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ASME A13.1-2007 [Revision of ASME A13.1-1996 (R2002)] Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems BURT Taso Be TEU ee a ey ASME A13.1-200 [Revision of ASME A13.1-1996 (R2002)] Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems ANAMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Cx CRU eS a PATE EU UCC Date of sutiee: Api 4, 2007 “The nest edition of thie Standard is schecued for publcstioa in 2012. Thete willbe ao adenda Jsoued this edition, ASME anos nian pli ta inquires concerning nerpetations of ttn apt of hi ‘Star Interpretations are pblsd on the ASME Web site unde the Commits Page t IMip:estools.asme org as they ae issued. ASME i the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Tis codec stat as develope le pocedes asl as ei th esa fr Aescas Nac Senbre The Stas Comma ht peed coo Sos Was aac 9 wea Hom ong coed interes bas ba pporay parce Tae roped cde rata Wes mae rallies au coz hoes ag ppt ee pb spt Som ty, elem, regulary spencer, athe pubes age "ASME does at “approve” “ete” ce “endorse” ony tem, comtochon,gropitary devia, rect SRE doc rtbe ay pontine spect thes af ny pte gested come thy ‘BEgemest of spb eters tet me a cb abl. Une ded we ey vied ht detention oft vay of yc te ies. an the kf nbingemes of ah igi ‘ly the on esponsbiiy, Puctton by Srl sams repent) peo) fled hiss sto be epee at goverment orindosy endorsement ofthis code or standard ASME cep epost fon the ates os Cosine oad nacre it th ea ASME procedoes and pices, which precludes te issuance of meretton by mndiduals ‘No pat ofthis document may be reproduced in any form, aa secon retieval enor aber, ‘without the prior writen person ofthe pubishe ‘The American Soci of Meshantal Enginoers ‘Troe Pak Avene, New York NY 10016-5950 Copyright © 2007 by allnghtsreseved Pats USA CONTENTS Foreword Comme Roster neat | 1 Object and Scope 2 Definitions and References 3) Method of dentists Figure 1 Location of Kenifcaton Markers Tables 1 Examples of Content Descriptions Appearing ina Lagead 2 Designation of Coors 3 Size ofLegend Letters FOREWORD “This ica revision of the Scheme forthe Identification of Piping Systems, originally affismed ‘in 192; eatin 1945; vied in 19561975, and 1981; eT 19S ad 1983 vied in 1996, reaffirmed in 2002, and revised in 2007 Strtly ater the tim ofthe twentieth centr tthe estan intr expasin, it becete apes tat omens sould be densa to ant pag. a 1908, em arte oa dantifiation of Poner Hous Piping by Colors was eed at meting of Th Amarcan Society of Machi Engines. in 1909, an ale called “Stanford Cols for Pomer Station Piping ‘was oad atthe meting of the Association of Edison Llhuminating Companies 1152, the National Safety News pointed out the need for coor scheme fr pipelines, and ‘he flowing oar sverl ppars were publiced and reports made 0 various comme, stb, the Prune Movare Conus of the Natoal Elstc List Associaton, The Ameria Society of Mechanical Engineers, and the US, Navy Departnest. In the meantime, many large companies campiled their own scheme with ne thought to standardization of pps colors, even in heir om plants, When personne were shied, accidents could and di happen. “Te cranizsion ofthe Sestonal Commits onthe Ldesiistion of Pipe Systane, ade the rocodar ofthe Amancan Standards Asscstion (ow called the American National tarde Institute) took place on June 14,1922, resulting in the 1928 publication. ‘On August 23, 1950, the commitee was reorganized to investigate the possibilty ofa evsion tothe tana. tase tht a revision was ocety cee ofthe temensoos mer of erent metenle beng camied pipes. After many meting and ach dteston aevision of American Standard Scheme fr Ldenticaton of Piping Systems, was approved bythe sectional ‘conte ad sponsors I sth prea to the Amencin Standards Assocation (a0 called the American National Standards Insti) for approval and designation a an American Standard This was grated on Famnary 27, 1956, athe nt 19605, the commtes began cussions on the posublity of eisiag he 1956 ‘Standard, Tae cteosonscontied for a mumber of eae, eventually reultng a approval ‘the American National Stands ate an designation ata Astron National Saar ‘was obtained on November 16,1981 ‘This edition of 13.1, wich was approved bythe AL Commie and ASME, was approved by the American Natioual Stancards Institute on February 12,2007, ASME A13.1 COMMITTEE Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems (be oon he ore of he Commas the time of approval ofthe Sanda) STANDARDS COMMITTEE OFFICERS A Gin Se hair JED. Wendler,Seerary 4A. ar Ready Comp L Moguet. eae, Seton dentction rodacts PD. Flener Feaer Engineering Series .R ikem, Becht Enaineens Co LA. Gruber, Wheaiasd Tube Co ‘Fe ie Prove & Chance ‘A nero, 75 Oceea Engin W.V. Richards, Constant RLF Seah, Gipalnd Wate 6.3. Stanton, Jr, Ameican Hazard Corl Constants, Ic .D, Wendler, The Amercan Society of Mechanical Engineers INTRODUCTION PURPOSES OF STANDARDIZATION ‘Sehemes for identification ofthe coatents of piping systems have been developed in the past by alarge umber of nds plants nd organizations of various kinds, Canerally speaking the sanded served tin indi cases ty have given saifction to thove using the but they aso may have suf fom aac of uniformity. Numerous juts to personnel and age to property ave oocured bees of mises made tug Vales on or dnoneacting pes atthe wrong tine o place particularly whea etsie agencies, soc as rusia fre eps, re calla ino aie. Furtbertore, toe has bee considerable cninon in the sninds of those wlio change employment from one plan o ther. Imorde to promot rete safety lessen the changes of rer, confusion, or incon, especially ‘tins of emerasacy auf stom fr he eesicaon of poping cestens has Neen ‘steblshd to war personne when the piping contents are inherently Hazardous, Therefore, ‘we this Standard hasbeen prepered to speci the detifiation ofthe contents of piping sytem on the hai of lagands, alo sugges th we of color a a suppensatary seus of ‘denifying the type of hazard of the material coutained in the system. METRIC CONVERSIONS. ‘his Standard contain SI (mete) unis apd US. Costomary units. ier stem may be sed to meet the standard ASME 131.2007 SCHEME FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF PIPING SYSTEMS. 1 OBJECT AND SCOPE “This Standard i intended to establish a common sy tem to assist in identification of hazardous materials conveyed piping syste and thoarhaznde when released in the enviroment “This scheme concer ideatfiatioa of contents of pip- ing ystems, It is recommenced forthe identification ‘of piping systems tsed in industrial, commercial and institional installations, and in buildings used for pub lic assembly. It does aot apply to buries pipelines nor to clctical condi ig schemes fr seston shall be considered as meeting the requirements ofthis Standard if (a) suc sohenes are desecbed in writing () exuployees are trained as to the operation and haz ards of the piping ey=teme 2 DEFINITIONS AND REFERENCES 2.1 Piping Systems Forte purpose ofthe Stands, pip ystems hall {include piping of any kind including ftings, valves, and pipe coverings. Supports, brackets, or other accesso- ties are spectically excluded from applicatious of tis ‘Standard, Piping is defined as conduits used to convey dlstribute, mix. separate, dizcharge, meter, contol, ot sub fuid lows. 2.2 Materials 2.2.1 Flammable. This classification incindes Mids, ‘which wader ambient or expected operating conditions area vapor or produce vapors that can be ignited and ‘contin to bora ia alt. The tem the may apply, depending on service conditions, to fds defined for ther purposes as flammable ot combustible. 2.22 Combustible, Tiss closfction inca 2 Js that can burn, bur a not Damaaable 22,3 Toxic and Corrosive. This classification Jnckudes fui tat are corrosive or toxic, or Will produce cottosive or tsle substances when releared. 22.4 Fire Quenching, Ths casicatoninctues ‘wate, foam. and CO used in sprinkler systems and fie ‘ghting piping sysems. 2.3 References, “Te atest tion ofthe ling standard sal 0 the extent specified even, form a pat ofthis Standand Table 1 Examples of Content Descriptions ppearing ina Legend SLURRY Foun’ “ARGON 500 PSIG” scausric “PROPANE SULFURIC ACD saP3eTUR “STEAM 100 9516 ANSI 2535.1, Safety Color Code Publishes: Americaa National Standards lasts (ANS), 25 West rd Steet, New Vouk, NY 10036 3) METHOD OF IDENTIFICATION 3A Legend ‘This Standard considers @ legend fo be primary and explicit for identification of contents. Positive identifica tion oft coatents of piping system shall be by Lettered legend, giving the name of the coateats in Fillo abbrevi- sted form (see Table 1). Arrows shal be used to indicate digetion of Now, Where flow can be ia both dzeetlons, arrows in both directions shall be deplayed. Contents shal be idatfie by a legend with sufficient addtional details sich as temperature, pressure, ef, a8 afe neces sary to identify the hazard Legends sll be frie, pit. and i= pile for greatest effectiveness. Legends shall be applied close to valves or flanass and adjacent to cheages ia lgction, benches, and were pipes pass through walls ‘or floors; and at intervals on strnight pipe rs suicient {or identification, Identification may be accomplished by stenciling, the use of tape, or markers. In any situa tion, the sumber and location of identification markers stl be based om the particular piping system. 3.2 Color Color should he usd to dei the charectenistc hazards of the contents, Color shouldbe displayed on, ‘or contiguous, the piping by any physical means, bat its use shal be in combination with legend. Color may bbe used in continous, total length coverage or in inter smltent displays. Colors preceded by the word "Safery” shall met the requirements of ANSI 2535.1, See Table 2. -Fiuia Service venching Bulds ‘Flammable fds ‘PoUable, Coolie, Dole ee and vibes Water Compressed Air Tove defined by the wer Tobe deflued by the “Tobe defined by the weer Tobe defined by the weer Fig. 1 Location of fdenti ASME A13.1-2007, Table2 Designation of Colors Color and Letter Sample Background Color Letter Color Say ed Waite Sa ae Sa eS Say owe or Sate be Sate pale Say Wie : Tete Se gy Say ck Berea, Sa e ak BR Kee ok O%, iS RRR eh ation Markers spud Be t= eee oS bea >| 3.2 Visibility Atetion all be given to visibility with reference to pipe auukings. Where pipelines ae Loeated above or ‘elo the nn line of vst, th tring al be plased belo or above he hoot centerine ofthe pipe, See Fig. 1 344 Type and Size of Letters Contras chal be provided batran olor Seld and lege for readability. Use of eters of standard eye in. (13mm) ae age, is recommended See ble 3 for pei size recommendations. Fr ientiica ‘io of materi in pipes of thai (19 im, end fr vale ad iting etifaton, the ‘we ofa permanently legible ta i recommended ‘Stns es gothic Hod tering provides high readability ae Geer Be gees * Sea ieapaedh? j, He EY EB’ ate Be feaey a Me oar ee oo ay ap Mec apeas 2 eae Saha apa ‘Table3_Size of Kegend Letters Deine Dimer ofPps Testa” — Sim ofa, Covenng m (mem) Feed.) 3, (oem) 10 1439032) a0) 2/106 (6410 150) Bro 10 2000. Over 10 over 35 Unusual or Extreme Situations ‘Wiha the piping layout creates or occurs in a limited 1428 ofinaecessibiltyorofextveme complexity, such segments of layouts may require substitute techniques to achieve positive idemiication. Use of substitute tec sigues shall be Limited to such segments and sball not ‘deviate tom the concept of identification described in ppataz, $1, 32, and 33. ASME A13.1-2007 ISIN 0 758 3083 0 LIN 03307 ‘I

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