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Diaz, Rynelyn A.


PRE-TEST: Support your own views basing on the questions provided in 2 or 3 substantial sentences.
You may write your answers in your literature notebook or send it via email or messenger, Create your
class account name should you choose the online system where all your answers are intact under one
social account.

1. Give your standpoint on the relationship of literature and History.

My standpoint on the relationship between of the literature and history is that, history and
literature have been intertwined since the very beginning. History intends to record
events as a accurately as possible, while literature interprets historical or everyday events
in an imaginative way.

2. Give your insights on this Anaphora. (figure of speech) “Life illumines literature just as
literature illumines life”.

3. What literary output/genre in your younger years had left a big imprint in your mind and
heart? Justify your answer.

Since from my younger years and had a big imprint in my mind and heart, it is the fables and
short story (one of the prose genre literary) because I love to read and listen to the story since I was a
child and also the folksongs and psalms (one of the lyric poetry) I love to listen the music of folksongs
and singing the praise and worship in the Lord. However, I am doing this until now as a teenager.

4. Give your comment on why Literature as a subject can not be extracted from different
discipline across curricular programs.

5. Provide concrete examples associated with the following:

Literary Genre Poetry

Prose Literary terms

Literary masterpiece


Activity 1: Let’s LEARN: Read the following concepts related to the nature and essence of literature.

Answer: Literature can be defined as an expression of human feelings, thoughts, and

ideas whose medium is language, oral and written. Literature is not only about human
ideas, thoughts, and feelings but also about experience of the authors.
Activity 2: Let’s Find Out: Make a synthesis paraphrasing the mentioned concepts above by
citing the differences and similarities of Literature and History Using a Venn Diagram.

A Similar

Different Literature and History are closely B

related in discovering the history
Refers to the Different
of a race, feelings, aspirations,
costums, and traditions of a Refers to the
study of written
people are surely to be included
work and these feelings, aspirations, study of past
customs, and traditions that are
written is literature
Activity 3: Let’s Conceptualize: Using a Concept Map, provide your own
views/perceptions on the value of Literature as a subject/course.

The body of written works of a Imaginative or creative writing,

language, period, or culture. especially of recognized artistic

The body of all

The art or occupation of written works.
Views / Perception
literatary writer. on the value of
Literature as a
subject / course.

The collective creative writing Literature is defined as books

of a nation, people, group or and other written works
culture. especially those considered to
have creature or artistic merit
or lasting value.
Activity 4: Let’s Find-out: Choose one quotation. What is being implied by the quotation you have

Answer: I've chosen one quotation that being implied is "Without literature, life is hell" by Charles
Bukowski. So without literature means there would be no humanity or its equivalent. According to
Charles Bukowski, "Without literature, life is hell". In this qoute, Bukowski described life without
literature is a life not worth living in. Which is very true since literature open your eyes to the goodness
of men.

Activity 5: Let’s Create / Write: Choose a genre that you are familiar with and write your own output
or write what you have read making it a product worthy of appreciation.

Answer: I choose a genre that familiar with me is farce. Because it makes funny and it makes use of
highly exaggerated and funny situations aimed at entertainment to the audience
example in the movie of Babalo and any movies comedy. A farce is not a farce without
comedy. It can give motives undignified and absurd laugh for the people.

Activity 6: Let’s Figure Out: Determine whether each statement below is literal or figurative. Write L
if the statement is literal (i.e. there is no other meaning). Write F if the statement is
figurative (i.e. there is an underlying meaning).

L 1. Berto was tasked by Delia to kill Berto‘s adopted dog.

L 2. Centipedes often scare people because of how they look.

L 3. Delia‘s resentment toward Eddie could be traced back to their mother‘s death.

F 4. Eddie saw his sister as a thorn on his side – something which should be plucked.

F 5. Eddie‘s feelings toward his sister could be compared to that of an overheated kettle.

L 6. Eddie‘s sister was stunned when she saw the centipede.

L 7. Even as a young boy, Eddie already had the instincts of a hunter.

F 8. For most of the story, Eddie and Delia were like oil and water.

F 9. Once, Eddie thought that Delia was extending the olive branch to him.

F 10. Their father often told Eddie and Delia to keep the peace.
Activity 7: Let’s Do It. Please follow the instruction given below.

Can you insert the words from the word blank to make the tree come alive by making sentences that
use personification? You can only use a word once.

1. The tree shrieked and screeched like a witch as the wind danced through it's branches.

2. The tree gazed at me through the black eyes of its trunk.

3. The tree snarled at me through its dark jagged mouth.

4. The tree whispered its secrets as its leaves rustled in the cold wind.

5. The insides of the tree growled at me like it contained the source of all evil inside its stomach.

6. The tree snatched and pinched my arm with its long brittle fingers as I ran with all my strength
through the fearless forest.

Read the words in the box again and underline those that you don't recognize. Then use a thesaurus or
dictionary to write your own mini definitions below:

Word My own definition

1. wailed cry loudly

2. smirked smile broadly

3. clenched grasp

4. snickered laugh at mockingly

5. scrutinized examine closely

Activity 8: Do it Your Own.

Make 10 examples ( your own version) of the different types of figure of speech.

Figure of SPeech Example (own version)

Alliteration A peck of pickled peppers.

Hyperbole I could eat a horse.

Metaphor He made an ass of himself.

Onomatopoeia Buzz, Meow.

Oxymoron Deafening silence.

Personification The car engine coughed and spluttered.

Pun A door is not a door it is ajar!

Simile As happy as the day is long.

Apostrophe Milton! You should not be living at this hour.

Irony Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the war room.

Activity 9: Let’s Classify.

From the list of Literary Terms and Elements, classify them according to the genre it belongs
and make a conclusion about it. Make a column to put it in place your answer.
sonnet Dramatic Poetry stanza Poetry

anecdote Prose line Poetry

epic Narrative Poetry protagonist Dramatic Poetry

fable Prose autobiography Prose

tragedy Dramatic Poetry character Dramatic Poetry

couplet Dramatic Poetry elegy Lyric Poetry

drama Dramatic Poetry theme Lyric Poetry

plot Prose tone Poetry

Conclusion: In this lesson, students build on the understandings developed in module 1 and
also students may learn the different devices/elements and techniques to give illumination to
the readers and will capture their attention and be interested to read more and more of the
literary works of prominent writers using varied media may it be in vernacular, Filipino or

Supply in the table below essential responses to assess your acquired learnings about the
lessons presented.

Literature is inter- Literature is Knowing Literary Figure of speech

related to history in relevant because . . . Genres is a must . . . and literary
that…. .. . elements are useful
in that . . . .

discovering the it helps us to connect specific type of enhance the writer's

history of a race, the ourselves to the literature to work ability for description
feelings, aspirations, cultural contexts of within. They allow and expression so that
customs and which we are a part. writers to specialize in readers have a better
one genre or to dabble understanding of what
traditions of a people It helps us to develop
in others. Students in is being conveye and
are sure to be mature sensibility
creative writing may literary elements are
included and these and compassion for
focus in a variety of useful in that, aid in
feelings, aspirations, the condition of all genres from poetry to the discussion of and
customs and living things, human, prose to nonfiction to understanding of a
traditions that are animal and playwriting. work of literature as
written is literature. plants/vegetation. basic categories of
History can also be Literature is one of critical analysis
written and this too, the things that shape
is literature. Also our lives, it makes us
about experiences of human.
the authors.

Based from the knowledge acquired on the topic presented, answer the following
questions. Write them in your Literature notebook. ( Rubrics is in Appendices, page ___ ).

1. Explain the value of studying literature not only in the K-12 Curriculum moreso, in the
Tertiary schools?

2. Create your own slogan and poster showing the current scenario of the Philippines in this
COVID 19 Pandemic time as your literary output.

3. Create your own story, essay, poem or song depicting the Philippines as of today as your
output in the current time.

Oh beloved Philippines, where ecological wealth abounds!

So rich in fisheries, agriculture, forests and mines,

Where beauties do not end at the shorelines,

But in the Filipinos’ courageous hearts and minds.

There, in the land of the brave and the free,

Amidst nature bounties lies hunger and poverty;

Why a few with so much to enjoy?

Yet the many with too little or nothing at all!

Each shapes the country we hold dear,

Behooving upon us to shed-off apathy and fear.

Now listen to the cries of the multitude,

Hear what they agonize in their solitude:

“Oh, give me food, be it burnt or stale,

It kills the fire in my stomach,

In exchange, take whatever you like,

I could surrender my freedom or life for food,

With little food, I can start the day before sunrise.

I can shake out the knotted hair of the stormy sea.

Love, sadness, thought, I set at nothing.

I will give all for food.”

Empowerment of the poor & the oppressed the solution,

Let us dismantle structures of social exclusion for the Balik Probinsya,,

Put the people in the mainstream of progress na may Bagong Pag-asa,

Let us wage coop revolution for social justice & peace.

SHALOM, let us embrace one another in the spirit of oneness,

A million coop voices to illuminate darkness,

For we are all waves of one sea and leaves of one tree,

We now must unite, otherwise we all fall in demise.

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