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Tagum National Trade School

Apokon, Tagum City

SHS Department

Summative Assessment
Physical Education and Health
Grade 12


Name:______________________________________________________ Section: ___________________________

I. Identify the following exercises on what Physical Fitness Component it belongs. Write the answer on the blank.
(Cardiovascular Endurance, Muscular Endurance, Muscular Strength, Flexibility, Body Composition, Power, Speed,
Balance, Coordination, Agility, Reaction Time)
Body composition
1. Fat, protein, mineral and body water = ____________________ Agility
6. Shuttle Runs = ___________________________
Cardiovascular Endurance
2. 45 minutes continuous Jogging = _________________________ Balance
7. One Leg Stand = __________________________
3. 100 meter sprint = ____________________________________ Flexibility
8. Sit and Reach = ___________________________

Muscular Strength
4. 90 degrees Push Up = _________________________________ Reaction Time
9. Stick Drop Test = __________________________
Muscular endurance
5. Planking = __________________________________________ Power
10. Throwing a Shot Put = _______________________

II. Compute the following and provide answer on what being asked.

A. Compute the BMI (Body Mass Index) of Jose. He is 1.73meter in height and weighing 52 kilos.
17.37 or 17.4
11. His BMI? ____________________
Height= 1.73 m Solution
Weight= 52 kl H=1.73x1.73 A= 17.37 or 17.4
Answer= 17.37 or 17.4 = 2.9929 UNDERWEIGHT
= 17.37445287179659

12. Weight Status (Underweight, Normal, Overweight, Obese)? __________________________

(13 -15 points) Base on Jose’s Weight Status, what will be your suggested meal diet and exercises for him?

Based on Jose's weight status, which is underweight, I suggested that he do a meal diet to gain healthy weight, and  with
proper exercise, this will help him gain a healthy body. Eating junk food is not a good choice for gaining weight, even
though it may result in weight gain. However, it will not satisfy the nutrition your body needs. Even if the fat, sugar, and
salt in junk food don't result in extra weight, it can still harm your body. For healthy weight gain, there are tips that Jose
should follow to help him achieve a healthier body. First, I suggest he add healthy calories. He doesn't need to drastically
change his diet. He can increase calories by adding nut or seed toppings, cheese, and healthy side dishes. Try almonds,
sunflower seeds, fruit, or whole-grain and wheat toast. Second, go nutrient-dense. Instead of eating empty calories and
junk food, eat foods that are rich in nutrients. Consider high-protein meats, which can help him build muscles. Also,
choose nutritious carbohydrates such as brown rice and other whole grains. This helps ensure that his body is receiving
as much nourishment as possible, even if  he's dealing with a reduced appetite. Third, snack away. Enjoy snacks that
contain plenty of protein and healthy carbohydrates. Consider options like trail mix, protein bars or drinks, and crackers
with hummus or peanut butter. Also, enjoy snacks that contain "good fats," which are important for a healthy heart.
Examples include nuts and avocados. Fourth, eat mini meals. If he's struggling with a poor appetite due to medical or
emotional issues, eating large amounts of food may not seem appealing. Consider eating smaller meals throughout the
day to increase your calorie intake. And fifth, which is to bulk up. Jose should do some exercises, in my  opinion.
Strength activities or training are good as they also help him gain weight because he can gain weight with muscles. He
should also avoid high-intensity aerobics training as it mainly burns  fat. Therefore, he can do it at a low intensity instead.
For example, squats, push-ups, lunges, tricep dips, pull-ups, dumbbell overhead presses, bench presses, crunches, and
many more. 

 B. Compute the BMI (Body Mass Index) of Sheryl. She is 1.65 meter in height and weighing 75 kilos.
16. Her BMI? ____________________
Height= 1.65m Solution
Weight= 75 kl H= 1.65 x 1.65 A= 27.5
Answer= 27.5 = 2.7225 OVERWEIGHT
BMI= OVERRWEIGHT W= 75 / 2.7225
= 27.54820936639118 or 27.5
17. Weight Status (Underweight, Normal, Overweight, Obese)? __________________________

(18 -20 points) Base on Sheryl’s Weight Status, what will be your suggested meal diet and exercises for her?

Based on Sheryl's weight status, which is overweight, I suggested that she do a meal diet to lose weight and exercise
properly to help her achieve a healthy body. Calories matter for weight loss, and some foods make it easier for us to
keep our calories in check. Healthy eating is a key to good health as well as maintaining a healthy weight. Sheryl's diet
meal plan that I suggest that she should eat is minimally processed. Whole grains, vegetables, whole fruits, nuts, seeds,
beans, and other healthful sources of protein, and plant oils. And don't forget to drink water or other beverages that are
naturally calorie-free. Remember to limit these foods and drinks, like sugar-sweetened beverages, fruit juices, refined
grains, and sweets. Also, potatoes, red meat and processed meats, and other highly processed foods, such as fast  food.
When we're planning a meal or diet, we should know how to avoid overeating. To do that, there are tips that can help
Sheryl avoid that. First is eating breakfast. While it seems like skipping a meal is an easy way to cut calories, skipping
breakfast usually backfires when hunger comes raging back mid-day, often leading to overeating. Second, choose small
portions and eat slowly. Slowing down at meals and choosing smaller portions can help avoid overeating by giving the
brain time to tell the stomach when it's had enough food. Distractions should be minimized: turning off the television,
computer, or smartphone can also help us focus on the  food. The third is eating at home. Fast food, restaurant meals,
and other foods prepared away from home tend to have larger portions and be less nutritious than the foods we cook
for ourselves. Lastly, is eating mindfully. Taking time to think about why you're actually eating is an easy way to avoid
needless calories. "Hungry?" Make the healthiest food and drink choices possible. "Not really hungry?" Choose
something else to do or have a piece of fruit instead of a full meal. When you do eat, focus all of your senses on the food
so that you can truly enjoy what you are eating. Furthermore, besides eating a healthy diet, nothing is more important
to keeping weight under control and staying healthy than regular activity. In Sheryl's case, she is overweight, so I
suggested she focus on activities that put minimal stress on her joints, like walking, swimming, or water exercises. For
her good health, it is better to do 2.5 hours a week of moderate activity like brisk walking and slow biking, or 1.25 hours
a week of vigorous activity like running and fast biking. For weight control, it is also preferable to spend 1 hour per day
on moderate-to-vigorous activity. If the idea of 150 minutes of exercise every week sounds daunting, break your
workout routine into smaller chunks. Your goal should be to get 30 minutes of exercise a day, five days a week. But you
don't have to get all 30 minutes of exercise done at the same time. You can work out for 10 minutes at a time and still
realize the benefits. In addition to staying active, it's important for Sheryl to minimize being a couch potato, especially
spending too much time on watching television, social media, and using phones. The real key to Sheryl's situation here is
control over everything she does and aiming to achieve her goal of losing weight because being overweight  is not
III. Answer the following questions by giving concrete examples and concise explanation. (Rubrics is given for scoring

10 points

A. How recreational activities help reduce stress and keeping our body healthy?

Recreational activities help us reduce stress and keep our bodies healthy. Recreational activities are also exercises that
people enjoy and are stress relief. Recreational activities or exercise improves our overall health and well-being, giving
us more energy throughout the day. Recreational activities can help our body cope with stress by simulating the impacts
of stress, such as the fight-or-flight response, and allowing our body and systems to practice working together to
overcome those effects. It's like moving meditation. We may find that after a fast-paced game of racquetball, a lengthy
walk or run, or several laps in the pool by this time we've forgotten about the day's irritations and are just focused on
our body's actions. Examples of recreation activities include walking, swimming, meditation, reading, playing games and
dancing. It refers to the free time that people can spend away from their everyday responsibilities to rest, relax and
enjoy a life that is stress free. Recreational activities produce endorphins—a chemical in the brain that acts as natural
painkillers—and also improves the ability to sleep, which in turn reduces stress. It improves our mood, increases self-
confidence, helps us relax, and lowers symptoms of mild depression and anxiety. Other than reducing stress,
recreational activities can keep our body healthy by participating in its activities and staying active because it can
reduced risk of heart disease and stroke, reduced risk of developing high blood pressure, reduced blood pressure in
people who already have high blood pressure, prevention of some cancers, reduced risk of becoming overweight,
reduced risk of developing diabetes and prevention and treatment of non-insulin dependent diabetes - it has been
estimated that 30 to 50 percent of new cases of type 2 diabetes could be prevented by appropriate physical levels of
activity, better bone and muscle development and prevention of osteoporosis, improved muscle flexibility, strength and
endurance, reduced risk of dying prematurely, reduced risk of falling, and improved mobility and strength for older
adults, improved quality of sleep. It is beneficial for our health to participate in recreational activities because it has a lot
of benefits that we can gain from it, just like reducing stress and keeping our body healthy.

10 points

B. How are you going to keep yourself strong in immunity inspite of this COVID-19 pandemic?

Based on what I know, a strong immune system will not prevent us from contracting COVID-19. The virus that causes
COVID-19 is a novel pathogen, meaning those who contract it have no existing antibodies to mount a defence. For that
reason, it remains imperative to continue practicing social distancing, good hand hygiene, and cough etiquette.
However, developing a strong immune system while you're healthy can sustain your body as it familiarizes itself with the
new virus in the event you get sick. Taking steps now to boost our immune health can also help us fight other common
bugs, such as cold or flu viruses. We are all aware that a common cold or flu can result in the COVID-19 virus if we do not
treat ourselves quickly enough or if our bodies are unable to handle it, we will be considering having the COVID-19 virus
because this is part of the symptoms of the COVID-19 virus. This happened because we have a weak immune system and
it triggers our body with the virus because we don't have a strong immune system that can fight against it. More
research is necessary when it comes to this matter. It is not a relevant answer when we make our own answers when it
comes to this matter. But I believe that quality exercise and activity, nutrition, emotional and psychological wellbeing,
and lifestyle choices can benefit our immune systems. Here are some tips I discovered that I believe can help me feel as
healthy as possible while also keeping my immune system strong and healthy. First, I made the decision to strengthen
my immune system through exercise and physical activity. Because moderate-intensity physical activity is linked to
improved immune function, lower levels of anxiety, and lower levels of perceived stress. Second, healthy lifestyle
practices such as getting enough sleep, eating nutritious meals, and managing stress are important ways to boost my
immune system, particularly by lowering stress levels. Although you should practice stress reduction all year, it is
especially important during a virus outbreak because stress has a direct impact on our immune system. I find that
meditating, exercising, and using controlled breathing techniques help to reduce my stress levels. The third step is to
enhance my immune system with food. Nutrition is an important component of our immune response because poor
nutrition can weaken our immune system, while quality nutrition can serve as a foundation for strength, and balanced
nutrition can improve our ability to resist infections and stay healthy. We are more vulnerable to viruses and bacteria
when we are malnourished. That is why it is critical to eat nutritious foods that support a healthy immune system.
Finally, sleep. When we sleep, we heal. A healthy immune system is more capable of fighting infections than a sleep-
deprived immune system. As a student, I should aim for eight to ten hours of sleep per night. Sleep in a dark room and
stick to a consistent bedtime and waking routine. With these tips that I found, I can now properly make and keep my
immunity strong during the COVID-19 pandemic because, as a student, I need to make myself as healthy as possible
because it's hard to be a burden to my family, especially this day because diseases are very present and easily spread.
With the knowledge I've gained and discovered, I'm now able to share it with my family in order to keep us healthy and

RUBRICS = Poor 4 points, Fair 6 points, Good 8 points, Excellent 9 – 10 points

Indicators Poor Fair Good Excellent

Indicated an excellent grasp of the

Did not demonstrate an Related the course Related the course content course content, and was able to
ability to generate ideas or content to the task to the task and presented both apply and evaluate its
Ideas and Content connection to the task.
relate course content to the and presented 1 new 2 new and unique ideas to
task but did not provide and unique content. highlight connections. Presented at least 3 new and unique
ideas to highlight connections.

Ideas and appropriate Ideas and relevant Relevant ideas and materials were
Organization of Not all ideas and materials materials were materials were provided effectively presented in a
and information was consistent and logical format
Ideas and were relevant nor were they included but not
Evidence of presented in an organized or presented in an presented in a manner that such that information was easily
Accuracy consistent. organized or could be easily read and read and understood, and also
consistent fashion. understood. . convincing.

Contained some Ideas and concepts were clearly

Ideas and concepts were communicated in an effective and
Ideas and concepts were not grammatical/spelling engaging manner, using
communicated clearly and communicated using
Language and errors and
contained many appropriate language and appropriate language and proper
some poor proper grammar and grammar and spelling
grammatical/spelling errors. spelling.

There are gaps and

Demonstrates thorough and
Reflective Does not demonstrate the inability to recognize Can reflect and recognize
conscious understanding on the
Thinking ability to reflect on the topic. the impact of the the impacts of the topic.
impacts of the topic

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