Global Citizenship and Sustainability

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Understanding varied global views and perspectives is essential
for effectively addressing the political, environmental, social,
and economic concerns that are vital to living sustainably in
today's interconnected and interdependent world. It also
entails developing the information, motivation, dispositions,
and skills necessary for active citizenship, as well as an
understanding of the world's diversity of people and
viewpoints. It requires the ability to envisage and work toward
a better, more sustainable future for everyone.
Most prevalent definition of global
citizenship is the idea that
everyone has civic responsibility to
the entire world, not just their own
Global communities or countries. As a
result, by broadening one's
Citizenship personal horizons through global
learning, one can make a more
significant difference on both a
small and large scale.
Global citizenship helps young people
Build their own understanding of
world events.
Think about their values and what's
Benefits of important to them.
Take learning into the real world.

Global Challenge ignorance and

Get involved in their local, national
Citizenship and global communities.
Develop an argument and voice
their opinions.
See that they have power to act and
influence the world around them.
- A global citizen is someone who
identifies with being part of an
emerging world community and
whose actions contribute to building
this community’s values and

Global Citizen - At The Global Citizens’ Initiative

(TGCI) we define a global citizen as
someone who sees himself or herself
as being part of an emerging world
community and whose actions help
define this community’s values and
Second, global citizens
First, the responsibility
have the responsibility Third, global citizens
to understand the
to understand global have the responsibility
ways in which the
issues: Global issues to understand our own
peoples and countries
are those that cannot perspectives and the
of the world are inter-
be solved by perspectives of others
connected and
individual nation- on global issues.

Fourth, global citizens Fifth global citizens Finally, global citizens

have the responsibility to have the responsibility to
advocate for greater
have the responsibility
to promote and adopt lifestyles and
implement ion by our
advocate for greater values that reflect our
countries of
commitment to building
international international
agreements, a sustainable planet and
cooperation between demonstrate respect for
conventions, and treaties our countries and
(ACTs) related to global the world’s cultural
issues. other nations. diversity.
Global Citizenship
Education (GCED) aims to
empower learners of all
Global ages to assume active
Citizenship roles, both locally and
globally, in building more
Education peaceful, tolerant,
inclusive and secure
Cognitive: knowledge and thinking skills necessary to better
understand the world and its complexities.

Socio-emotional: values, attitudes and social skills that enable

learners to develop affectively, psychosocially, and physically and
to enable them to live together with others respectfully and

Behavioural: conduct, performance, practical application and

What does Sustainability means?
The basic dictionary definition of the word suggests something
that is repeatable and can be carried out throughout time.

However, as an ethical and political goal, we don't want to

support just anything—sustaining anything terrible or
detrimental has no worth. It must be based on ethics as much as
science. As a goal, sustainability must be understood as the
creation and replication of meaningful social and ecological
relationships in and of themselves.
Why is Sustainability Important?
There are both short- and long-term advantages to sustainability.
If we do not make more sustainable decisions, we will not be able
to maintain our Earth's ecosystems or continue to function as we
do now.

If damaging processes continue unabated, we will run out of fossil

fuels, a large number of animal species will die extinct, and the
atmosphere will be irreversibly harmed.
Clean air and nontoxic atmospheric conditions, the expansion of
dependable resources, and the quality and cleanliness of water are
all advantages of sustainability.
The 3 Pillars of Sustainability

Environmental Protection
The most frequently discussed aspect is
environmental protection. As part of a supply chain,
it is concerned with reducing carbon footprints,
water usage, non-decomposable packaging, and
wasteful operations. These methods are frequently
both cost-effective and financially beneficial, as well
as crucial for environmental sustainability.
Social Development
Social development entails treating people fairly and
ensuring that employees, stakeholders, and the society in
which a business operates are treated responsibly, ethically,
and sustainably. More responsive benefits, such as greater
maternity and paternity benefits, flexible scheduling, and
learning and development opportunities, could help achieve
this. Businesses should, for example, utilize sustainable labor,
which entails adequately compensated, mature employees
who can work in a safe atmosphere.
Economic Development
Economic development is probably the most
straightforward type of long-term sustainability. A firm
must be successful and generate enough money to be
economically sustainable in the long run. The difficulty
with this type of sustainability is finding a balance. Rather
than producing money at any cost, businesses should try
to make money in a way that is consistent with other
aspects of sustainability.
How can it be Measured?
The performance of the three basic principles as a whole, in
particular a balanced treatment of all three, is used to assess
sustainability. Although the Triple Bottom Line's three core
concepts do not provide a measurement methodology in and of

themselves, subsequent approaches of assessing sustainability have

attempted to do so. Despite the fact that there is no official
universal assessment of sustainability, several organizations are
developing industry-specific methods and techniques to assess
how social, environmental, and economic principles operate
within a corporation.
How Does Sustainability Affect Business?
Businesses can benefit from the Triple Bottom Line approach
to running a firm in a variety of ways. Meeting UN
environmental sustainability requirements is not only ethical

and necessary, but it is also cost-effective and enables for a

better business model. Furthermore, sustainability allows a
company to recruit employees, owners, and consumers who
are invested in and share the same values as the company's
sustainability aims. As a result, the impact of sustainability on
a company's reputation and income can be favorable.
Can it be Achieved?

The EU Commission published six important reforms to

be implemented in 2018. These actions, if effectively

executed, will enable better sustainability to be attained
by 2050, which is the present target.
The 6 important reforms:
1. Sustainable development is a societal challenge, not simply an environmental one -
improvements of education and healthcare are therefore required to achieve higher
income and better environmental decisions.
2. Responsible consumption and production, and the importance of doing more with
fewer resources, are important to adopt a circular economy and reduce demand.
3. Decarbonisation of the energy industry, through clean energy resources and renewable
processes, will be necessary to provide clean and affordable energy for all.

4. There should be food and clean water for all while protecting the biosphere and the
oceans, which will require efficient and sustainable food systems, achievable through
the increasing of agricultural productivity and reduction of meat consumption.
5. Smart cities: Settlement patterns should be transformed for the good of the population
and the environment, which may be done through ‘smart’ infrastructure and internet
6. A digital revolution in science, technology, and innovation would be required to
support sustainable development, as it is hoped that the world will use the
development of Information Technology to facilitate sustainability.
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