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Definition of Mobile phone:-
The cellular telephone (commonly “mobile phone” or “cell phone” or “hand phone’) is a long
range portable electronic device used for mobile communication. In addition to the standard
voice function of a telephone, current m o b i l e p h o n e s c a n s u p p o r t m a n y
a d d i t i o n a l services such a s sessor text  messaging, email, switching for a c c e s s t o
t h e Internet, & MMS for  sending and receiving photos and video. Most current mobile
phones connect to a Cellular network of  base stations, which is in turn interconnected to the
public switched telephone networks  phones. Cellular telephone is also defined as a type of
short-wave analogue digital  telecommunication in which a subscriber has a wireless
connection from a mobile telephone to a relatively nearby transmitter. The transmitter's span
of coverage is called a cell. Generally, cellular telephone service is available in urban areas
and along major highways. As the cellular telephone user moves from one cell or area of
coverage to another telephone is effectively passed on to the local cell transmitter. A cellular
telephone is not be confused with a codeless telephones.

The subject matter for this research Project is to study the consumer
behaviour towards the NOKIA & SAMSUNG mobiles. This project consists of
different objectives. They are as follows:-

 To know about the consumer preference level associated with NOKIA & SAMSUNG mobiles.
 To find out the customer satisfaction towards NOKIA & SAMSUNG
 To know which advertisement media puts more impact on the buying decision of
 Determining the consumer behaviour towards NOKIA & SAMSUNG.
The scope of the research is based on the telecom industry and it throws light on the brand
preference of mobile phones with respect to Samsung and Nokia.

Significance of the study:

My research will help the telecom industry to know the current scenario of customers
with respect to brand preference of mobile phones, with respect to Samsung and Nokia.

Significance for the researcher:

 Wide exposure to the telecom industry.
 Studying about the brand preference of Samsung and Nokia mobile phones through the

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