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Proceedings of the 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2005

SOTIP as a Model for Outsourcing of Telecom Services for the Public Sector

Helena Lindskog
Department of Management and Economics
Linköping University

Abstract The introduction of competition on the

telecommunications market is one of the most dramatic
The political intentions for the past 20 years have and rapid economic changes that have taken place. The
broadly speaking been to reduce the number of publicly explosive technical development with e.g. Internet,
owned and publicly run activities. Outsourcing is an often wireless and broadband coincided with the de-
applied way to cut public spending by totally or partially monopolization of the telecommunications market.
privatize public activities. Telecommunications is an Competition gives rise to many advantages to the users
obvious outsourcing candidate as it is hardly a core with choices of different service providers, ranges of
activity for the public sector. Furthermore, there is today functions and services, pricing and billing schemes,
a competitive market for telecommunications services. increased equipment assortment and contract types. The
At the same time it can be difficult to separate competitive market dynamics have also introduced a rapid
telecommunications from other activities as every development of many new services in order to
organization’s processes and virtually all employees use differentiate different players’ market offers. With the
telecommunications services. steadily growing importance of telecommunications in all
Sweden was one of the first countries in the world to aspects of our life, to choose telecom solution has not
introduce full competition on the telecom market and only technical consequences but also economical. These
exposed to the new ways to procure and outsource consequences can be difficult to foresee even for
telecom services. A SOTIP (Swedish government Open technically skilled people.
Telecommunications systems Interconnection Profile) The political intentions for the past 20 years have
model for procurement of telecommunications services broadly speaking been to reduce the number of publicly
outgoing from users’ needs was developed in order to owned and publicly run activities. Outsourcing is an often
meet these new requirements. A buyer or outsourcer can applied way to cut public spending by totally or partially
use SOTIP as a checklist in order to avoid mistakes by privatize public activities. Telecommunication is an
forgetting some important requirements. obvious outsourcing candidate as it is hardly a core
Key words: outsourcing, public procurement, activity for the public sector. Furthermore, there is today a
telecommunications, procurement model competitive market for telecommunications services.
For many years in Sweden the only way to obtain
1. Background competition and some independence from the monopolist
operator was to buy equipment such as PABXs, to build
For more than one hundred years telecommunications own telecom networks and to hire staff to run telecom
has been treated as a commodity provided by the services. This situation changed dramatically with the
government monopoly. Telecommunications was introduction of competition on telecom market some 6-8
necessary but without any choices of service delivery. In years ago. At that time most of the authorities had their
Sweden, PABXs (Private Automatic Branch Exchange) or own telecom networks. Tradition of buying telecom
even telephones were still some 25 years ago owned by services in competition was non-existent and the pay-off
the Swedish monopolist, the operator Televerket. Sweden time for PABXs was 10-15 years.
was not unique in this respect. Almost all countries in the In order to take full advantage of this new market
world had this kind of arrangement. The first parts of the situation the management of many authorities considered
telecommunications' market to be liberated were PABXs buying services instead for buying equipment and
(in the beginning of the 1980s) and many organizations managing own staff. As a result of these considerations
could begin to purchase PABXs on a new more the question of structuring requirements on telecom
competitive market. services outgoing from users’ needs was raised. A special
commission for procurement of telecom services was

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established and one of the first tasks was to investigate if - Existing structures and procedures make
there existed any models suitable to use for this purpose. efficient/effective buying strategies impossible e.g.
But since a liberated telecom market was a novelty, there the public sector. In such cases outsourcing the
were no telecom models available. Hence, the purchasing activity to the private sector might give
commission decided to develop such a model. Afterwards considerable gains. [2]
the SOTIP model was adopted by the European Peter Kraljic (1983) developed one of the most
Commission and as EOTIP (European Open influential and by now classical approaches to this
Telecommunication systems Interconnection Profile) it is problem in the form of a 2:2 matrix. See figure 1. The
still recommended to the member states. first functions that should be considered for outsourcing
are such that several suppliers can provide the functions
2. Purpose of the article and when the function itself is not of strategic value for
the organization. In general, functions that are candidates
The purpose of this article is to investigate the for outsourcing or make-or-buy decisions should be
relevance of SOTIP for outsourcing of telecom services in analyzed starting from their potential risks, profit
the public sector. potential and strategic value for the organization.

3. Definition of outsourcing
Figure 1. The ”Procurement Positioning” tool
It is difficult to find an all-exclusive definition of
outsourcing. Definitions span from almost any type of
purchasing through make-or-buy decision to takeover of a
function from one organization to another. For the

Profit potential/strategic value

Leverage Critical
purpose of this paper outsourcing is defined as a one-time
event for a specific function that previously has been a
part of an organization and afterwards becomes a part of
another organization and the relation between these
organizations is regulated by a contract. Low Routine Bottleneck

3. Procurement, make-or-buy decision and

outsourcing Low High
Risk Kraljic, 1983

Outsourcing is a result of a decision to discontinue to

”make” a specific function in-house. This change from
internal to external provision of a functional activity Following Kraljic (1983) analysis, outsourcing is
makes the outsourcing decisions strategic in nature and essentially the contracting out of non-core activities on a
they are likely to have a great impact on the organization. competitive supplier market. Outsourcing is not
In addition, outsourcing decisions are many times more or synonymous with procurement or purchasing.
less irreversible since they involve a takeover of personal The outsourcing decisions should not be taken on the
and physical assets. operational level, but involve top management. Type of
There can be several quite different reasons for questions to be considered before starting any of
outsourcing, both rational and less “rational” ones. outsourcing activities:
Rational decision based on actual costs, core competence - Do we have candidate functions for outsourcing?
and market situation can nevertheless give rise to positive - How do we select?
or negative consequences, which are difficult to predict. - How do we assess ourselves?
Outsourcing of activities that were traditionally - Who are the potential providers?
provided by the buyer’s organization has grown - How do we assess them?
considerably over the years. [2] Frequent explanations - What sort of relationship will we form?
include: - How will we manage it?
- Stage of purchasing development reached is not - How do we ensure efficiency?
sufficient to give the organization the competitive Outsourced functions normally lead to relationships
advantage required. Outsourcing the activity to a where the vendor is providing services on a continuous
more advanced strategically proactive organization. basis. [2]
- The existing organization structure cannot deal with
rapid change.

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4. Theoretical overview in such a market there always exist parts of every service
production that could either be bought from an external
There are three main theoretical approaches to the service provider or produced in-house. Typical examples
phenomenon of outsourcing: are IT, telecom, cleaning, washing etc.
- Core competence
- Network 4.2. Network Theory
- Transaction cost
In addition, a general model of outsourcing will be A network is generally defined as a specific type of
discussed. relation linking a defined set of persons, objects, or
events. Different types of relations identify different
4.1. Core competence networks, even when imposed on an identical set of
Prahalad and Hamel suggested that companies need The set of persons, groups, organizations, objects or
to understand fully their core competencies and events on which a network is defined may be called the
capabilities in order to successfully exploit their actors or nodes. The actors or nodes are connected by a
resources. set of ties. A network analysis takes into account both the
They define these terms as a combination of relations that occur and those that do not exist among the
production skills and technologies. [10] actors. The relations among actors have both content and
To concentrate the organization’s activities on core form.
competencies can be a motive for outsourcing of non- The Network theory approach is less relevant for
competence activities. public procurements including outsourcing since the
Contrary to what Hancox, Martin & Hachney, Ray public sector is highly formalized and all contacts with
(2000) say that there may be particular uncertainty about actual and potential suppliers should be on an arm-length
what is core in the public sector, I would suggest that the distance.
core competence discussion is sometimes easier to have in
the public sector environment. The reason is that all truly 4.3. Transaction cost theory
core competencies in the public sector are imposed by the
constitution or other base laws and cannot be outsourced. Transaction cost theory (TCT), introduced by Coase
Examples are various authorities, audit, control, (1937) and developed principally by Williamson (1975,
legislation, protection of civil rights etc. However, what is 1979, 1981, 1985), maintains that the organization of
or is not an authority or belonging to the public sector’s economic activity depends on balancing production
responsibility in general varies from country to country economics, such as scale, against the cost of transacting.
and from time to time. Transactions are here the exchanges of goods or services
For many years and in most countries the between economic actors, who are technologically
infrastructures such as electricity, railways, waterways or separate units, inside and/or outside the organization
telecommunications have been considered as belonging to (Williamson, 1981) [4]
the government responsibility. These functions are many This theory also provides an excellent framework for
times today totally de-monopolized and provided by analyzing the outsourcing option, since the essential
several competing private companies. The authority- choice here is between using an outsourcing service
function is a minor part typically carried out by special provider (a market mechanism) and providing in-house
regulatory authorities. services (an organizational hierarchy) [4]
Activities such as education, nurseries or healthcare Transaction cost drivers can increase transaction
are in different countries considered to belong only to costs as a result of human behavior and transaction
public, only to private or a combination of both public dimensions. Behind human behavior can be seen bounded
and private providers. There are regulatory and rationality or opportunism. Transaction dimensions that
controlling functions that “naturally” belong to the public can increase a transaction cost are:
sector, but typically many activities and services can be - asset specificity or degree to which the transaction
produced in both private enterprises and public owned will produce an asset that is dedicated to a special
organizations. It is within this area where outsourcing is purpose with poor alternative to uses
typically taking place. However, quite often the decisions - the degree of uncertainty in the environment as it
to do so have been based more on belief than reality. impacts the contract and its fulfillment
Sweden is an example where many services used to - infrequency of contracting, or the infrequency with
be produced almost solely in the public sector and which the two parties contract together (Williamson,
outsourcing of them to the private sector was forbidden. 1985) [4]
Public monopolies existed in many areas. However, even

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The total cost consists of production costs, From an industrial perspective, the outsourcing
governance costs such as bureaucratic costs and incentive object is closely linked with the degree of manufacturing
losses and transaction costs both before and after the penetration. Outsourcing partners are all possible
takeover of the specific function. suppliers for the activities considered for outsourcing. In
For the public sector in general the human behavior this case, supplier is a term in a wider sense. This
factor is less important as all procurement activities are supplier could also be an in-house supplier, e.g. an
highly regulated and controlled. Incorrectly handled independent business unit within a group of firms. [1]
procurements and any sign of discriminatory treatment The outsourcing design can be a formal co-working,
can lead to claims for damages in juridical processes. co-working without formal agreement or spot
Some times political decisions taken at a central level and transactions.
imposed on local levels can act as a cost-driver. That
happens when central decision-makers are unable or 5. The Public sector and differences between
unwilling to take into consideration specific activities or public and private sectors
special situations of an authority or public organization.
Often, assets can be quite specific in the public sector The public sector makes up a big portion in any
due to Organizational culture, the demands of democratic country. The separate organizations within the public
accountability and legislative requirements all imposed sector range from one person to several thousands of
on the sampled local authorities transaction costs which employees. They cover such disparate functions and
could be substantially higher than in the private sector. responsibilities as care of the elderly or children, defense
[9] Many public sector organizations and local authorities, and tax collection. Public organizations can be very local
in particular, are doubtful about the degree to which as kindergartens or with the responsibility to cover the
vendors understood the “business” of local government. whole nation as ministries. In most countries the public
[9] administration has three levels: central or federal
It is particularly difficult to calculate and distinguish government, regional and local governments. The
governance costs as…the public sector contract creation responsibilities at each level and what is or is not a public
and monitoring are more difficult because of the sector’s domain vary from country to country. However, there
complexity and because there are costs associated with seems to be more similarities than differences between
bureaucracy and democracy which are hard to allocate to different countries’ public organization due to similar
specific functions. [9] responsibilities, working areas and citizens' needs.
In general, there are high “ex ante” transaction costs Possibly, the most profound difference between the
for the public sector as the whole process of procurement private and public sectors regards competition. The lack
and outsourcing in particular is based on strict rules. A of competition within the public sector is many times seen
successful outsourcing should considerably reduce the “ex as a major problem. However, there are also advantages.
post” transaction costs. They include the possibility for openness and exchange of
information, which are unprecedented in the private
4.4. A general outsourcing model sector. Furthermore this exchange of experiences between
different public organizations does not stop at the border.
Ulli Arnold (2000) proposed a general outsourcing The driving force for the development of the public
model that consists of four major elements: sector is to provide the best possible service at the lowest
- outsourcing subject possible price.
- outsourcing object The public sector typically has many contacts with
- outsourcing partner citizens, companies and other organizations. Some public
- outsourcing design. organizations count all citizens, households or enterprises
Outsourcing subject is the economic institution, as their “customers”. It is quite normal as a citizen to have
which plans to outsource (or not). The subject has to contacts with at least a dozen public organizations in a
make the strategic outsourcing decision. Outsourcing year's time. These contacts can be daily, weekly, monthly,
objects are processes or process results, which might be quarterly, yearly or more infrequent depending on the
outsourced (Reichmann and Polloks, 1995). With regard question and situation. Enterprises have several
to the activities of a company we distinguish between: obligations towards the public sector. The result is
- the company core (all activities which are necessarily another flow of contacts some regular and some more
connected with a company’s existence sporadic.
- core-close activities (directly linked with core The public sector delivers services to citizens and
activities) enterprises. These services typically involve direct
- core-distinct activities (supporting activities) contacts with people e.g. kindergartens, hospitals, police
- disposable activities (activities with general or courts as well as indirect by means of communication

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with citizens, enterprises and other public organizations. bookkeeping, are similar across ministries, provinces and
The production of almost all goods has been and still is municipalities.
dominated by private companies. Different processes sometimes need similar
The number of customers to and their contacts with information: municipal social security departments and
the public sector exceed by a large amount the land registry departments both need information on
corresponding numbers for private companies. Only big inhabitants. Many public sector organizations could
banks and insurance companies may get close. Every therefore benefit from using the same information systems
citizen and every company have several different contact- or achieve considerable economies of scale. Cooperation
entrances to the public sector organizations. ca be more easily achieved in the public sector than in the
private sector, as public sector organizations do not
Table 1: Comparison between public and private compete. [6]
sectors characteristics. [17]
6. Public procurement
Private Public
Competition yes no The public sector is the biggest single buyer in any
Size of organizations 1-10.000+ 1-10.000+ country. It is buying standard goods, complicated
Geographical dispersion equipment, services ranging from cleaning offices to
- Local yes yes management consulting or mobile telephony, medicines,
- Regional yes yes building of bridges or digging of tunnels and so on.
- National yes yes Total public procurement in the EU – i.e. the
- International yes yes (few) purchases of goods, services and public works by
Production governments and public utilities - is estimated at about
- Goods yes no 16% of the Union’s GDP or €1500 billion in 2002. Its
- Services yes yes importance varies significantly between Member States
Profit driven yes no ranging between 11% and 20% of GDP. The opening up
Openness no (limited) yes of public procurement within the Internal Market has
Contacts with customers vary many increased cross-border competition and improved prices
paid by public authorities. There remains potential for
Public sector goals significant further competition in procurement markets
The public sector is distinguished from the private and for further savings for taxpayers. [3]
sector by the fact that making profit and maximizing In many cases private companies consider selling to
shareholders value is not the main objective of public the public sector more tedious, risky and costly than
sector organizations, and that the continuity of public selling to other private companies. They find it difficult to
sector organization does not depend upon outperforming be sure of getting any contracts and profitability is not
competitors. [6] always ensured. These circumstances make it difficult and
The existence and continuity of most public sector almost impossible for small or medium sized enterprises
organizations is however not self-evident…. Public sector to prepare tenders, especially as there are almost as many
organizations therefore also face a strong pressure to ways to prepare “Requests for proposals” and specifying
minimize their costs and to maximize the quality of their their requirements as there are public organizations. In
services. [6] addition, the buyers' competence and knowledge can be
…,public sector organizations have to meet demands limited. Many organizations depend on external
that most private corporations do not face. Public consultants and this expertise must also be procured.
administration involves political and legal factors that Public procurements can have the same goals as
have a value-laden component. Public bodies have as an private ones. However, public procurements are subject to
objective the performance of a socially desirable function, a different and stricter jurisdiction than private
which is not a means to generate income, but an end in procurements. The purpose is to protect companies from
itself. A citizen’s legal security and equality of rights must unfair competition and to avoid corruption and bribery.
be guaranteed. [6] The result is often that the formal requirements become
Most processes in the public sector are unique. quite extensive and lengthy.
However, they are often performed repetitively by a Contacts between buyers and bidders/prospective
number of similar public sector organizations. Examples contract winners must during the procurement process be
include that all municipalities provide social security very limited. This puts high demands on the procuring
benefits, all hospitals have similar information needs, as organization to structure the requirements of the
do schools and environmental inspection units. Secondary purchased service or equipment as a published “Request
processes, such as human resources management and for proposal” cannot be changed. Consequently, the seller

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cannot change submitted proposals and only under some - Initial investments are big for a telecom operator
special circumstances supplement with additional - After the investment has been done, there are
information. normally no alternative usages for it
It is seldom customary for private companies to - The more users use a network, the better it will work
reveal their needs and detailed requirements by publishing for them
them openly visible for everybody. It is more of choosing - There are increasing returns to scale of production
from existing lists in buying staple goods or simpler and the marginal cost is negligible
services. For more complex requirements direct contacts - There are increasing returns to scale in consumption
can be taken or a request can be published in order to - Technical standards are of extreme importance in
initiate a dialogue with some selected suppliers. order to interconnect without high additional
But what mostly characterizes the private market is development cost, precondition for competition and
an active role of sellers that are looking for any to avoid “lock in” situations.
opportunities to sell their products or services. - Mobile telephony is a special case as a frequency
Negotiations, changes of terms, prices, requirements, spectrum is a limited natural resource
adding extra functionality, reducing the number of - A critical mass is necessary in order to get any
licenses etc can be carried out until the last moment of benefits from offered services
signing a contract. To reveal detailed results such as Network industries constitute a large part of the
special terms or prices is not considered to be beneficial world economy. Two key network industries are
to either side. telecommunications providing voice and data service
This makes the public procurement process quite including the Internet and computer software and
different from the procurement process in the private hardware. Other network industries are e.g. transport
sector where dialogues and subsequent changes of (airlines, railroads, roads, ships), news, financial services
requirements and proposals are normal procedures. (clearing houses, ATM networks, credit cards…) and
Without understanding and taking into account these postal services.
differences it can be difficult for private enterprises even Network industries are also important from a public
to start bidding for governmental contracts. policy point of view as they often provide necessities.
All European Union countries are obliged to Monopolization as well as liberalization of network
implement the EC procurement directives. Underlying industries markets has significant social and political
legal basis for the EC procurement directives are implications. In order to achieve fair competition typically
contained in the Treaty of Rome, March 1957. The main requires heavy regulation since market forces alone are
principles of this Treaty that carry though to the not sufficient, social considerations may be in conflict
procurement directives aim to: with efficiency and social and private benefits may differ
- Increase transparency of procurement procedures and substantially.
practices throughout the community
- Allow the free movement of goods, services, capital 8. Outsourcing and public procurement of
and people between member states telecommunications
- Develop effective competition for public contracts
- Standardize specifications Adopting the general model for outsourcing by
- Provide advance information of procurement needs to Arnold (2000) and applying it for outsourcing of
the marketplace telecommunications especially telephony services yields:
The fundamental principles for public procurement 1. The outsourcing subject is a public organization. It
in the European Union are: may be a local, regional or federal authority. Its
- Non-discrimination leadership is responsible for the decision-making. It can
- Equal treatment be the director general and her/his staff. It can also be a
- Transparency political entity e.g. at a local level.
- Proportionality 2. The outsourcing object is a total or partial provision
- Mutual recognition of the telecommunications function.
3. The outsourcing partners are external suppliers of the
7. Telecommunications industry telecommunications function.
4. The outsourcing design can be specified through a
The telecommunications industry is an example of a framework agreement and a contract procured, negotiated
network industry. Economides (2003) lists several and signed on the central level with one or few service
features of markets with network effects such as: providers. The organizations as the outsourcing subjects
- Operators depend on access to each others' network are authorized to call-off the framework contract totally or
in order to be able to distribute their services partially according to their needs and requirements.

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Adopting the positioning matrix by Kraljic (1983), relevant and it has been one of the main motives for the
we can note that the telecommunications market is quite outsourcing of these functions.
competitive with several operators that can provide a full
or partial range of telecommunications services. There are 8.2. Transaction Costs
small differences in their ability to provide different
services. The operators are more than willing to get a The Swedish governmental commission STATTEL
contract. At the same time the strategic value of more than 10 years ago carried out one of the biggest
telecommunications for most of the public organizations investigations on telephony costs. An inquiry was
is high since the public sector’s activities are highly distributed to the Swedish central government authorities.
communicative. The service level relies on well At that time the Swedish government authorities
functioning telecommunications in order to have contacts employed approximately 200,000 people excluding
with citizens and enterprises as well as externally and military authorities.
internally within the public sector itself. The answers represented some 50,000 employees or
In summary, the telecommunications function for the 25% of the total number. The results showed that the
public sector should be placed at low risk and high annual cost of telephony per employee was SEK 6,000.
strategic value leading to the quadrant “leverage” in Thus, the cost for all Swedish government authorities was
figure 1. SEK 200,000 x 6,000 = SEK 1.2 bn per year. In the
beginning of the 1990s the total Swedish public sector,
8.1. Core competence i.e. central, regional and local excluding military, had
more then one million employees. Applying the same cost
The telecommunications function does seldom per employee implies that the total annual cost for public
belong to the public sector's core competences as it is telephony was approximately SEK 6 bn. The assumption
difficult to classify as an authority, control, legislation, for this calculation is that the cost of telephony on average
protection of civil rights or law enforcement or the likes, is the same independently of the type of authority.
which are imposed by the constitution or other legislation. The analysis of the cost distribution revealed
There are several functions that can equally be interesting and contra-intuitive findings. The cost
provided by public or private sector and vary from distribution:
country to country such as health care or kindergartens.
These functions were often earlier provided in many
countries by the public sector and now are outsourced Maintenanc
and put on competition. The decision to expose these 17% 9% Others
activities to competition was a political act and based on
a presumption that a private sector is more efficient in
providing this kind of services. For the organizations that
provide this kind of services it is their very core
competence. Equipment
Staff 37%
This type of outsourcing by public sector 32%
organizations to private suppliers is often called
privatization. This is more fundamental than outsourcing Figure 2 Cost of the telecom for Swedish central government
by private corporations, as it implies transferring
activities and resources from the public sector to the
private sector. [6]
The privatization trend was based upon implicit The most striking result was that the cost of traffic
ideological assumptions that market solutions are was just 17%. This meant that even if STATTEL could
inherently more efficient and that reducing the staffing through negotiations procure the traffic for free it would
levels of government organizations would lead to a still not be able to reduce the total cost of telephony with
cheaper and more flexible public sector. the required 25%1. Until this investigation, almost all the
Telecommunications is an internal support function. efforts done in order to reduce the cost of telephony were
Other similar functions include electricity, postal service, focusing on outgoing traffic since the general view stated
IT, cleaning, washing, cooking or transports. that the only really important component for the cost of
Traditionally, many of these functions have totally or telephony was the outgoing traffic.
partially been provided inside the organizations in the The biggest component of the cost was equipment
same way as in private firms. Today, they are the subject consisting in PBXs (private branch exchange), telephones,
of possible outsourcing or buy-or-make decisions. The
issue of what constitutes non-core competence is very 25% cost reduction was one of the directives to the

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answering machines and other auxiliaries. The staff The total cost of telecom excluding IT equipment is
includes the internal cost of switchboard operators, often approximately 1.5 – 3 % of the total business cost.
administration and technical staff. The ratio between the To free 10 minutes of every employee's time per day is
cost of equipment and service for this equipment was 1:4 more or less equivalent to the total cost of
and indicated that the service cost was disproportionably telecommunication.
high. Outsourcing is considered for many reasons.
The direct reaction of the Commission on the results However, virtually every survey finds the cost reduction is
of this investigation was to initiate an immediate special a major objective of the outsourcing process [8]
savings program for better usage of existing equipment If cost reduction is a key driver of the outsourcing
and revision of all service contracts, especially on decision, then accurate cost analysis must precede any
maintenance, before starting any procurement activities. correct decision. [8]
A more profound reaction was to outsource the telecom Asset specificity for the telecom equipment (mainly
function to an operator. One of the most important PABXs, leased lines and telephones) in general is not
positive effects in this case would be the possibility of high. Only switchboard operators' services can be of high
control and predictability of telecom cost. asset specificity.
Another way of looking at the telecom cost was to Centralized call-off types of procurement have low
relate them to the overall business costs and how the frequency. At the same time there would be several call
investments in telecom could be used as a tool for a more off local contracts with relatively high frequency dealing
efficient public sector, i.e. to achieve a higher service mainly with the specific conditions of the contracting
level to the citizens and enterprises at the lowest possible authority.
price. STATTEL encountered high uncertainty as the tasks
were of pioneering character. Neither specification nor
contract had previously been done. That led to quite high
ex ante costs including earlier mentioned investigation of
the cost structure, reference group, standardization
activities, investigation of future development in
Data// Business telecommunications as well as development of a
telecom Process

cost Re-engineering procurement model SOTIP (Swedish government Open
• Equipment • Efficiency Quality/Service
• Maintenance
• Personnel
• Productivity
• Flexibility
Competitiveness Telecommunications systems Interconnection Profile).

9. Swedish government Open

Telecommunications systems Interconnection
Figure 3. A shift in focus – from cost to business development Profile2 (SOTIP)
(Helena Lindskog, 1995)

The SOTIP model was formulated during the

The benefits that data/telecom can bring to an duration of STATTEL-commission (1991-1996) that had
organization are not always obvious. Traditionally as a main purpose to procure telecommunications for the
data/telecom has been considered a cost and not as an Swedish public sector. The Government allocated to the
investment for development. In this Swedish investigation commission the task of proposing means to improve the
of the telecom cost, it was shown that the cost of traffic efficiency and service level of telecommunications within
stands for approximately only 1/5 of the total telecom cost the government administration. Agencies were to be
and the total telecom cost is only a few percent of the offered services encompassing the whole field of
overall cost of government agencies. These relations telecommunication - telephony, telefax, video, electronic
suggest that data/telecom should primarily be used as an mail etc. - in accordance with the following directives:
efficient tool for reducing the overall cost of business - Telephony services, which meet the needs of the
processes, as well as a means for development of better agencies in this decade.
relationships between citizens/customers and the own - Widely used common telephony services based on
organizations. This shift of focus is illustrated in figure 3. standards
The main differences between the private and public - Simplified procedures for provision and operation by
sectors are the purpose (profit/non-profit) and financing procuring services instead of constructing and
(shareholders/taxpayers) of main activities. In general operating networks
data/telecom costs and usage are very similar and can be - Procurement with competition when possible
treated in a similar way independently if they are used in
the private or public sectors.
Profile is a subset of standards and options chosen for a
specific purpose or situation.

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Proceedings of the 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2005

- Improved service level to the public, between - To achieve supplier independent communications
agencies, and within agencies based on open system solutions with standardised
- Considerable cost reduction, with a goal of 25% interfaces between system components,
savings compared to present costs. - To simplify the analysis of user needs, the requirement
The timing for the establishment of STATTEL specification of services and equipment with the aid
Commission was strategically chosen in connection with of a generalised model for describing functional user
the beginning of the liberalization of the requirements for telecommunications,
telecommunication market. The Swedish government was - To create priorities for standardisation process based
committed in getting competition to this market. The on a user perspective, and the possibility to influence
establishment of the STATTEL Commission also had product development and the competitive situation.
political motives to speed up the process of getting [22]
competition on the Swedish telecommunication market. The SOTIP model identifies a number of working
By procuring telecommunication services “outsourcing” situations called end-user types. These end-user types are
(data and telephony) in an open for everybody primarily defined for the Swedish public administration
procurement, Sweden could attract foreign investors and but they are also valid for most other public
operators to establish themselves on the Swedish market. administrations as well as business organizations. Using
By enacting the Telecommunications Act in 1993 the this model, the telecommunication needs of each end-user
Swedish telecommunication market became regulated and type or group of users are analyzed based upon their role
the rules of competition were established. in the business and requirements on telecommunications
In order to take full advantage of the new situation rather than their position in the hierarchy. The end-users
and to empower the users, an idea to create a model for are divided into seven generic types: three as individual
procurement of telecommunication services outgoing end-user types and four as function end-user types.
from the users' needs was born. This model should give For each end-user type there is a key functionality.
the users maximum possibility to choose without the (See a table below).
burden of taking decisions based on detailed technical
specifications without obvious connection with an End-user Type Description Key functionality
organization’s business. The model should also allow Individual PI1 Those that Co-ordination
procurement of functions in competition and give the determine their own voice and
decision-makers a better understanding of the availability messaging
organizational and economical consequences of Filtering
PI2 Those that always Mobile access
investments in telecom services or equipment.
must be available.
The motives for developing SOTIP model can be People on move.
summarized in four points: PI3 Those that not need Messaging
- base for specification of requirements on telecom to communicate in Sharing resources
- standardization their current work
- from technical decisions by technicians to strategic Function PF1 Massive incoming ACD (Automatic
decisions by top-management calls handling. Call Call Distribution)
- from products to services. centers Co-ordination
The first version of SOTIP was published in 1995 voice-data
and consists of four main parts: PF2 Those that answer, Local mobility
filter and inform The same
Part 0 explains the background, purpose,
individual users i.e. information about
standardization and importance of telecom for the secretaries individual users
government administration as well as the future as attendants
development. In addition, the concept of end-user types is PF3 Massive outgoing Co-ordination
introduced and the classification is described. calls handling. voice-data
Part 1 describes the end-user telecom services for the Telemarketing
different end-user types on an individual level. PF4 Switchboard Co-ordination
Part 2 describes the telecom network services for Operator/Attendants Voice-data
groups of end-users. Service quality
Part 3 describes the telecom management services measurements
needed for configuration, accounting, security,
performance or error detection and recovery for an Table 2. End-user types and their key functionality.
organization. [modified 15]
The objectives stated in SOTIP are:
Additionally, one of the important motives for buying
services rather than products was to make it easier for the

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Proceedings of the 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2005

decision-makers to take decisions. It also means a change There are a number of further research questions.
from procurement of equipment for the internal service First, it would be informative to analyze actual public and
provider to procurement of services from an external private cases of outsourcing of telecommunications using
service provider based on SLA (Service Level SOTIP model. Second, it would be of great value to find
Agreement). Independently of the procurement situation, out if there are any differences between private and public
it is important to regulate the interface between internal or sectors regarding outsourcing of telecommunications.
external providers and the user organization. It is a must Third, SOTIP model has been used and validated in a few
in case of outsourcing or buying telecom services from an big public procurements. Outsourcing of telecom services
external operator. was a part of these procurements. It would be of interest
A part that deals with the management services is to investigate some years after the outsourcing decision
especially important in an outsourcing situation when and contract signing how well the SOTIP model
telecom service provision changes from internal and functioned and in which way it could be improved.
mostly unregulated and external highly formalized and Fourth, it would be useful to find out if there are any
regulated by contract. Management services described in differences in implementation and usage as well as results
SOTIP can be used as requirements regulating the needs of outsourcing between different public authorities and in
of communication between an organization and its different countries. Fifth, it would be of interest to
external or internal service provider. Management compare the cases of outsourcing of telecom services that
services are divided into five groups: used SOTIP model and those that did not use it.
• Configuration
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• Accounting combination of transaction cost economics and the core
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Supply Management 6, p.24
all checklists and in this way avoid making mistakes by
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tested in a few large procurements in Sweden and in the (1998) - Purchasing principles & management, Financial Times
Netherlands. It was also adopted by the European pitman Publishing, 8th edition, pp 66, 283-284, 289-290
Commission and it is used as a recommendation under
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