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Notes Unit I

G) what io Hauket ?
buuyoo and Sellero
CAna) mauket io place
a when
on thano achonr
an meet to acihbake the erchang
Sewiceo oa conoiderahon.

Shouing Simiks meedo osahsy

Money tospend

3 The uillingness to Spend u

Aaisu Nedal

en Narket
0H Cincehangd
Buyexo mor g0odo and Sellexo
Moukehinq 9nuolueo

DAscentauninq Cheneic Needo-A

Apnoducern Shoudd alwaus
pLoduceapxoduc alter knowin tha meedo o tha
ConDmen his nould nequine neseanch oj daa
and t h e b anauzahion.

Deueloping apoducE to Juliu those meedo Aphoducen

shoulddeuelope a
pxoduct accondioq to the meedo
al the Cuptomon uhich uould puovide the bedE
Sahislachion o h L Conumin
3)Developing Stnaktqreo toauppo.nt those phoducE
Sewiceo beinq ohened- Ate dhe sewice uo beng
olexed on the poduc benq launched a companu
should develop Staateqieo o 8uppant the poduc
OaJona un

Concep PhilosophièeD Quienabon Haukebing

Bnoduchion Poduct
Concept ConcepE

Martkehina DiHeentE Selling

Concep Hankebinq Management| LConcept
Sociekal Mankebing
Boduct Concept hin concept statcothak conDALmen
will buy hepHoducb Jushich uio best un
nhaoConcept the
JocuD o the managemenEdhould be
to make
Supeuan MDduc and to umpoU
them peiodicall

FaH eg-Honda
Git Tha Can uwao Juuot Soldun Jndia
Jn the qeat 1996 and Hill date uio Do o the
Jangeot selun9 Sedan 9ndia , becaune Honda
Compan had
Companu4 had deueuened a
qualuby poduct and moneau
kept umpnovinq i d u s uth the meedo of th

a Buoduchion Concept-hip puoduchton ouenked máukebine

Conceptwao buult on Cuood uwine meedo no puoh ha
h e pHoduct io Heally qood and the puceo Heaoo nable,
hen he jo no need o spectak
maucehing fons
he aosumpbion thio concep are
Rutced dow

adwidely Duobni buted

Tha ocuo o he magament Should be the manD pnoduchion
odhe goodo and Eockenbi ve dustnibubion.Fogq- Pade-g
~a huut the quanb hao been deche.ased
io Shill Sold. a
hio concept holdo an tuo Sutuahon

Jwhen demand eocceedo t

Suppy cnd Con.auner
waab the unduat and not b June poinks.
a Juhen the PHOduct cost D high and-has to be brough
down by Snneaoung pnoducho

3 Makehing Concept t stakeo thaE a conauma

Jould buy the puoduct hat wauld complelelu4
Jull haur meed And the poduce-oohould
malkeAue tha they no andundexotand the
Conaume and hio meeds and then pHoduce the
oodoto SaHislu those meedo

Haukeing Concept
Ascerlaunung Deuelopang Deuisinq Stxaegteo
Grerauc aeedó o and ojeung to Suppant the
he madkek poduck o Sewrce puoduck an
to JuliL those Seuur cebeLng

Sales Concept Tho concept State that the conaume

JtlL esist Ho bu but they haue to be coapced
tob the commaditAnd the Sale managemenE
ShouldJocuo to undenkake sellunq echniqpec
uhchake agnesiue Sellung cund pxomoion
Faxfq- The SaleD pexoan c Aqaquardawayo visit
duungthe alnoon to inkexacE uwith the heuoeu
becauae tuo easy ox them toconutnce them
and Conbnouo putouabonuo done

SociebaQ Haukeing concep Thio phulosophy ca Jo

mot nl aon.bume sabslachon
buta Cuoamar
wellar Socicul uela Such Socal uella
Specikoo poluuhon-uee enubxonment and qualuk
Socicadl o Humano

Fa Sa- Nihax shanti Amla conbnuibuleo l oall poceedo

xom tho sale o childnen edueabon by the nihiahue
tChote Kadam Bagah ki u uth the aosociahon
oCRY India
Naluxe ond Scope o Haukehng

Reseanch Haxketing Reseanch

aBoduct Planning and deuelopemen

Hakehng Reseach- IEib helpluln anay zinq tha Cuotom.aro
behauiaurt populauty o peoduc jectiueness og
aduexhisinq pucunq polic ebc tuo helplul Jat makanq
caxecE and -imalu dec'siono

aBeoduc Planning and DevelopementJndax moden

maxkehina achuieopoduc plannung un detrmned be ane
ho Stax oacual pxoducho n.he dekamuned
ontha baois unonmahon gathened xth thaheap o
mcket ueseanch

a Buyunq ond Asem.bling

iy Balling
BaLang CCucle of Ecchange Buge and Seuor mee
togetharat n place called maxkebo Sahis each
Gthaxo meeds.

L2AssemblingJteeo to the cD Combinabon o dajexen

ponts oa poduc
Fox eq- Compulexo and Caxo.
ui Seling- 9tp a souin achu ikE
Tmovemant go0do and sewiceo n thio he Cuotoma
JuLJuesrst to wchaot buuE it he hao to be
CoaDtedto bu and og9nesslivc sellung echuquao
Should be uotd

Fog- Pauaguand an d Snoaunance policiep

3 Phaysi cal Tieatment
a Stand an dizahton: n ttuo the producen should pHoducL
Qcodushcchhao good Sbandandand tha

sahsieo hameedo othe conDum@

Faneg- Dsha Harhin 9nduotnieo io Ceniied by TGH CTotal

Caliy Hanaacmant) and TPH CTotal Broduchivik4
b Brandnq A Bxand ioa name, Sumbol on a sepenae
ideniu bich dujeenbiake a
pxoductJom as
For Ea Mexcedeo
Crald Standond

Bnand Name Symbo- Sepenar denbl

PacKagingThe Packagunq and labelp can buocd
by maskekeno toencouhage potenbial buyaa to
pLHchane the poduct 9t iD aloouoed o conuuicnar
Ond unanmabio.n thanp.ussion

FD @g lekna Packagunq untnoduced by REAL Juices.

and bHanopantaionJwrth anSncnean
d Stoarage
E-vendan to
un dhaanuneand G-Shoppanq the
mpnove tha Shuppin q and deltiyeutime has stantd
Ho Chec-e uDaHe houpe Do aD to anlen the delivey to
the Cuotomen

Fonea- Amazon and Elipkant setngupuvaschouneo

io tiera aiiep/aDwell oumpoe deliveaj
4 FunchoAD o Fadilitaking-
a Adueuhisinq JE xeleo to t h pomotian ofa poduct
a u t h SounceD oaduehseman- i
uth th help o
i Eiectaonic Media
iy Punt Hedia
i ) docal Hediq
b Buanq- The puang ofa pxoductE Should
dono Keepunq J n mind tha tange audtenc on
FaHeg-laka hao 5 diljenent qalty oj dependurg
on th CtADome
Tota Tec Agni Fo douwenem goup
TataTea BueniumFox FOdae 9ncome gaup
Tea Cnald
Tata Tea Fan H'ddle 3ncome guoup

9 inanaingtio the pocess o pouIdng undo

Jo buanessacbivubieo maung punchaneo oxunuestrs
The uoe dun ancunqio uitalnanu econamic
SystemaD it auldousto pnchane poducto Cuu et
t h e mme dial-e ueach.

9nsaunance- tas a contnaE,uepmesenked bya

poltayJnuuhtch an undiu idual GL enbtyueceu
unancicu puotechon Hembutoement agaunot bsseo
oman 3nsaunanceCompeung

e Salesman ship 9t o the abiliky o pexauade peaple

Ho buL goodo 0
Ao Sexwrce a a puelu- to the
Seulenand beneli to the buyen

uotomen Valuuo

9E uthe abion belween uhaE CuLotomer ugants and

l h a he qweo Pecetue.d tangib le and unkanqibe
ben elut e d yby dhe po duabrO Seuites and
ilo coSt fo the Cuotome

DesiMed Sewiceo Broduat

Lodua and Seswiceo Oerted

Companueo should ty to munimuoe the gap bekween

he SeHutcesdeslned andhe seuicep ojeed
mancimLum Scatislachon
bu thCompanu to Guetham

Fona- Colgale hao minimoed the gap to a meedD
eockent Bylaunchungaoodo d&nd a au the

Ccstomex Yalue Tuiad (OSP)

CBoducE, Feakuue, Ingnedient Sewrce Component)

u ce Sexwr'ce
Cow, CompetiHve CetexSaleo Embed-d
ebna o n t s
the poducE should be
1Boduct he Guaut of to t h
good xovide tha maocimum Saisacnon
leatuxeThe pHoducE should haue a specaleakun
aa UsP to attaact theCuoto mexo o wardo it

Foaeq Bajantn.oduced electnic Stantn tuo whcelkexa

9ndnedien he nqedients utuch axe used
dn n
hh goodo muuot be kaou Espcicullyun cane
Sewicc Compon.enk Some puoduck au accompanued

Fon eq HCL and Bnauia Amitdecp Ccaua)

Pni Ced daa t "Ha praduet shauld ba puced low

Fon tg Colggae io Pande- 2

Comgckaiut hauid he eguialed bM Hegulaka

austau Ghid e conpd ahve
1>Boduc The Cuauk ol the poduct shouuld tob
mmaocimum Sahislacaon th
good xauide th
FeatuxeThe puoduct should have a speaal Jeakuna
aa USP to attaact the Cuotomexo o wardo it.

F o e q - Baja nbroduced electnic Stantn tuo wheeu

39ndnedient The unquedients uhch axe o e d

an h goodo muot be knou Espciauy an cane
o Phauma9oduotueo

Seuice ComponenE= Some puoduck a e accompanued

Dy Seice
Fox eq-: HCL and Bxauia Amitdeep Ccax4).
Pui Ced da The poduct should be puced louw
Fa eg-; Colgae io Paxle-9 2
a Competahve Should be Hegulated by kegulabasu
authau should be competahve.
Change n taoteand preuenceo
ConDumex BehauiouH behauour dusplayed
theConDumaDtup the
o the puocees opunchaoing
bu theConDumAt un
a aLoduck on sewrce that
JLDuna Ond evaluuabon
uu Sabisly theur meedo
thay éoccep
Consumey Decision Buocess

Need Recaqnitian Stio buggened by 4nkounal and
tockenal Shimulii:e Jauce and the need muot
-Jeachan unkenoik high en.ough to become a
ra Eq- We can
Satisy ouux meed bu Oimple Jood bu
omeane eloe eaksa pizzaueeelt lux hau
that aawell

9nlaHmahion Reseauch-: tio both

unkexnal and
ocknal InkEHnal beaneh meann to HecaulHom
the memay
ockeunalL Seanch unwolue Pexoonal,
CommaHeial, publuic eocpeumental , SouHceD
umomahioo Jwatd-o mouth Saunces a
most un|luentia.
3 Eualuahon o AUleunatueKe pAocees
Jntaumahon to make a deaision. then oualuaiog
attube and umpotant ueignts a
chosen Henahueo companed
agaunal- tha

4 Buchane Decision ttitudeo oothexo and unescpede

situational acks Hay Come bekween
inten hon and decisipn

5 ost-Burchan e Decision- Guauy and Seicegop and

Coanihive dinsonance ond (nomer Sasta.chon
bKako CCu komn Aoyalky

Tpeo Buye Behautoun Conaun.a deasion

maana asueo uth the ype b n q decasian
Ci-e uhat tha buy The Biagam beushaus
kupen o buyex behaufour based.on the deqnee
obuuyert unuoucment

High 3aualuement hoo Snuenkmenb

Sigalicant Compleoc buye Vaxiek Seelanq buuy

DuleenceobehauiouApLoblem behauiouu

balueen Soluing Eg-Diexent bxands g

Buando Eg- FinanciclBuoductChocolaue, Spencer and.
Such an SharuoSIP Vshal meaa mas-LChauno s
ganzedx e t a e o

Bleenceo Dissonance ueducung Habitc Buue
Bebaueenbuye behauioun BehauiQu
Baxando Eq- Fwunituna, CaxpekEg Conuience 3kem
Eecbuical oppuance SaltTea, Bun jax

Habitua Conaumex Buyer Behaviou undr this

Dehauiau Jo connumer unuolucmene and no
8igniicant buand dtjexencen CFexu Grand Djexcnea
Fro eg- Conuience Hem Salk, BuLDdaxe
Ceee etc ao ConDumer dont achuely Seelk
aum.ahion to evaluae bHand

Vaxieb Seekunq Thio io a zone oouw. conualumar

uny oluement Jwuth eiqnilicanE djenen.cep amon
oseq-8 Chocolate and uganized uekauleuo
SpenceO and vishal meqa mat

3 ,Dissonan.ce Reducuniq The Jeuel

ounwoluement o
buuye i high and the up Je dujenencep
between buando

O eq Buuuna piece o duniture , Caupet and

electuca appliances etc

4 Complesc Behauiou Jt us the Zone o tA1gh nuoluemand

and thaudo
Sianiicon dfexenceo bebtueeln bHanda
FoH Eo hinanc al puoduchs Such ao
ehaL9 8TP etC

Buuung Hohveo t
un deluned aoall the umpuuoc desin
and conoidexahon uhu ch motiudte a buwet to pu chao
a Specaic pHodiuct
hee at ypeD o Buyung motiue
E r obionc
RahioneL Hobve Emotio n e Moiue Patnonage
Depen daubilik BdvenHune ustome
Sew ices and
a) tconouy and Butce2 AHecbion policies.

nood Wankmanshu 3 Appneance a Couneouo Salea

4 Jajety Comont
3 Buoduc Cuality
5 Simpli'ci'y 5 tHealth
4 Buoduc
6lo mauntaunence 6 Fean Assontment

Duabilty Recoqnibion 5Buoiness

8) ncneaped Bagli > Pleaaunt apphecunces

9 9ncaeabed a 6ocrau Bppaova

1o Secub
Mordketnq tnategieo
huand Staateqte i deuuedtamaho wond
Stnata-coeo means ant o genaalshp.

he axu 5 upeo oBuunq Hobiueb

Raional Hotue
a)motional Hotive
3 Pataonage Habve.
Rabona Hohue
Dependability Jtelexo to the quauly o benq
tuustw0thu and elable
a Economy os uceatxeleD to dhe buyuna o
Commodiy ats valui Dney
laTphone ,SamBung
3>Guood woukmanshupJwhen apexDon buja a
OHodue o Seuwice o
Jts SewiceD wtuch at
bettenthan otteuo
Cank o u
ea Sexuice SnduotaMeo Buvate Seckan
Rub lic Sectan Bank

4Snleky u h e n a puoduc ub baught keepung

nmind he Sajeky ut puoVIden

q tHauelin Tso CeuiJed

Seaoline Hxe ochinguishe

5 Simphicit Soma poductsa ebaught Jahau

Sxmpiici'and Simple appec
aibext and Bata

low Hantaanenca Som puoducks ae

heu Aou Cost o maunkaunence

Ea Hau Suwzu

Duuabiaukgutt Some poducts axa baught Ja thau

80od qLaLutand on9

Eg SambunqTV and Reigencton.

8)Thcneaped BeaitsHo Jan the benelus odhe
Ristu butono

gNeote 9adia ltd, Parle:g USP>Guunchy

noneaoed Produchon he pMocuctehould be
uidely datbubuteg Khadums, Henx Eorud CFand Automoblico
Emotiona0 Hotiuto
lathe purpose ol emoyment and
Eg om and Je Casuko ono, Biney uonderland
aPHechion Fan the eanon oikng oondoess
eqTansha Ctleea hai Sada ke liye
3 Pppmeance Some puoducts ax baughb Jar thaun
packagun and appeanance
qRead CTekna Packin Nivea CBue oman
Fai and loueu CPrKJar toomenD

ComlantFart Juscuu and comlan Jo eane

faJuauy an automobule Snduotnu
5 tHealth Sta Mediclnum Poucie
Pleanune HonttcKD
Fean lem JnDauxance planp.
Recognition > BudatBos Reyal Entueld CContnacta)
sPleanw Touuom 9nduotny

Pataonage otiveo
Cotome Sewiceo and Policien Seuutce ale
g Tata ucko

2 Couleoun Saleo JoHce The Saleo team Shoud haux

go.odHelahonD wthu CuotameD

g IcICI Bank vls SBI

3 Gualib oBoduclCexhed by Toti, TPM,
6 &igm TSO ekc
Harukebing Juoc
ommonlyeJened to atha PS o Hakebing,
theoe 4ooD au uoed to achieue tha maxkeing
obechueD unthe tanget matveb

Hakehng ic
Po duct uce Plcce Beomotion.
Bioduct A Any good onSexuice ojened by an
Ganizahon 4o Satisty spc.citc ConDuma

aBuice h e Vaue ohegoodo 0 Serwices

o both the buyer and Selle

3Place The Dustnibuthon ox phusical movements

ogoodo and Seurcep nomth poducen
o h Cuuoto mon

4BtomottonAay Jom of communicabon uned

tounloumpexouade and Hemund conumeRD
abautgoodpandS e uCes

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