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1.1 BACKGROUND........................................................................................................................1
1.2 RESEARCH PROBLEM..........................................................................................................3
1.3 AIMS OF STUDY......................................................................................................................3
1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY...................................................................................................3
1.4.1 Theoretically........................................................................................................................3
1.4.2 Partical.................................................................................................................................3
LITERATURE REVIEW, CONCEPT, AND THEORITICAL............................................................4
2.1 PREVIOUS STUDY..................................................................................................................4
2.2 CONCEPT..................................................................................................................................6
2.2.1. The Meaning of Reduplication.............................................................................................6
2.2.2. The process of repetition ( Reduplication )..........................................................................7
2.2.3. Rote Island...........................................................................................................................7
2.2.4. Rote Language.....................................................................................................................7
2.2.5. Talae Dialect........................................................................................................................8
2.3 THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK............................................................................................9
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...........................................................................................................11
3.1 research method.......................................................................................................................11
3.1.1 Research Process................................................................................................................11



Language is the ability of humans to communicate with other humans using signs,
such as words and gestures. The scientific study of language is called linguistics.
According to Kridalaksana and Djoko Kentjono (in Chaer, 2014: 32) language is a
system of arbitrary sound symbols used by members of social groups to work together,
communicate, and identify themselves. The main function of language is as a means of
communication between humans. To use of language as a communication tool aims to
conveying ideas can be done efficiently and effectively. One of the skills that must be
posed to be able to use Indonesian good and right is the ability to form words. Language
has important role in human life especially for means of communication between humans
with one another. Language consists of many aspect such as: phonology, syntax, and also
semantic. There are many local language in Indonesia one of them is Rote language.
Rote Language is a language that is typical of the Rote area and is a unifying
language for the Rote people. Rote people usually refer to themselves as Nusak (tribes) ,
this is because the Rote people have a lot of Nusaks ( tribes). From this Nusak (tribes)
Rote language is divided into eighteen dialects according to the number of tribes, namely
Termanu, Korbafo, Landu, Ringgou, Oepao, Bilba, Diu, Lelenuk, Bokai, Talae, Keka,
Ba’a, Lelain, Dengka, Oenale, Dela, Ti’I dan Lole ( Manafe 1884: 1-2). Furthermore, the
eighteen dialects are divided into four major dialect groups, namely the East Rote dialect,
the Central Rote dialect, the Northwest Rote dialect, and the Southwest Rote dialect
( Fanggidae A.M. 1998. Morphology of rote language), of the four dialects rote people
usually uses the central Rote dialect.
The dialect variation studied in this article is the Talae dialect, wich belongs to the
middle Rote dialect. The Talae dialect is used by the Talae community in southern Rote
District , as the daily language of instruction. Although Talae is include in the southern
Rote sub-district, the Talae dialect is include in the middle Rote dialect because of its
similar dialect. In Talae dialek it is found a lot of reduplication of words, for this reason

the researcher wants to examine the forms of reduplication in the Talae dialect and also
their meanings.
Reduplication is a process and result of language units as phonological and
grammatical tools. The result of the cross is called a refrase, while unit wich is the basic
form. In simple terms, reduplication means as a pilot process. The result of the
recognition process is called a word repeat. Achmad and Abdullah (2012:64) suggest that
reduplication is a morphological process that repeats the basic form, either wholly,
partially, or a accompanied by a change in voice. In this case it is known that full
reduplication like book (from book base), partial reduplication like male ( from a male
base), and reduplication with sound changes, such as going back and forth (from bottom
to back ). In other mean reduplication is the process of repetition of word partially and
completely, for example are: koe-koe ( slowly). According to Ramlan (2001)
reduplication can be devided into four, namely :
1. Complete repetition is a change in the entire basic form, without change phonemes
and not combined with affixes
2. Partial repetition is a partial repetition of the basic form. It means shape base is not
repeated completely. Almost all the basic forms of repetition of this group is a
complex word.
3. Loops in combination with affixing basic form repetition accompanied by affixes,
both prefixes, suffixes, infixes, and complexes. This reduplication accour together
with supporting affixes.
4. Repetition with phoneme changes is repetition that causes there is a phoneme change
in the rephrase.
The research on reduplication of Rote language dialect Talae needs to be done,
because there are still many people who do not know about reduplication especially in the
Rote language Talae dialect. Many are wrong in determining the word in the word that
includes reduplication in addition, this researcher was examined because the backround
of the writer. To the knowledge of the author of the study about the reduplication of the
Rote language dialect Talae has never been studied. In addition this research is also a
supporter or complement to the development of regional languages, especially the
reagional language of Rote.


1. What are the forms of reduplication in Rote language Talae dialect?

2. What are meanings of reduplication in the Rote language Talae dialect?


1. To describe the form of Rote language Talae dialect

2. To describe the meaning of Rote language Talae dialect


This researcher is expected to be significance, theoretically and particallly .

1.4.1 Theoretically

2. The result of the study are able to explain the form and meaning of the
reduplication of Talae dialect.
3. The result of the research have contributed to the development of major linguistic
knowledge for the field of morphology.
4. The result of the study can be a reference for further researcher who are
interested in conducting research on morphology

1.4.2 Partical
The result of this study are expected to be useful for language, especially for people
who have an interest in morphological studies


In this chapter, the writer present the literature review or previous study, the
concepts and theoretical framework.


Research on the reduplication process is not the first time conducted. There has
been previous researcher on this issue. That research relevant to reduplication research as
a contrastive analysis by Rahardian (2017) about “ Reduplication of Javanese and
Banjarese”. In this study the researcher used Frampton’s theory (2004). The result of this
study show that the Javanese and banjarese languages have differences with regard to the
addition of junctures to the reduplication of affixed words. The Javanese language added
before the vowel is juncture ( in Banjar language which is added is juncture), the addition
of junctures results in a different direction of duplication.
The next study was proposed by Efron Erwin Yohanes and Ni Luh Sutjia Beratha
(2017) about “ Reduplication in Dengka Dialect Of Rote Language : Generative
Morphology Approach”. In this study the researcher used a qualitative descriptive
approach. The result of the researcher carried out show that in BRDD there are three
types of reduplication word formation processe namely full reduplication, partial
reduplication, and full reduplication derived from a specific partial reduplication of verbs,
with the meaning of action over and over again. The process of forming reduplication of
words in BRDD, namely by repeating the basic lexeme (Ld) in full and the repeated form
is called the form of reduplication (red) and reduce the word full reduplication. The
procces of forming noun reduplication in BRDD does not find phonological cases in the
form of omitting phonemes and adding phonemes. For example word; (1) pinga?-pinga?
‘sa mei ata ia se enanna? Ld-red prep table top det who pron, “ whose plates ( ‘pring-
piring) are on this table?.

The third study was proposed by A.M Fanggidae, Threes Y. Kumanireng, Yosep
B. kroon, Soleman D. Taka, under the auspices of the Center for Language Development
and Development Department Of Education and Culture (1998). In this study the authors
state that native Rote speakers are people who like to talk. Their philosophy of life is by
talking all things can be solved. Because love to talk that’s why they color and give value
and taste in language through repetition of words. Mostly is semantic repetition and
compound words. Reduplication in the Rote language follows a pattern such as, full
reduplication of its basic form, with the pattern o-+O-O(+-k). ‘O’ is an operand, wich is
the basic form that undergoes processing reduplication. For example; kisu-kisu ‘ pinch-
pinch-(‘cubit-cubit’) (verb).
The last study was examined by Asmaul Husna (2017), about Reduplication
Morphological process in novel A Short Note For Long Love Creation By Boy Chandra.
Based on the result that the researcher did, it was conclude that the type of reduplication
that was most often used by the author in the novel Notes Short for a Long Love By Boy
Chandra was the type of whole repetition reduplication. With a total of 55 repeated
words and of all bound morphemes used in the morphological reduplication process.
From previous studies, they all have something in common in this study, they
both study reduplication. Even some of them study the morphological process of
reduplication or repetition. However, if seen from the data sources studied, it is very clear
that; in the first study examines the Reduplication of Jvanese and Banjerese languages,
the second study about Reduplication in Dialect Dengka of Rote language, And the third
study examined morphology of Rote Language . And the last study examined about
morphological process in novel Short Notes for a Long Love by Boy Chandra its focused
on reduplication and morphemes. While in this study the researchers tried to examine the
science of reduplication in Talae dialect of Rote Language, wich had never been studied
befor. Previous research morphological process, especially reduplication or repetition,
can be information and references for the researcher in researching the use of
reduplication in Talae dialect of Rote Language.

2.2.1. The Meaning of Reduplication
Reduplication or repetition is the process of repeating words or word elements.
Reduplication is also a process of decreasing words with complete or partial repetition.
According to Ramlan (1985:63) the process of repetition or reduplication is repetition of
grammatical units, either in whole or in part, either with phoneme variation or not. The
result of the repetition is called a repeat word, while the repeated unit is the basic form.
Muslich (1990:48) thinks that the process of repetition is an event of word formation by
way of repeat the basic form, either in whole or in part, either varied phonemes or not,
whether in combination with affixes or not.
According to Ramlan (1985:175) the process of complete repetition is good and
some of them have the function of changing word groups, some of them no, as an
Indonesia coral-composing, volume-binding; working, as a form of nominal word from
verbs. As in the rephrase as soon as-quickly, vigorously serves as an adverb of an
According to verhaar (1977) reduplication is a morphemic process that changes the
form of the word it wears, the changes that occur can be associated with a meaning, if
the meaning of each form of reduplication is compared. With the meaning of the word
applied it will be immediately seen that the change of form can be associated with a
certain meaning.
In simple terms, reduplication is defined as the process of repetition. Result
From the repetition process. Is known as a repeated word ( suntanyaya. 1997: 130).
Furthermore, Kridalaksana ( 1983: 143) explains that reduplication is a process and the
result of repetition of language units as a phonological and grammatical. The result of
repetition is called a repeat word. While the unit that repeated is the basic form.
Furthermore, Keraf (1980: 143) in his book say, repeated words are called reduplication.
This term is used in the first language based on the repetition form in western languages,
so Indonesian language has it own conception of the word repeat. From second opinion
experts mentioned above, it is clearly illustrated that the concepts of reduplication
( process word repetition ) related to the word ( including changes in word sound ) the
function and meaning of the word, because it is mentioned related to the grammar.

2.2.2. The process of repetition ( Reduplication )
The internal word formation processes that commonly accur in Indonesian include;
affixation, reduplication, compounding shortening, and reverse derivation. Of these
several word formations, not all are analysed but only devoted to dynamic word
formation ( experiencing ups and downs). The Reduplication is a process of forming say.
The process that accurs is the repetition of the basic form. So reduplication is the process
of word formation through repetition of the basic form. The basic form will be morpheme
or complex form. The result of reduplication on is generally a re-word, although there are
some a form that is not rephrases but only a repeated form (Munirah 2015: 39).
2.2.3. Rote Island
The Rote Islands, also known as the Roti Islands, are an archipelago in the East Nusa
Tenggara Province, of Indonesia. These islands are the southernmost region of
Indonesia.This area is famous for the peculiarities of Lontar cultivation, natural beach
tourism, Sasando music, and Ti'i langga traditional hats. In the book Land Taal &
Volkenkunde Van Netherlands Indie (1854) states that around the 3rd century before the
inhabitants inhabited Rote Island, to the north of Rote Island, Portuguese ships were
docked and they needed drinking water. On the beach they met a fisherman and asked,
"What does this island look like?" This fisherman thought that they were asking his
name, so the fisherman replied, “Rote” (Rote is Mijn Naam). The captain (master) of this
Portuguese ship thought that the shape of the island was Rote, immediately named the
island Rote. And so on this island is called Rote. In the archives of the Dutch East Indies
government, this island was written under the name "Rotti or Rottij" which later became
"Roti". However, the people of Rote who have nine dialects often call this island "Lote",
especially for those who cannot pronounce the letter "R", even though the original name
of this island is "Lolo Neo Do Tenu hatu" (dark). said .. "Nes Do Male" (withered), and
others called "Lino Do Nes" (a deserted and uninhabited island). The dialect differences
are mostly phonetic. The Dengka and Oenale dialects deviate more than the other
2.2.4. Rote Language
Rote language or Nalī Rote is an Austronesian language originating from Rote
Island, East Nusa Tenggara. In addition to the island of Rote, Rote speakers can also be

found on the islands of Semau and Timor. Rote Languange is a language that is typical of
the Rote area and is a unifying language for the Rote people. Rote people usually refer to
themselves as Nusak (tribes) , this is because the Rote people have a lot of Nusaks
( tribes). From this Nusak (tribes) Rote language is divided into eighteen dialects
according to the number of tribes, namely Termanu, Korbafo, Landu, Ringgou, Oepao,
Bilba, Diu, Lelenuk, Bokai, Talae, Keka, Ba’a, Lelain, Dengka, Oenale, Dale, Ti’I dan
Lole ( Manafe 1884: 1-2). Furthermore, the eighteen dialects are divided into four major
dialect groups, namely the East Rote dialect, the Central Rote dialect, the Northwest Rote
dialect, and the Southwest Rote dialect ( Fanggidae A.M. 1998. Morphology of rote
language), of the four dialects rote people usually uses the central Rote dialect.

2.2.5. Talae Dialect

Talae is an area on the island of Rote. The legend of the name Talae according to A.
Zacharias in Mboeik et al (1985:129-132) that in ancient times there were 2 (two) Keka
people named Pena Ngeu and Dui Lepa lived in a place called Oenadale which is now
called Pepena'ain. One day, Pena Ngeuk and Dui Lepa saw a female buffalo and a male
pig belonging to the king of Keka in a lake. Both of them out of fear then said "talai"
which means "let's run". Then they ran to the east and arrived at Ingguoe's nusak which
later changed its name to Talae which came from the word talai 'let's run. The talae
dialect is included in the southern Termanu rote language. Dialect Talae has similarities
with dialects of middle rote so that dialect talae is categorized as Termanu dialect,
namely middle rote the talae dialect is commonly called “ pa'da Kona”. Although the
talae language belongs to the regional language of the central part of Rote, but Talae area
itself is included in the southern rote district.


To describe the form of reduplication in Talae dialect of Rote Language, the author
uses the theory of ramlan (2009:63). According to Ramlan (2009:63) reduplication is the
repetition of forms, either in whole or in part, with variations in phonemes And no.
According to Ramlan (2009:69-76) his divides repeated words into four form:
1. Whole Repetition
Complete repetition is the repetition of the entire basic form, without changes
phonemes and not combined with the process of affixing a affixes, for example;
sepeda sepeda-sepeda
2. Partial Repetition
Partial repetition is a partial repetition of the basic form. Here basic form is not
repeated completely. Almost all basic forms of repetition in this group is in the
form of complex forms, only the singular form is the word “lelaki” wich is
formed from the root word “laki”
3. Repetition in combination with the affixing process.
In this group the basic form are completely reformed and combined with the
process of affixing affixes, meaning that this repetition occurs together too short
and single function. For example; rumah rumah-rumah
4. Repetition with phoneme change
Words whose repetition belongs to this group are actually few. Besides “bolak-
balik” there are the word “kebalikan”, “sebaliknya”, “dibalik”, “membalik”. From
that comparison it can be conclude that the word “ bolak-balik” it form from the
basic form of “balik” wich is repeated entirely with phonemes changes.

Ramlan (2009: 76-84) suggests the meaning of reduplication as following.
a. Expressing the meaning of many, for example :
“bintang-bintang” : “banyak bintang”
“pembangunan-pembanguan” : “banyak pembanguan “
b. Expressing the many meanings associated with the word being explained. For
example : “ mahasiswa yang pandai-pandai mendapat beasisiwa “

c. Expressing the meaning of unconditional or even though for example :

“ Duri-duri di terjang” : “ meskipun duri di terjang”

According to Keraf (1987:120) the meaning of reduplication is :

a. Words that contain many meanings indefinitely for example; “ buku-buku itu
telah ku simpan dalam lemari” ( a lot that are indeterminate)
b. Words with various meaning. Example : “tanaman-tanaman” ( various or
diverse plants.
c. Repeated words with a meaning similar to the repeated words. Example : “
kuda-kudaan” (meaning resembling a horse), “ anak-anak” ( meaning
resembling children)
d. Words containing meaning weaken (somewhat). Example : “ orang itu sakit-
sakitan ( orang itu sakit) ( that person is sick
Quirk and Greenbaum (1997) explain that in general reduplication used to express
concepts such as :
a. Sound imitation, for example the ‘tick-tock’ sound of a clock
b. Expressing the movement of change, for example the ‘seesaw’
c. Intensify, for example : ‘ tip-top’ ( very good)

In this study the Author will use all types of reduplication in case to analyze the data.
However the result in this study after the research process depending on the data. In other
words, the possibility of four types of reduplication accuring in this study is

In this chapter the writer will describe the research method that will be carried out
for research

3.1 research method

The method used in this study is a method of description and contrastive analysis.
The research method used is an ethnographic method which introduced by Spradley
(2007) in Rattu (2017: 51) mentions research formulated ethnography such as
observation, participation, documentation and interviews. The three steps of the proposed
research are well understood to avoid mistakes when conducting data collection and data
processing. The research steps were carried out as follows:
3.1.1 Research Process
Several steps can be taken by the author in order to collect data:
1. Data collection
Data reduplication in the Talae dialect of the language
rote, collected from interviews with (4) informants (2 people
men and 2 women) who come from the Talae area and are fluent in the Talae
dialect . Those informants is a native speaker of the talae language, born in the
area concerned and lived long enough in the talae area, aged 45 to 70 years. a year
in good physical and mental health and no internal disturbances pronunciation and
good language skills. This matter intended to get the data as needed. During the
interview process, the writer records the conversation about reduplication Rote
language dialect talae found in the interview, so that information obtained can be
more clear.
2. Data analysis
Data reduplication in the Rote language of the Talae dialect collected, identified,
classified and finally analyzed by using the theories mentioned in the Framework
Reference Theory.


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