between the group

3. Determines and satisfies client needs and Provide a suggestion box and take
expectations note of the clients’ feedbacks or
4. Ensures quality work and services Be consistent in giving the highest
quality output

5. Does not make clients wait Promptly attending to the needs and/or
requests of clients

6. Finds fulfillment in delighting the Set goals and realistic expectations but
customer nonetheless proving quality work and
assistance to clients
7. Pursues continuing education and Seize every opportunity for higher
capability building education or schooling

8. Practices continual performance Strive to learn and improve my skills

improvements by attending seminars and programs

Additional Descriptors for Leaders: Actual Behavior Rating

1. Identifies and adopts global best practices Implement techniques or practices that
may improve the

2. Enables staff to exceed targets Set high and realistic standards in the
quality of work we do

3. Undertakes third-party audits Prepare financial documents and other

information that the auditor may
request or need
Rating Scale: 1- Almost Never; 2- Sometimes; 3- Usually; 4- Almost Always
Manifesting belief, love and faith for a higher Being

Behavioral Descriptors Actual Behavior Rating

1. Believes in an Almighty God, who is the
source of all creations

2. Seeking God’s guidance and protection

3. Promoting total wellness in the workplace

4. Give thanks for all blessings

5. Seeks forgiveness and forgives others

6. Cares for and values others

7. Obeys God’s commandments

Additional Descriptors for Leaders: Actual Behavior Rating

1. Respects different beliefs and religious

2. Puts the interest of others first before self

3. Takes the lead in praying and

worshipping God

Rating Scale: 1- Almost Never; 2- Sometimes; 3- Usually; 4- Almost Always

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