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Neoproterozoic extensional basins and its control on the distribution

of hydrocarbon source rocks in the Yangtze Craton, South China
Fengli Yang a, Xiaofeng Zhou b,∗, Yuyang Hu a, Xiaodong Yang c, Ruiqing Yang a
State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, School of Ocean and Earth Science, Tongji University, Shanghai, 200092, China
Hubei Cooperative Innovation Center of Unconventional Oil and Gas, Yangtze University, Wuhan, 430100, China
Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou), Guangzhou, 511458, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Hydrocarbon exploration in the Neoproterozoic extensional basins in the Yangtze Craton of South China
Received 4 November 2021 has made prominent progresses in the past decades. However, the spatial distribution of source rocks
Revised 10 November 2021
across the craton still remains unclear. Here, we use outcrop observations, borehole data, and reflective
Accepted 12 November 2021
seismic profiles to investigate the prototype, distribution and sediment infilling of these basins in the
Yangtze Craton during the periods of source rock deposition. The basin prototype is categorized based
Keywords: on its tectonic origin and structural-sedimentary feature as follows. (1) During the deposition of the
Neoproterozoic Datangpo Formation, rift basins extensively developed, band are characterized by a series of graben or
Extensional basin half graben structures that consist of basin-controlling normal faults. The source rocks in the Datangpo
Hydrocarbon source rock
Formation were deposited as the inner shelf basin or deep shelf facies, obtaining high thickness (i.e.,
200 m) in the Wuling rift basin. (2) During the deposition of the Doushantuo Formation, the intracratonic
Yangtze Craton
rift basin and passive continental margin basin formed. These basins were controlled by syn-depositional
faults that inherited the existing rift fault structures. The source rocks of the Doushantuo Formation were
deposited as shelf lagoon, slope to deep-water basin facies. (3) During the deposition of the Dengying
Formation, the intraplatform rift basin and passive continental margin basin developed with influence
of regional tectonic extension. Not only are these basins affected by the preexisting faults, but also by
the newly developed syn-depositional faults. The argillaceous source rocks of the Dengying Formation
deposited as slope and deep-water basin facies. Further in-depth analyses revealed that a range of mech-
anisms may have contributed to the formation and distribution of source rocks in the Yangtze Craton,
such as the break-up of the Rodinia Supercontinent, paleaolatitudes, glacial-interglacial geological events,
basin extension and sedimentary environments. By integrating the distribution of the source rocks and
the late tectonic reworking, this study predicts several targets for the source rock distribution in the
Yangtze Craton, including in the central Sichuan, northeastern Sichuan, southern Shanxi, western Hubei,
northeastern Guizhou-western Hunan, and the northeastern Guangxi-central Hunan areas.
© 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Ocean University of China.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

1. Introduction to Phanerozoic (Craig et al., 2009; J. 2013; Ghori et al., 2009;

Macgregor, 1996).
Extensional basins include rift basins, intracratonic sags and During the Neoproterozoic, the most remarkable geological
passive continental margin basins, which form part of an evolu- events in the Earth’s evolution are the assembly and breakup
tionary sequence of basins unified by processes of lithospheric ex- of the Rodinia Supercontinent (Cawood et al., 2013, 2016;
tension (Allen and Allen, 2005). The extensional basins, as im- Hoffman, 1999; Li et al., 2008b; Y. 2013), which have greatly
portant basin types for oil-gas exploration, play great roles in impacted the interactions between tectonics and sedimentation,
the formation of hydrocarbon source rocks from the Proterozoic climate and environment, biological evolution and distribution
of petroleum source rocks worldwide (J. Craig et al., 2013;
Hoffman, 1999; Hoffman et al., 2002; Li et al., 2008a; Z.X. Li et al.,
2013; Merdith et al., 2019). A number of primary oil-gas pools

Corresponding author. with commercial value have been found in basins developed
E-mail addresses: (F. Yang), (X. Zhou). 0 015
2772-8838/© 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Ocean University of China. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
F. Yang, X. Zhou, Y. Hu et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100015

in the Neoproterozoic cratons (e.g., the East Siberia, Oman, In- 2015; Zhang et al., 2009, 2008a), life evolution (Chen et al.,
dia and Yangtze), suggesting that the hydrocarbon source rocks 2009; Liu et al., 2009) and continental rifting and basin forma-
can be well deposited in the Neoproterozoic extensional basins tion (Guan et al., 2017; Li et al., 2018, 2003; Wang and Li, 2001;
that were formed due to the breakup of the Rodinia Supercon- Wang et al., 2015b; Wei et al., 2018). Previous studies using geo-
tinent (J. Craig et al., 2013; Frolov et al., 2015). The extensional chemical techniques showed that the Yangtze Craton has divergent
basins, especially the rift basin and passive continental margin plate-boundary during the Nanhua and Sinian periods despite vari-
basin, are conducive to an accumulation of argillaceous sediments ous initiation timing across different regions. On the northern mar-
(J. Craig et al., 2013; Zhao et al., 2017) and an enrichment of or- gin of the Yangtze Craton, the continental rifting began as early
ganic carbon (Och and Shields-Zhou, 2012). These organic-rich sed- as 705 Ma (Y. Dong et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2017); while on the
iments can readily evolve into effective source rocks and thus, western margin of the Yangtze Craton, the divergent continental
form oil-gas pools through later geological evolution. As such, margin started at approximately 740 Ma (Zhao and Zhou, 2007;
there appears to be a genetic link between the supercontinent Zhou et al., 2006). In contrast, the south-eastern margin of the
breakup, extensional basin development and source rocks forma- Yangtze Craton and the interior transitioned to post-orogenic ex-
tion (J. Craig et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2014). tension at much early time of 805 Ma (He et al., 2017; Sun et al.,
In the Yangtze Craton, a number of extensional basins devel- 2018; Xia et al., 2018; Xin et al., 2017; Yao et al., 2013). In ad-
oped during the Middle-Late Neoproterozoic (Guan et al., 2017; dition, some evidences from palaeogeographic reconstruction sug-
Wang and Li, 20 01, 20 03; Wang et al., 2015a, 2015b; Zhuo et al., gested that, with effects of the Rodinia assembly, the Yangtze Cra-
2013; Li et al., 2019) together with the deposition of three sets ton was subjected to convergence during the Early Neoproterozoic,
of hydrocarbon source rock, i.e. the Datangpo Formation, the and transit to divergent continental margins during the Nanhua-
Doushantuo Formation and the Dengying Formation (Wang et al., Sinian period (Z.X. Li et al., 2013; Merdith et al., 2017; Zhao et al.,
2016; Xie et al., 2017; Yang et al., 2010; Zhao et al., 2019). During 2018). So the Yangtze Craton can be further divided into two evolu-
the past few decades, a remarkable progress has been seen in Neo- tionary stages during the Nanhua-Sinian period based on different
proterozoic hydrocarbon exploration in the Yangtze Craton, South tectonic mechanisms: the early and the late divergent continental
China, e.g., the discovery of the Weiyuan-Anyue Sinian gas field in margins.
Sichuan Province, the breakthrough of the Doushantuo shale gas Furthermore, field geological observation has indicated that the
in Hubei Province (Peng et al., 2017; G. Wei et al., 2015). Although Nanhua System is in an unconformity contact with the underlying
previous studies have proposed that there was an inner-cratonic strata, and unconformably or conformably underlain by the Sinian
rift basins developed in central and northeast Sichuan Province System (Wang et al., 2015b). The Sinian System is unconformably
(G. Wei et al., 2015; Zhao et al., 2017), the coupling between the or conformably underlain by the Cambrian System (Fig. 2).
basin type, sedimentary environment and distribution of source
rock still remain poorly understood, which largely prevents further 3. Deformation and sedimentation of the extensional basins
oil-gas exploration in the Yangtze Craton.
To address this issue, we conducted a comprehensive study us- Previous studies of the tectonic history, basin architecture, and
ing outcrop and drilling core observations, and seismic profiles in- stratigraphic development of the Yangtze Craton suggested that the
terpretation to investigate the characteristics of the Neoprotero- evolution of the Neoproterozoic extensional basins can be further
zoic extensional basins and their influence on the formation of classified into two phases: (1) the early divergent continental mar-
the associated source rocks in the Yangtze Craton. We aim to (1) gin (the Nanhua; 720–635 Ma) characterized by continental rift-
classify the prototype of the extensional basins in Yangtze Craton, ing, volcanic activity and extensional faulting (Guan et al., 2017;
(2) identify the controlling factors for the formation of hydrocar- Li et al., 2018; Ling et al., 2008; Liu et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2017;
bon source rocks, and (3) evaluate and predict the Neoproterozoic Zhu et al., 2014); (2) the late divergent continental margin (the
source rocks. These results are expected to lay foundations for the Sinian; 635–541 Ma) characterized by post-rifting thermal subsi-
future oil-gas exploration in Yangtze Craton. dence and absence of volcanic activity. In the following section, we
will discuss the basin distribution and sediment infilling in relation
2. Tectonic setting of the Neoproterozoic extensional basins to the source rocks deposition.

The Yangtze Craton lies in the southeastern China mainland 3.1. Period of the Datangpo formation deposition
(Fig. 1). It is separated from the North China Craton by the Qinling-
Dabie Orogen Belt to the north, from the Songpan-Ganzi Orogen 3.1.1. Basin distribution and structural pattern
by the Longmenshan Fault Zone to the northwest, from the In- During the Datangpo Period representing the depositional pe-
dochina Block by the Ailaoshan-Songma Shear Zone to the south- riod of the Datangpo Formation in this study, influenced by the
west (Zhao and Cawood, 2012), and from the Cathaysia Block by breakup of the Rodinia Supercontinent, a number of rift basins
the Chenzhou-Linwu and Jiangshan-Shaoxing fault zones to the were developed in the Yangtze Craton. They are characterized by
southeast (Fig. 1). The Yangtze Craton has a minor Archaean- a series of grabens or half grabens that consist of basin-controlling
Palaeoproterozoic crystalline basement that is unconformably over- extensional faults, and thinning sequence from the depocenter to-
lain by the weakly metamorphosed strata of early-middle Neo- wards the basin edges (Wang and Li, 2003) so the sediments
proterozoic age. Although the stratigraphic classification is dis- deposited during the Datangpo Period have obtained significant
puted, this study accepts that the Neoproterozoic strata are divided thickness in the rift basins, such as the Wuling Rift Basin on the
into the Qingbaikou (10 0 0–720 Ma), Nanhua (720–635 Ma) and southeastern margin of the Yangtze Craton (Zhou et al., 2016). In
Sinian systems (635–541 Ma), corresponding to the Tonian, Cryoge- the interior Yangtze Craton, the Datangpo Formation could not be
nian and Ediacaran systems in the international stratigraphic chart further identified on the seismic profiles, but the parallel and sub-
(Fig. 2; Wang et al., 2015b; Zhai, 2015; Zhu et al., 2016). parallel seismic reflection profiles of the Nanhua System show the
In response to the breakup of the Rodinia Supercontinent, the graben structures (Fig. 3; Gu and Wang, 2014; Li et al., 2018).
Yangtze Craton has well documented a range of global geological Moreover, the dating results of granites at the base of the Sinian
events during the Nanhua and Sinian periods, such as magmatic System (Well W117 and W28; Gu et al., 2014; He et al., 2017) sug-
activities (Ling et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2008a, gest that the chaotic seismic reflections outside the basin are the
2013b; Zhou et al., 2004; Zhu et al., 2014), glaciations (Gao et al., Pre-Nanhua crystalline basement, indicating the presence of uplifts

F. Yang, X. Zhou, Y. Hu et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100015

Fig. 1. Geological map of the Yangtze Craton showing the distribution of Precambrian rocks, modified after Charvet (2013); Wang et al., (2015b); Zhao and Cawood (2012).

in the interior Yangtze Craton during the Datangpo Period. Obvi- one is composed of dark-gray silty mudstones and shales, appar-
ously, the spatial distribution of the rift basins can be readily re- ently representing the low-energy shelf basin deposits. Sea level
vealed by the geological and geophysical data as mentioned above. rose in coincidence with fault activity during the interglacial pe-
The U-Pb zircon ages of volcanic ash from the base and top of riod (Li et al., 2012; Z.X. Li et al., 2013), allowing nutrient-rich deep
the Datangpo Formation in the Yangtze Craton suggest that these marine waters to enter the restricted rift basin (Li et al., 2012). The
rift basins were formed between 663 ± 4 Ma and 654.5 ± 3.8 Ma basin deposits have gained a thickness up to 300 m. The XFRB con-
(Fig. 2; Zhang et al., 2008a; Zhou et al., 2004). tains the interglacial deposits of the Fulu Formation (Fig. 2). It is
made up of three lithologic members (Lu et al., 2010): the lower,
3.1.2. Sediment infilling middle and upper ones. The lower one consists of fuchsia ferrug-
(1) Basin on the southeastern margin of the Yangtze Craton. On the inous shales, siltstones and arkoses, indicating tidal flat and some
southeastern margin of the Yangtze Craton, three rift basins de- restricted lagoon deposits; the middle one contains gray thick to
veloped, namely the Wuling, Xuefeng and northern Zhejiang rift massive arkoses, with channel-like conglomeratic sandstones, de-
basins (abbreviated as WLRB, XFRB, NZRB, respectively), extended posited mainly as an inner-shelf sand shoal facies. The abrupt sea-
in orientation of SW-NE (Fig. 4A). In the WLRB, previous scholars level rise could result from rift-related faulting. The upper one con-
have conducted a great deal of research on the basin structures tains thin-bedded Mn-bearing black mudstones and siltstones, in-
to explore the Datangpo-type Manganese Ores (Du et al., 2018; dicating deep shelf facies. The thickness of the basin deposits var-
Zhou et al., 2016). The basin is dominated by shales and siltstones ied from a few meters to a few hundred meters, while the upper
with few conglomerates and volcanic rocks. The depositional suc- one has a thickness ranging from 4.5 to 20 m (Fig. 4B). The concept
cession of the Datangpo Formation can be further divided into two of the NZRB was first proposed by Wang and Li (2003). During the
lithologic members: the lower and the upper ones. The lower one Dangtangpo Period, the basin consists of some shelf Mn-bearing
is characterized by black Mn-bearing dolomites and carbonaceous siliceous shales and silty shales, with a thickness of 4.5–9 m, in-
shales, deposited as restricted inner shelf basin facies. The upper dicative of low rates of sedimentation and tectonic subsidence.

F. Yang, X. Zhou, Y. Hu et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100015

Fig. 2. Stratigraphic column for the Neoproterozoic strata in the Yangtze Craton, modified after Kuang et al., (2019); Wang and Li (2003); Wang et al., (2015b); Zhou (2016).

(2) Basin on the northern margin of the Yangtze Craton. On the inghe Group has a thickness of more than 1500 m, and therein,
northern margin of the Yangtze Craton, a W-E-oriented rift basin the volcanic rocks have an average age of 682 ± 6 Ma (Ling et al.,
formed, namely the northern Yangtze rift basin (NYRB) (Fig. 4A), 2008). Thus, it is indicative that the rift-related magmatic activity
with two depositional domains. On the south, the basin contains had lasted longer in the NYRB, and might be of great importance
argillaceous siltstones of the Datangpo Formation (Wang, 2009), to the complete departure of the South China Block from the Ro-
depositing as deep shelf to inner-shelf basin facies, with thick- dinia Supercontinent (Ling et al., 2008; Huang et al., 2021).
ness ranging from 13 to 147 m (Fig. 4B). However, on the north,
the basin is characterized by alternation of metamorphic volcanic
(3) Basins on the western margin of the Yangtze Craton and its in-
rocks and clastic rocks of the Yaolinghe Group (Fig. 4B), including
terior. On the western margin of the Yangtze Craton and its in-
some volcanic lava and breccia (Liu and Zhang, 1993). The Yaol-
terior, there are two rift basins, namely the Kangdian Rift Basin

F. Yang, X. Zhou, Y. Hu et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100015

Fig. 3. Interpreted seismic profiles across the basins in the Yangtze Craton (see Fig. 1 for the profile locations). A, B. Normal faults and graben structures of the Nanhua rift
basin (modified after Gu and Wang, 2014; Li et al., 2018); C. the Sinian platform subsidence in central Sichuan Province (modified after Zhong et al., 2013).

(KDRB) and the central Sichuan Rift Basin (CSRB) (Fig. 4A). The the pre-existing faults which subsequently controlled the exten-
KDRB is bounded by the Anninghe-Yimen Fault to the west and sional basins during the Doushantuo Period. On most of seismic
the Ganluo-Xiaojiang Fault to the east (Cui et al., 2014), with an N- profiles, the Doushantuo and Dengying formations are interpreted
S orientation. Field outcrops reveal that the basin is filled by a set as the same stratigraphic sequence due to difficulties to distinguish
of volcanic and volcaniclastic deposits during the Datangpo Period them. They are characterized by laterally continuous, parallel and
(Wang and Li, 2001, 2003; Wang et al., 2015; Zhuo et al., 2013). subparallel seismic reflections in the central Sichuan area (Fig. 3).
The CSRB is also imaged on the seismic profiles (Fig.3; Gu and The U-Pb zircon dating of volcanic ash beds from the base and the
Wang, 2014; Li et al., 2018; Zhong et al., 2013), yet its sediment top of the Doushantuo Formation in the western Hubei Province
infilling remains unclear. It is worth noting that the rift basin sed- indicates that the basin subsidence occurred at ca. 635–551 Ma
imentation has a characteristic of segmentation and variation sim- (Fig. 2; Condon et al., 2005).
ilar to that in the Great Rift Valley of central Africa. Therefore, the
areas in the KDRB and CSRB where volcanism is null or very lim-
ited are still possible to deposit argillaceous sediments (Wen et al., 3.2.2. Sediment infilling
2012; Zhao et al., 2019, 2017). (1) Intracratonic rift basins. Intracratonic rift basins are predomi-
nantly distributed in the low relief and deep-water areas within
the Yangtze platform. During the Doushantuo Period, two intra-
3.2. Period of the Doushantuo formation deposition cratonic rift basins formed, namely the S-N-oriented west Hubei-
east Chongqing intracratonic rift basin (HCIB) and the SW-NE
3.2.1. Basin distribution and structural pattern trending northeast Sichuan intracratonic rift basin (NSIB) (Fig. 5A).
After the Nanhua rifting stage, the Yangtze Craton started ther- Due to rapid sea-level rise during the post-glaciation, these basins
mal subsidence as a result of the weakening of global mantle su- are filled with relatively shallow water deposits. Represented by
perplume activities (Li et al., 2008a; Z.X. Li et al., 2013; Wang and well YY1 in the HCIB, the sedimentary succession can be divided
Li, 2003). During the Doushantuo Period representing the depo- into four members. From bottom to top, the first one with 0–5 m
sitional period of the Doushantuo Formation in this study, the in thickness is characterized by the “cap carbonates” at the base
postglacial transgression effectively connected all the Nanhua rift of the Doushantuo Formation, representing the initial transgres-
basins (Jiang et al., 2011). The northern and southeastern mar- sive succession. The second one up to 94 m in thickness contains
gins of the Yangtze Craton then became stable, and evolved as some alternating thin-bedded organic-rich shales and argillaceous
passive continental margin basins. After this, the interior Yangtze carbonate rocks, with considerable chert nodules. The third one
Craton entered an initial platform stage (Fig. 5A) with intracra- up to 60 m in thickness consists of some predominate carbonate
tonic rift basins (Zhao et al., 2019). Numerous deformed and con- rocks with chert layers. The forth one with 0–10 m in thickness is
voluted beddings, slump breccia and slide collapse blocks doc- composed of black, organic-rich shales at the top of the Doushan-
umented these processes as recognized in the outcrop sections tuo Formation (Fig. 5B; Jiang et al., 2011). As documented by these
(Vernhet et al., 2007). These gravity-related sedimentary structures rocks, the HCIB has experienced several sea-level changes during
are interpreted to record the syn-depositional faulting at basin the Doushantuo Period, receiving deposits of tidal-flat to restricted
margins. The syn-depositional faults are possible to inherit from shelf lagoon facies. However, as observed from the drilling core,

F. Yang, X. Zhou, Y. Hu et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100015

Fig. 4. A. Distribution of the rift basins during the Datangpo period (outcrop sections are from published literatures and this study; WLRB=Wuling rift basin, XFRB=Xuefeng
rift basin, NZRB=Northern Zhejiang rift basin, NYRB=Northern Yangtze rift basin, CSRB=Central Sichuan rift basin, KDRB=Kangdian rift basin); B. Schematic cross-section of
the Yangtze basins (see Fig. 4A for the location of line C–C’ and the relevant stratigraphic sections; see Table 1 for the abbreviations of the facies marked on right side of
the lithologic column).

the NSIB comprises thicker sediments, compared to the peripheral margin basins developed, namely the southeastern Yangtze passive
area. It consists of up to 450 m thick siltstones and argillaceous continental margin basin (SYPB) and the northern Yangtze passive
rocks of shelf lagoon facies (Zhao et al., 2019). continental margin basin (NYPB), with SW-NE and W-E orienta-
tions, respectively (Fig. 5A). In contrast to the underlying rift se-
(2) Passive continental margin basins. On the southeastern and quence, sedimentation rates were low compared to the rates of
northern margins of the Yangtze Craton, two passive continental subsidence and/or sea-level rise. For the SYPB, previous workers

F. Yang, X. Zhou, Y. Hu et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100015

Fig. 5. A. Distribution of the basins during the Doushantuo period (outcrop sections come from published literatures and this study; NSIB=Northeast Sichuan intracratonic rift
basin, HCIB=West Hubei-east Chongqing intracratonic rift basin, SYPB=Southeastern Yangtze passive continental margin basin, NYPB=Northern Yangtze passive continental
margin basin); B. Schematic cross-section of the basins (see Fig. 5A for the location of line d-D’ and the associated stratigraphic sections; see Table 1 for the abbreviations
of the facies marked on right side of the lithologic column).

have conducted detailed investigations into the structures and sed- carbonaceous shales, silicified shales and siliceous rocks, locally in-
imentary setting (Jiang et al., 2011; Vernhet, 2007; Vernhet et al., terbedded with siltstones. The depositional sequence has a thick-
20 06, 20 07). In the northwest, the basin has a southeast-dipping ness of 20–103 m, deposited as slope to deep-water basin facies
paleo-slope and comprises thin, laminated, marlstones, limestones (Fig. 5B). However, the NYPB changed to a palaeogeographic pat-
and mudstones with deformed bedding and contorted bedding. tern that was higher in the north and lower in the south. The
While in the southeast, the basin consists of black, thin-bedded, basin contains sandstones and silty mudstones of the littoral facies

F. Yang, X. Zhou, Y. Hu et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100015

in the north and shales and argillaceous carbonate rocks of deep- carbonate rocks of deep-water basin facies, indicating rapid sea-
water basin facies in the south (Fig. 5A), with thickness ranging level rise (Fig. 6B). The third (15–40 m thick) is dominated by thin-
from 70 m to more than 700 m (Wu and Yao, 2017). bedded argillaceous carbonate rocks deposited in deep water en-
vironments (Fig. 6B). The evolution of the NSIB and HCIB began
(3) Atypical carbonate platforms. The interior Yangtze Craton is during the Doushantuo Period, but the basins were then narrowed
characterized by atypical carbonate platforms during the Doushan- due to the development of carbonate platforms during the Dengy-
tuo Period (Fig. 5A). The platforms comprise littoral and tidal flat ing Period (Zhao et al., 2017). They have similar depositional char-
deposits of sandstones, carbonate rocks and layers of mudstones, acteristics compared to the CSIB in which the second succession
with thickness of 40–667 m. They are characterized by an irregu- consists of up to 40 m thick argillaceous rocks (Gu et al., 2015).
lar relief due to the Nanhua rifting. Therefore, some relatively shal-
low water sediments deposited in certain area of the Yangtze plat- (2) Passive continental margin basins. On the southeastern and
forms. For instance, the Nanjiang Section in Sichuan Province con- northern margins of the Yangtze Craton, two passive continental
tains ca. 20 m thick lagoon mudstones (Fig. 5B; G.Z. Wang et al., margin basins developed, namely the southeastern Yangtze passive
2019). These argillaceous rocks formed in the platforms are still continental margin basin (SYPB) and the northern Yangtze passive
capable of evolving to good source rocks. continental margin basin (NYPB), showing some pre-existing struc-
tures. During the Dengying Period, the marine transgression con-
3.3. Period of the Dengying formation deposition tinued. In the SYPB, the depositional succession cannot be further
subdivided; the carbonate and argillaceous rocks of the Dengy-
3.3.1. Basin distribution and structural pattern ing Formation evolve southeastward to become the siliceous rocks
The southeastern and northern margins of the Yangtze Craton of the Liuchapo Formation (Fig. 2). In the basin interior, the Li-
maintained passive continental margin basins during the Dengying uchapo Formation comprises up to 215 m thick black siliceous
Period (in this study, the Dengying Period presents the depositional rocks and silicified shales of deep-water basin facies (Fig. 6B), re-
period of the Dengying Formation). The majority of the Yangtze flecting low sediment supply compared to the relatively rapid sea-
Craton steadily developed to be a typical carbonate platform. In level rise. While in the NYPB, the Dengying Formation varies from
addition, influenced by the “Xingkai taphrogenesis”, the Yangtze massive algal dolomite rocks in the north to over 100 m thick
Craton was subjected to tectonic extension during the Dengying siliceous shales and argillaceous carbonate rocks in the south. As
Period, likely in response to the final breakup of the Rodinia Su- documented by the sedimentary rocks, from the north to south,
percontinent (Liu et al., 2013; Yang et al., 2019), thus, a series of the basin sediments change from restricted platform to slope and
intracratonic rift basins were established in the platform interior deep-water basin facies (Fig. 6A). In addition, the basin contains
(Fig. 6A; Hou et al., 2017; G. Wei et al., 2015; Wu et al., 2016; deformed beddings and nodular structures at its southern edge
Zhao et al., 2017). These basins are not only affected by the pre- which result from the syn-sedimentary faulting (Zhao et al., 2017).
existing faults, but also by the newly developed syn-depositional
faults (Hou et al., 2017; G. Wei et al., 2015; Wu et al., 2016; (3) Carbonate platforms. Carbonate platforms have developed in
Zhong et al., 2013). The extensional fault activity has lasted at the Yangtze Craton with a sediment thickness ranging from 300
least at the end of the Dengying Period. Argillaceous dolomite to 1400 m during the Dengying period (Fig. 6A). Generally, the
rocks with irregular breccia and knobby structure are probably de- carbonate platforms developed in shallow water environments at
posited at the basin edges, which resulted from syn-depositional stable tectonic settings. The Dengying Formation is also composed
faulting (G. Wei et al., 2015). On the seismic profiles, the in- of three distinct members. The first and third members com-
tracratonic rifts exhibit continuous parallel amplitude, medium- prise dolomite and algal-rich dolomite rocks of some restricted to
to high-frequency reflections, and are governed by normal faults open platform facies, while the second member mainly consists of
(Hou et al., 2017; G. Wei et al., 2015; Wu et al., 2016; Zeng et al., siliceous limestones, mudstones and clay-bearing carbonate rocks.
2017). Geochronological results from the base of the Dengying For- Mudstones of tidal flat lagoon facies are occasionally found in the
mation reveal that the subsidence stage started at 551.1 ± 0.7 Ma second member with thickness of merely a few meters (Fig. 7). For
(Fig. 2; Condon et al., 2005) and lasted until the late Cambrian. instance, in the E’bian Section of Sichuan Province, the mudstone is
only 0.6 m thick (Fig. 6B). Recent oil-gas exploration found primary
3.3.2. Sediment infilling bitumen in the Sichuan Basin, in which the algal-rich argillaceous
(1) Intracratonic rift basins. Three intracratonic rift basins have carbonate rock might have certain hydrocarbon-bearing potential
been found in the interior Yangtze Craton; a newly formed one (Wei et al., 2017).
lies in central Sichuan, namely the central Sichuan intracratonic It appears that the extensional basins in the Yangtze Craton are
rift basin (CSIB); while the rest two basins formed in the north- at different stages of evolution. The rift basins essentially formed
east Sichuan and west Hubei-east Chongqing (NSIB and HCIB) area during the deposition period of the Datangpo Formation of the
had certain vertical inheritance (Fig. 6A). Influenced by exten- Nanhua System, while the intracratonic rift and passive continen-
sion and syn-depositional faulting, these basins show some distinct tal margin basins primarily formed during the depositional periods
characteristics of depositional thickness and environments. Gener- of the Doushantuo and Dengying formations of the Sinian System.
ally, the intracratonic rift basins have obtained a thickness of 90– The argillaceous rocks in these basins are proved to be important
300 m, thinner than that in the regions outside the basin (800– source rocks in the Yangtze Craton (Wang et al., 2014).
10 0 0 m) (Du et al., 2016; Zhou et al., 2017). The basin interiors
are characterized by sediments of slope or deep-water basin fa- 4. Discussion
cies, while the basin edges are dominated by sediments of plat-
form margin facies (Fig. 6B). Outcrop, drilling core and seismic data 4.1. The hydrocarbon source rocks
further reveal three members during the intracratonic subsidence
(G. Wei et al., 2015). In the CSIB, from bottom up, the first (100– Based on detailed outcrop observations, borehole data and in-
200 m thick) contains nodular argillaceous dolomites and siliceous formation from published literatures, we analyze the source rocks
dolomite rocks of slope facies and shallow shelf facies. The sec- of the Datangpo, Doushantuo and Dengying formations in the
ond (5–35 m thick) comprises mudstones, shales and argillaceous Yangtze Craton.

F. Yang, X. Zhou, Y. Hu et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100015

Fig. 6. A. Distribution of the basins during the Dengying period (outcrop sections come from published literatures and this study; CSIB= Central Sichuan intracratonic
rift basin, NSIB= Northeast Sichuan intracratonic rift basin, HCIB= West Hubei - east Chongqing intracratonic rift basin, SYPB= Southeastern Yangtze passive continental
margin basin, NYPB= Northern Yangtze passive continental margin basin); B. Schematic cross-section of the basins (see Fig. 6A for the location of line E-E’ and the relevant
stratigraphic sections; see Table 1 for the abbreviations of the facies marked on right of the lithologic column).

The source rocks of the Datangpo Formation contain black Mn- the NYRB, the Datangpo Formation in the Zhenba Section, Shanxi
bearing carbonaceous shales and silty shales widely developed in Province consists of 63–103 m thick source rocks (Wang, 2009).
the rift basins with up to 300 m thickness. In the WLRB, repre- In contrast, the source rocks are thinner in other regions. For in-
sented by the Songtao Section in Guizhou Province, the argilla- stance, in the Yangjiaping Section of Hunan Province, the source
ceous rocks have a thickness up to 200 m, and their TOC content rocks are only 11 m thick and yield their TOC content of 0.1–
ranges from 3.05% to 6.29% (Table 2; Fig. 7B; Xie et al., 2017). In 3.8% (Fig. 7A; Li et al., 2012). The thickness Datangpo Formation

F. Yang, X. Zhou, Y. Hu et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100015

Fig. 7. Photos of the Neoproterozoic source rocks in the Yangtze Craton. A. Gray-black silty mudstone of the Datangpo Fm. in Yangjiaping section, Hunan Province; B. Black
carbonaceous shale (left) and argillaceous siltstone (right) of the Datangpo Fm. in Well ZK1909, Songtao, Guizhou Province; C. Black shale at the top of the Doushantuo Fm.
in Jiulongwan section, Hubei Province; D. Black shale of the Doushantuo Fm. in Songlin section, Guizhou Province; E. Black mudstone of the Dengying Fm. in Well GK1,
Sichuan Province; F. Black mudstone of the Dengying Fm. in Well W117, Sichuan Province.

in Songluo Section, Shennongjia is about 11.5 m and the source source rocks. For example, the source rocks of the Huqf Supergroup
rocks yield their TOC average content of 3.19% (Table 2; Zheng, in the Oman Basin (i.e., the Arabian-Nubian Craton) deposited in
2020). the southern tropics between ca. 15°S and 35°S (Li et al., 2008b),
The source rocks of the Doushantuo Formation consist of black and generated at least 12 billion barrels of oil (Ghori et al., 2009;
shales and mudstones with thickness of 0 to 380 m, and ex- Grantham et al., 1987). The source rocks of the Riphean System
tensively developed in all basins. The argillaceous rocks of the in the Siberia Craton formed between 30°N and 30°S latitudes
Doushantuo Formation in the HCIB, represented by the Jiulong- (Li et al., 2008b; Merdith et al., 2017), and have TOC content as
wan Section in Hubei Province, have TOC value up to 7.59% and high as 13.5% (Frolov et al., 2015). The source rocks of the Xiama-
are >90 m thick (Fig. 7C; Table 2). The Well WT1 in the NSIB ling Formation in the North China Craton developed in the north-
also contains black mudstones of >200 m thickness. In Mingyue ern tropics between about 10°N and 30°N, which have TOC value
Section of the NYPB, the black shales have TOC value as high up to 20% (Evans and Mitchell, 2011; Zhang et al., 2015a, 2012;
as 13.1% and >300 m thickness (G.Z. Wang et al., 2019; Wu and G.Z. Wang et al., 2019). The formation of these source rocks was
Yao, 2017; Zhu et al., 2020) (Table 2). In the SYPB, represented by affected by paleolatitude and the intertropical convergence zone
the Songlin Section in Guizhou Province, the argillaceous rocks of (ITCZ) that controlled the intensities of rainfall and trade wind
the Doushantuo Formation are characterized by TOC value as high (Wagner et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2005, 2015a). Since rainfall
as 4.64% and thickness of 124 m (Fig. 7D). In the Ligonggang Sec- affects rates of nutrient delivery from the continents, and trade
tion of the SEY-PCM, the black shales have thickness <44 m, and wind strength controls marine upwelling intensity, the primary
TOC value higher than 4.14% (Table 2; Yang et al., 2012). production and accumulation of organic carbon will be enhanced
The source rocks of the Dengying Formation are predominantly (Meyers et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2015a). As such, hydrocarbon
composed of black shales, siliceous mudstones and lime mud- source rocks are broadly deposited in the tropical area between
stones. In the CSIB, represented by Well GS1, the argillaceous rocks the 30° parallels.
of the Dengying Formation have a thickness of 35.5 m and TOC Palaeogeographic reconstruction revealed that the Yangtze Cra-
content of 0.33–4.73% (Table 2; G. Wei et al., 2013). In the NYPB, ton had long been situated in the northwest of the Rodinia Su-
represented by the Zhenping Section, siliceous mudstones and lime percontinent, with an affinity of the India Craton (Cawood et al.,
mudstones of the Dengying Formation are >75 m thick (Zhao et al., 2018; Merdith et al., 2017). In response to the large-scale breakup
2017). Besides, the argillaceous carbonate rocks of the Dengying of Rodinia, the paleogeographic location of the Yangtze Craton
Formation on the platforms are also proved available for source has changed during the Nanhua and Sinian periods (Li et al.,
rocks (G. Wei et al., 2013) mostly distributed in Sichuan Province 2008b; Z.X. 2013; Zhao et al., 2018). As palaeogeographic data sug-
and its surrounding areas with a thickness of 10 0–40 0 m (Table 2; gested, during the depositional periods of the Datangpo, Doushan-
G. Wei et al., 2013, 2017). tuo and Dengying formations, the Yangtze Craton was situated in
the north tropics, with varying latitudes from relatively high re-
4.2. Control of sedimentary environment to source rocks gion (approximately 45°N) to lower region (ca. 10–25°N) (Fig. 8;
Evans et al., 20 0 0; Merdith et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2013a,
Global petroleum exploration has revealed that relatively low- 2015b; Zhao et al., 2018). The Datangpo Formation deposited dur-
latitude locations are favorable for the formation of hydrocarbon ing the two major periods (i.e., the Changan glaciation, Nantuo

F. Yang, X. Zhou, Y. Hu et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100015

Table 1
Lithofacies and depositional environments during the deposition of hydrocarbon source rocks in the Yangtze Craton.

Facies Constituents Sedimentary structures Interpretation

DY Fm. Facies 18 Gray-black to dark gray siliceous Cm-thick bedding, laterally Deep-water basin
(F18) rock, some silty shale and continuous
siliceous shale
Facies 17 Black shale, marlstone, Cm-thick bedding, laterally Shallow shelf to deep-water
(F17) argillaceous dolomite continuous basin
Facies 16 Gray-black to dark gray siliceous Cm-thick bedding, laterally slope
(F16) rock, argillaceous dolomite, discontinuous, collapse and
lenticular dolomite and breccia deformed bedding
Facies 15 Blue-gray sandy shale, fuchsia Cm-thick bedding, laterally tidal flat lagoon
(F15) shale; alternation of gray continuous, containing pyrite
limestone and shale, with nodules
intercalation of dolomitic siltstone
Facies 14 Gray to gray-black limestone Cm-to-dm-thick bedding, laminar Open platform
(F14) interbedded with siliceous algal, chert banding and nodules
Facies 13 Gray-white algae dolomite, Thick- massive bedding, laminar Restricted platform to
(F13) botryoidal dolomite, and a small algal, stromatolites platform margin
amount of calcirudite
DST Fm. Facies 12 Black carbonaceous shale, Cm-thick bedding, laterally Deep-water basin
(F12) interbedded with siliceous shale, continuous
and black silty shale
Facies 11 Dark-gray marlstone interbedded Cm-thick bedding, laterally Slope with olistostromes
(F11) with mudstone; black shale, discontinuous, slump folds,
mudstone, olistoliths deformed bedding
Facies 10 Black to gray-black shales, Cm-thick bedding, laterally Restricted shelf lagoon
(F10) interbedded with argillaceous discontinuous, organic-rich;
limestone or dolomite siliceous/calcareous nodules
Facies 9 Gray oolitic dolomite; black-gray Dm-to m-thick bedding, scour Subtidal shallow shoal
(F9) marlstone; a small amount of structure; some oncolite, peloid
calcareous dolorudite; locally and ooid
contains phosphorus
Facies 8 Light gray dolomite with dolomite Dm-thick bedding, wave bedding, Tidal flat
(F8) stromatolites and breccia lenticular bedding, horizontal
Facies 7 Gray-white medium-fine grained Dm-thick bedding, horizontal Littoral facies
(F7) quartz sandstone, containing bedding, parallel bedding,
quartz or muddy gravel with cross-bedding, and scour structure
particle size of 1–2cm
DTP Fm. Facies 6 Basaltic volcanic lava, containing Massive, volcanic eruption cycle Marine volcanic facies
(F6) volcanic breccia, tuff, argillaceous
Facies 5 Gray fine - medium grained Thick to massive bedding; parallel Shallow shelf sand shoal
(F4) sandstone, silty sandstone; lamination, interbedded strata,
contains fine gravel belts with inverse graded bedding
distribution instability
Facies 4 Fuchsia to gray-purple Fe-bearing Cm- to dm-thick bedding, parallel Tidal flat and dry tidal flat
(F4) shale, siltstone and medium - fine lamination lagoon
grained sandstone; hematite
Facies 3 Gray dolomite; Gray-green Cm- to dm-thick bedding, Shallow restricted tidal flat
(F3) argillaceous siltstone; Dark gray interbedded strata
siltstone to sandstone,
interbedded with shale
Facies 2 Black Mn-bearing shale, Cm-thick bedding, horizontal Deep shelf to shelf basin
(F2) carbonaceous shale, and lamination
Mn-bearing carbonate rocks;
contains sedimentary manganese
Facies 1 Black mudstone; dark gray silty Cm-thick bedding, horizontal Shelf
(F1) mudstone, interbedded with lamination, interbedded strata,
argillaceous siltstone, locally Mn-bearing limestone lens
contains manganese

glaciation) in the Yangtze Craton; the Doushantuo and Dengy- terial of hydrocarbon source rocks was probably derived from
ing formations developed in the post-glacial period (Fig. 2). Con- the planktonic alga, benthic alga and metazoans (Ye et al., 2017;
sequently, the glacial melting led to the upwelling of deep- Zhao et al., 2019). As shown in Table 2, the argillaceous rocks
water rich in nutrients, thus promoting the primary production are deposited in a low-energy water environment, i.e., the inner
(Hu, 1997; Huang et al., 2010; Wang and Han, 2011). Three bio- shelf basin, restricted shelf lagoon and slope to deep-water basin
logical evolution events have been well recorded in the Datangpo, facies.
Doushantuo and Dengying formations of the Yangtze Craton It is obvious that the development of hydrocarbon
(Brocks et al., 2017; Liu and Moczydlowska, 2019; Meng et al., source rocks in the Yangtze Craton is associated with the
20 03, 20 06; Meyer et al., 2014), illustrating that the organic ma- paleao-latitudes, glacial events, and sedimentary environ-

F. Yang, X. Zhou, Y. Hu et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100015

Fig. 8. The updated paleolatitudes vs. ages plot during the time interval for the Yangtze Craton. The paleolatitude data are from Niu et al., (2016), Li et al., (2004), Evans et al.,
(20 0 0), Jing et al., (2015), Zhang et al., (2013), Zhang et al., (2015), Yang et al., (2004) and Han et al., (2015).

Table 2
Geochemistry of the source rocks in the Yangtze Craton.

Basin Section Thickness(m) Mainlithology TOC(%) Ro E (%) Facies

DY CSIB GS1 35.5 mudstone 0.33–4.73 3.16–3.21 shelf - deep water basin
1.03 (20)
W117 290 limestone 0.04–0.98 2.99–3.46 subtidal lagoon
DST HCIB Jiulongwan 90 mudstone 0.11–7.59 1.46–2.08 shelf lagoon
(T54) 2.15 (119)
NYPB Mingyue 340 shale 0.5–13.10 2.86–3.22 deep water basin
SYPB Songlin 124 shale 0.11–4.64 2.08–2.34 slope
(T15) 1.51 (35)
SYPB Ligonggang 44 shale 4.14–9.64 2.74–3.02 deep water basin
(T29) 6.38 (5)
DTP WLRB Songtao (P14) 200 shale 3.05–6.29 2.19–2.47 shelf basin
4.32 (13)
Yangjiaping (P10) 11 mudstone 0.1–3.8 / shallow shelf
1.17 (7)
Songluo 11.5 mudstone 0.34–5.05 / shallow shelf
(P03) 3.19 (6)
Data source: Songluo (Zheng, 2020); Songtao (Xie et al., 2017); Yangjiaping (Li et al., 2012); Songlin (Wei et al., 2017); Jiulongwan (McFadden et al., 2008); Mingyue
(Gu et al., 2015; G.Z. Wang et al., 2019); Ligonggang (Li et al., 2014); GS1, W117 (G. Wei et al., 2013; Wei et al., 2017).

ments. This is interpreted to result from the unique cli- Doushantuo and Dengying formations began the hydrocarbon gen-
mate, abundant nutrients, relatively deep-water environments, eration threshold in the Mid-Cambrian, and maintained early-mid
and life evolution during the interglacial and postglacial mature stage until the Late Permian, and entered late mature stage
periods. in the Early Triassic and then experienced main gas generation in
the Early Jurassic (Wei et al., 2017). Therefore, the three sets of
4.3. Prediction for source rock distribution source rocks in the Yangtze Craton have already completed the
overall process of immature-early mature-mid mature-late mature-
Previous studies of the thermal evolution history of the central main gas generation stages. Present-day maturity of the source
Sichuan region (Fig. 9) revealed that the rapid increase in buried rocks across the Yangtze Craton is shown in Table 2. Their equiv-
depth of the Datangpo Formation as a result of the Nanhua rifting, alent vitrinite reflectivity (Ro E ) values are up to >2.0%, indicating
led to hydrocarbon generation that started at the Nanhua Period, that the source rocks have fully undergone oil-gas generation pro-
and entered Late Mature stage at the Late Sinian Period. The or- cesses and are currently at the over maturation stage. The discov-
ganic matter of the Datangpo Formation entered the stage of main ery of the Weiyuan-Anyue Sinian-Cambrian gas fields in central
gas generation at the Early Triassic (Xie et al., 2017), influenced Sichuan (Wei et al., 2010; G. 2013; Zou et al., 2014), and the latest
by the “Indosinian Movement”. The source rocks within the Sinian Sinian shale gas breakthroughs in Yichang, western Hubei Province

F. Yang, X. Zhou, Y. Hu et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100015

Fig. 9. A burial history plot with temperature grid and source rocks maturity in the central Sichuan area, modified after Wei et al., (2017), Xie et al., (2017).

Fig. 10. Predicted targets for the Neoproterozoic source rocks in the Yangtze Craton.

F. Yang, X. Zhou, Y. Hu et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100015

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